Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font> - lucky you check her bags. You made the right decision. Guess for all maids that we sending back, it's better to check their bags cos dunno what things they "steal" from us lor. haiz... but some of them also smart lah. Before we can check, they already "give-away / exchange" our stuffs with other maids when we not home to supervise them.

it's my BIL whose style is to "thumb down" the maid...hehs...not Joy747. kekeke....

yah, i agree with you. degrading leh. I hear or see already, also feel pai seh. nvm...just have to teach my gal the right values.

my maid from Phil - Pangansinan. Her 'dancing' is like this: think tribal dance...round the campfire. bounce bounce bounce quite vigourously one (but looked quite funny also). I used to slow dance with my gal to rock her to sleep...then I got tired. haha. But not the bouncy/jerky dance. hahaha...

Lucky thing u checked her bags. Anyway, she's out of ur home good thing lah.

re black magic, my fren's Phil maid told her that her mother (maid's mother) back in the PHil knows how to do black magic. Think the maid was trying to scare her. And that maid is a christian some more. My fren's a Catholic. So anyway, my fren's priest visits them regularly, and each time he visits, my fren notices that the maid's face will be black black. My fren's a SAHM, so also easier to keep an eye on her maid lah.

Makes me wonder, should we occassionally check their belongings then? By the time we check when they leave, will it be too late?
I was thinking of letting my this new maid call home next friday (her son's 3rd birthday). I thought, it would be a nice gesture lah (yah...even though she has been blur blur with my stuff...). As a mother myself, I think I will miss my kid a lot on her birthday...esp only 3 years old. So thought, ok lorh. let her call home on the birthday. What do you ladies think?
<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
Oh.... hahahhah.. too many post to catch up till blur liaoz. *lol* Yeeks! Your tat friend's maid face will be black-black as in unhappy the priest visit her?? Would suggest your friend check her things regularly then. My mom always tells me not to leave our hairs in the bathroom. She says black magic like to use hairs and pictures. On top of this, must never let the maid know your full name, birthday and time of birth.

As for your maid calling back... I tink it's a good idea. Sometimes as bosses we gotta be sympathetic to them. Some maids will appreciate and work harder. Maybe you can buy her calling card... tell her that you buy out of goodwill only and not to always expect it. Then see if she appreciates it. If yes... next time like x'mas can buy again. But if she takes it for granted, then dun buy anymore.
Dymples - Yes, very impt to check their bags ourselves b4 we tell them to pack.. or even b4 we let them noe we r sending them bak, so they do not haf the chance to hide more..

CSI Fan, Ya.. am relief she's out of my hse liao.. tink she seriously lack of love.. juz took some paper she wrote as her diary for my colliq to read.. all abt the same tat she love her hb n miz home n tat no one love her, etc.. scary..

As for ur new maid, i tink ok to let her call back.. but mayb limit her to hw long the call shld last? coz like my tis maid ah.. when she cry.. she forgot she can't tok so long, n will go on n on n on..

my dog juz chew up my skirt this morning. partly due to the way my maid hangs the skirt. she has been repeatly reminded that she shld not leave the skirt hanging too low but she refuse to heed advise.

for such cases, what will u do to the maid? will u ask her to compensate?
true true...will tell my fren that.

Yup, you have a calling card for her and see if she appreciates. But have to let her know not to expect it always. True...

ooh...yah horh. Sekali cry, then forgot and go on and on. You have a point there too...ok, shall think about that.

ah bie,
a bit difficult to ask the maid to compensate leh. coz under the law, we cannot ask them to compensate if they damage our stuff (it's the law right?). Where does she hang her clothes? Maybe can tell her to hang HER clothes at the lower level/area, and you take the other areas...think like that, she sure will remember not to hang too low liaoz. hehs...
CSI Fan,
ya lor.. but den, mayb u like to tell her b4hand tat u giving her call, but wat is expected of her after tat call or watever lah, lay down some rules as to hw long the call is n dun expect u to let her call hm so often thereafter...
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Lucky you send that maid back... cos if she can write those things in her diary... scary leh... cos she may just go bonkers anytime.

<font color="aa00aa">Ah Bie</font>,
For me I won't ask the maid to compensate cos it's against the the law to make the maid compensate for such things. I would tell her off really angrily and firmly... but not shouting at her. Tell her that such mistake is not acceptable cos you have reminded her countless time. Then threaten her if next time she dun follow instructions, you will remove her priviledge, for example, no off-day that month.
csi &amp; dymples,

errr.. i browse thur MOM's website early on but didnt see any rules that cover this. saw the part on not allowed to deduct their medical expenses etc.

do u hv the link to the article that states this?
Hi Ah Bie,

You can refer to the link below...
ya lor.. she like a bit siao siao.. all abt love n say time pass by so slowly, hw to last 2 yrs etc.. i hear my colliq read liao can laugh n feel relief at the same time lor.. imagine if she c me n hb lovey dovey.. she go crazy.. i worst right.. so its really LUCKY LUCKY me..
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the enquiries on my transfer maid. She's now been confirmed with a new employer.

One question, are we suppose to still pay our maid during their home leave? Is that suppose to be their paid or unpaid leave?

Tamarind, you're right that MOM doesnt require exit visa for maids on home leave. But for philippino maids they need to get exit pass because of philippines law. I called the embassy and they said need to apply for exit pass. And you can only do it thru accredited agency which charges $240-300!! it's ridiculous! I asked the embassy, if Singapore doesnt need your national to have a pass to go in and out of SG, why must you impose it? And its almost $300 which is a lot of money for some!! It's no wonder a lot of employers are reluctant to give maids home leave. Anyways, to cut long story short, I think the Philippines Embassy is crap. It's almost extortion. But nothing I can do about it.
my ex maid is fron ilo ilo. I was told that maids from Ilo Ilo are ok. But then....not my ex maid lorh. She was with me for 4 mths only. I started to search for new maid when she was with me for 2 mths plus. So I guess she's the black sheep ba...hehs...
<font color="aa00aa">Ah Bie</font>,
No worries...

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
I'm back liaoz... went out juz now to run errands. hehehehh...

<font color="aa00aa">Twiggy</font>,
OMG!! That's really extortion man. Guess it's another of their policy to extract more $$$ from "wealthy s'poreans" lah. *aarrgghh*
No wonder lesser and lesser people are keen to hire maids from Phili. Getting more restrictions on us employers. *hmmp*!!
looking for me again?? Went to the zoo with my boy today. Didn't take my maid. I think she happy stay at home and shake leg. but then I happier she's not out with me. Then I can spend $$ freely. I dun like to bring my maid out with me if I just want to go jalan jalan or take my boy out to all these places. Dun want her to think we v rich lor.

my experience with my #1 maid is like this:

let her call home soon aft she started with us cos she said it was her 7yo son's bday. She talked and talked and talked. In one night finished the entire calling card worth $10 (=50mins of talk time!). Aft that kept on asking for calling card every fortnight.

my #2 maid, totally never let her use phone at all. Why? cos 1st day she come she asked if she can have hp liao! Haven't even started doing any work (yes very literally. just unpack her things in the room and came out to ask!). Few days later took my MIL's hp w/o permission. So wary of her and dun let her use at all.

#3 maid -- proved to be very proactive, positive and very zi dong in the first 2 weeks. I took out her hp myself and told her to contact her family when the news reported that her hometown (ilo ilo) got badly hit by typhoon.

aft that, she's never really asked to use her hp.

i think it really depends on the maid's attitude lor. and really is a gamble. Have to be firm abt the limits.

got. my previous agent. But i won't recommend. cos their maids' quality not so good.

Thanks. Friend recommend me arthur agency but find the rates is on the high side and all her maids are from ilo ilo and he gives good service.
<font color="aa00aa">Nellu</font>,
Wah seh... after reading your experience with your first 2 maids, it makes me feel angry. Why do they tink that we are supposed to supplement them with calling card? You give out of goodwill but they expect more. Worse is your 2nd fili maid. Can ask straight out for use of HP. Somemore dare to take your MIL's HP wz out permission. Terrible!!

I feel that maids nowadays tink they can take us emplyers for "free ride". They tink we stupid meh. Just becos we need their assistance with housework does not make them so indispensable that they can demand so much things from us. Frankly, I'm tired of being "held hostage" by such incorrigle maids. That's why I totally agree with Tamarind's blog... dun like the maid... change her!!
my agent is from BestHome. Previous maid and current maid from BestHome. For BestHome, if the maid request for off days, agent will tell us. Then we "counter offer" no off days, then agent will check with the maids, and if maids agree, then agent will manually write in the contract "compensate $20 for no off day" and counter sign.

For my #1 maid, she wanted off day (ex-SIN mah), but we told her cannot for at least the 1st year. She said ok. So agent did paper work etc for her to come over. Then, end up show us attitude etc and stole things.

nellu, Ok, thanks for sharing your experiences with your maids. True...have to be firm about the limits.

The past 2 days, my gal didn't finish her milk at her 7.30pm feed. Then of course, I got frustrated lorh. My this maid got scared. hahaha. Yesterday, she kept apologising to me. She told me she blames herself that my gal does not nap and does not finish her feed. She feels shy (think she meant to say she feels pai seh) to hb and I, that this is happening. She even told me she feels it's an insult to herself, coz she has a 3 y.o. son, but yet cannot handle my 10-mth old gal. She's afraid that hb and I blame her. Then she tells me "please, I really need this work, ma'am". Think she got really scared we might send her back. hehs...

hb was telling me, wah, she can even use the word "insult to herself", while we would want to believe her, we have to discount what she says case she's just acting so that we wun keep such tight tabs on her, kinda thing. Not that we's just that we're more kan cheong over baby's things lorh, esp since she's new. better to err on the side of caution.
celtricia, oui oui, I m here, mia for 2 days coz high fever agn coupled wiz sudden rise of blood pressure. why, maid threw away hb’s dessert n tat is small mttr, *dropped hb blackberry into d sink whch is full of water* … shoes swimming in long bath, washing water heater wiz hot water &amp; etc. etc, prev hiao fili n siao ting tong, all hv tkn its tolled on me. Hb’s ctcs/datas all not saved in d sim card, so now all ctcs/datas all gone!

yr photo, o my o my, lucki u chck d maid’s bag, kaoz, u packed her out fm yr home, dun b sian waiting for datas for new maids, maidless means freedom, stressfree, most of all no sudden dangers … no spoiling of things!

may, yes reltv agt reali too much, now I underst why her hb (sch teacher) divorced her to marry anot woman, why her dd’s hb walked out on her dd &amp; kid for anot woman, why my bil/sil despised her (she went away for 2 wks hols n asked bil wht can park her own maid at their home, bil agreed – they hv their own maid but @ d end of d parking, she chgd bil for 2 wks of her maid sal + 2 wks of levy).

Not onli indo wl do such black magic okie, my prev hiao fili tk my fmly photo n folded them n hid under her bed (below d heavy mattress), hb found out aft we packed her out of d hse. I chckd wiz my fili frenz n apparently it was a kind of fili black magic tat wl mk us can not see thru her mistakes/wrong doings. luckilly God is Great!

dymples, yday, told maid at 9 plus no nn to prepare anything in d morn for my dd lunch coz I wl ck myself d jap green noodles/sauce when I wk up, she said okie okie, she underst n @ 11 plus when I was zzzz, she knocked on my door to ask me what she nn to cut/prepare for my dd lunch, argghhh?????? I tk d opportunity to lecture her on d adult responsb. method u tot me n on my hb’s blackberry!!! her excuses – home sick of her kids! can u imagine tat home sick until dropped hb blackberry into d sink which is full of water!

dymples/celtricia – u c me stressed until sudden high bp, so u two pregn, tk care not to let maids stressed u okie. me enjoyed d 5 yrs of hvg a gd fili maid tat all these maids reali hv mk me so stressed up lor.

cSI Fan, d dancing haha, my 1st fili fm pangansinan oso danced/jumped my kids lk tat but not so vigorously lk yrs la to zzz last time haha but my kids seems to lk tat lor … Anyw, u chck yr maid salary for no off day start fm 1st mth or 7mth liao bo? My prev hiao fili oso fm ilo ilo, u grad (teacher in fili), do black magic, hiao (prost herself to bangla/chinese men), tot on hp day/night wiz men, stole hb’s $$/clothes/stuff, washed my Motorola walkie talkie arghhh????, can do nuts, can not even speak proper engl … lots of other nonsense, so tat mk it not onli yr ex maid fm ilo ilo d onli black sheep lor.
Morning ladies!!

Dymples.. u so late.. hehe.. coz normally i won't go online when at hm, will b bz wif my kids.. but last night coz my ger at MIL hse.. so we went to JB after picking up my son.. hahaha.. i really find no maid ard, its so less frustrating n less irritating..wan to go out, juz go out, no nid bother abt maid's well being.. LoL..

nellu, ya lor.. lookin for my kakis in here leh.. but seems like u ppl all not free.. except me.. sob.. wah.. so nice.. bring son to zoo.. gd lah.. weekday, not tat crowded.. ya.. i also dun like to bring maid to such plcs.. they will tink tat they here for holiday..

CSI Fan, seems like ur tis maid super worried abt her job here.. but ya.. dun b to lenient on her.. in time to come, some patterns might b out.. heehee.. sigh.. tis maids.. we seems to haf to aws b caution of them.. n discount off the goodness of wat they said..
Kanna sai.. Oh my Oh my.. r u ok? fever again?poor u.. ur tis maid superb leh.. haven't 1 mth yet right? so fast all pattern out liao ah.. den hw? intend to change? tink ur hb muz haf b extremely angry, since all contacts gone.. am sure mine hb will flare up lor.. wah ur tis reltv agent so jialat ah.. no wonder lah.. so u now noe liao.. dun go bak to her anymore..
ya.. nw no maid i feel so free n relax.. juz the choosing of maid is a headache.. coz of some family arrangement.. tink i nid to get a maid soon.. if not i duno hw long my mum can last wif the 2 kids over at her plc for 5 days straight n my MIL not too well to have my ger go over for 3D2N stay.. sigh..
<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
heheh... oic. yah.. when I was working also seldom got time to log-in. But now SAHM too much 'free' time on hand liaoz. *lol* Wah... so lucky. Go JB yah... my DH never likes to go there. He said so dangerous... not worth the risk just for cheap food and shopping.
Agreed. Without maid feel like more freedom hor. No need to worry when you go home what 'surprises' they got in store.

<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Aiyoh... poor thing. Can totally understand your frustrations. Wah kaoz!! Your that maid har... *aarrgghh* Just becos she home sick do all these nonsense??!! Especially dropping your DH's blackberry into the sink!! She wants to be send back issit? How now? What you intend to do?

<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
Your this maid seems not bad... as least she's scared of you now. But agree that you must not relax and be lenient with her. Cos once we relax, they straightaway climb on our heads liaoz. Some also berry smart to act 'scared-scared' one. See how she progresses after some time. Hopefully she proves to be a good helper.
celtricia, me still a bit sick la but stay @ home, i more sian, so i come to wk lor but i super down &amp; super heart pain now, hb nvr scold or flare up or say a sgl word, he sms me @ my wk, place, I c liao, i immediately high fvr n doctor said my bp veri high (nvr bef hor), hb juz super sian, mb no time liao coz hb nn to report for wk then, now he still o/seas, nvr come home yet.

maid abt a mth liao but stil super blur, super slow, super dreaming, super forgetful (alw forgot to bring my kids’ art bags to d pt tat I used string to tie d art bags to d sch bag, oso she can untie d string n lv d art bags (dd &amp; son) on d bench), super stxxxd. she not tat bad but dunno why she super dreaming, slow, super blur, super forgetful, super messy! in addition hor, reltv agt oso split biz wiz her partner in d maid agt … partner oso can not stand her kaoz!

hehe, went to JB, yum yum, seafood, no nn to rush to get another maid lor, slowli choose one tat is suitable rather than tk substd one, then got to pack her out of d hse agn ma. why dun u try to send yr son to full day cc, @ least tat wl be easier for yr mum. me wl not tk any more maid if tis one dun wk out agn.

dymples, wl not chg her la, chance aft chance haiz renz lor. Aft all, my prev hiao fili washed my walkie talkies, i oso renz ... when i asked her why she washed, she said dirty, so i asked her then, yr hp dirty, do u wash? her answ then was ‘tat is my hp, of course I wl not’, so u mean things tat is not yrs u dun care lor. d siao ting tong eat lk 7th mth, tis one everyday threw away food, so wasteful, some more can threw away hb’s freshly uneaten dessert placed on d dining tbl! Most is dropped hb blackberry into d sink, arghhhh! how is yr indo maid so far? in gen, indo or fili, lk teaching d cow to sing lk one of d mummies said, it depends on each indiv/maid character n our luck. thr r lots of good indo maids too, it juz depends on our luck lor. thr r fili tat can not be tot too juz lk my prev hiao fili n mb my current one too kaoz!

csi fan, @ least, it shows yr maid wl try her best to do her wk since she reali nn d job so much lor, however, juz believe wat maids said 50% onli la.
Dymples.. sorry for my short term memory.. ur tis pregnancy is #? i tink even if i SAHM, i won't haf much time to login too.. hahaha.. Ooo.. my DH say, last time also the same its juz tat they dun report on the happenings of theft etc.. so once in a while go in is ok.. we went in for massage, car wash n supper.. wif another fren.. so its ok lah..
wYa lor.. no 'surprises' n no nid hide in rm.. hahah.. so nice n carefree nw..
oh yah, kannasai,
sorry sorry...forgot to tell you. Pai seh. The salary with no off day start from the 1st month.

you sick? poor thing...must rest well. Not worth ruining our own health due to these pple...
kanna sai, aiyoz.. poor thing leh u.. sigh.. hugz.. u beta rest well.. tink u can rest beta at wrk den at hm issit.. totally understandable..
my son nw refuse to go sch at all.. have juz withdraw him out of playgrp end of sept.. but haf enrolled him in full day cc starting in nov, right after our holiday.. so hopefully it'll wrk lor..
csi fan, tq tq for yr info, dunno why i lk tat, guess coz of hvg a good fili maid of 5 yrs n when she retired, d chg of maids n their nonsense hv tkn its toll on me lor.

celtricia, haha u r rite, i rest beta @ wk den @ home, d qualiti of maids nowadays r juz down d drain, actuali not onli d maid is important, choosing/using d right agent is much more important! yr son wl slowli b able to adapt to cc, we juz hv to b firm, my dd initialli last time s/times dun wan to go cc, i told her, u dun want to go cc ha, u stay @ home alone lor coz d maid tdy got to go here &amp; thr, so u eat whatever u want hor but den when got strangers/bad ppl come, u no nn to b afraid hor, juz hid upst n dun ever come down hor but i dunno wht they can climb up fm d window hor, if got bee come hor, no nn to be afraid oso hor, juz stay still hor .... haha hear lk tat liao, immed wan to go cc liao haha.
Kanna sai.. it really depends, sometimes bad agents also got gd quality maid leh.. '
no lah.. scaring him also no use one.. n i c him cry till so cham i also heart pain.. haiz.. he has been ok to go sch leh.. until the 1 week sept break.. den following tat 1 week break he kena high fever so another week din go sch.. thereafter.. dun wan go liao..
<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Aiyoh... your maid really super blur and slow lah. 'pei-fu' you still got the patience to tahan all her nonsense. If it's me, OUT she goes liaoz. Me cannot tahan 'stupid' maids one. Guess your DH dun want to talk so much cos really 'pek-chek' liaoz? Let him cool down first yah. If my maid also 'drowned' my iphone and lost all my contacts and data, I would scream 'bloody murder' lor.

Luckily this current Indon maid so far still ok. Where certain areas of cleaning or cooking are not to my standard, I will tell her firmly and she will take note lah. Even my gals like her and now I 'feel safe' for her to take of my gals in the morning and prepare them for CC whilst I snooze abit longer.

<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
No worries babe... me expecting no.3 now. Already 33-weeks liaoz. Cos my first 2 came out at 37 weeks, gynae told me to prepare for early delivery for this gal too. hehehhe... I'm SAHM but able to login often cos both my older gals go to full day CC and maid takes care of housework. Now me juz concentrating on resting. heheh...

But then last 3-weeks was horrendous for me lor. First... was the changing of maids. Then the training. After that both my gals were down with HFMD! Wanna faintz with both of them screaming, yelling and whining at home. Few days later, DH also down with HFMD. Finally this monday only all go back to work and CC. Had hard time convincing my no.2 to go back CC siah. She keep crying buckets every morning. But I gotta be firm and leave her there or liaoz.... no end lor.
CSI_Fan, yes better to err on the side of caution. but at least ur maid treasures her job.. so I think she wont be dat bad.. unless another actress.

Alamak, **hugs** get well soon. Must be very hard on u, got to oversee everything when hb not in sg. Ur agent really too much where got park her maid at ppl's home dan charge ppl $$... ur bil shd charge her for maid lodging and food. Same here.. getting very scare of the maid changing.. esp for me duno why.. each maid that came is worse than the one before.

Celtricia, my son oso.. after a break its always very hard to get him to go cc. very heartpain. Now my bb oso started cc. Haiz.. no choice.. better dan put him at home and risk abuse from maid. Maybe for the new cc, u try follow him for the 1st few days... slowly..

Dymples, envy!!! ya for children sometimes really got to harden the heart and leave them in cc. but heart pain to see them crying.

So sorry to hear that you are so sick, no wonder never see your reoly...speedy recovery...

So, looks like filipino maid can also be quite jialet..that makes me think twice getting one.

Best thing in life is to be maidfree if we can manage the household ourselves....
Ooo.. so now u got 3 girls? hw old r ur two older gals.. so nice.. can concentrate to rest at hm.. me also wan.. heh..
wonder y all troublesome things aws happen together, make us more irritated n pek chek.. glad its all over for u now liao..

May, ur bb also started cc? hw old is he? infant care ah? ya lor.. i took leave to go wif him to the cc.. n hope all will go well.. coz after a mth my girl will also join him in the cc.. den it will b better for me n mum.. heh..
<font color="aa00aa">May</font>,
Dun envy lah... cos hub is sole income earner, we gotta watch our expenditure very very closely lor. No more eating out when we feel like it... and gotta cut back considerably on our spending, especially on 'luxury' items. hehehehe... me love collecting Hello Kitty... but now wanna spend on hello kitty stuffs gotta get hub's permission first. Haiz...

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
My no.1 is coming 6-yrs in November, so next year going to P1. Then no. 2 is already 4, next year will be in K1. When I look at them, I wonder how quickly time flies. Feels only like yesterday that I was bringing this helpless newborn home. hehheeh... How about you? How old are your children?

Yah lor... all the troublesome things happen at once. I told hub lucky I not working lah. Cos I was in the hospitality industry (sales). Whre got luxury to take 3-weeks leave like this? If working and take so long 'urgent' leave sure to kena 'fried cuttlefish' liaoz. Not to mention sure to get incessant calls from office and clients.
May and celtricia,
so both of you decided to give up maid and go cc for the babies? Jia you, the kids will adapt to it well within a few weeks.
My son in cc for 6 weeks liao is quite okie now.
Celtricia, sorry.. my bb is 2yo… :p Cos he still very small size like bb. used to calling him a bb. For my bb (ops) its easier cos his big bro aldy in the same cc. And big bro kept a lookout for him. This is the 4th day, **touch wood** so far so good.

Dymples, haha.. get permission only. Nvm .. most impt still can buy..hahah…

Ivy, I still haven really confirm to go maidless cos really tiring as hb doesn’t do any housework at all. But really enjoy the days w/o maid.. feels much much safer… no need to suspect tis or dat..
Kanna sai,
WALAO EH! I'll kill your maid with my bare hands leh! Dropped the blackberry into the water!!!

If I were you I will sack her IMMEDIATELY!

aiyo, you'd better take care leh...keep getting fever hor?...

All my maids also like to put up this kind of act. I've never once taken them seriously. Cos when they say things like that to me I'll tell them "Oh really? Then you should know what to do to buck up!" Luckily my current maid not so like that. The previous two, esp #2, everytime some minor mistake (also very often!) will put up this kind of stupid cry crocodile tears drama. Now I immuned liao. I just walk away.

and hor, better tell your maid to stop her nonsense dancing lah. Tell her firmly and str in the face. not good for baby leh! I also told my maid off sometimes cos she got no sense one. like told her before dun play so wildly with my boy near dinnertime/nap time cos will over stimulate him then he cannot wind down properly. She also like stupid. Then when ask her to jaga my boy when not near nap/sleep time (means can play noisier things), she go and do quiet activities with him...aiyo can die lah sometimes, no wonder my boy sometimes bo chap her!

hehe..good what if free. when i was working, i got more time to be at the comp and do my own things. As sahm, where got this kind of time? One min must jaga the boy, the other must jaga the maid! piangz...tiring man!

i think your boy 'forgot' abt school liao cos of the break lah..

yes ph maids also very terok one. like my #2 one, worst PH maid I've ever seen in my entire life. can't speak proper english, dunno how to do certain things, but make absolutely no effort to learn. only want easy life!
Dymples.. wow! ur kids all grown up liao.. tat's nice.. den hw come only haf #3 nw? my kids ah.. #1 coming to 3 yrs in nov, n #2 is 16mths now..

Ooo.. hospitality industry ah.. not bad leh.. so will u still b gg bak to wrk after #3 is out or wat?

Ivy.. no lah.. i can't go maidless.. coz i still got #3 mah.. dun intend to put her in infant care.. coz none tat's near my plc tat's gd.. will still haf maid.. n like May my hb also dun really help in hsewrk.. so i really nid a maid to help lor.. n both my kids still young.. i will go bonkers during weekends if i got no maid.. heh..

May.. Oh.. ur bb is 2yo liao ah.. hahah.. its ok.. to us.. our kids is aws babies.. haha.. no matter at wat age..
ic ic.. tat's my intention too.. to haf both in same cc easier.. plus the fact tat my son quite protective over his sis.. so shld b ok.. heh..
nellu, ya lor.. true.. i agree wif u.. if sahm, also no time to b at pc n do own tings.. hahaha..

as for sch. no leh.. when he had fever, he was still askin to go sch.. but once he is well n bak to sch.. 3rd day refuse to go bak liao.. ask him y.. he say he dun wan teacher dun wan frens.. sigh.. n wan follow my mum go mkt.. pengz...
my hb also dun do hsework at all and he travels weekend part time maid lo. My boy is 2 plus now..already book infant care slot in the same cc for #2 coming...

wah, you have 3, then abit more siong...maybe get a nanny for the infant while the elder 2 go cc? Then weekend plan to nua at parents house?
Ivy, yes will haf 3 kids by feb nxt yr liao.. so imagine the noise n headaches.. hahah.. i can't engage a nanny as my mum still haf yet to decide if she wants to look after #3, as my #2 scares the hell out of her, coz #2 is nottier n more demanding.. but if #3 is beta, she will consider lah.. but i will still nid a maid wif the hsewrk n lighten my mum's wrk load lor.. weekend usually nua at grandma's plc.. but even so.. when they decide to go playground or wat.. i muz haf someone to watch over too.. so a bit hard lah..
may, tq for yr hugs, feel bttr hehe, u oso scared of chg maids, yes chg n chg oso d same, sian lor, so further renz until now super sick haiz. tat was what bil said he hv his own maid, gd hearted let her park her maid but kanna chg, not tat her maid did much wk, she onli laze ard n play hp everiday! Jia you leh, yr kids going to cc, go maidless leh, if my gal not p1 liao, still @ cc, i immed go maidless too. but den, yes lor, siong hb dun help wiz hsewk, me too hb when in town oso bz n nvr help hsewk @ all but i dun mind if maidless coz they r troubles.

celtricia, usuali aft a short break, they dun want to go cc, we hv to harden our hearts lor. when yr 2 kids @ cc, ur mum easier lor, tk yr time to consider anoth maid.

dymples, so happi to hear yr indo maid okie, lucki u leh, i must now say lucki me lucki me more often liao hehe. me no choice got to renz d maids coz dd alone wiz maids @ home bef gg to sch ma n hb alw not @ home ma, haiz renz renz lor. huh, yr gals got hfmd tat time, poor u, but luckily over liao. mb coz i kanna fm psgrs/fellow crews during my flying days so patience tolerance high lor hehe.

nellu, haha, LOL - can not speak proper engli haha, my prev hiao fili ex teacher oso same same, esp pronouncing pears - pronounced as pierced haha. me no choice but renz haiz coz hoping d maid wl improve n pick up lor. when my 1st fili came to me, she broke my wedding photo, hb hp prob agn - hb hp in pants/she nvr chck pants pockets, put in washing machine to wash, tat was initial stage, so aft tat, she improved, picked up n wkd 5 yrs for us, so me hoping tat all my new maids wl improve/pick up lor - hope it is not lk teaching cow to sing lor.

joy, tq for yr well wishes, wl reply yr email wiz more info ltr leh. still super sian/super down lor cpled wiz dd sa2 coming/me nn to coach her.
kanna sai,
if can improve the best lor. I think all of us are not looking for a perfect maid who doesn't make mistakes but the one who always makes mistakes and still makes no effort to improve is the most detestable one.

my attitude is if she makes effort to improve and really improve, i happy liao.
<font color="aa00aa">May</font>,
No hah... sometimes ask for permission, he will tell me ok... but after that will 'talk' to me about high credit card bills. So in end, I'd feel guilty so din buy lor. *sob-sob*

<font color="aa00aa">celtricia</font>,
Aiyoh... this one is accident lor. That's why after this I confirm 'tie' my tubes liaoz. Scared another accident. I find that NFP definately dun work for me! *aarrgghh* Plus, I can't use the other contraceptives that has hormones like The Pill, Patch, IUD, etc... cos my hormones all go hay wire. Terrible mood swings + erratic bleeding.

Hopefully can go back to work lah... but hub wants me to stay home and look after BB till she's at least 2-yrs leh. He dun want maid to look after at all, then I totally no family to help out too. Haiz...

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
hahahha... i know what you mean. Nowadays pax/fellow crew can be quite the a**h***s lor. I get lots of such irrational, demanding and irritating guests/clients too. But on the reverse, my patience with them is ok... but when comes to maid... no more liaoz. Do hope your current maid will buck up and prove to be good bah. *good luck*

<font color="aa00aa">Nellu</font>,
Agree with you totally. We not looking for perfect maid... but one that is willing to learn (even from mistakes). Most important is positive attitude.

kanna sai, ya i noe.. but not only i soft hearted, my mum also.. hahaha.. so we decide to let him b for nw.. after holiday come bak.. pray hard its not too difficult to get him to go sch.. heh..
ya.. agent juz told me more new biodatas coming in on oct 14, so ask me choose frm there beta..

ic ic.. accident ah.. me all 3 kids is accident.. no planning at all.. wahahah.. but after tis #3, i cfm nid to haf contraceptives.. if not i seriously mentally, physically, emotionally tired.. LoL.. tell hb if i can't go club wif him.. he can forget abt gg.. heh.. dun even haf time for own 'me' time.. sigh..
ic ic.. ya lah.. if can ownself look after the best.. but hb refuse to let me stop wrk.. n mum still undecisive if she wan to look after #3.. so praying hard nw for HIM to give me an answer on the arrangements..
