Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

All I can say is that the CC is at BukitPanjang Ring Road. I do not want to tarnish the centres name... I am just giving my point of view. To be frank, when i talked to the incharge over the phone, they were quite impressive as they actually assess your child's development before considering whether i should go down and take a look. If my son dun fit the bill, they suggest i dun send... even that, they are fully booked till 2009. but one common thing which i gather from the teacher from the CCs is that, most do not recommend your child to go CC. They told us that as long as you have people at home looking after them.. just send them in only when they are supposed to go Nursery 1.

hi mummies,
sorry to intrude, but any idea which pri sch in bukit panjang is good?

There is no primary school in Bukit Panjang that is good... but if you really have to choose... can try Greenridge Primary and West View Primary. They have a more wholesome program compared to other primary school. If Choose wholesome program, is West View. If good principal, is Greenridge Primary. But not sure if Greenridge has changed their Principal recently.... This is just my recommendation and i hope it helps... as I have worked with all the schools in the west before... just my 5 cents worth.
thanks Kan Cheong Parents,
we are targeting Bukit Panjang PRi, but for our distance, need balloting. as we intend to shift to Bukit Panjang (not mainly for schools, only wanted to shift to a bigger apartment within the west area), we have to consider a 'backup' pri sch incase we are not successful in the ballot.

For areas in West, do you have any idea about what 'good' pri schools in bukit batok then (excluding the hot fav Princess Eliz and Keming). Coz we are residing here now. Still undecided about whether to choose a sch in BP or BB if we are not successful in ballot for BPPS.

Hi mummies,

My elder son is also attending Nursery at PCF at Blk 528. His class consist has only 11 students. Yes, they have PE twice a week, Tue and Thur, but not always they get to go playground.

My reasons for choosing PCF:

1) location, 3 mins walk from my home
2) curriculum has improved tremendously compare to my time when I attend a PAP class in 1985
3) Affordable at under $100 per mth

I visted other pte schools prior to deciding to enrol my son in PCF. On one visit to a pte sch (located in CCK), I saw a obese teacher dozing off at a corner of the classroom and left all the children colouring!!

Children at this age learn mostly thru play. Look on the positive side, at the playground, they learn how to take turns (manners), improve their motor skills etc. Why confine them in four walls? I spoil my sons but not to the extend of sanitising everything he touches. The sweeper only picks up the litter at the playground, but he doesn't wipe it physically.

Every mummies here want the best for their child. No schools/centres are perfect. Let me know if you can find one that is cheap(affordable), nice environment, sparkling clean, gd curriculum, young female teachers, air-con, got vacancy..
oh, so prenursery is not N1?? aiyo, very confusing..cos when i speak to some CC they told me 3yrs old is N1 & 4yrs old is N2 so i tot pre-nursery is N1 lo...
oh.. sorry... ya, understand CC called it that way. in my dictionary, i only know nursery and pre-nursery. haha....
Hi emsam,

You are rite!

Pre-nursery = N1 (3yrs old)
Nursery = N2 (4yrs old)

My son is attending N2 this yr. My son's teacher is quite young (28-30 yrs old). Hv not met any aunty teachers there so far.
Hi fz(zhen49),

For Bukit Batok, you are right to pin point princess and keming... other than this two, you can probably try St Anthony Conossian... that school is ok. Bukit View seems to be in the midst of closing down... so no point looking at that..there is a primary school beside Dunearn Sec... i forgot which primary school is that.. that primary schools seems to be always operating on limited funds from MOE. perhaps principal not "powerful" enough... but teachers there are quite committed. they run most of the events and activities themselves... With diligent teachers it also means that they will pay attention to your kids needs. thats all i have for now....
Wow cant imagin a few more yrs i will be worrying for my gal enrollment to pri sch...hee..but i heard there is this future pri sch opening soon next yr at our area rite?? hmm, not very sure whats the meaning of future sch but heard that they have a diff method of teaching...Kan Cheong Parents, do u have any idea?
emsam, kancheong parents.

ya..there is a Futureschool in Bukit Panjang..first intake of pri 1 starts next year. It is Beacon Pri school. although i am excited about the new initiative, but am also at the same time, concerned as it doesn't have any track records.

more info

kc parents, what is your take on this? btw, are you a teacher?
hi, I also enrolled my son playgroup at the tots house at blk527.
Intially I wanted to enrol him at pcf but they do not have the timing slot at 9-11am as my son naps in the afternoon i find the afternoon session maybe too tiring for him.
Was a bit worried when i read some negative comments over at this totshouse.
Anybody enrolled their child in the totshouse as well?
I was thinking of enrolling him for nursery at the 528 pcf when he is 4 yrs old in 2009.
halo fatmamalove

so sorry, actly i nv like those RC tot me they are not well train and kids gg there is a waste of time...i have seem my neighbour putting their kids there, a big group of kid surround the table with toys and the teacher standing there shouting for them to behave plus the place is not well kept with a daily cleaning...aiyo..i rather put them at home with my own teaching so tot house was nv in my sorry to say out this...hope u don mind...
hi fatmamalove

perhaps you wanna try little pals. understand from mamapanda that she is pleased with the sch.
I personally think that the Future School is trying to make classrooms into a more interesting learning environment with the inclusion of the high tech infocomm tools. It is defintely a good idea that the government is coming up with these Aids to help make learning more enjoyable and keeping up to the changing world of technology.

However, my concern is more of, who the teachers are... we can have world class tools but if we do not have people making the full use of the ICT tools as mentioned, it still does not serve its function... I believe the ministry knows that there are certain limitations. Therefore they are only starting out with a few school. My final word is that, if top primary schools like Raffles Girls Primary, Rulang Pri or etc are not going into such systems, why should we worry.... if the system really works, I am sure they will be introducing to more primary and secondary schools. Till then I do not think is too late to enrol your child into such schools with such ICT program that is provided in the secondary school. Enrolling now may cause a confusion in the balanced of using the tools and keeping up with the syllabus, if the teachers are not exactly clear how to integrate the "both" together... to be safe, i still feel is better to wait and see first....

** I am not a teacher but an outdoor educator working with schools.
By the way, does anyone of you know whether there is a baby crawling competition somewhere? Am thinking of letting my son participate if there is any... he is really crawling with great speed now. Maybe can let him win something and not let his "talent" go to waste... hahaha...
i'm also staying at bp. just want to share some of my comments about the topic if you don't mind:
my daughter was in both st joseph and cgm. i transferred her to st joseph wen she was in k1. my first impression of st joseph was that it was very big and beautiful and the environment was nice, they have a small farm and lots ofspace to run around. however i realised later that the kids spend a lot of time moving from place to place eg from classroom to dining room to music room. As the school is big with 3 stories and the kids being small , it's really alot of time wasted. the curriculum is pretty impressive , they were using rigby readers but the kids have no spelling and they hardly bring back any worksheets. the reason i withdrawed my girl was because the teacher doesn't mark their work and when i ask her she say the school does not believe in correcting their work. but it's a bit too idealistic cause then how does a child learn from her mistakes and correcting the work can be positive too with stars and acknowledgement given for their hardwork. this is something that i don't agreed on.
CGM is a very traditional kindergarten , more like the old PAP kiddie. the school is old and furniture are still the wooden kind. they do alot of academic work like drilling and writing. there's even mini exam at the end of the term. my girl used to bring back pages of chinese writing to do and the spelling list is quite above their standard.
depending on what you want, both kindergarten offers very different type of teaching and philosphy.
but that was 2 years ago, i don't know how it is like now? my younger girl will be attending gracefields next yeat after a year at pcf 544. anyone can offer me feedback about gracefields?

primary school
my eldest girl is in Zhenghua now. not too bad , quite a lot of focus on holistic development. they have a dare programme ie, a dance programme incoporated in their curriculum so that every child is exposed to different kind of dance, like hip hop, indian dance. she was taught the high school musical dance too. now they engage external instructor to teach touch rugby to the kids during PE lesson. they also have a lot of oversea trips for kids. the p5 are going to indian orphanage in Nov. my nephew in p4 went to Hong kong last year too. so overall quite good.
my friend's girl in greenridge . heard from her that the school is very academicaaly driven. she is doing well in maths and so she has to attend extra lessons after school to learn the syllabus one year aheead . the principal even asked them not to go for holiday this term as they will be expected to be in school. she will be p5 next year. very though , right.
Bukit panjang school is one of the best school around this place. but just heard from a friend yesterday that the school only focus their attention on the best 2 classes. when she went to ask the principal about what the school planned to help her child who is weak, she give a list of tution centre to enrolled her child in.

so that 's my thought. hope that can be helpful in some ways.
btw, i do have a part time cleaner to recommand if anyone interested. can pm me.
susie (suecat),
thanks for your valuable feedback.

dancing? my ds1 loves to dance.

academic driven. hm..i am pretty academic driven too....:p

am going to try this (although need balloting), coz of its convenience to my place. But if what you said about focusing on the best 2 classes is true, hm...that can be a double-edge sword depending on where our child stands.
Hi Mummies,

I am staying at BP too. My son is now 2 years old. Next year will enrole him to playgroup. As i am a PR, i am not very sure about education system here.
Heard that after playgroup, our kids will go to Nursery then K1 follow by K2. Can i check when is the time i should be looking out for Nursery for my boy? He will need to attend nursery in year 2009. So, is it early next year i have to look out for the school alraedy?

I am staying at Petir Road and my boy's nanny is near to the malay mosque at blk 234. Can i check if there is any good nursery that i can send my boy to?
Hi Everyone,

Just found out that there is this thread for Bukit Panjang Mummies. Hope to join you guys in here
I'm staying in Blk 179. Anyone staying around here also?

Hi Milo66,

I was browsing through the past archive and you mentioned that the CC in fajar aren't too clean. Are you referring to Seedlings Patch? I am thinking of putting my 24m old girl there soon. Haven't signed up though. Are there other comments of that place? It's near my mom's place and I thought it is one of the better CC in that area (fajar and segar). Hope to find a cheaper one but can't seem to find. Do let me know if anyone have comments on Seedlings Patch or other better CC.
Hi zestlessmummy

the cheapest cc at BP is the YMCA. after subsidy abt $210.00. however, it is better for you to take a look at the place.
Thanks Red Rose. But where is YMCA and is it good?

Hi Dainty,

My neighbour's kid is attending CC in Learning Ladder and she is happy with it. You can take a look. It is rather expensive, over $700 per month after subsidy the last I checked it out. If I can afford that I would put my girl there as her "gor gor" is there.
There is a school bus fetching the boy to the school every morning, not sure how much additional cost that will be, but it's indeed more convenient for parents, esp working parents.
Hi Red Rose, YMCA is in Blk 217 and it's quite a distance from my parents place. They might have difficulty if need to fetch her. sigh..

Anyway, anyone has any clue about how seedlings patch is like? There are also 2 CCs near their house, one in Blk 435 and Blk 450/451. Any idea as well?
Hey, just came back from CC hunting

Realised that there's a CC in Blk 510. It's YMCA Child Development Centre. This should be the one Red Rose mentioned.

Hoho03, ya, the 2 centres should be different but duno if it's under the same management. YMCA website does not have this Blk 510 centre listed. Should be considering YMCA as it's quite near my mum's place and yes, Red Rose is right, it's really cheaper and looks pretty clean and tidy. Will visit the place again on weekday to see how the teachers handle the kids. So long as my girl starts to learn how to socialise and learn not to be so timid, I'll be happy. She's so timid and scared of everybody and every single thing.

Any mother in this thread putting their kids in this YMCA centre? Care to share your view?
ya, i am referring to the one at blk 510, opposite segar lrt station. however, i am not sure if the cc is good. thats why, it wld be better for you to go down and take a look at their operations and talk to the principal/teachers.
Thanks.. will go on Monday to see. Hopefully ok then will start her off in that childcare.

By the way, anyone knows how to toilet train a kid? I'm trying to start training my girl since I'm more free now. But whenever I put her in the potty, she just didn't pee or poo. She can sit there for a long time, sometimes even up to half an hour but nothing comes out. The moment I give up and put her back into her panty, she pee or poo the very next min. Could it be the type of potty I use? I tried 2 types so far, both same results. One is the traditional potty, which older folks call that a tam pui, just a round piece of plastic container and the other is the potty whereby she has to open her legs to sit on it.
Hi Susie,

Ur setting don't accept PM

Could you PM me instead regarding the part-time cleaner? I'm keen to get one.

hello mummies, i have 2 pkts of Small size Nepia to sell at $14 per pkt. bought at $15 but baby grown big now need Medium sz liao. self collect at teck whye lane in the evenings or suntec in the daytime.
Hi Red Rose, Yup, went to the YMCA CC and I've decided to put my girl in there, reason being the centre looks clean and tidy. Weird reason rite? hahaa. oh well, price is indeed low and I was thinking, instead of putting her in an expensive centre and all she does is cry, why not put her in somewhere less expensive, let her gain her social and independent skills first then consider putting her in a better school. My girl is very shy and dependent, very anti social. It's high time she improves on that.

In terms of teaching there, I dun think can expect too much from there though.
I have actually paid for the sch fees for the term..maybe will have to change only in another term if it is not up to my standard.
red rose.
Where is the little pals? I heard apple tree is good also?do you know where it is?
Hi Zestlessmummy

Ya, since your gal is only 2 yrs old. let her get used to the environment and socialising and monitor. I think she will definitely learn something from there.

Hi fatmamalove

if i not wrong, little pals is located at blk 505 Jelapang. As for apple tree, some say its good, some say no. it really depends on individual and which centre. you can click the link for more info.
little pals is at the Blk 506, the block behind BLk 504 (which is opposite Greenridge shopping Centre) at Jelapang Road. I've enrolled my girl there. Apple tree is at Bukit Panjang shopping centre.
Ya lor.. that's what I thought too..

Fatmamalove, appletree at BPP will be relocated to bangkit side early next year. So they won't be having any classes till March 08. That's what i was told last week by the lady in Appletree.
Hi Mummies out here,

juz wondering if anyone of you have a tub of Calendular Cream 2oz to sell me? Needed urgently.

do advise if you have it. I can swing over and pick it up fr you.

Hi all,

Happen to chance on this thread. I staying near Phoenix LRT. Any recommendations for playground, enrichment classes or CC nearby? ?
Pls help. Thanks!

I've a tin of Brand New PROMIL GOLD 2 FOLLOW ON FORMULA - 900 G
Selling at $25 (usual price $29)
if you are interested, just pm me
Hi Mamapanda,red rose,
Thanks! Appletree moving, I think I cant enroll him there as my inlaws is bringing him to school..
Maybe will check it out at the little pals since its nearer.
hi mummies,
anyone need ameda valves?
i overstock and now have a few extra pieces.
willing to let go at $6.00 per piece
I've also got a pair of Ameda CUSTOM Breast Flanges (17148) on hand.
Willing to let go at S$20.00
all items bought from

self collect at bukit panjang plaza.
pm me if interested

hi zestlessmummy,

learning ladder only got childcare service?

anyone nows if there's a 2hr playgroup of 18mths baby at bukit panjang area? preferably near gangsa
