Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
hahhaha... oh dear... all 3 also accident. You must be really productive lor. hahahah... me also mentally, pysically &amp; emotionally spent liaoz. Battery constantly on low grid.
Not to mention $$$ also. Cannot imgaine if kena strike 4. I sure faintz lah. Somemore my religion dun allow abortions.

Haiz.. tink yur hub reluctant to let you quit yur job now is due to the economic uncertainty? Yes yes... pray hard hard for an answer to guide you yah.
Sometimes, things happen miraculously. You now in 2nd trimester right?

Hope you will find some good maids when the bio-datas arrive on the 14th Oct. How about transfer maids? Ever consider getting those?

LoL.. well.. we are happy to have #1 &amp; #2 n i wanted to stop wif juz 2 kids.. but hb want more.. so not much precaution taken.. who noes, so fast kena #3.. sigh.. ya lor.. or mayb noting to do at slp early.. tat's y.. whahaha.. Opps!
me though young, but i feel like an old lady liao.. no energy for so many things.. sian.. n dun even bother to dress up or doll up..
same lor.. my religion also dun allow abortions.. by right also no contraceptives mah.. but to do NFP is a killer i feel..

Ya lor.. due to the recession.. so i really waiting for an answer to it.. yes i noe.. i waiting for miracle.. hehe.. yes yes.. in 2nd trim liao.. nw 23 weeks..

Yes yes.. i hope i can get a gd maid too.. tot of trf maid.. but so far no luck leh..
hi mummies,
long time never come in as very busy with work.
just an update on my current maid of 1mth plus.
so far she is still okie, or mayb my expectations for her are lower liao. but she is still a bit blurred and forgetful.
1) have reminded her to press the door open/closed for lift once she is inside. she forget and can stand inside till i go in. there was one incident when my gal just go into the lift without me and the maid just blur blur stand inside the lift. so i told her nicely that she must press the button as the lift door open/close fast. she just nodded. but up til now, only pressed the button ONCE.

2) my hubby called and asked her if she is cooking dinner since my aunite's maid is at hosipital looking after my granny. she answered YES and cooked noodle. Who noes when i reached my auntie's house, she cooked nothing loh.. i asked her and she claimed tat she told my hubby tat it was meant for HER own lunch.. again, i told to cook since there is no one else cooking. perhaps she is shy as she will need to cook for about 10ppl loh.

well, i roghly can remember these 2 incidents lah. hope she will be better each day. but the good point is she look after my bb boy quite well.

wah lau, your maid is terrible leh..dropped the black berry into the water.. spoilt liao leh.. i admire you, can ren alot of things..

i believe you can coach her well and soon your maid will be like your 1st one, can stay long..meanwhile, do take care and dunt think so much.. have more rest.

its good to have maidless. meanwhile explore other alternatives for your 3 kids.. hope everything will be smooth for you.
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
heheeh... tink our religions may be the same. Cos when I told my mom I wanna tie my tubes, our conversation went like this:
Mom : " did you check with the priest? I dun tink it's permitted."
Me : "yah.. it's not permitted... but I dun care cos I cannot afford (literally) should another accident happen."
Mom : "If the church dun allow, then you should not do it no matter wat."
Me : "Well, wat if I hit jackpot again? Who going to help?"
Mom : "If God bless you with another, then God will help you thru."

Haiz... me definately not going to take the chance lah. Plus NFP let me down twice... that's how my 2 gals came about too... much much earlier then planned. *lol*

Oic... Have you tried other agencies? Maybe they would have some suitable transfer maids? But dun take those who have never completed any contract no matter their "sob" stories. My 1st maid was such a case. Kena "cheated". For me, I prefer those transfer maids that have been in SG for at least 2-yrs, completed 1 contract with chinese family in HDB flat. If they worked in big houses b4 or for expats, definately no-no.
dymples, celtricia,
we three same religion lah..i think CSI Fan also right??

really so bad huh the NFP? Agree can be hard to do with cycle is hay wire. Mine v clockwork that's why can..I can 3 yrs no pregnancies at all wor! hehehe... but dunno whether still can work or not..aft give birth liao like cycle hay wire.

today i passed by one maid agency at Bt Timah Plaza. Saw a maid passed out the floor inside, then got 3 policemen talking to quite a no of pple in there. Some look like agent/staff some look like customer...wor..dunno what happened leh...
<font color="aa00aa">Nellu</font>,
hehehehh... such a nice coincidence. *lol* yah... NFP super hard with hay-wire periods. Wah seh. You good leh. Can pass 3-yrs using this method.
For me, this method failed straight from the start... end up having conceiving no.1 just 6-mths after wedding. *faintz*
<font color="aa00aa">nellu</font>,
omg!! Your fren win liaoz... kena jackpot on wedding nite!
Really lucky leh... tink buy 4D also not so accurate manz.
Hi ladies, just sharing this forum article on today's ST:

Maid's passport: 'The renewal cost through maid agencies can differ widely between $300 and $550 though the eventual outcome is the same.'

WE WRITE to share our recent expensive episode when renewing our Indonesian maid's passport. The renewal cost through maid agencies can differ widely, between $300 and $550, though the eventual outcome is the same - an extension of another five years on the maid's passport.
Unaware of the prevailing market rates, we secured the Budget Maid Service Centre, a CaseTrust accredited Agency, to assist us. Somehow, we now feel short-changed by the CaseTrust registered trademark, which many of us have perceived as a symbol of trustworthiness and fairness.

We paid the higher end of $550. Their service fee is excessive and unreasonable.

My offer to share this unpleasant experience is to urge the general public to assess the options prudently before assigning your needs to any maid agency. Unknown to us, NTUC Income had readily offered to renew the Indonesian maid's passport for only $300.

In hindsight, we were also guilty of a hasty decision. Similarly, we had been naive to assume that the renewal costs were regulated or generally about the same with small variation in Singapore. We were proven wrong.

The net cost is only $184 if you handle it personally, if you have the time. If only such information had been available earlier, then we could have made an informed decision.

In a nutshell, Budget Maid wasn't such a budget-saving avenue for us after all.

Hiew Ban San
nellu, i must be lk my ex-colliq print out d word renz (in chinese) n pin in her wkstn (she renz off politics) n i wl pin mine on my dressing tbl mirror, can not scold oso next wk psle marking, dd alone wiz maid @ home ma. Hopes she reali improve, but tis case oso hb @ fault la, to lv his black berry in d bathrm when he knows tat thr is a super blur maid @ home, haiz so let him use his old black berry until his ctr renewal, tink it is soon luckili. haha, yr frenz champion hehe,

dymples, my renz in chinese must be super big one haha, yr mum's conv haha, mk sure no more accident bttr la, hehe good oso u sahm, ya haha everithing can buy but end of d mth, ccard bills high hahaha, me tot of it too but our commitments high n me &amp; my kids medical bills veri high coz we asthmatics (mine was a relapse aft child birth coz even wiz confinement ldy, me nvr tk gd care lor) - constant supplies of inhalers n my co. cover full medicals for whole fmly ma, last mth alone, paediatrician bills alone more than $500 n i fully claimed fm co. my son very weak kind too, alw fall sick haiz. yr hb tell u ccard high u buy tings okie me scared i sahm, hb tell me his ccard bills high coz our medicals wa piang.

celtricia, must hardened d hearts, me too last time, nearly gv up but den when i saw how much my kids learnt @ cc, me hardened my hearts. oui oui, yr hols soon liao, u plan finish liao bo, soon liao leh. wait for new biodatas la, no pt choose fm d old leftovers ones la.

jennylow, long time no see, good to hear tat @ least u got lucki me lucki me leh, she okie enuf liao, hope yrs wl oso further improve too. hope i can further renz lor coz she maid no. 3 aft my maid retirement, my frenz was telling me abt her fili maid, when she 1st came, wah liao, she left her few mths old bb in d pram in d playground n she herself went to d bazaar, my frenz was bz helping in d event in her estate n wah liao, when my frenz saw her maid wiz out her bb, her heart dropped but thank God, d bb still in d playground. My frenz then wanted to sack d maid but haiz, replacement bios oso slow, den gv her chance n now d maid almost 2 yrs liao n she gg to renew d ctr too. her maid reali buck up lor, some more hers was a trsf maid too, me oso hope mine wl but mine super stxxxd.
NFP = Natural Family Planning

Nellu, dymples, celtricia,
yup yup...we 4 same religion. heehee...

ooh...ur maids all actresses ah? hehs. When my this maid told me all that, I just told her nicely and gently, "well, then you should keep trying to do your best. It will take some time, but do not take too long. And before you do anything, always PRAY. Ask for guidance from Mother Mary and God, to help you in your work." My theory is, if she's really sincere, chances are, she's a God-fearing person. And a God-fearing person can't be that bad. But if she's not sincere and was trying to 'con' me to lighten her load or wateva, it didn't work, coz my solution to her was to pray. (oh dear, am I 'mis-using' the religion?)

re worked for me, even though my cycle was not regular. I mean, it worked for me in conceiving lah. after 3 mths into married life. (yah, we knew that was the time NOT to do anything, but hey, we're newly-weds then. how to resist? muahahaha...oops. kekeke) But I dunno how it will be, in prevention, coz I realise after childbirth and since I'm still BF, the cycle is lagi irregular.

my thoughts were like your mum's. If God blesses you with one or more, he will help you through. As long as we don't spend excessively unnecessarily lah. hehs.
Morning ladies..

Jennylow, thanks.. ya.. i also hope everything will go smoothly.. =)

Dymples, oh.. ur mum also object ah? my mum n aunts all agree wif me to do ligation.. they dun object as they understand tat its hard to maintain in such hectic lifestyle in sg.. so np wif me doing tat.. heehee.. but ur conversation wif ur mum v funny leh.. when i read it ytd, hb was ard.. so he read it too n laugh.. but din say anything.. kekeke..
Other agencies ah.. dun tink i will try others anymore.. it means haf to pay agency fee again.. v sian leh.. no $$ liao.. hahaha..

Nellu, ya.. CSI Fan also same as us.. so many of us in same religion..
wow! u gd in NFP leh.. for me i guess its hard lah.. wif such 'active' hb.. LoL
Ur fren damn superb.. tot i was liao.. coz i kena during honeymoon period.. so a lot of ppl tot i shotgun marriage.. heehee..

PinkTweet, NFP = Natural Family Planning
csi fan, i lk yr '.... before u do anything, always pray ..... hehe, wl use tat verse wiz my fili maid haha yeah! wl use it tis eve yeah!
I'm using NFP now also for prevention .. cos last time for my 1st baby, i used NFP to try to conceive and it takes me 1yr (!!) to get preg and hence now i'm quite 'experienced' in NFP .. and am using NFP in the reverse way now .. haha .. cannot do during the dangerous 2 weeks .. ahaha.. ya, 2weeks is much safer than 5days ..
kanna sai, true lah.. saw wat they learn at sch.. it will wan me to force him go more lor.. but at same time i was tinking, at their age i was still playing leh.. not studyin lor.. they so poor thing.. hahah..
ya ya.. hols coming soon.. eh.. din really plan much leh.. duno hw to start n where to start.. only plan to go 2 plcs nia.. wahahah.. nxt monday taking both kids to take flu jab.. n will start packing nxt week liao.. but nw i seem to b clueless abt wat to do, mayb coz i too excited till i can't tink? LoL..
yes yes.. will wait for new bios.. not taking the leftovers..
<font color="aa00aa">pinktweet</font>,
Thks for the article. Berry informative. Haiz... agree that there should be some form of regulations where such fees are concerned. How can the agencies 'suka-suka' charge whatever they want. *faintz*

hehhehe... you also using NFP yah. Me tink NFP only good to help people conceive leh. Me dun wanna take the chance liaoz. Kena jackpot 3x is enough. *lol* After this... must close shop.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Oh dear. Then you and your children must take more pre-caution leh. Especially so much air-borne viruses around nowadays. Aiyoh... my hub har.. every month receive credit card bills only will say :"haiz... got bills again. I scared to open and see how much now." Now I'm SAHM lagi gotta watch my expenses liaoz. Not like last time working can contribute co-payments.

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Oic... yah. If you gotta pay more $$$ to use other agencies, then stick with your current one. No point paying so much. Anywayz you also not in hurry to get maid right. Slowly take your time to interview and select.

<font color="aa00aa">CSI Fan</font>,
Aiyoh... me frightened to kena jackpot no.4 cos hub and me only want to provide the 'best' for our gals leh. Scared if no.4 come about then how... not fair to my gals to cut off their ballet, 'I can read', computer, speech &amp; drama classes, etc...
Dymples.. my blog also juz up recently.. coz my some of the mummy frens i noe here ask me to go start one.. heehee.. so some is recent, old ones still backdating.. heehee..
Celtricia... not bad leh... me too lazy to learn about blogging now. Moreover, my hub dun like me to blog cos he scared of privacy issue. Especially photos.
can i check with you all. Anyone ever bring your maid for extracting tooth decay? How much it will usually cost? Cos i think my maid got tooth decay so resulting in bad breath ( I cannot stand it and she got to take care my 2 babies also). Wondering is it very exp to extract it cos we will be the one paying for it right. Or any cheap dentist can recommend?

Cel,i got blog too
Hi ms apple, went into ur blog.. wow! u r one hip mummy leh.. so envious.. but wif regards to ur qns.. i can't answer u coz so far none of my maid nid to go to dentist.. hope other mummies here can advise u..
<font color="aa00aa">msapple</font>,
I also never bring either of my maid's for tooth extraction before. But I heard that NTUC Dental is the cheapest.
Though I never try b4. hehehhe... you can check it out. They have quite a few outlets islandwide.
Hi ladies,

Have been following this thread recently and was quite taken back by all your bad experiences with maid. I'm gg into labour anytime soon and i have also engaged a myanmar maid to take care of my baby. i will be picking her up next thurs. This is my 1st time engaging a maid so Crossing my finger that she will not be a nightmare for me

Just need some advice here... what shld i do on the 1st day i bring her back home? Bring her to buy those toiletries and open bank a/c? Do i open a joint name bank a/c with her? And do i give her salary on the 1st day, mid month of end of month? Any other things i have to do? I'll like to know whats the common practice for the experience mummies here... thanks in advance for your valuable advice!
have not visited this thread for a long long time.. coz i tot things going alright... but..

i suspected my maid beats my boy (1.5 yrs old).. coz tis evening, when i returned home, n lay on the floor, he ran up to me and beat my face... and the rest of the evening.. whenever he's near me, he would beat my face.. somehow i felt he got a devilous look when he did that... but he oso kiss me and laffed after doing that..likes it's a game to him <- he has never done that before lor? i suspect when the maid try to make him sleep, and he dun wanna... she beat his face... but she makes it like a game to him, so he would not cry and arouse the curiousity of my mum who is in the living rm.

where to get those hidden cameras? anyone has tat in their home? how much did it cost?
hi lynnzee

congrats on your pregnancy.

you can prepare a set of toiletries (bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush) and give her what she lacks. you will only open bank a/c only after she repays her loan and has saving of S$500. you pay her salary at end of month. your agent will explain to you and maid on that day.

my maid has her own bank a/c, she keep the book, i keep the atm card.

dun worry so much, just ensure that she learn the routine.
hi smurfy

your maid will bring your boy to room for nap? why not ask her to pat your boy to sleep in the living rm for a change? if not, leave the door ajar and get your mum to peek in once a while.

possible for your son to express himself? ask him why beat beat mummy?

my ex-maid also pat my boy in the rm with door closed and mum also not very happy cos maid will just chat on hp. thank goodness no signs of abuse.

pls inform your mum about this.
i asked my boy, but he dun understand what i am trying to do.. instead comes near me and hits my face again, and laffs..the boy will escape off the room if the door's not closed leh... but i am thinking of that option before i get the cameras... at least no napping is better than beating my child
Hi gracian,

Thanks for answering my queries! Appreciate it!

Hi tamarind,

Yes, i've read through your blog for info before i begin my search for an agency and maid... it's really useful! Thanks!
hey tamarind... do you hv a section for gd agency to recommend? nowadays getting gd maid or not is by luck, heng/suay, the least we can do is to get a gd agent who can help us in case there is probs!

all... the agency i'm using has new bios, and i got my fili in a wk, so if u need a maid urgently, then can pm me for the contact.
celtricia, dymples &amp; may, u r rite, yr maid is getting worst than d other one, same goes for mine. yday, d fili maid cried whole day can not work, she told me tat, so told her csi fan verse ... pray ... ignored her. tis morn, she stone downst whole morn waiting for me to wake up. she packed her bags all n waited for me, she said she home sick and wanted to go back to fili. i said u got the $$ to rtn the loan, she said she wl ask her hb to call d fili ambassador n ask d ambassador to gv d $$. cry father mother, said she got nervous breakdown n can not wk, she wants to go back to fili. she said scared my hb come wl scold her ... or beat her coz she dropped his black berry ... some more can tell me tat even aft dropped, ltr i saw him talking on his black berry (tat hah, i told her is hb old black berry, arghhh, she does not underst). she refused to move, cry father mother, d ambassador wl gv her d $$ to refund d loan.

went back upst n tk a bath n called relative agt n told her, she said she wl call d fili agt ctc in sin n put all of us on a conference call n call me back, so when called, i passed d phone to maid n i listened fm d other phone upst (initially they dunno tat i was listening), so full of lies, fili agt scolded maid n told her tat back in d fili agt, maid was oredi veri big mouth n caused a lot of probs n d fili agt ctc here in sin has to called her in fili to settle d mttr. i interupted then n further told abt d water heater n bath tub shoes swimming ... it seems tat there wasn't any water heater in relative agt bathroom as theirs are central heater n d heater is in d kitchen. maid insisted that there is ... it oso seems tat maid called anoth maid tat she got no food gvn at our home, everiday she is hungry ... it was revealed ... i further interupted of d work time tbl n maid claimed she nvr tell ... relative agt said if anything, shud call her, maid said she hasn't got any agt ctcs ... i interupted n said tat i saw relative agt ctc nos when i checked her bags ... twist &amp; turn, then maid said she tried to call relative agt but no reply ... so now who is telling all d lies ... no agt ctcs n next moment, she forgot of d lies she told earlier, she said she tried to call relative agt.

fili agt scolded maid n told her off all her mistakes so far ... all d probs/troubles she caused in fili ... well, all these were covered up ... maid said she wants to wk now ... emply veri good ... before tat told agt tat my son beat her until her breast veri pain (ltr aft d phone conv ends, i queried her, she said she got breast ops before in fili, i asked her breast cancer, she said no) ... fili agt asked her to apologise to mum aft tis n she said she wants to work her ... emply (mum) veri good, kind n nice to her ... aft conv ended, all d crocodile tears no more ... she wants to stay on ... i told her if u want to go back to fili, by all means, but mk sure d ambassador sent d $$ first!

Mummies, do u tink i shud keep n let her continue or juz sent her back to agt for trsfr! Aft tis, i cfmd no more maids oredi esp fili maids ... all full of lies n too crafty (my 1st fili was d old timer one tat reali wk hard, all new ones nowadays wah liao). tis one worst than d siao ting tong myanmar maid coz d siao ting tong @ least veri hardworking n clean d hse quite clean, tis one, d whole hse got a maid lk no maid, whole hse is in a mess, can't cook nuts n end up i cook, i clean d hse, i lk aft d kids, bathe d kids n she cry homesick everiday.

celtricia, haiz so sian, hb hv not even come home n she nervous breakdown scared hb wl beat her up, wah liao, she tinks we hooligans haiz!
aiyo.. alamak why we all got such bad luck... maid dun wan to work nvm.. still can accuse no food this and dat. abt afraid that ur hb beat her up i tink dats her excuse la. did the fili agt sayid wat prob she created? and their ambassador so good?? will send $$ for them to repay loan? If tats really the case than they really rich wor.
kanna sai,
i for one cannot tolerate this kind of crap from fili. i very scared they cry father cry mother over small small thing. If my maid does that, str away I'll discount all the good she has done and will send her packing for the door. Some maids think they are so smart, think that they put up acts and tell lies like that, we'll still let them stay. They think they are so in demand that we have no choice but to keep them. But they also forget that for every job opp that they screw up, there will be thousand others who wants to try out.

just send her out from your home and make the relative agent pay you back the money BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!
Kanna sai, aiyoz.. so poor thing.. but i wldn't keep her liao if i were u.. like wat nellu say.. discount all the gd n send her off straight.. told so many lies.. in d end den say u gd wan to wrk for u.. crazy.. they tink we charity ah.. plus the fact she can still act say scared ur hb will beat her.. pls lor.. if not guilty conscious y scared.. muz b becoz she purposely lor.. agent juz called got some new biodata..will go check it out later..
may, i nvr scold her bef n for her big mistake she can cry father mother wiz out anyone scolding her. she 32 yrs old liao. fili agt ctc said she veri big mouth back in fili, gossiped, instigated other maids, fight/quarrel wiz other trainees, work blur - agt in fili tot her but she refuse to do accordingli n alw argue wiz agt in fil ... agt in fili veri unhappy wiz her. so i questioned maid aft conv ended - according to maid, d agt in fili veri fierce n alw shout/scold her n oso alw chased her for $$ coz she nvr pay up agency fee, medical ch/up fee n etc ... said agt in fili veri bad to her. i said lk tat ask ambassador to pay ma. she said her frenz emply veri good, when her frenz 1st came, they gv her a lot of $$ and when her frenz fmly in fili got probs, they gv her a lot of $$ to send home. i told her well, we veri poor n we can onli afford to pay u yr salary, if u want charity $$ like yr frenz, ask yr frenz to swap emply wiz u lor! If u want to leave my hse, mk sure d ambassador send $$ first!

nellu, yes, u r rite, i dun want to keep her liao, no pt, nobody scold her or anything yet (as if hb wl beat her up when he comes back), oso lk tat, so everi time mk mistakes, oso can not tell her off meh, agt relative wl not pay back $$ la, they hv to mk sure d ambassador remit d $$ to me first!

celtricia, she said she nvr say no food, d other maid lied, i read her note bks hor n she wrote lk a diary lk tat all d incidences, back in fili agt thr hor got lots of fights wiz other maids n lots of probs liao, she wrote when she came to my hse, everiday she cried coz she missed her hb n kids n everiday, at emply hse she can not work, she juz sits at home to cry ... so tat explains why my whole hse is so messy, clothes not kept/not ironed, toys everywhere!

Relative agt nvr call me back, haiz wl wait for hb to come back to see how, next week psle marking n then dd sa2 exams, nn a maid @ home still sian. aft tis no more maids liao for us. wl send dd to student care.
Hi mummies,

Who's the mummy with the maid that caused their 1.5year old to be sick and used Asset Management Agency? I think better write to ST already.

Kanna sai,

Your maid is a drama queen and full of crap. She's so lazy too. I think it's best to get rid of her back to Fili. Unfortunately, sometimes we need to lose money in order to solve an even greater problem of offloading a bad maid. I've had 6 maids and lost a lot of money. At the end of the day, I minimize my losses by only taking maids here on Social Visit Pass.
<font color="aa00aa">Lynnzee</font>,
Good luck with your first maid. Hope she will prove to be a good helper. For me, I would prepare the toiletries first (except the kotex. Me berry pantang one. Won't buy kotex for my maids). Oh yes, buy normal cheap brand can liaoz. Dun pamper them with good brand in the beginning. For salary, I prefer to pay my maid in cash at the end of every month around the 29th or 30th. When they get their salary, they would have to sign a record book to acknowledge receipt. On the first day, I would give her "orientation" of the house - where things are kept, whose room is whose, etc. I will also run thru 2 documents - (1) House Rules &amp; Regulation + (2) DW's Job Responsibilities and Timetable schedule.

<font color="aa00aa">smurfy</font>,
I tink it's not a good idea to leave your boy alone with the maid inside the room and the door closed. Dunno what the 2 of them doing inside. Continue to monitor your boy. Maybe can ask your hub to ask him to demonstrate what "auntie" does whilst patting him to sleep or waking him up? Cos sometimes easier for children to "act" out the action then to explain in words yah. But dun pressure him cos you may end up scaring him instead. As for those hidden cameras, there are various types available and the costs varies greatly. Unfortunately, I dun have this so can't advise you. Maybe some of the mommies can help you with this yah.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
*aarrgghh* your maid is incorrigible!! Tell so much lies! Dare to cry father and cry mother when she create so much problems!! Somemore you so good not to scream at her liaoz... but she can spread such vicious rumours about you! Dun believe her anymore. If you can... pls "throw" her out of your house soon. Before she "hurt" herself then put the blame on you or your hub. Already she's "creating an alibi" that your hub come back sure beat her for dropping his blackberry. Dun know who else she already spread such lies. Dangerous. Dun trust her!! As for your Reltv Agt, I'm sure she would know how terrible that maid was in fili and yet still can take her to SG??!! Should have advised you if she got bad feedback from the fili agt mah. Haiz... Pls tell off your reltv agt that such service is unacceptable and dun use her anymore. Somemore, where will the ambassador pay back her loan??!! Such nonsense. Dun tell me the embassy so good to pay off the loans for such maids who default on their contracts?? Unthinkable leh.
how's things with you?

hey, what's the story with this maid causing the 1.5yo to be sick? Did i miss something??
hi mummies,
i have been reading this thread on-and-off as i was looking for a maid recently. first time i hired a maid, n i was full of anxiety, worries and stress.. plus I was heavily pregnant then.. in the end, everything turned out well (so far so good).. I delivered my baby on the 28 Sep and my maid came on the 30 Sep.. so far she has been a very good help to me. I feel very lucky n blessed.. just hope that she won't start to do nonsense thing next time when we all go back to work.

My maid is Filipina, and I suggest that mummies look for a maid who has worked in Middle East before. My maid worked in Jordan for 2yrs. I have heard very good reviews of maids who worked in UAE before.. cos it seems that life over there is quite tough.. so those who have worked there before are generally very hardworking and well-behaved.

Good luck with your maid.. hope she can be a good help to u too. I initially also wanted a Myanmar maid but was strongly advised not to take one, due to communication problems.. plus further down the road, i will leave the maid alone at home.. so i need someone who can communicate very well. But if u have the time n patience, I m sure u can train her well. For me, i m a bit impatient.. anyway, wish u well..

re: clothes to handwash or machine wash?
Need advice on whether I should ask my maid to handwash everything? so far i just get her to handwash my baby's clothes, n some of my daily clothes (because now i m on confinement, so tend to change more often).. but my hubby's office clothes n home-wear, i still machine wash.

and the maid's own clothes, she will handwash every few days.. is that ok, or shall i also get her to machine-wash her clothes once a week? anyone can advise?
My maid handwashes her clothes, she is not allowed to put her clothes into the washing machine. I am very particular about hygiene, who knows what kind of stains her clothes will have.

It is really up to the employer. If you are not as fussy as me, it is absolutely fine to let her use your washing machine. But if you don't want her to mix her underwear with your family's clothes, better tell her clearly. Many maids don't have common sense.

There is no need to ask your maid to handwash everything. My kids' as well as me and my hubby's clothes are machine washed.

I actually sort out the clothes myself before putting into the washing machine. I don't trust my maid to know that dark colors should not be washed together with light colors. Also don't expect your maid to know how to read clothes labels to separate out those which need to be handwash only. Tell her specifically. Otherwise she may throw your delicate clothings into the washing machine.
<font color="aa00aa">Autumn</font>,
My maid will handwash her own clothes every morning. She is not allowed to use the washing machine for her own clothes as like Tamarind said, I dun want her washing her undies in the washing machine... cos I'm quite "pantang".

As for the family clothes --> all business attire and delicates are hand-washed. The rest like home clothes, uniforms, bed sheets, etc are machine washed. When she first came, I also showed her what I consider pale colours and what are dark colours, and that these have to be washed separately.

Once in a while, I will conduct spot checks, cos some maids tend to cut corners after some time and simply throw everything into the washing machine cos it's easier for them.


My maid handwashes her own clothes, my clothes and hb's clothes. Coz now recession, hb say machine will use a lot of electricity, so told the maid to hand wash, from day 1. But can use the machine to spin dry. (how much savings is there? I dunno...) Think she also not familiar with using machine. hehs. She even wanted to handwash the bedsheets. For us, only baby's clothes, bedsheets, bath towels are machine washed.

I agree that we need to conduct spot checks every now and then. Coz they do tend to cut corners. Keep urs ears open too...(coz the machines have beep beep sounds...) My prev maid, never tell us, but we heard the machine so went to check...found that she put ONE small cushion cover into the machine, just to spin dry that ONE cover. Ask her, she can say indignantly, "spin ONLY!!!" haha...

Kanna sai, tink ur reltv agent really too much.. n ur tis maid is also another award winning actress menz.. forget abt her n send her off..

Hey Liana, haven't heard frm u for quite some time.. hw r u? everything fine? ya.. watz the story abt tat maid.. nvr hear b4 leh..

Joy747, am leaving for aust on 26 Oct.. ya.. nw exchg rate quite gd.. but read in papers there's shortage of aust currency in sg mkt leh.. duno hw true..
