Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?


my boy is still under my mum's care. he is coming to 18 mths. been thinking whether putting him to cc at such a young age is good or bad... haiz

oh, u nv consider to place him in playgroup? u can try little pals, my gal enjoy alot there. Today, they r dressed in diff cartoon character cos its halloween day..i cant imagin the joys in their face.

playgroup is 3hrs daily?

currently he is attending 1.5hrs once a week only. Littlepals is at Bt Panjang as well?
no, its only 2hrs fm mon to fri, its located at jelapang blk 505. r u staying near there? if yes, maybe u can pay a visit there. Its open in the nite too, for those older kids enrichment classes.
u oso want to park boi at CC ah..
ur mum going to throw white towel liao ah??!! keke

i m oso looking 4 1 for next yr.

i shortlisted, the 1 at bp cc and Citikid Edventure cos they are new.

oh this morning i just called kumon bangkit.
very interesting lei. its 1 to 1. then each subject (english or maths) only 30mins. i might give it a try.

i asked if they got longer duration class, they say no lei. unless my ger attend both subject, then will be 1hr lor.
i still prefer to park my ger at enrichmenet center than CC.

i thinking leh.. ah K getting spoilt at my mum place :p still looking ard cos i know alot of good cc have very long waiting list.. ks mah.. so better start early.

the kumon bangkit is cc or enrichment class? i am thinking of either amazing star, kinderland cck or learning vision at my office there.


i am staying at segar. monday i be on leave, heehee can pop by to look see.
I've enrolled my girl into Little Pals for Jan 2008 onwards. I also feel that Little Pals is good. Clean, good curriculum and they even have the OSIM air filter in the classrooms. I went to the Kids Skoolhouse at the Zhenghua RC near Greenridge shopping center (cuz its just next to my block). Totally fail.. classroom dirty and dusty, the curriculum is so-so. There's only 1 teacher (who cant speak proper english) and 1 teacher helper to abt 20 students (or at least 16 cuz the kids were still going into the class when I went there). Then to my horror, one of the boys who was dancing to the music ran around too much and started vomitting in the classroom and I totally freaked out!

Anyway, Little Pals is behind the block opposite greenridge shopping center. Of course, my first choice was still Amazing Star (cuz they're the nearest), if only they still take in flexi but too bad. They stopped taking in flexi. I'm still very happy with Little Pals as they're the only one who can match up to Amazing Star in terms of curriculum & cleaniness even though its slightly further (but still within walking distance).

From an educator point of view, I dont like the Kumon way of teaching. They're the direct opposite of the Montesorri method. Montessori methods focuses on thinking and creativity. Kumon focuses alot on drill and practise. Basically, if u ask a child to sit and do 100 similar math sums everyday, they're sure to improve, but, I feel this kind of teaching does not incorporate much creativity and hence, not suitable for kids below 10. Its good for those studying for O levels though cuz they need the drill and practise.
I'm putting my child in ADELFIBEL Infant and child developement at Blk 435 Panjang Ring Road, been on the waiting list for so long, lucky there's one student withdrawing,so got a chance for my son, if not have to wait till at least Jan 2009, find that it's quite good, teacher is not bad, their curriculum is good oso. Going to bring my son for orientation tomorrow.

1 bad pt is that currently this area is under lift upgrading, thus abit dusty.
Kinderland@CCK center is good but abit on the ex side and far, so not convenient cuz my maid will have to take LRT to fetch my girl at noon-time everyday (cuz I'm going for half-day only). But, if u're intending to put your kid there full day, can consider. They're really good. Just some insider news, according to a report from MOE on CC in 2006, Kinderland ranks #1 in Singapore (yes, above the infamous MM*, P*t's , etc).

I heard good comments abt Kinderland CCK but like u say its rather far from where we are staying. Bangkit would be much better but the turnover rate and admin staff really cannot make it

Seems like alot of good cc are on long waiting list. I better make some effort to start sourcing for one and wait! Haha!

Your girl at Amazing Star now? How u find it?
I gave up being on the queue for half day cuz I have a maid so I don't need a full-day CC. I only wanted my girl to be doing something more constructive than watching Barney and Elmo at home in the mornings so I signed up for Little Pals instead.

Heehee u said out wat i have been thinking.. doing something more constructive than nuahing at hm
hey.. my views oso lor.
send my ger to a school half day to let me mil rest!

u r right! kumon are more drilling kind.
i dun mind drilling for mandarian, which my ger need, cos mil keep complaining she dun u/stand my ger, when she speak in eng. Haiz...

u r a teacher?

kumon is enrichment center.
kinderland is cc lor.

so far i c the best is learning ladder, opp. ten mile junction but very ex lor.
now i very headache. u know ah p is in ZP BT right. we like the school. but if i need mil to bring her to wkdays class meaning she gotto take public bus n wait there. haiz... meaning she cannot do hse work n rest.
but i dun feel like giving up ZP lei.

then if wkdays in half day cc, then no need wkends enrichment class right. then i can enrol ah p in music class instead right.

I saw the music and ballet classes for 3yr old and above at CCK Kinderland and I really liked the classes. I'll probably send my girl for the weekend ballet classes when she turns 3 in 2009. As for music classes, Greenridge SC actually has a music school (Ossia I think) so maybe I'll send her there but I haven't researched on which are the good music schools for yong children yet.

oh, so u will be visiting amazing star on tats good...i was still thinking of visiting it again..cos all i heard is good comment abt them and very diff from wat i saw hee..hmm, will u be making appt with them or will u jus walk in? cos tat day my visit is a sudden one and not pre-arrange. Take a good look at the expression the teacher had on the young kids ok..hee

I was told that they give priority to the full day CC rather den the half day.

Yes, learning ladder is very exp, i think abt 1.2k. but they r both CC and b4 and after school care. So the focus wont be very much on CC, rite?
$350 per term?? I am paying $440 per term fm 11.15am to 1.15pm. and if u wan the earlier session fm 9 am to 11am den it will be $460. This is wat i remember when i enroll my gal but the morn session was fully taken up so i can only enroll her for the noon session.Hmm, maybe u can double confirm with them again.
oh, btw my gal is attending the playgroup and she is only 2yrs old when she enroll early this yr. Not sure if we are on the same track.
ic , thanks for the info. Per term is for how long,3 mths? Thinking of placing my son for some enrichment classes first b4 starting at child care centre next yr. He's 25 mth old currently.
yes but to be exact, its 2.5 mth after deducting those holidays. Little Pals is good, the place is clean and "touch wood", my gal hardly fall sick as compare to my frd whose kids had started attending playground so i suppose its the mnt of tat place.
Hi cud i join u mummies? im staying at blk 179 Lompang rd..

btw any mummies have any idea whether there's a gp or paed in bt panjang area to send my son for his 5 in 1 jab tis sat..would appreciate any suggestions.. pls pm me..thanks
Hi Ju_eezam

i know there is one gp at greenridge shopping centre, "Family Clinic" who do this jab but not sure if tats too far for u or nt.
Acrually I think most GPs have that jab. Just goto the clinic and ask. No need come all way here so far.
Hi All mummies in BP

I will be shifting to my mum's hse in BP next yr.
Eagerly looking ard for sch for my 4 yr old girl.

Have called the PCF sch @ blk 528 Jelapang. They have vacancy. Only problem is I dont stay at BP now. (staying at sengkang now) Have no idea how is the sch.

Any mummies stay ard the area or have heard any comments on it?

Hi Claire

The one at Blk 528 is the best PCF around BP. This is wat i heard of from neighbours. And u can see its the biggest group among BP as well. I had a frd who had purposely transfer her gal to this group as they give more homework as compare to other PCF.

Any comments from other mummies?
Hi emsam

Very happy to see ur comments. Was already panicking as many PCF r full and only managed to find this one. Thought is not good so thats why have vacancy.

Also not familar with BP so thats why alot of worries.
U talking abt the PAP kindergarten at my void deck? I'm staying in Blk 528. I don't quite like the school. Their teacher-student ratio is quite high. I always see the kids playing in the playground with only 1 teacher around and there's about 15-20 kids there. The class size is really too big for my comfort. Don't know abt the other PCFs around though.
I was told the ratio is 1:16. Didnt think much abt it. Shall check with them again if they have another assistant.

Also i didnt know they have outdoor activities. Thought only studying indoor so shd be quite fine.

I shall consider your point. Thanks MamaPanda.
I'm quite sure there's more than 16 kids in the playground from what I saw this morning. Always remember that whatever ratio they give you, its expandable by 2, so their ratio is more likely to be 1:18 instead. They bring the kids out to the playground everyday and frankly, the playground is not very clean. I don't remember seeing them or anyone cleaning the playground before in the last 3 years I've stayed there.
Looks like i need to source ard for other schs. panicking..

Besides the ratio, any comments on the sch cleanliness and the teachers. Do the teachers look professional or just "aunties" type?
I think its best u come down and have a look for yourself. I've never been inside before so I cant comment on the cleaniness. As for teachers, I don't think they have assistants and the teachers are a mix of aunties and young teachers.

Since this is already the best around the region as quoted by emsam, if this doesn't work for you, the rest will be worse, unless you're considering somewhere furher like CCK. Kinderland is good. Clean, good ratio, good curriculum, indoor playground.
Yes MamaPanda. Agreed with u that the best is for me to see personally. guess wld have to take leave one of these days to drop by.

I wld only consider sch ard BP lor due to convenience. I do not have helper and my #3 is going to due in feb 08.
Hi Claire

My boy is currently studying at PCF 528 but he is in the pre-nursery class. Class size about 12 children. There is 1 teacher and 1 asst. However, for nursery class, I am not that sure but am sure the nos. of children will be more. As for my boy's class, perhaps, they are still young, they do not hv outdoor play. Understand from nursery classes and above, there will be 2 outdoor lessons per week.
any comments for metropolitian ymca?

i personally find it not bad. newly renovated last yr, non-aircon.
the place is clean n big. toilet is individual cubicles.
may enrol ger there.

pls pls give me some comments.

i went to pcf 528 today.
hmm.. my hb oso find the class size big.
it seems like a lot of kids lor. then the school is pretty small bah.
anyw, they only left w 1-3pm class.

aiyooo... the smiling star @ bp cc is bad, aircon!!!
the toilet is outside the school, very dangerous lor, cos now under renovation, lots of banga.

then the joke is..............
my hb lost 1 side of his shoes there!!! must be those big students who went there for activities, hide it.

citikids edventure @ fajar rd, not bad, non-aircon.
But the toilet is not those cubicle kind, they just use a curtain n divide it.

But the teacher is fierce! gd! keke

amazing star @ greenridge, aircon, big, not bad
need to make appointment for enquiries. so din ask much.
1 thing tt i dun feel comfortable is got male teacher lei...

Hi Claire

I had spoken to 3 neighbour, yes they do have PE twice a week and PE lesson is at the playground which is handle by only 1 teacher with no assist. but during lesson there is 1 teacher with 1 assist. but that is for K1 & 2 of the parent purposely made a transfer fm blk 412 to 528 as there is nothing being learnt there, eg. no spelling, no homework etc..and now she is very glad that her gal is in this grp, she said tat her gal learn alot eg. this yr alone, they had bought the kids to science centre, dunno which park she mentioned (hee)..aiyo she mentioned a few places...but....i cant recall now sorry..oh ya one more thing, she said that she was told this PAP was top 10 PAP in Spore. Perhaps u can check it out when u visit there personally. Some commented that their kids was encourage in reading as they will bring back story book every mth and there is reading session which motivate them to read...they will visit Shop n Safe supermarket to experience the touch on real fruits n Veg....wat else did i miss out...hmmm,i think i cant recall much...they had been so happily contributing but i m there absorbing wat they say hee...

Anyway, the best is you had to visit and talk to the teachers there yourself.
claire, emsam, hoho3
My neighbour's boys all used to be in the PCF downstairs, the one you are all talking about and she found it crappy. She pulled all her boys out from there and put them in amazing star cuz she felt the boys made no improvements in PCF. On the contrary, she's happy with their progress now - her boys can speak better, more knowledgable in their science and are better in their math. I didn't ask abt Chinese though but I know amazing star's full day CC has mandarin lessons in the afternoon.
Ya, i believe will definitely learn more in amazing star cos ur kid with be there full day and of cos the fees is diff as well.

But rite now, you will be put under waiting list if u wan to enroll ur kid in amazing star.
oh ya, have u heard of CGM at CCK. Their teaching is good, heard tat kids after graduate from their K2 there had good academic achievement in their pri sch life. U can check this out as well, but their enrollment for Yr09 start next Feb-Mar08. I m waiting for my gal turn to get into this sch as well hee.
Hi mummies

Anyone here heard any comments of St. Joseph Church Kindergarten??

I am considering to change my boy to that school.
Hello, I'm staying in Segar. Just gave birth recently. I'm looking for infant care now. Has anyone tried any of the infant care services nearby?
Hmm.. i have a few questions. Someone mentioned tat new life CC is not good or rather no comments on it... why is it not good? sorry i dun get your drift.... i lost that drift somewhere along the way... haha...

Heard someone said Gracefield is good. Can anyone verify? Have went to various CC.. heard from a few that ******** is not bad... in terms of its curriculum and teachers.. but when i was there... i was not really impressed. if u want more details please pm me... the other thing which made me totally take that CC off my list is because of their "open" concept toilets. there is no door for the kids toilet... everyone will just queue up be it boy or girl to wait for their turn to have a go at the toilet bowl. imagine your daughter is peeing there and the rest of the boys there are queing for their turn looking at your daughter pee. I asked the staff there, they told me is for safety purpose.. do not want the child to lock themselves inside the toilets... oh now i got the point.. not agreeing with them that there should not be door.. but finally see the need for other CCs to have low doors. too high for the kids but too low for the teachers... i cannot put my child there... imagine the basic courtesy or audacity is not properly educated... so what if the curriculum there is A1. Imagine your child studying in top school in future and when he /she visits your friends house.. they do not close their door. And when u tell them why you no manners, go toilet dun close door... they tell u... huh all the while i dun close ma since you brought me to the "school". Just my 5 cents worth....
Hi Kan Cheong Parents

Ur draft is really funny..hee, really fun reading hee...btw which CC r u mentioning?? aiyo jus name it la.

i strongly agree with what KanCP had posted!

tts why i think i observe the toilets more then other aspects.
mayb cos mine is a ger ger.

oso i dun quite like to hv male teachers at this stage of their learning. What r the rest of mummies thous?
