Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

difficult leh.. so busy with bb. either to get him to sleep or busy following him where he crawl n climb.

can i ask how much e partime charge? by hr or job done?
would like to join for amosco too
i am thinking..but not sure yet. coz nowadays my boy crawling all over the place, i am too busy to clean n mop the area where he is crawling n touching... maybe u can PM me the no. i discuss with my hubby. thanks.

hi vinconia,
u back again ya?

I've just signed my daughter for the 9-11am playgroup at Little Pals for my girl, starting Jan 2008.

I went around scrutinising all the schools and childcares around our region and I think Little Pals is one of the best, in terms of curriculum, cleaniness, teacher:student ratio and pricing. I had originally wanted to send my girl to Amazing Star but they only want to accept full-day childcare while I only wanted flexi or at most half-day.

Anyone else in here also signing for their toddlers?

me interested ... where is little pals? Me looking everywhere at BP for the 2 hrs class. I have signed my boy for the playgroup at Talentplus (Senja RC) but under waiting list, got to wait till next yr...
may i Know how much the fees?
another school for playgroup that you may wan to consider is PCF Pre-nursery, 2 hrs per day. Fee is $160 per mth.
me n milo up n down neighbours lor.. keke

anyw i found 1, go by hrly. no need agent fee.

urs need agent fee?

Hi reddates

My boy is at Blk 528, there is another one at Blk 620. However, note that the entry requirement is 30 mths. Ratio wise i think quite ok. My boy class has abt 12 children with 1 teacher and 1 asst.

search under "kindergarten" - PCF Littlesteps Programme
i'm also looking for part-time cleaner whereby dun need to commit on weekly or fortnightly basis one leh... coz i'm thinking only do once in a while when we really no time to do housework.

Anyone got lobang for those impromptu hrly rated part time cleaners?
hey hui,

i have a recommadation for part time cleaners at $10 hourly. u can try to call her if she is available. pm me if u wan the number. =)
Hi Pekochan,

I've a dog too. I always groom my dog at DK Pets, the one opp Ten Mile Junction. Weekend grooming cost $45, includes FOC transport (2-ways) if you stay in Bt Panjang area. They give me a card, each grooming session earns you a stamp and the 5th time is free (on wkdays). You can call: 6893 2107 for appt.
Haha i also looking for part-time cleaner. going to die cleaning my hse soon.

I also have a doggy. its a JRT.


Wat breed is urs?
cherylasu, is the groomer good? some groomers are v rough to the dogs.

milo, shih-tzu but he stays wif my parents.he's a family dog. i check wif my p/t maid oredi, she not available on sat. u wan her contact? can keep me inform if u hv spree coming up. thks.
Hi anyone got more recommendations for part time cleaners? I tried to call the part time maid that Sunnysun recommended. But she is fully occupied.

Thanks Sunnysun
little pals take from what age? they hv websit bo?

I oso noticed that Cherie Hearts open a centre at Cashew.

hi mummies
i remember reading in the papers that one PFC in Bukit Panjang area has adopted that special teaching program not found in other PCFs yet...think it's pilot, but apparently going very well...any idea which PCF?
hi mummies,

my son is 14mths and I stay at Blk 166 Gangsa Road!

let me know if you mummies having any activites or playdates okie!
little pals i think no website, bcoz i tried searching for it online...

heard good comments on Cherie Hearts too, but most of their branch are at location that needs car transportation and this mummy here dont know hoow to drive... sianz

A is in half-day right? what is the price? can share more info of little pals, since it is only 2 bus stops away from my place. i am looking at half day playgroup too.
hihi. me oso ftwm, but my ger onli 10mos.
i think there's a childcare centre at ur blk? erm...carpe diem?

i know wat u mean...i hv license, but so long never drive, so can consider dun drive...hey, there is Cherie Hearts at Cashew ley...can walk from bus stop. And there's a Pat schoolhouse affiliate at Almond Crescent too. Can oso walk from bus stop...
you just need to refresh your driving skill can liao. for me is no license, so totally handicup even if being given a car to drive =p

i understand about the bus stop and walking distance, but i also need to consider about the difficulties when comes to rainy days etc. since only want to start my boy with half day 1st..

too bad i dont fancy the cc under my block haha
heehee...aiya, everytime say i'll go take refresher course, but everytime find excuse.
wats the cc under ur blk?
ya lah, i know wat u mean...if rain very mah fun lor.

milo's located along the bus 700 almond crescent...think it's children's campus or something. they call themselves associates of pats schoolhse
u travelling with bb in winter ah? saw ur thread.
btw, i took my ger to Oz in winter too...when she was just 5 mos. Surprisingly, she was very good...i think as long as u dress bb warm (i had 3 layers! rompers, long sleeved shirt, jacket. 2 layers of pants) shd be okay. And keep away from windy places. When it's windy, I hug bb close to my body and use jacket/wrap to wrap around us. The wind makes a lot of difference. I let my ger wear mittens, fleece hat and feet with socks n shoes. Keep the length of time spent outdoors short, then go indoors for warmth once in a while. Just make sure the hands n feet are warm.
Also, MOISTURISE!!! my bb's face really dry up cos of the weather, but healed very fast too la.
Hi mummies

can anyone comment on amazing star mont.? I truly need advise on this cos am looking for CC for my gal. thks
you mean the one located @ greenridge?

if is yes, i can tell you i had heard lots of good comments on amazing star. have a friend who has her 5 YO boy there for full day cc, she and her boy likes it there alot. wanted to put my boy for half day cc but they dont really entertain half day, unless there is someone else who will take up the other half of the day. their waiting list is very long too.
Hi Rachel

Yes, the one at greenridge. Infact I visited the centre few days back and it was lesson time. However, i saw this malay lady teaching a group of pre-nursery children in circle sitting, teaching them how to prononuce alphabet. She looks fierce! and the children was made to stand if they cant prononuce. I am not sure whether is it healthy to do tat to a 3yrs old kids.
i tot amazing star is good. My neighbour sends all her 3 boys there and she very happy with them. I've been inside to take a look before also and I must say, if cleaniness is one of the factors u look out for, its the cleanest u can find around this region, unless u're thinking of Kinderland @ CCK center. Curriculum wise, I think their programme is good too. The rest of the CCs at void decks I checked around in BP really fail in terms of curriculum & cleaniness and I've visited almost 90% of the CCs around here. The 3rd that I think can consider is the one inside cashew heights condo (cant remem name). That one is non-aircon so priced very reasonably, curriculum is good (I was looking at the art pieces done by the kids, and 1 group of K1 kids learning how to bake muffins) and environment is good. BTW, this CC has quite a few caucasian kids cuz its in a condo. Only thing I didn't quite like was the playground cuz its outdoors and so, not as ideal as the indoor ones but my girl loves the swing. Anyway, the only reason why I didn't send my girl there is because its too far from my place as I live at Jelapang. Not convenient for me to go there. But if u stay at Pending or nearer, you can consider.

BTW amazing star is very pack and gotta put yourself in the queue for a place.
Oh, perhaps i should let her try, maybe its not as bad as what i initially tot. I guess i am jus too shock to see kids being made to stand, seem so poor thing...cant imagine if tat is my gal. Yes, i agree that the place is clean and i guess the curriculum is not bad as compare to newlife CC which i visited on the same day. Hmm, really headache.
what about similing star at BP CC, i know they have renovated and had moved to the 3rd flr.
and Citikida Edventure, this 1 is near to Fajar.

Any comments for these 2?

anyone send their kids to seedlings patch at fajar? Any comments?

And YMCA at jelapang? Any comments?

Thinking of sending my 25mths old son to either one in next jan'08

Btw, did your neighbour see any improvement in her kids? eg, their speech and knowledge? Yes, i look at cleaniness and teaching as well. Hope my gal can benefit from day to day learning cos i know some CC don really focus on teaching cos their main focus is only childcare which is to take care of kids tats all.
reddates, hoho3
I only went to the CCs listed in a search I did in MCYS website. YMCA, Citikida Edventure and Smiling star were not in my list so I didn't go to those 2. Are they new? Cuz I did the hunting early this year.

I did goto newlife CC though. Hmm.. no comments.. if u get my drift..

My neighbour commented her boys improved in their speech, mathematics, chinese and english. However, one thing she didn't like abt Amazing star was they feed chicken to the kids everyday and chicken makes her sons cough. So, she made a complaint to them and asked them to feed her sons fish, so her sons stopped coughing.
Actly my gal is at little pals, abit sad to withdraw her. I should say overall this playgroup is good. Teachers are well spoken and the place is tidy and clean. But my 2nd one is arriving next mar, am quite worry my maid cant handle both, so need to send my gal to CC. Very headache as i m really not sure if this is a good decision to made.

Haha ya lor.. but we have changed the travelling dates to March, hopefully slightly better than Feb.

For the socks, need to be special type or normal one will do? Abit worried the outdoor - cold, indoor - hot will cause him to be sick leh... Guess its for me to find out :p

Got more info share with me hor

What age is appropriate to send them to cc?

My neighbour's boy is also in amazing star. Heard quite a no of good feedback abt the cc.

I have been to the one at Fajar. Dun really like what i see.. Not very clean lor. Feedback abt Kinderland at Bangkit was bad.

Sigh... headache ah
