Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

nellu, i want to pack her out of my hse immediately but my daughter sa2 exam n psle school closure, so i got to renz, hb back liao n hb oso faint hear d whole drama, hb said pack her out when we go hols in dec but tat is so long to go arghhhhh!

dymples, nothing to discount frm d drama queen which means she has not done anything good, everiday, she is lvg in a blur state, yday, my milk steriliser pot - asked her you washed already, yes, d cover full of oil stains n d water inside, white/yellow colour liao - some more she can boil d whole pot! spinach - told her it tasted lk salted vege, agn she argued tat she put a lttl salt, so i said, okie so mk sure u eat all of them, ltr when had her dnr, she told me she has to throw them coz not edible too salty, i told her u cook n u insisted tat u onli put veri lttl salt, u shud eat it coz aft all my kids ate as well. i reali can not stand her. @ least d siao ting tong myanmar maid, i can stand her ... tis one i reali can not see eye to eye wiz her, whole w/end i stayed upst coz i see d condition of my hse downst/garden, i reali vomit blood - the whole hse is in a great mess! She onli stone there to cry d whole w/end!

liana, can not pack her back to fili coz d loan she owe me abt $2,000, i m not so charitable, by hook or by crook, i wl send her for trsfr eventho she onli want to go back to fili.

celtricia, yes, she reali d drama queen and she champion, winner, 100% bttr than all d mummies maids here. i read her diary note bk, she wrote tat frm day one she was @ my hse, she cried everyday when we were not @ home coz she homesick n misses her kids/hb until she can not wk which explains why my whole hse/garden is in a great great mess. my daughter exam now and psle school closure, so got to renz and think wat to do wiz her. envy envy, going hols soon, borrow those guide bks fm library, i bought n borrow some guide bks when we went to orlando last yr as we hv nvr bn there before, d guide bks are reali of great help ... soon liao, yeah.

Kanna sai, HUGZ HUGZ.. i can totally understand wat u gg thru right now.. but pls take gd care of ur own health k? dun stress too much coz its no gd for u, eventhough u not preggie.. LoL.. thanks for giving me suggestions on borrowing books frm library despite u having so much headaches wif ur maid..

nid a chat juz msn me k? or if u wan to chat on phone.. juz pm me ur number...
celtricia, tqs for hugs hugs, rcv yr hugs, wl set up msn ltr and add u on, walls got ears in office, can not chat chat phone, u c we oso must behave rite, why can't d maids haiz, now underst yr situation when yr maid want to go back to indo n her nonsense, it reali mks us haiz ... rite, we treat them well n yet, it is as if it is hell for them haiz. my probs wl all b solved when she is out of my hse, maidless then, freedom, stressless, my onli worry is my daughter got to go student care/wk up earli. my girlfrenz called me yday, her 1st maid ran away, 2nd maid, she sent her back aft 7 mths coz lots of nonsense n veri rude to d inlaws, now waiting for 3rd one to come, she said if dun wk out agn, she wl go maidless too ... wl then send newborn (come out in dec) to infant care n daughter to student care ... if ppl can do it, i must jia you n do it rite, haiz, i hate gardening n ironing! now u maidless, how do u do yr ironing?
<font color="aa00aa">CSI Fan</font>,
Wah pianz!! Imgaine the electricity wasted juz to spin ONE cushion cover. *aarrgghh* Somemore she can answer you back.

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
I heard that some money changers receive their currency stocks on Mondays. Good Luck!! Hope you manage to grab some at this low low exchange rate.

<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
OMG!! Poor thing... can understand your frustrations! B4 they come SG, they should be made aware that no matter how "home sick" they are... they still gotta perform "at work" mah! *Terrible* Yah... if she still got loan cannot send her back to fili or else you forfeit that $2K. Not worth to "waste" such money.

I used Express Employment to get my current maid. They got 2 outlets - Jurong East (Tel: 6560 6689) &amp; Bt Timah Plaza (Tel: 6469 1121). I find the agents quite ok... they actually listen to your requirements and pull out bio-datas that they tink are suitable. Thru out the application process, they will update you on the progress (application pending... send-out... approved/rejected). Then about 1-week after the maid started work with me, they even called to check how the maid's performance is. If you thinking of changing maids can consider them yah.
Kanna sai, no worries.. tis thread here is for us to all to hear each others joys n woes on maids wat.. tink so far mainly is woes nia.. sigh..
i also hate ironing.. but i dun care laio.. i only iron the night b4 i nid the clothes.. like last nite, once my kids r aslp, i quickly iron my wrking clothes for the whole of tis week.. heh..

Dymples.. Oh.. monday ah.. ok ok.. will tell hb to go check it out.. hope can get gd rates.. heehee..
<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
For the house cleaning - mopping, ironing, wash toilets, etc... how about engaging those part-time cleaner to help? The charges are about $10-$12 per hour. I used those before I engaged a maid 2-yrs back. If this economic downturn continues... then I may have to let go of maid cos of increasing expenses. If that happens then I will also opt for a "1x weekly cleaning auntie" and send my older gal to student care. *faintz* Hope can manage if that happens lor.
yah lorh. anyway, she's gone already. hehs.

Just wondering, is it cheaper to send the kids to CC and hire a part-time cleaning auntie? coz CC rates also a few hundred one right? (plus need to rush back to pick up the kids...haiz)
show your maid this report..Hope they wake up to the idea that its recession now and work harder.

if you have two kids, then it will be more expensive to go cc. Rates range from $200+ to $1000 ( after the govt subsidy). There are cc which closed at 9pm. So you might want to try scouting ard.

For me, i spend $380 on cc, $120 on part time help, then next yr another $550 on infant care at the same cc. So total is abt $1050 per mth.
Compare that to maid, levy $170, salary $350, food abt $200, total $720. BUT dun forget the agent fees, the insurance cost when you change maids and of cos, the HEADACHES of handling her.
<font color="aa00aa">CSI Fan</font>,
For me... my gals already go to full day CC.. regardless whether I have maid or not.

School fees for both including their enrichment classes (computer, speech &amp; drama + Art &amp; craft) comes up to about <font color="ff6000">$900+ per month</font>.
This costs is after govt subsidy. The CC is open Mondays-Fridays 0700hrs-1900hrs and Sat 0700hrs-1300hrs.
I prefer sending my gals to CC cos they really learn alot. Imgaine my 4-yrs gal can come home after her science lesson and tell me that Dinosaurs are now extinct.
And that their bones are known as fossils. If the children are at home wz maid, I feel that they dun learn much.
But on the other hand, it's really hectic to send the children to CC and rushing to pick them up after.

For cleaning auntie, I usually pay about $10 per hour... and total hours required is about 4-hours. So costs per cleaning session is $40. Total amount per month is about <font color="ff6000">$160</font>.

So monthly costs for both full day CC + cleaning auntie is --> $900 + $160 = <font color="ff6000">$1,060</font>.

But for my case, the only comparison point is between the costs of cleaning auntie <font color="ff0066"> $160</font> + Tingkat Dinner Service <font color="ff0066"> $300</font>, total per month of <font color="ff0066"> $460</font>
versus my maid's total monthly expenditure of about <font color="ff0066"> $620</font> - salary, levy + food &amp; lodging.
tamarind, dymples, CSI,
thanks for the feedback on washing clothes by maid. appreciate it.

I was also in the same dilemma of whether to put both my kids in IC/CC + part-time cleaner or just hire maid. For my firstborn, I put him in IC since he was 2mths+ and I have a part-time cleaner.. but with 2nd baby, i calculated that it's more worthwhile for me to hire a maid. My boy now goes to full-day CC, so my maid's main job is to take care of my new baby + housework.

I think at the end of the day, u really must see your own family situation.. not just the financials.. cost wise, I think it's about the same.. but with a maid, there is someone who can help me in the night (cos my hubby also travels overseas sometimes).. and weekends, we can rest while there is a maid who can help to look after the kids.. so all in, I feel it's better for me to hire a maid.. that's why we must all pray for a good maid!
dymples, tq so much for agt ctcs, i wl try best home n yrs. I now trying to get in touch wiz reltv agt to disc how to pack tis drama queen out of my hse. why shud i made myself so miserable (i was so miserable over d w/end, hiding upst all d time), all i nn to do is juz to pack her out of my hse n go maidless until i tired of hsewk. for me it wl be cheaper for my dd to go student care - wiz maid oso i cater for tingkat food (they can cook for nuts). i asked those cleaning ldy bef but none reali want to do gardening wk/cleaning up porch/gdn area. My son cc is abt S$ 1,500 wiz swimming/speech &amp; drama &amp; gym kids/sch bus fees - n recession coming, why shud i waste more $$ emply tis heartless maids! if i send my dd to student care, i onli spend abt S$ 250 - S$ 300 a mth versus getting a maid of abt S$ 620 not to mention d things/stuff tey spoil n d amt of heartache/misery they caused me.

celtricia, tq tq for yr concern &amp; yr tips on ironing clothes, i reali hate ironing clothes &amp; esp hb uniforms - must b straight la, crease less la, i super sian. to me it was a real misery n culture shock coz i was used to hvg a stress free maid for 5 yrs. all tis nonsense is a big shock to me n affected me &amp; my kids greatly. My kids were very poor thing, their beloved chia chia (prev maid) was so different n replaced wiz all tis nonsense esp now tis 32 yrs old auntie drama queen.

CSI fan, eversince i hv stopped my maid using d dryer, d electricity bill in my hse dropped fm S$ 500 ++ per mth to abt S$ 300 per mth, recession coming so i must tink of ways to save too.

ivy, tq for sharing the article, doubt tis maids wl worry &amp; underst, they are arghhhhhh! I reali peifu u for being maidless. can u share wiz me how u mng d hse wk &amp; yr kids wiz out a maid?
Kanna sai, np.. coz i also hate ironing.. though hb gd at it.. he's more lazy to help me.. but at times i sulk n look miserable he will help.. hahah.. ya.. i understand wat u mean.. gd maid for 5 yrs, but thereafter all horrible ones.. of coz shock lah.. haha.. coz if u still using the gd maid.. u might not b agreeing wif us on our tots also right.. heh.. no choice lah.. such is our life now..
<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
No worries babe. Yah... dun make yourself miserable liaoz. Juz pack that useless drama queen out of your house. After 5-yrs with good maid, of cos you will be shock at the terrible quality of maids now. *sayang-sayang* Hang on there gal!! I'm sure your children also understand your situation yah. "Jia-You" "Go-Go-Go".

Totally agree with you... with recession coming, I'm trying all ways to cut costs now. Reduce on using clothes dryer... even now I'm SAHM but try not to watch too much TV cos I feel that Plasma TV consumes alot of electricity. Afternoon naps also use fan rather then air-con. Haiz... what to do. Now hub is sole breadwinner. Me trying not to do wz-out maid for now cos this one seems good, not giving me headaches. Plus with no.3 due in about 4-weeks time, I need all the help I can get.
mmm, no special tactics lah. Just have to give up all personal time lo. My time is now all given to work, kids, and house..Even if i want to go hair cut, must sneak out during son's nap time on sat. Haven gone for facial or shopping for a long while. Now my clothes or kids stuff, all try to do online shopping. Perhaps also becos i stay in a flat, easier to manage than a house. Maybe you will have to find a p/t maid plus a gardener if you go without a maid. Else try to go thru p/t maid agency and tell them you need one that can help with gardening. I know some aunties dun mind esp it means more money for them.
celtricia, envy, yr hb so good can help to iron clothes, i sulked n sulked oso no use, hb work means not in sin n @ home, he bz wiz trainings or his stuff ... end of d day, i do everithing. he dun do hsewk la, even his own garden! if i got no maid, i dun care liao, d grasses can grow until my height oso not my prob! my 1.5 mths tat time while waiting for siao ting tong ... me do everithing! celtricia, haha u r rite, if my prev maid still wiz me, i wl not agree wiz all d mummies liao n wl not be in tis forum too haha.

dymples, tq tq, i must reali jia you, being wiz maid n suddenli almost no maid, i oso dunno whether i can coach my kids ... my concern not so much of hsewk ... my kids. i juz called home, drama queen in tears agn super sian. so suay rite, one say got ghost, one keep crying father mother day n nite! Reducing on d usage of dryer helps a lot ... onli let yr maid use when washing bedsheets/comforter &amp; thick clothings leh. recession coming ... all of us oso a bit concerned rite but these maids who r actuali poor (no $$), they dun care, they juz chg empl/ask to go back - yes yes, i agree wiz u plasma tv consumes lots of electricity, if i dun watch tv in my rm hor i more miserable coz can not go downst - scared vomit blood. envy envy u leh got a good maid, lucki you leh, me tot she was not too bad but d weekend drama reali arghhhhh! mum, i want to go back to fili, i can not stay here, when sir come back, he wl beat me up coz i dropped his phone, my knees weak, mum wooo wooo wooo ... crocodile tears falling.

what i hate d most is when there are probs, relative agt become uncontactable! congrats congrats on no 3 coming, yeah.
Kanna sai, tat's sometimes only.. or mayb once in a blue moon.. haha.. but i appreciate it when he does it lah.. bo bian wat.. ur hb travel so much.. ur hse too big lah.. tat's y u so stress, if am u, i will also stress.. tat's y like wat ivy say, coz ours is flat, so ezier to manage den a hse.. ya lor.. if ur prev maid still wif u.. u wldn't b here toking to us.. heh..
ivy, tq tq, my worries is of too much hsewk, i neglect my kids studies lor, my daughter p1 - need a lot of time to coach coz i tink wiz so much to do, by d end of d day, i too tired to teach my kids anything liao n can not rely on hb to teach too. he all d time busy one haiz. those agt, i call liao, no gardening one but i tink i wl jia you la coz at d end of d day, i wl be a happy person agn yeah! gardening oso means i can keep slim ... yeah! shall keep all informed when i mng to get relative agt ... always mia when there r probs!
<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Hey babe... slowly slowly handle one thing at a time. Dun over stress yourself yah. First things first... Dun worry about the housework for now.
(2) Try to contact that hopeless reltv agt and get that useless bum of maid out...
(3) Concentrate on your children. Explain to them what is going to happen.
(4) Get a weekend cleaning auntie to help out with the ironing and other household chores.

Meanwhile, slowly take your time to source for a "good" maid and pls dun care about the garden lah. I know it's not going to be easy... But stay cool ok. You can do it babe!!
Kanna sai, dymples is right.. concentrate on the impt issues of getting ur maid out first.. d rest slowly handle bit by bit.. no pt rushing into everything n getting urself all stressed out..

Ladies, did i mentioned tat agent actually told me tat my ex maid told them she dun wan to wrk liao coz we dun wan her, n she wants to go bak indo n her mum will pay bak the loan.. siao right.. tink of it.. really glad i sent her bak..tml will b the day of new biodatas.. hopefully cross fingers will get a gd one..
Hi Liana, saw your comments about maid causing the boy to fall sick &amp; using Asset mgt agency.
Do you know the story ? What happen ?

I just signed up a transfer maid with Asset mgt agency yesterday. Kind of worried.

Anybody got experience with this agency, pls share. thanks.
<font color="aa00aa">Liana</font>,
OMG!! I'm apalled by what I read! I agree that the current rules and policies do nothing to protect us employers from agencies out to cheat us or maids that are here for "holiday" only! The rules are sending out a message: "Singaporean employers are good to be bullied". It's also terrible that MOM, AEAS and CASE would rather side with foreginers then own Singaporeans!!
but it's kinda ridiculous right? if we were to always make noise at our maids or the agent (if make noise, then they will sit up a bit and not take us for a ride). I mean, who likes to go through life like that? We all want a happy peaceful life, not cynical, bitter lives...

Liana and all,
I don't know the identity of that employer who used ASSET management. All employers who posted their comments remain anonymous. I don't even keep their email addresses. They may not even be from this forum.
celtricia, my hse is not veri big but I tink in comparison to d reltv agt condo, my hse may b veri stressful to d 2 fili maids lk it is for me (siao ting tong was okie wiz it) coz got more to do. me &amp; esp my kids juz can’t underst coz their pretti chia chia used to love/adore them so much &amp; then d 3 - hiao/siao ting tong/drama queen juz hate them n treat them lk monsters. My 1st fili maid wl carry my kids to run d whole hse whenever we juz merely want to smack d kids for being notti, not onli she tk gd care of my kids n even me &amp; hb, she wl even sponge me when I hv fever n whenever she saw me coming back fm wk sick, she wl persuade me to eat n serve my lunch/dnr in bed, all tis on her own accord, she nvr tk short cut at all in her 5 yrs wiz us (my 2 wks plus sick, drama queen nvr even bothered abt me, even d siao ting tong when she saw me sick, she brought water upst for me to drink).

dymples, yday, when I went home, drama queen was crying father mother agn, I chose to ignore her, when hb came back, hb told me tat dq nvr heat up/serve him d lunch tat I prepared in d morn b4 I went to work, so @ 3 plus, hb drove out to eat n to avoid seeing her! Whole eve, she stoned in the garden wiz her crocodile tears. As I can’t find relative agt, I sent her a long email, relative agt sms earlier to say tat she wl call @ 9 plus, so 9 plus come, reltv agt together wiz fili ctc in sin spoke to maid, they were veri upset wiz dq’s lies n it seems tat d fili ctc called drama queen’s hb in fili n asked abt d ambassador, d hb said no such thing n he cud not afford to even repay back such a big amt of $$, “fili ctc oso told dq tat d havoc she caused when in agt in fili until agt thr do not want to let dq eat her meals n fili ctc hv to call them to allow dq to eat” – wow so big havoc she caused &amp; etc. during d lecture, I oso heard abt d maid which I was contemplating to tk (2 choices but I chosen dq, hv mk a big mistake but she was remorseful n wlg to chg but dq nvr, well so much for all her maids got no probs).
Both reltv agt n fili ctc scolded/lectured dq n reltv agt threatened to report dq to police if she did her nonsense agn. Fili ctc asked dq to apologise to us n dq agreed but aft conv ended, dq pretend nothing happened – so I told her to apologise n warned her tat tis is d final warning … it seems reltv agt oso not willing to recycle dq coz dq is a real trbl mkr … it seems tat we r stuck wiz dq … dq reali tok big – ambassador gv her $$, tok big! No such thing. Reltv agt promised to call me tis morn but so far hv not hear fm her.

I juz can’t forget how she stoned crying d whole of yday eve bef d phone call! Despite promising reltv agt/fili ctc tat she wl chg, tis morn she super blur agn! I reali dun no wat to do now … I want her out of my hse but on d other hand, when I tink of d hsewk, I sian.
<font color="aa00aa">Kannasai</font>,
Oh dear... oh dear... Your maid seems to be getting more and more drama each day leh. Really tok big. As if their ambasaador so good lor. Now she knows lah... no such thing! Even her hub said no $$$ to return the loan! But seems lke she also dun care. Tink she knows that if she continues this horrible way, you'll be 'forced' to send her back. That way, you'll bear the burden of the loan. Haiz... tink you'll be better off sending her back to your reltv agt now. Dun wait till later cos your reltv agt may turn the tables on you and refuse to take this DQ back. I also dun tink this lousy DQ will improve for the better. No diff whether she's at your house or not since she also not doing any work mah. *hugz-hugz* I pray that things will improve for you soon yah. Anything you not happy... you come in here and vent yah... we're your listening ears.
Kanna sai, ic ic.. but wow! hearing abt ur 1st phil maid make me envious tat u did encounter such WONDERFUL maid lor.. but now all the horrible maids u've gotten.. jialat.. but even if tink hsewrk sian.. after reading abt ur tis maid... i rather b sian den vomit blood x100..
I agree with celtricia. I'd rather be sianz, then pay good hard earned $$ to vomit blood and fall ill. At least, being sianz, I save some $$.

I think you should just send her back to the agency and let them do whatever they want and you just have to bear the three weeks charges for her to transfer.If cannot, she will have to go home and dont think its your problem anymore.Keep her at your house, you will never know what is next.
hi all,
just come across this thread so suffering right with maid, me too lor. fili maid is terrible, i hv come across 2. first wan look so pretty and sweet i like her very much, but the funny thing is she dont understand english. in the being she cry for few time say miss home, hug me and cry, omg this is the first time kena hug by maids. so nevermind let her cry, ask her to brush the floor at the corner of the garden, she say very dirty dont dare to clean, just like a princess, after 1 wk start to act, pretend to be mad.say wat somthing on her arm and keep crying never,work whole day just sit outside her room and cry. she say wan to call home, so i say ok i go buy card. so this every wk end i went to ntuc and need her to boil water for me, i call home a tell to boil a pot of water,if she can do wat i told her over the phone i'll let her call home. When i reach home guess wat i saw, a bowl of instand noodle on the table. omg man! so i no choice send her back to the agency. after that i try another fili maid, i even call to interview her, she sound ok to me at that time. after she arrive ok for a few wk before i bring her out for shopping. she saw all the nice and pretty things around, told me she wan to buy this and that, i say next time u got money then u buy. after that day, she start to make trouble. say want to hv off day lah, wan to make phone calls lah. so i told her when she come out from fili i already told her that no offday. ask her y she need offday, she say wan to go church. i say no. dont give me all excuse. after that she everyday give problem to me. until i morning when i step out of house she run away, to ambasaador. and for fili if they run to the ambasaador even if they still got outstanding loan also no use, the ambasaador will not let them back, u even hv to pack her bag and wait for the ambasaador to come and collect for her. shit right. so now i dont even wan to try on any fili. i heard myanmar is very good,sofy spoken and obedient. how is their english. can communicate?
Hi Mummies,

I'm new here and will be due in early december. Getting a maid soon, she is to look after my bb (alone) after i'm back at work; from the 3rd/4th month onwards.

Would greatly appreciate if you could share with me some of the house rules you set for your maids.

Thank you.
hi ladies
Just to share with you .. i read an article yesterday (forgot which newspaper) on maid secretly used employer's 3 hps and incured total of around $1600 phone bills for employer to pay.. Maid is very smart, after using the hp, she will erase the call history so that employer din know until they received the bill. But that is too late, cos maid run away liao, together with some stolen jewellery from employer . . This employer said that the maid was only with them for 3wks and work performance is below standard. they even celebrated her birthday and bought her birthday presents ..

So, ladies, don 'small see' maids. Keep all your valuables and disable overseas call service from your housephone if you are going to leave maid alone at home .. locked your hps if you are not bringing them out .. I was so shock when i read this news ..
to add to the above, maid has outstanding loan which agency refused to refund employer cos maid runaway, cannot be transferred .. employer has to bear the outstanding loan until maid is found and returned to agency for 'recycling'

Agreed with you.I always think that maid does not know how to erase,but its not true, even indo maid also know.I always take precaution on them...even for the slightest details in my house.
<font color="aa00aa">cymk23</font>,
eerrr... for Myanmar maids, I would not recommend as some of the ladies here have had terrible experience with them. I totally agree that nowadays cannot take in fili maids. Most of them are "too smart and cunning" liaoz. They know if not happy... they only need to run back to their embassy. I went thru 3 fili maids and gave up. 1 is siao ting tong, 1 only wanna look pretty and find Bf, 1 keep wanting expat emply and high high salary. All din get their ways in the beginning so gave all sorts of stupid patterns. Now I have an indon. SO far quite happy with her. Find her more hard working then my 3 fili maids put together siah.

<font color="aa00aa">bobo</font>,
For the rules and regulations, I follow as per Tamarind's blog. It's really helpful. You can click on the link below to access it:

<font color="aa00aa">PinkTweet</font>,
OMG!! Thks for the info. The maid really smart leh. Haiz... poor emply... now no maid and still gotta bear the stupid maid's loan. Really unfair. Ever since I got my first maid, I bot those heavy duty safe (need 2 grown man to carry type) to store all my important docs and jewellery. No matter how good the maid appears, can never ever trust them.
if you want to leave your maid alone at home with infant, try to take precautions like cctv or at least have some one to check on her.
If not, perhaps you shld consider infantcare.

too much bad things about maid these days...
hi all,
my neigh send their maid home last mth. we was wondering y the maid so stupid to go home so early, bec since the lady in the family pass away the maid got so much freedom, she can go out anytime in the morning after all ppl go to sch and work. in the end i heard from another neigh, the maid bring man home. the employer caught her twice. so be careful ladies
Hi bobo, agreed with Ivy if u r going to leave ur bb with maid. Install a CCTV, find one dat u can monitor online or thru ur mobile. U wont noe when dey will runaway living bb at home Alone! My fren got very nice neighbour who oftens drop by her hse to ‘monitor’ the maid. For agent u can consider for BEST HOME, Tel 64627055 look for Joan. No commission so no need to mention my name. :p yes, like cymk23 says, dun let them close the room door.. maybe until she pass the probation period dan u let her close the door to give privacy.

Cymk23, welcome to the BEG – Battered Employer Group. :p Ur 1st maid really try to be funny leh.. wat dirty dun dare to clean.. dan if not dirty what for u hired her?? What happen to the loan of ur 2nd maid?? Myanmar maids?? I almost vomit blood and die of shock from my 3 ex myanmar maid… But I believe it depends one.. also heard of good maid from myanmar from other mummies. If you are looking for myanmar maid, try to look for those coming from Karen/Karin state. They are said to be more hardworking. Try to avoid grads. For my 3 ex myanmar maids, 2 of them their eng is actually not dat bad.. can communicated.. but the 3rd one (work in sg for 8mths, transfer 2 times, I was her 3rd employer) english very bad.

Drymples, agree with u.. cannot trust maid at all … at least til now I haven find one that is trustable. Can share where did u get ur safe? What is the price range like??

Alamak, aiyo.. I read ur posting I oso vomit blood. I tink its best to send the dq back to ur relative soon. Really duno what she will do next to ‘make’ u send her back to fil.

For updates, I jus sign up a fresh indo maid. She have like 2-3 yrs ex. In indo. Parents farmer. Agent says will take abt 1 mth to reach sg as she doesn’t have a passport yet.. Pray very hard this will be the one.
bobo, agreed cctv is not foolproof, but at least u noe what is going on at home. Esp if the maid runs away. Read prev there's a maid runaway leaving the bb / toddler at home. Scary!! My fren's ex maid bot strangers man back to their hse.. if u got cctv at least the maid wont be so bold.
hi baibies,
my 2nd maid loan the agency settle them self. now got no choice but go back to indo maid. some indo maid not bad, i prefer those with no ex. in sg. i got 1 is ex fr sg. very good at satay me. when i at home she very hard working. i got a maid went back 6mths ago not bad, but with old ppl at home sometime gt good and bad, my that maid cant get along with my mum. she work for me only 1.5 yr. now she still sms me , tell me she married.haha
this is your 1st baby right? Maybe after you handle the baby for 1-2mths, you will not fang xin to leave the baby alone with the inexperienced maid....
Try to get one that is older with experience ba, of cos the trade off is she might be more cunning..Then again, with all these stories abt maids, i really wun leave infant alone with maids.
Nanny could be another option you want to consider.
you're right Ivy.
Beside infant care centre, another of our option would be nanny, hoping to find one around our area, still trying.....
maid would be last of the last.

<font color="aa00aa">bobo</font>,
Yah.. if possible... dun leave BB alone at home wz maid at all. Really not safe lor. I heard too many horror stories.
Got 1 is that the maid will pound those sleepy medicine and put in BB's milk. This way, BB will sleep alot and not disturb them. Scary....

<font color="aa00aa">May</font>,
I got my safe from a shop in IMM (opposite Giant). That time tink I bot the safe for about $200+ bah. Can't remember cos it was 2-yrs back.
It's good to invest in heavy duty safe for peace of mind. Mine is also fire-proof (juz in case). heheheheh...

hahhaha... yah... we are BEG grp. All kanna bullied by maids. Tink they "abuse" us more then the other way siah.

<font color="aa00aa">cymk23</font>,
Haiz... maids nowadays are really more daring lor. Anything also dare to do. In front of us like angel. Once we turn the backs, they become devil. *aarrgghh*

No matter how good they are.... my policy is always :"DUN TRUST THEM!"
