BP Shopper

Hi KC,

Wellcome back! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Take your time lah, know you're busy. After your advice me oso won't get from the shipping company liao. Will it be cheaper for us to get from Amazon directly n send via vpost? The kitchen from FP got sale leh, nearly 50%!! But after shipping n exchange rate still not cheap.

Hi Vivien,

My boy last night oso refuse to sleep till 1130pm. sigh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Won't get the bra cause don't wear low cut... :p

Yah, think the soap not suitable for everyone, my beautician say my skin very very dry now... maybe from the peeling effect of the soap. :p

I a bit scare to buy china toy now after all the bad press... scare the pain toxic. Maybe can join Amazon spree for it. Hopefully not made in china. ;p

Hi heehee,

Busy wih school? You girl start going for classes liao?

Got any Amazon spree to recommend? Thanks! ;)


hi kc,

yeapyeap, actually really wanted to ask u bout ur bp cause thinking of selling it in msia, but i am afraid tat i cant commit my time.. hehehe,.. sometimes when i have tat extra time just felt like lazing ard.. hahaha

sad... cant remove huh.. then no choice lor.. will leave it then. my is just a small mark.. sounds like andver's one is a bigger mark..

as for the shipping company, they used to advertise at the "for business" section instead of having a bp, a few mummies used their services as well... and there are mummies who enquired why they dont start a bp instead. the company initially said they are looking into it as they are afraid some mummies who used their services would be unhappy bout it. now there is the bp. hehehe

but like u said. they may be able to go cheaper on their shipping, but when comes to liability its still questionable.

hi heehee,

nail polish remover ah?? ok later i go try.. let u know again. thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the site.. went and look at it.. really would be convenient for me


if u managed to compare the prices let me know k

hi moxuyue,

aiyo.. 11.30 ah.. hmm. a bit late but still better than 12am... did u manage to find out the cause??? is it cause he slept too much noon?? is he teething causing discomfort to sleep at nite?? or play too much in day time?? or etc???

as for the FP kitchen. have u checked out the price here?? btw FP toys also made in china ler.. and few years back there was a lead scare on FP toys too and some toys were recalled. :p

hi moxuyue

hmm.. not sure where in sin selling this leh.. the kitchen accessory set looks cute hor

hi vivien

oh i saw that bp too but scare to buy cos the size might not fit....

hee.. rite lor i'm holding on to those big items first, with the treaty n spring cleaning, better don't buy big items now... i've already spent 2 days to pack my bb's clothes,shoes and accessories [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my pen mark on the playmat is quite long leh.. my bb actually drew a line from the fishing hook to the fish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can faint...

hi kc

ok, i'll try to remove it with cleansing liquids. hope it can at least remove or lighter it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heeheehee.. cannot buy na.. the last mat i bought from you still hvnt use leh and with the treaty, i must control, ha....

hi heehee

thanks for your advise. i'll try this method too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi andver...

hahaha.. ur girl actually so smart ah.. no wonder u faint.. hahaha... really was laughing when i read ur post... think its time to take out the new mat liao...

u have a very lucky girl...she sure must have lotsa clothes and shoes...no wonder she needs her own wardrobe...

hi everyone,

for those who are keen to send ur bb to a 2 hour playgroup and have these questions in mind, hope the answer below will help. plucked it from this thread


Q1) How would I know whether he's ready for those 2 hour playgroups?

Ans: You could

• bring him in for a trial and observe for positive responses e.g. laughter, eagerness to touch the objects, seems comfortable and at ease

• observe if he is especially excited when he meets other children at social gatherings or responses positively to pictures of other children

• observe if he can be separated from the main caregiver for short periods of time and calms down when there are activities to engage him. E.g. leave him with another caregiver (grandparents) for 30-60mins. Observe his reaction to such arrangements.

Q2) Does he need to be toilet train and wean off breast milk first

before attending classes?

Ans: Not necessary. If he is not toilet trained, he can continue to be diapered. For milk feeds, centres will support by providing the feed, you just have to express the breast milk and bring along to the centre.

Q3) Is it a norm for kids to go for classes in order to learn much

faster? If not, what things can I as a mother, teach him so that he

won't miss out if he doesn't go for classes.

Ans: Home-based learning and centre-based learning both have their pros and cons. However, it is not true that your child will be deprived in learning if he does not go to school or vice versa. It all boils down to the type of experiences and interactions that the child goes through, whether in school or at home.

If you are a stay-at-home-mum, you could do many things with your child. Read to him as often as you can as that is the window to all future learning. You could engage your child frequently in conversations, take him for walks in the park, draw his attention to the surroundings to train his observation skills. You could also have little play sessions with him using child-safe paint, dance to music or just explore with containers of different sizes and shapes. To prevent overstimulation, space out the activities with gaps for rest and routine and have a good mix of quiet and noisy/active play.

the mother garden set looks so good hor , but alittle ex for my daughter's age now. dont know if she apreciates things like this. hehe

Hi Vivien

I abit headache with her sometimes now... she smart in those mischievous acts.. when i teach her ABCD... she yawned and tell me she want to walk walk, can really faint rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

She even imitate how my mil and hubby walk... then sometimes she'll cover her mouth and laugh hahahaha or heeheeheehee....

Oh the new playmat that i bought from KC is a mini playmat, not as big as this lor...

All because of my shopacholoic, she ended up with so many shoes, clothes and accessories and me hv to spend so much time tiding her things. Sometimes i tidied till so fedup and i will nag to hubby and he'll said i 没事找事做 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

The mother garden set looks yummy and nice rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm hving 2nd thoughts cos its made of wood...

Hi Florence

Rite lor.. i'm worried that my girl will use the wood to hit on something or herself lor

hi moxuyue,

I'm going to school, not my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heeheehee. I'm thinking of letting my girl attend nursery when she's 2 or 3. But worried that 2 may be too early cos she may not be toilet-trained.

I haven't joined any amazon spree lately cos I calculated that it's more worthwhile to ship on my own. The last time, I only spent less than $50 on shipping for about 7 or 8 books.

For the big items hor, best to ship it on your own cos the organisers don't accept bulky items. But must calculate the shipping costs v carefully, cos sometimes they ship in big, big boxes.

I once shipped 2 v light, but big bird cages from usa for more than$100! And the cages only cost me $40 odd. :p. I almost fainted when i saw the shipping. So if you want to buy your little tykes from us, the shipping may cost hundreds! :p

there's a thread about vpost vs cgw vs borderlinux in the spree section, maybe you can check if anyone has shipped the items you want to singapore?

Ladies, have you started to toilet-train your darlings? What age did you start and how did you train? Thanks!

heehee (heehee) : I started training my gal when she was 2 years old. reminding her to go to the loo every 2 hours! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe ... after she is more confident , we started training pants and pull ups! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope this helps!

Hi Andver,

I think the wood or not still will use to hit if they want to... my boy even use the phone from the play yard to hit... sigh...

But hor, really very expensive leh... melissa doug seems so much cheaper liao... I like the pizza one. ;)

Hey, your girl really smart! Don't worry, think she will learn her ABC without u knowing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi vivien,

Thanks for the info! ;)

I didn't know there was a lead scare on FP toys too... sigh... nowadays everthing oso dangerous.

My boy ah... think play too much liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh, i brought him to fly kite and he loves it! So fun! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

Oh... what u learning? Me wanna go to phonics class for adults but don't have time yet.

Will the teachers at child care train them??

Thanks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Heehee

I started toilet train my gal when she's 10 mths old if i'm not wrong. Very tedious... Have to bring her to potty every 20 mins and if don't have, have to bring again after 10 mins. We're still doing this now though its much better cos she will signal us when she wanted to pee... She will either pull her training pants, do the pee shake or stand there and call for us when she wanted to pee, hee....

Hi MoXuyue

You getting the Melissaa Doug pizza? Think i'll just get the rubber plastic ones first and see how she plays with it. Very pain if hitted by wood leh.

I really hope she'll surprise my by reading out the ABC one day,hee... I see her like that and i get worried. My mum brought her to see kites and you know what, she covered her mouth and laughed (hahaha) when a couple couldnt fly their kites up... My mum was worried that the couple will get angry but they laughed too.. Then the gal told my mum, she dare not laugh when her bf cant fly the kite up and get angry. She said luckily my gal was there,ha....

for me i'm not afraid tat my boy will take the wood to hit on something... but scared he will will eat the paint away.. he's still simply biting things.. faint

btw i've got the straw btl di.. hmm.. my conclusion is no need to buy cause i realized tat we train out bb's to sit up to drink water anyway. good habit in preventing them from choking. so there isnt a need for the straw to overturn also. and its those like munchkin where its difficult to suck too.

hi andver..

wow ur girl so 'guai'.. really envy tat she's toilet trained ler..

hi heehee

i just bought the training pants and waiting for its arrival.. then will only start training him

hi moxuyue,

i think some childcare do start teaching them phonics right??

hmmm.. if its play too much tat caused ur boy's sleeping prob. then maybe can cut down on it.. so shiok.. i hardly see ppl fly kite in jb these days ler.. in sg where u go? near woodlands??

Hi Vivien

Oic, i was wondering who is Peggy and posted the same thing as you,hee...

Oh ya hor.. still got the paint problem, i oversee this... I also never get the straw from that bp cos when my girl drink from bottle, she'll half lay down and tilt the bottle to suit the flow.

But i still haven't toilet train her at nite leh.. it'll be even more tedious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Oh ya, there're few times, my girl will just pee like boys after we removed her training pants, we suspected that she saw our nephew doing it, hee..

Hi Vivien

No leh.. i havent open the flash cards yet.. I used the LG playmat lor. It helps better using the flash cards ah?

hi andver,

now i think of toilet train i also headache.. hope the transition goes well... crossing my fingers now.

my boy loves flash cards.. so whenever i bring the cards out and flash he would be very happy and sit down looking at me flash the cards. maybe u can try it out. then i sing him and sign to him the abc song. he loves it too.. he likes to see me sign it. probably u can try it too.

Hi Vivien

Good luck on the toilet train ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok, thanks so much.. i'll try using the flash cards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... Hmm.. hv to dig it out first, hahaha

hi ladies!

vivien, I'm doing postgrad stuff on early childhood development out of interest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Since I'm staying at home with my girl, might as well learn how to help her learn some stuff at home.

But the assignments are really siong!

your info on the childcare is useful, thanks! But I'm still worried that the teachers will sometimes be too busy to change her diapers if she's not toilet-trained.

hi moxuyue, my girl sleeps at about 9 to 10 pm also. I breastfeed her to sleep, and will always turn on the lullabies for her. Most of the times, if she doesn't play a lot before bedtime, she will sleep, but sometimes she will play for an hour or so before she knocks out. I can tell that she's tired cos she'll be rubbing her eyes and her reactions are v slow, so i just let her roll here, crawl there on the bed until she falls asleep. When I'm really tired, and she's still not sleeping, wahhh, that's when my patience wear thin!

I'm keen in phonics also, Am thinking of checking out the courses offered by lorna whiston. Will check and let you know yah?

Some ccs and most nurseries/kindergartens offer phonics. But not all teach them well. I heard that zoophonics doesn't seem to be useful. :p

hi andver, your girl lagi cute! I think she's really smart, and she wants to to have fun while learning. Maybe to learn the alphabets, you can get those fridge magnets and let her play around with them? Or just point out the alphabets on signboards, letters, food boxes when you see them, so she won't know that you are teaching her!

Hi florence, thanks for the potty-training tips! My girl doesn't poop at regular timing, so maybe i'll start when she can tell me she wants to poop.

heehee (heehee) : I start with asking her to go regularly to pee rather than poo. hehe

My son tried phonics from community centre - no good also.

That is why I wanted to learn phonics and teach them myself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

Interesting! Me oso thinking of doing a course on that but no time. Was thinking if i kanna retrench then i can open childcare center... Where you taking the course? My sister oso thinking on taking a course like that.

My boy used to sleep at about 10pm but now getting worst... sigh... We only switch on night lights and close the bed room door and lay on bed with him but he'll want to go down and walk around the room else he'll cry loudly and disturb everyone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yah, do let me know which phonics class is good! Thanks lots!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien,

I bring my boy to sembawang to fly kits cause the open field just beside her flat. There is oso a big open field at woodlands where lots of ppl fly kites too. Will check out the road name then let u know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah, i think some childcare do teach them phonics but i don't know so i wanna learn too and can teach my boy if needed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy now seldom put toys in his mouth liao but still gotta watch him play...

Thanks, will not get the straw bottle liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Andver,

Yah, me wanna get it but haven't get down to doing it. :p

Your girl really smart, my boy blur blur only. My hubby initially oso cannot fly up the kite but my boy just blur blur and look at other ppl's kite.

Hi Heehee

Wow wow.. you're really a very good mother who will learn with you baby. I feel so ashame of myself, only know how to shop shop shop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I wanted to send my bb to those 2 hours playgroup too but hubby said too early. So i'll wait till she's 2 yrs then send her there.

Oh ya.. update me on the phonics too ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya i think you're right abt my girl, she wants to have fun while learning cos i noticed she can't sit still while learning, even watch TV too.

I also tell her next timethat next time her teacher will always ask mummy to the school, then she'll do the beating action, ha

Oh ya, why i nvr think of the learning method suggested by you huh... i must give it a try. Thanks so much for the advise.

Hi Florence

Wow wow.. you too another good mummy.. learn and teach phonics yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I must learn from you and heehee liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Moxuyue

I just bought the rubber plastic kitchen utensils set for my girl last

nite, cheap cheap, and she's feeding me with it liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She must be

thinking where are the food and fruits, ha...

My girl too will look at the kites and when the kite is falling down,

she'll run after it with her head looking at it, so dangerous...

Hi Andver,

Wah, that sounds dangerous! My boy don't like the grass leh, he'll only walk a few steps then want us to carry liao. There was once he fell but he dare not touch the grass and he raise his hands off the grass immediately, same with sand oso... Wonder why??

My boy oso loves to feed me when we let him play with his spoon once in a while... actually saw a lot of those rubber plastic kitchen utensils but hor the MD one look so nice... maybe its me who wanna play... hahaha...

hello there!! i am back...hahhaha... wah.. KC also come back ah.. .hahhah.. u r right, i m always the busy one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah.. that mother garden set is so exp ah.. afraid my bb will eat it instead of play with it.. swollen the paint at the same time.. nowadays she is teething.. very cranky and crave for solids... when she sees we eat, even though just finished her milk bottle, she will ask to join in and eat with us together.. if not sure will throw tantrums..

for toilet training, not yet start. Will wait till she knows how to tell us that she wants to pee/poo.

As for flash card, i didnt use. i use poster to teach ABC.but not consistent coz i m too busy so cant do it everyday. btw which ABC flash cards, u all use?

Now the latest words she learns is 'no more'. she will say no more when the food is finished or when the light on the number in the lift dissappear. and her favourite word is 'ball', everything round to her is 'ball'.

hi heehee,

wow..postgrad study ah... amazing.. i dont think i can study anymore.. hehehe.. any plans to open a childcare center then??

btw how long is ur course?? and how long more to go before u grad??

hi andver,

no worries i also another mummy who knows how to shop shop shop only.. hehehe.. somemore worst is i'm not working and at least u are still helping ur hubby.

hi moxuyue,

my boy also afraid of the grass.. then brought him few times to the park then now used to it liao.. i'll pluck the grass and he sees me doing it he also went and pluck the grass. havent let him tried touching sand yet cause havent bring him to a beach. i think he'll be scared too.. if not mistaken its because its a new texture to them, so they will be a bit afraid at first.

my boy prefers the stainless steel ones tat we used.. sigh... so when we are out for lunch or dinner. we'll just pass him a steel spoon.. and he'll wanna imitate us eating.. die die wanna put his spoon into our bowl or plate and scoop something to eat.. faint... like ur boy, he'll also wanna feed us with the "full of his saliva spoon" hehehee

hi jane h,

finally u can take a breather to come in for a chat ah.. hehehe

cny round the corner i hope u arent bringing ur work back home hor.. :p

for the abc flashcards.. i'm using the one that is sold at popular,.. its called "my first learning card series" quite cheap... less than SGD10

ur girl so fast can talk hor.. envy envy.. my boy cant talk yet ler.. sigh.. but making a lot of noises.. so still alright.. at least i know he wanna learn to talk..

hi vivien, my bb not really talking la.. she just says a few words.. n sometimes will do some humming.. got tune somemore, but we cant figure out what song is that..think she likes music very much...

yday went for MMR & chicken pox injection. doc said for some kids the fever will come after 7 days.. hope she wont have it.

no la.. i still got to work during cny (coz laptop still around).. no choice.. even on leave still got to make sure i am available... bo bian la...

plan to let her hav hep A when she is 18 mths.. do u plan to giv ur boy hep A? hahha.. actually i plan to giv her 3 jabs yday but doc said since the jab is on her arm so can only have 2... me kiasu coz no need to go so many times mah.. one shot settle all... :p

so u let ur boy use spoon? very messy leh.. me headache looking at the mess, lots of cleaning to be done...

hi ladies,

this is the url of the lorna whiston phonics course: http://www.lornawhiston.com.sg/tdu/courses.html

Quite siong, cos it's 5 sessions, 3 hours each, and on weekday nights some more! They didn't put the cost of the sessions, so have emailed them and am waiting for their reply.

Think I will only be free to do the course after my module ends in May. I'm doing a postgrad degree at NTU, not because I'm hardworking, but because I wanted a break from work! :p

I was supposed to graduate last year, but I took time off to have my girl. And I'm a shopaholic as well, but we all shop for our kids most of the time right? :p

janeh, maybe you can try the bibs with pockets? When I'm giving my girl watery stuff, I'll make sure that she puts on the bib so that the food will drop into the pocket. Most of the time, I just strip her naked and then bathe her after her meals.


wah.. heehee.. u r really hardworking.. guess ur plan of opening a childcare centre really will come true soon huh.. me dunno whether still can attend classes or not.. old liao.. hahahha.. cannot commit too much brain works.. somemore if on weekdays even worse.. i already struggling to go back early on tuesday. coz tuesday got to pick up baby from centre.. (other days hubby picks up).. if attend classes, sure become zombie...... hahahha

actually i got learnt phonics before few years ago... now forgot nearly 80% liao...do let us know how much the lorna whiston phonics costed ya... anyway if the classes is on tuesday, i cant attend liao..

bibs with pockets? tried already.. doesnt work on my bb. she will pull at the velcro or button and then take it off. strip ur bb naked hahaha.. my bb sure will like this.. coz she likes to run around when we take off her diaper..

