Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

Hi DD,

Hmm.. not sure if it's solely childcare service. But it is only for children above 24 months. So I don't think it's for your bb if he/she is only 18 month. haha.. the last time i enquire that place was when my gal was 18 months too.. now she's exactly 2 years. wow.. 6 months ago

Hi Mommies...
Seng Siong in ten mile junction having huggies offer at $12.95 per pack. Not sure if the offer is still on or whether anymore stocks left. you can try it out there if any mummies going for huggies. it's for both huggies dry and comfort dry. Got a few packs of L dry and comfort dry yesterday..
yo mummies,
long time never check this thread already... hope everyone's fine..

i have 3 NTUC bonus points to give away, whoever needs n can collect from senja grand, can PM me.

ya agreed, but we can make it active hee...

heard that Seng Siong had lost the bid for ten mile junction and will be taken by another organisation which they intend to build condo.. wow so we wont be able to shop at seng siong anymore...
ya i forgot to add in another good thing abt little pals...hee

they actually give away group photo for all children graduating at yr end with no additional charge..which i suppose is chargable in other centre...hmm overall, i shld say they seldom have hidden cost in the whole yr assessment...
hi happi, i tried a couple around this area and concluded that the PD at kidslink choa chu kang is the best. he is a very soft spoken male doctor who is very detailed in explaining the condition of your sick child to you and after he finish his explanation and consultation, he even ask if you have any questions which i realise not many PDs or doctors bother. they usually just talk and talk and then hand the card and ask you wait outside for medicine.

its that building next to Lot 1 where Gain City is now. this clinic is on level 4 but be prepared to pay specialist price. not cheap.
hallo! Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all!

really??? no more sheng siong?? Change to condo??
But my Gynae is there!!!! arrrggghhhhh!!!
Halo Advance Happy New Year to all too!!!

This is what i heard off, was taken by another organisation but not so soon la, don worry hee..their lease had not expired yet hee..

Oh your Gynae is douglas he is really exp...a super exp one hee..
hi mummies,

anyone have batt operated breast pump to let go or interested to get gainiq or pedisure milk powder ... pls email me at [email protected].

bobianah, im also seeing douglas ong leh.. his charges super exp meh ? didnt Know leh just know that he is v strict on my diet =(
wah...i hope it still has a couple more years to the lease! heehee!

emsam, sunnysun
ya, i go to douglas ong. he's beri good lei, i dun mind paying. And actually, i think his rates are comparable to some of the private gynaes. I heard his rates for delivery package just went up!

aiyoooo, if he move clinic i will cry!! now so convenient!
Bobianah, Sunnysun

How much is your package?? I remember i saw him a few yrs back and found that his charges is really exp, even his medicine is double the price from the gynae i m seeing now.

Now i m seeing this doctor adrian at this CCK, Thomson women clinic, his package is only $550 include vit., urine test and normal blood test and scan is free as well...and when u r not feeling well eg flu or fever, consultation and medicine is free too!! Hmm i think u cant find this is market hee...his delivery package charge at $550 as well..

Oh btw, how many mths r u now?
my ger is 1yo liao. last time my package with Douglas is $1500. This includes delivery as well.

wah, $550 + $550 is very cheap indeed. only $1100? He must be very popular.
But CCK not as convenient for me la...:p
wow emsam, $1100 indeed cheap wor somemore got free medicine .. heard that this clinic have a package for parent who wan to choose the gender of the baby.

Douglas ong charges has increase to $1800 already but becos i go back to him again less then 2 yrs they charges me at the old rate.

hmm tat i m not sure but his clinic is sure very crowded lor...and his package starts once u know u r pregn, don need to wait till the 5th mth. I know some gynae start the package only after the 5th mth rite..but his u can start anytime.

but one thing, nurses are not so kind and not so experience like douglas ong's nurse hee...
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone here also!!
Wishing all of you and your family a blessed year ahead.

hehe.. seems a number of us here patronise Dr Douglas Ong

Hmm.. Ten Mile Junction going to become a condo? I think quite unlikely as LRT station is in Ten Mile Junction itself. But who knows what kinda ideas they might come out. So may seng siong and Dr Douglas Ong's clinic might stay and they might come out with new condo there too.
Happy New Year to all the Mummies! Wishing all a Fruitful 2008!

My gyne is Dr Douglas Ong too
My package was $1500 too, I delivered in Feb 2007. During my time $1,800 is the unlimited 3D scan package. He is a good gyne, always so patient to listen to me and answer my questions.

eunice, are you talking abt Dr Ng at Kidslink? My girl go there for her vacination.
Only heard rumours on the lost of tender and the building of condo but not sure of the outcome yet...ya hopefully sheng siong will stay put lo cos we do our marketing there...

so have anyone did the 3D scan b4?? Is it very clear, i mean, can u see the feotus face very clearly?? wow i tot of doing it, me gg to give birth this coming mar08 (my 2nd bb gal), very anxious on her growth..
yes, the 3d scan is not bad.
but of cos will have some distortion la.
actually, ur gynae shd be able to show u some samples. mine did. :p

my gynae don have 3D scan, if i wan i need to go TMC for it..

hmm,can we see the birthmark if there is any as well??
no lar...cannot see that kind of detail.
it's all in "sepia tone" you can see the face, count fingers etc, but will have some distortion cos of the amniotic fluid i think.
maybe u browse the web? I'm sure u can find some images.
peko, yes, its Dr Ng at kidslink. he is a patient and soft spoken doctor. i recommended some friends there too and they were happy.

wah so many ppl comment Dr Ong is good, maybe wen i have baby #2 i will try him out. my gynae is lee keen whye from gleneagles. he is not bad but cos his clinic is at gleneagles itself, everytime go see him must experience difficult to find parking and pay high parking charges. if got gynae around our area will be more convenient horh?

oic, ya i read some on TMC website and the pic looks so real, so i wonder if can see birthmark or not hee...
Hi Emsam, mine was done on 3D scan. not sure about birthmarks though, coz that wasn't my concern during the pregnancy. But it's sure excited to be able to see clearly the baby's features - face and body and all her limbs.

Yup, Dr Ong is indeed good. My girl is born on 32nd week, delivered by him. During the pregnancy, Dr Ong had already noted I might gave birth early, he gave me some injections that will help support the pregnancy and that would also enable the child's lung to "mature faster". On my 32nd week, i went back to him for my check-up, told him I had "urine leaking" for 1 week (haha. that's what i thought). Immediately he showed concern and doubt it's urine leaking. He's right. It's the leakage of water bag and by then was only half full. That very night he summoned me to hospital. Within 2 days, my gal came out to see the world, premature, underweight, yet very strong. She didn't have any other problems and do not require any help of machines for breathing during her 1 month stay in the NICU I do believe that it was the help of the jabs (very painful jabs) Dr Ong gave during the pregnancy. Now she's 2 years old
My husband and I were very glad to have him as our gynea.
hi mummies...
looks like Dr Ong is very good. My first baby was delivered by Dr Tham at Gleneagles.. also good.
but maybe second one will try Dr Ong, since so near and so many good comments..
hopefully ten mile junction dun get teared down too soon...

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt, in case any one doing spring cleaning and has old magazines, eg. Singapore Women weekly, Simply Her, Her World, etc, to give away, could you pls pm me? I wan to the recipes inside these magazine. Will self collect. Tks in advance.

Yup, i am referring to that CC. Just my personal opinion la. Find the CC very cramp and messy but i haven been to recce many. So far have been to LV at my workplace, very spacious and clean .
hi Milo
My daughter is happily settled down in YMCA childcare in jelapang. Glad that she loves the teachers there
the place a lot cleaner as well. That's something i like a lot. Seedlings patch too messy.

Hi bobianah
I was just reading thru' this past news article from URA. wow.. indeed they are going to have a condo build at ten mile junction. But the plan is to have it above the current building. hehe.. so that means sengsiong and Dr Ong's clinic could still be there. The tender is still ongoing and will close only in April. Let's see who place the highest bid.
hi red.rose. Thanks. But she still cry, dun want to go to CC every morning. but heard from the teachers that the moment we leave her, she'll stop. Fake cry.. hehehe..
hi hi dear BP mommies. anyone send their kids to Childrens Campus??? can share? how old is your darling? thanks thanks. mine is 16mths and considering to send him there at 18mths.
Hi zestlessmummy

guess kids are like that. my colleague's son has been attending cc for 1 yr and behaves like your gal. once parents leave, they will stop crying. sah nai..
as long it is not affecting the kid too much, its ok.
Red Rose,
seems only my girl behaves like that in the cc though. haha.. a friend was just telling me that she put her girl a week ago, just 1mth younger than my gal, into a cc. wow. she's already not crying. different kids are just different. by the way, how old is your kid?

Hi Buttons
where is childrens campus?
ymca cc is just right opposite segar lrt. i dunno much abt the teaching there, cos when i enrolled my girl there, it was almost dec, they have closed their school term. Teaching dun think is very great, but it is not much of an issue to me cos kids will eventually learn what they need to learn. wats more impt for me is the care of the teachers in such young age. makes me feel better knowing my gal is in safe hands. the place is general quite clean compare to a lot of other CC i visited in BP. They will be increasing the cost of the fees this march. not sure after increase how much, before increase, half day should be abt $250 after subsidy. Quite cheap, so cant hiam too much. hehe

ya, diff kids will react differntly. some kids can adapt to environment easily, some will take a longer time. my son will be turning 4 comes July 08.
Hi mummies,

Was surfing around the forum for thread for Bukit panjang mummies and chance upon this thread.. =)

Nice to meet all of you!

I'm a first time mum-to-be.. Staying in Senja

EDD in June 08

Was just wondering whether does anyone here has contact for good nanny around the BP area?

No one to take care of bb after maternity leave.. Mum and MIL working.. So need to find a reliable nanny..

Thanks in advance

And a Happy CNY to all!
Same as Angel Z..I was surfing around & found tis thread..
I'm staying @ Lompang Road..
SAHM giving tuition @ my home..anyone needs tutor can PM me..
hi angel_z...
i jus said hi to u at the jun 08 thread...
good to know u r staying in bp too... me as well. i'm staying at segar... i dun think i am able to help u wif the nanny thingy cos i dunno anyone in bp who is a nanny... i hv a 3yo boy and my mum takes care of him... she stays at senja...
Hi soyabean,

Ya.. jus realised from teragram's list that we staying in the same area..

Me staying in senja

Its ok.. see whether other mummies got input or not..
Anyone has any good infant care around our area to recommend? I am looking for a reliable one to bring my baby to. Now sister in law helping me but sometimes, I get the feeling she's not at all keen in caring for my daughter. Now and then keep asking for leave lah, want to take holiday lah, visit friends la. I want to get full time maid but no mother or mother in law to help watch over.

Anyone leave your babies with your maids while you are at work without anyone to watch over them?
Hi Eunice

My gal was look after by my maid since she was born, and my maid was reallllly good ( i shld say)...but i suggest you monitor your maid for a couple of month b4 leaving your gal with her alone..i had my maid joined me 3mth b4 my gal was born and from there i try to understand her character and we chat like friends and i m glad she really takes good care of my gal...but of cos initially there is fear in me thinking she might had ill treat my gal as u know bb cant talk so even they are beaten up they cant complain but praise god, i had received lots of good comment abt her fm my neighbours and her being when i m not at home and even our family doctor commented tat she is tat really put my heart at i believe so long u made an effort to communicate with them and treat them as ur own family members they will reciprocate ur kindness.

i would like to know if anyone can recommend a good paediatrician in the west side.

Or which paediatric clinic do you usually visit?
