Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

Little pals is located at blk 505 and you can choose to let you kid attend daily (m-f) or 3 times weekly (m,w,f). This playgroup only caters for 2-3yo.
my ger is in zookids level, so no parents accompany.
$120 per mth, 1.5hrs(inclusive 0.5hr mandarian), fees include both workbooks.
Hi all,

Chanced upon this thread while surfing.

My daughter used to wheeze too when she was little and we go to My Family Clinic in Choa Chu Kang, Sunshine Place. The 2 docs there are fabulous! Dr Thng and Dr Yun. They both have small children of their own and the med they prescribe is the same as the ones by Singapore Baby and Child. These 2 docs are also very proficient in treating wheezing cases. Now, my girl, coming to 9 does not get wheezing so much already.

Worth checking them out when need arises.
Am afraid it's not. It's at the ulu side of Chua Chu Kang. It's at the end of the road from Palm Gardens. You know after Palm Gardens, there are some shop houses and kopitiams and a small private estate. Continue that road until you come to a cross junction where you will see Sunshine Plaza. The phone no of the clinic is 6767 4566. You can call to take a q no. Saves a lot of time.
i personally perfer non-air environment for our young children. not so much of the worries of higher chance of catching any bug or virus in an enclosed space.

sunshine place is not ulu la =p my mum lives around there. i often visit the bread shop too, their bread is nice.
hihi! so long never come in this thread liao. :p

Rachel, Mamapanda,
you registered your kids for St Joseph Kindy next year? Me too!!! My ger will be in Pre-Nursery next year Jan. Maybe see you all at the orientation sometime in Oct.

By then my #2 would have arrived liao and I'll be on ML! :p
I really like St Joseph cos it's HUGE, everything is neat, clean, new. :p

I oso prefer non-aircon place.

hey! then our kids will have high chance to be classmates, since there will be 2 classes of Pre-N. we will sure each other during the orientation, the only thing is how do we idenitfy one another haha. maybe by looking out for preggie mummy with a little girl?? hee. when is your EDD? it sure is good timing to be on ML and able to send your girl to school personally =)
ya, can be classmates!
Urs going morning session? the 8.30am one? Mine is.
Oh, my EDD is by orientation in Oct...hopefully tummy go down some liao...but haiz, sure got a lot of wt to lose. :p So, yes, u can look for a chubby lady with probably a toddler and a newborn.
I hope they implement compulsory seat belt for busses soon cos i'll likely send my ger by bus.

Where u live? Im at 168 Petir Rd
yes yes, morning session. hopefully my boy can wake up early by then! haha he is been a sleepy head for sometime now and its been kind of sticky when trying to dig him up early in the morning. got to start training him to go to bed early again =S
opt for morning session bcoz i doubt he can tong till early afternoon for his lunch and nap.

oh, i mistaken that you be on ML when school starts in Jan09.

i stay at 629 Senja =)
haha! ya, same...early morning better cos i think my ger will wanna nap soon. Keke! Hope can wean her off her morning nap by then too.
My ger is born in Dec 06, so hor, I think she'll be one of the youngest in Jan 25mos old nia. Aiyoo...sometimes i think she so young go sch i oso sim tia. But wat to do...#2 coming...and better for her to go sch then sit at home la. At least she can learn new things, make new frens etc... I see some of my frens kids at infant care, like learn a lot of things.
ohhh, yes will be one of the youngest. mine was born in Jan06, one of the older ones. by then your girl most prob will take 1 nap daily, mine reduced to 1 nap when he was around 19mths (if i remember correctly =p) my purpose for letting my boy attend Pre-N is more for his social skill and pick up new things. anyway its a 2.5hr session, so i believe our kids will do just fine and have fun. =)
Hi mummies, I'm a Malay PTWM, living in BP too, near the Senja LRT. Mum of a 17mths old and 35 mths boys.

Just enrolled my older boy for pre-nursery at PCF Blk528. Starting in Term 3.

Hope to share tips/ stories with the mummies here.
hi hi,

Anyone know where to get Nan 3 nearby? I couldn't find it anywhere on the shelves now. Not even in NTUC.

But I am also thinking of ordering from a supplier but need to order one carton of 12 tins. Anyone interested to take over 4 tins at $25 ea?
Hi Rachel / Bobianah, how much will be the school fees for pre-nursery in St. Joseph and for how many hrs a day. Do you also know the fees of the nursery class also and how many hours a day? Seems that's the nearest private kindergarten for Bukit Panjang Kids. Have enrolled my gal in PCF for next year but still looking into other options if there is.
hi mummies...

My gal is in N1 at St Jo this year in the earlier session. They have got 2 classess per session, from 8.30 to 11am, and 11.30 am to 1pm (i think). It's around $600 per term, if i remb correctly

She is St Clare's class, under Mdm Oh, and Zhou Lao Shi, and she absolutely loves going to school. Understand the teachers in the other N1 class are very nice too..
for St Joseph, Pre-N (2.5hrs) is $600 per term (10weeks), for Nursery (3.5hrs) is $630 per term. there is school bus transportation via school and bukit panjang.
Thanks Rachel for the info

Just curious as I'm not into the same religion as the church and hope it doesn't offend any mummies here, anyone knows if the school have any prayer session or religious teachings or telling the kids anything about God before / after / during school hours?
i had checked out on the religion part with the school, actually more than 50% of the children there are of different religion. so not to worry =)

not that i know of that there is any prayer session/religious class. the class will concentrate on learning through play. anyway me and a few friends had register in April, will be going for their orenitation in Oct.
Hi gals,

My gal is already 2 years old. Have been wanting to sign her up for some playgroup. But seems like only child care in Bukit Panjang area, till i see the postings recently.

Thinking of signing her up for those 2 -3 days per week.

Is Little pal better or Zoo phonics more highly recommended. would really appreciate ur help.

Thank u
Hi Firefly, don't really know much about zoo phonics though. My gal is currently in Little Pals, I quite like that place. But you have to consider the distance from your place to the playgroup location coz if the playgroup is 2 hours and travelling takes you a while, you may find it quite tiring to send your gal to sch, go back home then in a short while, you will have to make your way back to sch to fetch her.
Hi rachel. Thanks for the info
Shall check out the school with my husband.

One problem that I foresee is going there everyday. Though there is school bus, my gal is timid and a cry baby, doubt she can get use to traveling there on her own esp in the initial months. Hope I can find a good solution to that
You girl is in little pals? What is her name? My girl is also in Little Pals morning session playgroup. This morning when I sent my girl to school, so many new faces around!

btw, there's no subsidy for kindergartens. The subsidy is only for child care. However, if you got more than 1 child, you can use the dunno-what account to pay for part of the school fees (the acct whereby the govt will match whatever you deposit under your child's name.. its part of the baby bonus package..) or was it 100%.. I cant remember so you have to check with the school.

Sorry cant help much with the baby bonus packages since I have only 1 child and all these don't apply to me.
Hi zestlessmum,

thanks for the info. Living near bp so its quite alright with both. Are there still spaces for my little one?
Hi firefly,

Not sure if there are still space for your gal. After the school hols, the number of pupils in the 11.15am session shot up from maybe 6-7 to now 13 or so. Anyway, received a letter yesterday regarding the school. It'll be taking over by Ichiban Montessori starting July. Dunno how will the curriculum like after the new management takes over. Such a sudden change, hope it's for the better.

Hi MamaPanda
My gal is in the later session, 11.15am slot coz when she enrolled, there's no more slot for the earlier session. Surprise they still have so many new faces in the morning this term. Maybe they increase the intake. Heard there's a new teacher there? How is the new teacher? I have not been to the centre for a few days coz i've not been able to walk much due to complication in preg. hehe.. Don't think you'll know my gal as both session students won't meet. Her name's Kendra
How about your gal? What's her name?
Hi Zestlessmummy,

My gal is also in Liitle Pal (11.15am session). Her name is Leticia, She has join in for the new term. I only sign her up for the 3-day programme. Btw, how old is ur gal? The teacher commented that she was quite fierce on the first day of school. I find that the teacher are quite gentle and caring. I also received news that they are taken by Ichiban Montessori and one of the lady giving out the letters say that free tpt and phonics will be included if we sign up for their kindergarten after the playgroup.
My girl is Ariene. She's been in the morning session in Little Pals since Jan this year.

I asked teacher Charlene about the takeover this morning. The teachers were equally surprised and clueless to what will happen next year. However, they were told that for this year, Little Pals will remain unchanged till end of the year.

As for Ichiban Montessori, I've checked the MOE website and found that as of 9 May 2008, only their Choa Chu Kang center is registered with MOE and they don't even have a qualified principal to run the school!

As for the Montessori education, many kindergartens are not registered Montessori kindergartens , ie, self-proclaimed Montessori kindergartens, so you may want to take note of this.

You can search for registered montessori schools in Singapore here :
Hi Firefly,

I think talentplus has abt 2-3 branches in BP. I ever enquired abt the one at BP cc (Pending Rd) b4 enrolling my gal to Little Pal. The person-in-charge told me that the teacher at BP CC is a degree holder, the timing is the same as Little Pal. I have spoken to that teacher before, they have partial montessori lesson which includes pouring and threading, she has show mi some of the pictures of her class doing the activity. I did not consider this place coz i feel that the class size is too big, max is 16 children with 1 teacher and 1 assist teacher. According to the teacher, she will carry out the lesson with the whole class and during worksheet or activity time, she will do it one-to-one with the child on the table. The rest of the children will be playing or free drawing(own choice). I feel that alot of time is wasted in this way therefore i did not sign up even though this is very convenient for my mum to send my gal.

They have intake every month, 1 week break for Mar and Sep, 2 week for June and whole mth for Dec. Jus enrol with the teacher and make payment at the cc will do. $145 per mth, $75 material for half yr & $40 for uniforms, bag and DVD.

There's another one at bangkit but that's a franchise of talentplus, they claimed that they are better than the one at cc but they only take in 8 children. Have to pay even for Jun & dec hols. U try find out from if u r interested to find out more.
Thanks a lot christina for the info. So ur gal still in Little pal, went over the other day and understand that they are in the midst of changing the management. let me know the updates.
Hi Christina, guess we must have bumped onto each other but didn't know each other. Next time if you see a pregnant woman bringing 2 kids (a boy and a gal) that could be me, do say hi

Wow Mamapanda, surprise about the info you gave. Well, I did make enquiry about the nursery/kindergarten class by ichiban too. For some reasons, I'm pretty disappointed. Anyway, the class will be conducted at Blk 631 and the free transport is from/from Blk 505 to Blk631. Went to check out the premise at Blk 631, dun think will enroll my gal there.

Firefly, I did went over to talent plus to find out more as well previously, the one in Senja CC, but in the end I chose Little Pals which I think is a great choice
Yup, the teachers in Little Pals are very nice as what Christina said. Hope it'll stay this way after the take over by Ichiban.
Unfortunately, they have fired every teacher in Little Pals except the Chinese teacher. Its not run by 3 aunties and seriously... I'm not sure if they're really montessori trained as claimed by the new "principal" (which is another auntie). TBH, I don't quite like their faces.. but.. yesterday, my girl seemed happy and liked them so .. nothing to say. Anyway, its still the most convenient no matter what and its still the best choice compared to the others in this area unless I decide to send her to Kinderland which is very far or Amazing Star (who has already stopped the flexi half-day program if I'm correct) so, no choice la..

However, I'll not enrol my girl into the Nursery next year. I've already enrolled her elsewhere in April.
Oh dear, so sad to hear that they have fired the teachers. No wonder it was the chinese teacher who did the screening of the kids yesterday.

Ya, saw in the thread that you've enrolled your gal in St. Joseph rite? Am considering that place also. Worse come to worse if for convenience, it'll be PCF for my gal then.
Hi MamaPanda,

U mean even Charlene was fired too, so sad to hear abt that. I feel comfortable with her taking care of my gal. Now i think i have to source for another place next yr...haiz. I thought i finally found a place for my gal till next year. Guess now have to source another place for again.

Hi Zestlessmummy,

I saw one pregnant lady on the first of school but think that's not u leh coz she is with 2 girls. She was taking photo with her hp inside the classroom, is it you? Btw, i saw also taking taking photos for my girl in the classroom on the first day. Guess will not get to meet u so soon again coz my mum is sending my girl as i m working. If u happen to see a girl going to school with pram, that's my gal..
Hi Christina, hehe. nope, the preg lady with the 2 gals is not me ;P Is your gal settled in school yet? If she is, don't worry about sourcing for new school yet. Let's see if the new teachers are handling the kids well then see if you need to change a school by then.
Hi zestlessmummy,

She already settled, anyway she on 3-days programm only. Ok lor, guess just wait and see how is it, so troublesome to find another school again. So ur gal will be there till end of the yr? Thought of sending her to PCF but she's underage leh.
hi mummies,

do let me know if the new staff are good. Wanted to enrol my gal for the 3 days playgroup but ws told there will be a change. Do keep me updated.

really headache, my gal is already 2yrs and 3 months, really don t know where to send her. looking for a 3 days playgroup.

For next year nursery, any one has any recommendations. I heard we must register this year. is it true?
Hi Firefly,
my gal is in 3 day prog, so far quite ok. She enjoys going to school.

That's right, for next nursery already must register. There's a lot of banner calling for registration, min aga is 30mths at point of entry.
hi bt panjang mummies,
anyone interested in cheese dip & nachos? I am asking a friend to help me order at a cheaper rate. collection would be at senja grand. If u need details, kindly Pm me. thanks.

tots house
I visited that place before I decided to send my girl to Little Pals. IMHO, I thought that place was quite terrible. I'd give it a score of 4/10 overall. Cleaniness wise, fail. Teachers, fail. Environment, fail. Its much cheaper than Little Pals though.

You might want to take a look for yourself. Maybe your criteria is different from mine.
