Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

HI Smurfy,

There's one clinic in the building beside Lot 1. Level 4, Kidslink, Pd 's name is Dr Winston Ng. Quite a nice guy.

There's also one at Railway Mall, din try that one though

thanks for your recommendation.

I tried Dr Winston Ng, railway mall one, bukit batok one, kidslink at Jurong but all so so only.

anyway, thanks.
hi smurfy,

wah....u try so many. i only try kidslink in CCK n JE.

For me, i think the pds i like are Dr Kenny Ee and Dr Siva from Kinderclinic (Paragon). Kidslink is for standby coz they have nite clinics.
hi smurfy,

kinderclinic close at 5pm lor.....Dr Kenny Ee's nite clinic is only wed nite at Marine Parade, too far for me.
smurfy, i also visited Dr Winston Ng, nice PD la. can try.

thanks emsam, now i need to convince my husband about leaving the baby with a maid. i guess as long as we exercise caution and tact, should be somehow ok bah... i agree that monitoring and relationship building is important, we are human beings afterall.
Smurfy, u may wanna try
Dr Yvonne'S Clinic @ Sunset Way.
She's pretty popular...pls call in advance.
Tel : 6463-5001
Hi mummies,

I've alot of stocks for famous name brands like Carter's, Child of Mine, Disney and Pumpkin Patch SLEEPSUITS for sale.

Private viewing can be arranged at my place, Senja Grand on weekday evenings. I don't do postage at the moment due to my busy schedule.

Price is $12.00 a piece and $22.00 for 2 pieces.

Here are some examples:



You may contact me at 9778 4888 for viewing arrangments.
Hi all,

Happened to chance upon this thread and 'm glad to find it! I'm staying at Jelapang and currently pregnant with my 2nd one.

Would like to find out from mommies here if anyone has check out the Tots House playgroup at blk 272 RC bangkit rd? Thanks!
Hi All

I had jus given birth to my 2nd having another worried, not sure if my maid can handle 2 children at the same time or not.
Emsam, can ask u for some opinions on domestic maid? What is the most impt thing when wanna look for a maid? Her family background or whether if she is experience or wat? And then, between filipino and indo.. which one u prefer?
do any of you mummies have a babysitter that you send your kids to? just wanna find out how long you leave your kids there for in a day? i typically drop my baby off at about 830am and pick her at latest 830pm. not sure if this is considered too long lorh.

littleger, i heard that filipinos are better but i guess hiring maid also depend on luck. some frens of mine who have maid tell me basically as long as you treat them humanely or better still, treat them like a family member, trust is built and problems can be reduced.

i also wanna hire full time maid but cannot get husband to agree leh. sigh... so tiring for me.
Eunice: I don't have a choice cos i'm currently preg with my #2 and my mom has aldy told mi beforehand that she can't handle 2 kids at the same time cos my #1 is super active and quite clingy to her. So she was complaining very stressed for her (also no time no do housework).
She seems to prefer indo maid when i told her hire filipino cos they usually more educated and communication will be better. But mom said filipino more clever thus know how to "geng" this n tat. Shall see how, better hire someone she prefer i guess to avoid conflicts next time. And i totally agreed that hiring a maid is really depend on our luck! And of cos we got to treat them well and hope in return they can do the same.
halo littleger

hmm, to be frank i nv take the risk of hiring indo maid. cos their mindset is really too narrow and very diff. if they are unhappy, they will take it out on the children. I remember years back there is this indo maid, always get scolded by the employer and in the end she throw the bb down and after tat she jump down as well. And this happen when both the in laws are at home, can u imagin how they value their life? But filipino are diff, i guess bcos the country are more develope den indo and therefore they are more modern as well. If they are unhappy, they will voice out and even asked for transfer. I rather they do tat den endure in silent den do those harmful action on my family members.

Oh, i guess if you ask me abt indo maid, i will say better don take risk...i see too many eg ard...hee even the recent case of the abuse on the 2 mth old bb, tat is a indo maid also. Infront of the employer she can act like a good helper and behind u can see how she treat the i say...its their mindset..

I hope i don offend those who hv indo maid, hmm, of cos there are good indo maid but all depend on ur gamble lo...

Yes, if you ask me the selection on filipino maid, den i will choose those born in iloilo cos they are more submissive and obedient. And i only choose those who are single and not the youngest or eldest in the family. Reason being youngest is mostly spoilt and eldest means too many commitment (although not always true hee). And also i would prefer them to be shorter and younger den me hee... present looking and well spoken is also a must (therefore i will made and effort to call n speak to them). Lastly, i would prefer they have the caregiver cert cos they are train in the hospital in taking care of both new born n elderly and normally they are well verse in medicine as well.

Hmm wat else, i think i cant think of much now, but you need to do some homework before you do your selection. Let me know if you need more info, i will be pleased to offer my opinion hee.

Right now i m facing the problem on whether my maid can handle my eldest gal (3yrs old) and my new born. Tot of putting her in the childcare but worry tat it will be unfair to her, sigh.
Hi hi,

Anybody knows if the party shops in Concourse still around? Or have they moved out?
Anybody knows their new address?
Hi Mummies,

I'm staying at Senja and have 2 kids. The elder one is 3yr & the younger one is 1yr.

Looking for cc at around Bukit Panjang. I went to Gloryland & Cherie Heart at cashew but.....
Still looking around for good one. Any recommendation???

Hi Dianty,

Yah, there are still some party shops there. I will be going there this weekend to buy some party stuffs for my younger on.
Hi Emsam, congrats on the birth of your 2nd kid

Hi Dainty, you can try Rocher Centre. 960 goes there directly. Selling quite a lot of party staff as well.

Hey Smurfy, Have you brought your child to see the PD regarding your kid's cough and flu? What did the PD say? My gal has also been like that for the past 5 months and medication doesn't seem to help coz she'll be ok for a week then sick for another 2 weeks. Duno what's happening and a doc was saying it could be due to allergy.

By the way, anyone knows of any school near BPP with good 2-hour classes for 3 year old kid? Might be withdrawing my gal out of her CC coz ever since she went in, her flu and cough has never gotten well. Have checked out Talent Plus at Blk 607 but it only caters up to 3 years old. If i enroll my gal now into that school, meaning i'll have to find her another school for next year. Sigh... AppleTree has also moved to Bangkit and does not have classes for her age group this year. Helppp..
Hi zestlessmummy

Sorry to hear that your gal keep falling sick after attending cc but that is part and parcel of kids who attend cc.

Btw, you may wan to consider PCF if you do not mind. The entry level is 30 mths. Heard from one of the mummy here that little pal is good. You may want to check it out.

As for how much milk a 28 mth old drinks, it really depends. No hard and fast rule ba as long as your gal is growing well. Just my opinion, perhaps you can check with the pd/gp
emsam: Thanks for all the advices on the maid issue! I think my mom prefer indo maid then filipino cos she was telling me filipino maid more clever to "geng" this n that. Anyway, shall see how it goes..
hi zestlessmummy,

my child was wheezing again last friday. We brought him all the way to Bedok Kidslink to see the PD because she is specialised in respiratory medicine. She gave him a dose of neubalizer cos he is slightly breathless again.

Later in the evening on the same day, he started to be abit breathless again so we brought him to kkh. The kkh dr said it could be due to the backflow of his muscus from his nose (since he has been having flu for one week already).

So far he is ok now. We bought a air purifier with ionizer on sunday. we hope he will be less prone to flu and cough. At this stage we are also hesitating to put him into cc but i will be having #2 soon. so its a big headache for me.
Thanks zestlessmummy.

Hi Littleger

Since your mum is looking after the house so let her be the decision maker lo, no choice ba..

Hi Smurfy

Infact you can try the gp at greenridge shopping, Bukit panjang family clinic, Dr Tan. She is quiet good with children and her prescription can be of match to PD.
hi emsam,

thanks for your recommendation. My sis actually recommended GP Dr Ivan Choo, also stationed at Greenridge but i dunno the clinic name. He share his clinic with a dental clinic.

I would prefer to see a PD until my child is 2 yos ba.
hi smurfy, u went all the way to bedok ah? may i ask wat medicine were u prescribed?

my son has v sensitive nose & lungs. he tends to get asthma attack whenever flu attacks. so its v important that u have the rite medications & appropriate application.
hi Bt Panjang mummies,

my bro's selling a Brand new, unopen tin of Enfalac A+. 900g Bought from ntuc in dec 2007. made in netherlands. expiry Aug 2009.

hoping to sell at $32(slightly negotiable).

Self-collect at bt panjang. pending LRT.

Any mummies interested, pls PM me for contact no. tks.
Hi Newbie,

Last week the doctor prescribe Singular and salbutamolsyr for his breathlessness. Singular is more for his allergy. She said that probably he is not asthmatic.

Yesterday, we went for review. My child is ok now at the moment. The dr said to give salbutamolsyr if he start coughing again.

My child is also prone to flu. It is important to give medicine at first sign of running nose to prevent any backflow of the muscus into his throat.
Hi Smurfy

I gal was had taken singular b4 as well, wat i understand from both the GP and my PD is tat this is to protect the lung due to cough. Tats y when my PD knew tat this GP had prescribe this medicine to me, he say its good.
hi emsan,

did you get a good maid? is there anyone looking after your maid at home or do you leave your kids with her? how old is your newborn?
Hi smurfy

Yes, my maid is really good. She is with me since 2005 2mth b4 my gal was born.She is alone with my gal at home but i guess i have good neighbour as well. Initially i definitely have my doubt on her ability and integrity so will get my neighbour for feedback.

My newborn is turning one mth old in another 6days so now i m worried if she can handle 2 kids.
Hi Smurfy, e salbutamolsyr prescribed to u is syrup? how often u have to give whenever flu occurs?

My son need to puff everyday, even w/o any sickness. but once flu or cough, must immediately puff more & give other medications too.
he was on singular for almost 4mths. its a VERY VERY EXPENSIVE MEDICINE!
hey ladies,

also staying in BP. any good play group to recommend. My gal turning 2 this year, thought to send her to some play group. Headache, don t know whicj one to choose.
Hi mummies,

Seems like quite a few mummies staying at Senja. Me too! My elder gal is 2.5 yrs and is currently looking for a few hrs playgroup daily. Have tried to put her in a cc but withdraw her out after 3days there as i find that cc does not teach much and mostly is idle idle. Seems like bkt panjang does not have much choices for playgroup. Anyone has any recommendations?
hihi mamas,

a new mama stayin @ Segar. Had a 7 weeks old girl. Any advice how to stop/ prevent milk spill from gettin into the child's ear????

After nite feeding, the baby tends to spill some milk in her sleep which flows down to either side of her ear, esp leaving it wet till the next morning. My girl's left ear starts to form dry skin & flacky...... ;op

Any gud nearby clinic to recommend? Thanks!
hi emsan,
you are soooo lucky to get a good maid. I am still thinking of getting one cos my #2 due in oct. My mom said she can help me to fetch my #1 if he goes to cc and let my auntie take care of #2. My auntie is taking care of #1 now. If this arrangement i no need a maid. But i really very tired... even if day time got someone to take care, night and weekends very torturing without extra help.

hi newbie,
salbutamolsyr is in the form of syrup but it is for opening airway and used when he start coughing. I give 2.5ml 3 times a day. He has taken singular before but for 2 weeks only. Why did you need to give puff?

Hi AinLim,
If you put your ger on her side, the milk shouldn't flow to her ear, should flow to the mattress.
smurfy, i also think you should get maid. i agree that taking care in the evenings only is also very "sheong". i am on that arrangement for my 8mth old gal now. daytime my sis in law take care and we bring her home every night. weekends also we care for her ourself. although it is an enjoyable and fruitful experience, but there is no deny that its also exhausting. worst still, i travel frequently for my work so when i return from travelling, hubby needs a break from all the night care he has given her and the responsibility becomes mine. after a trip, already tired, still have to care for baby. really "chuan".

recently, she fell ill too. cough developed to bronchalitis. hwah, i become "orh bak kak" panda eye. first 2 docs we brought her gave meds that were not strong enough to control her cough which then led to the spread into her lungs thus the bronch problem. we ended up bringing her to kidzlink at choa chu kang and paid $150 for a series of anti biotics and placed her on the nabulizer. doc gave her singular too, we fed her for 10 days and stopped cos it did give her tummy the runs. she has since stopped coughing but sometimes, we still hear phlegm. hubby said we should continue feeding her the phlegm meds doc gave. honestly, i hate feeding her meds, she hates it too and its has always been an ordeal trying to feed her meds. sigh...

is it normal that they still have phlegm?
Hi Eunice,
I can really understand your situation. My son got bronchitis too. He was admitted into KKH in Dec last year. I think its best to go straight to KKH if your child need neubalizer instead of GP cos KKH is cheaper and 2ndly, if your child need neubalizer for a longer term, they will admit immediately.

Same for us, my son also hates taking medicine.

Usually when a child sick, he/she will start with cold/flu, followed by cough and then phlegm. So now when we see him having running nose, we quickly give medicine already. We scare the mucus will backflow and become phlegm.

But one thing you are better than me, at least your hb can take care of your gal alone. My hb can't be left alone with the child. He doesn't know how to make milk, bathe him or cook porridge. i really very scare of the arrival of #2. But i also scare i cannot handle maid.. really not easy too..
Hi hi, I'm very new to this forum and was happy to read these forum. I'm staying in Senja and I'm too is looking for a good nursery or playgroup. My gal is 21 mths now and I'm hoping to enrol her next year. Any suggestion?
yah lah, i am thankful for having a husband that can help me. i have many friends whose husbands also cannot care for the baby. my husband has no choice also lah cos my work involves frequent travel and it has been like this since before we even got married so he had to prepare himself. then again, i am grateful he makes an effort too.

My son has asthma. The puff is ventolin oso = salbutamol, but in form of inhaler. He has to puff everyday as preventive measures. Puff is better 'coz reaction is immediate to windpipe, whereas syr still has to go thru bloodstream 1st.
My son has hospitalised x3 for asthma attack within half yr even b 4 he turns 1.

Its ideal if u can get a trustworthy maid to help u out at home. Sending the kids in the am & fetching them from work in pm can b v tiring & stressful esp if u gotta OT & nobody can help...

I'm in the same situation. I fully understand!
Hi smurfy

Ya i think getting a maid is a better choice, extra hand really helps to ease ur burden. You can try looking around, since you have a new born coming, den remember to look for those who have care giver cert, its really helps alot but unless ur mum really cant accept filipino den no choice lo.

Hi Ainlim

Did u further understand what cause ur gal to spill out the milk? My current 2nd bb is 5weeks old, she tend to spill out after sometime too, but i will try to carry her for half an hour to 45min after she feeds to avoid choking. Sometime they tend to have too much wind in their tummy which we din realise. But sleeping side way in the night will be abit dangerous as there is risk of them rolling over and had their head stack downwards position.
Hi emsam,

My girl's ear is gettin beta but still have dry skin. Guess beside the milk, she likes to sleep on that particular left side thus no ventilation, esp when she sleeps thru the whole 4 to 5 hours. So currently, i have to make sure she turn to the other side. hehehe.
hello mummies, in case anyone of you looking for a part time maid, i have one to recommend.

she is filipino and experienced. she charges $50 for a day and typically works from 10am to about 4pm. she does cleaning of surfaces, once a month windows, vacuum + mop floor, wash toilet and ironing. you will need to provide her lunch. definitely can trust person.

the reason why i am recommending her is because i need to reduce the cost i put in monthly for part time maid because i recently invested in a roomba (an automatic vacuum cleaner) and i need to look into my overall household cost so wish to reduce her frequency from once a week to twice a month.

however, she is a great maid and i feel bad having to let her lose that two other times that i need to give up thus i am finding a new opportunity for her for twice a month on sundays to replace the ones that i am intending to give up.

she comes every sundays and i may ask her to come only on the first sunday and third sundays.

she is also doing for 3 other of my husband's friends so definitely good. her quality is in her good ironing.

anyone keen? please PM me.

Hi Bukit Panjang mummies,

I am glad that I have found this thread as I am planning to put my son in one of the childcare centres. Saw that there are some previous discussions on a few of them.

Anyone has comments on New Life Childcare Centre siutation within Covenant Evangelical Free Church? It is just beside Greenridge Shopping centre. Would appreciate any comments like overall environment, teachers (whether they love children?, fierce?, force kids to eat?, teching/learning is good? etc). I am considering it as it is near my home. Will be going down to take a look if the feedback is positive here.

Thanks all!
