Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

After maid left, MIL doesn't want anymore maids cos so much trouble and maid made her angry everyday (everyday i had to hear her complains) . My FIL quitted his job to help MIL in taking care of the kids. I'm very greatful to him, else i really don know what to do..

My boy also sleeps in hammock during daytime. We will place a few mattresses below the hammock and against the wall, cos after he wakes up, he will ownself climb down the hammock then land himself onto the floor hard.. At night, we put him in hammock to sleep and then transfer him down to mattress on the floor before we sleep

As soon as kids know how to flip, hammock is very dangerous cos they will struggle and drop out .. so must put many mattresses to cusion..

ooh...okie, ur bb is slightly older than mine.
Yah, I have nobody to supervise her at home. I bring bb and maid to my mum's place every day, coz my grandma is there. There, will have my grandma and father's maid. But nobody knows how to look after baby. My grandma is 91 y.o. with a bit of dementia. So not possible lah...hahaha. My parents are working. MIL has to look after 2 other grandkids...
<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
Aiyoh.. your maid really blur leh. Maybe after giving instructions, you ask her back :"Tell me what I just told you to do?" If she look at you blur-blur, repeat the instructions (this time slowly) and ask her again. Sometimes these maids are really blur cos we talk too fast for them to catch + their bad comprehension of English... or else... they jux pretending lor. Then do things their way. It's so worrying if she really dun understand your instructions cos she gotta look after BB.

<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Wow! Your children's names all so unique. nice-nice. Me now praying and telling BB, placenta gotta move up. Hoping for miracle. How come your gynae dun wanna discuss about ligation? *weird* I just discussed this with my gynae yesterday and she recommend I wait till next visit to confirm if placenta is still near OS. Anyway, I've got 2 options. (1) do C-Sect, then can "clip" the tubes at same time after delivery OR (2) natural delivery followed by rest for 1 day, then do key-hole surgery to tie the tubes. She said if tie the tubes immediately after birth is better cos recovery will be together wz confinement period. Versus doing it much later, the surgery will costs more cos gotta pay to stay in hospital again, plus 1-week to rest at home to recuperate.

Btw, dun tink the "ang moh" maid will be suitable for you. Same reasons as usual - they already used to the freedom and high salary. Anyway, such maids will prefer to work for "ang-moh" again. Nevertheless, no harm if you wanna interview and see how the maid is like?

<font color="aa00aa">susany</font>,
Your maid has her own mattress right? Like that she won't wanna sleep on BB's matress bah? Or else... instead of buying a big single mattress, you can get those toddler size mattress from Kiddy Palace. Both my gals currently sleep on these toddler mattress on the floor in my room. They dun want to sleep on their own beds in their own room. *haiz*

<font color="aa00aa">PinkTweet</font>,
Wow! Your FIL is so nice to quit and help your MIL to look after your BB. Lucky you. My own mother can't even help me look after my gals.... not to mention my IL's. Lagi no hope there. That's why gotta resign from work to look after them myself.
LoL.. Yep.. thanks.. Ya.. will pray for u n hope there will b miracle, i hope mine also.. My gynae say i still too young.. so dun wan to discuss wif me abt ligate, i spoke to another female gp.. she say the same also leh.. sigh.. at least urs still recommend when to do it.. so nice.. i wan it too.. heh..

Ya.. i also tink she might not b suitable for me, plus i juz found out tat actually her employer dun wan to let her go one.. but she wants to seek another wrking environment.. so i dun tink i wan her also.. heh..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
hah... your gynae &amp; GP dun wanna discuss cos you still young? *scratch-head* Maybe they scared that you'll wanna give birth again later?
My gynae also tried talking me out of it cos she said I only 35-yrs. But I told her I'm confirmed "close shop".
Cannot take it emtionally, financially and physically to go for another one.
Will pray for miracle for you too yah. If you want... I can recommend my gynae to you? She's located at TMC.

Aiyoh... if the maid herself wanna change employers, then I won't take. Especially if her current emply is "ang-moh"... cos she's wants lagi easy life?? Too risky. Not comfortable with this.
Dymples, ya lor.. they comment the same.. sigh.. am 27yrs old btw, heh.. mayb tat's the reason y.. sigh..
My current gynae also frm TMC, but i went to him coz his clinic is near my hse.. so easier for me to go checkup after ofc hrs.. no nid take leave.. heh.. who's ur gynae?

Ya lor, abt the maid, i felt the same too.. wait she agree to wrk for me juz to get out of her current employer den look for another.. den i more cham liao lor.. so she's out for sure.. heehee..
How old are you? Cos ligation is somewhat 'irreversible' or very difficult to unclip, so gynes don want people to regret later lo

U are a SAHM? Very siong hor? Actually, I planned to be a SAHM during my 2nd pregnency (ie. throw letter after taking my maternity leave), but gave up that idea during my maternity leave .. Cos i was left alone with my 2 kids and realised i totally can't cope alone with 2 kids with age gap of 19mths.. nearly gone into depression .. imagined my 'relieved' when i came back to office after my maternity leave .. i so chiam hor?

Ok, back to maid issue, I also won't take a maid who ownself want to change employer .. esp. from angmo family .. angmo gave lots of freedom and highly lightly this maid may not stay long in a s'porean family .. cos demands are different
Celtricia, you're 27 .. no wonder .. my advise to you will be the same lo if u asked me .. just use some temporary method lo .. kekekeekekee

heh.. ya lor.. tat's wat they say.. but i can't imagine myself having another kid.. FAINTZ!!! but most likely bo bian den i will haf to try the mirena IUD liao.. but am scare of it.. plus nw the low placenta near os.. i even more worried.. sigh..
may, hahaha, d shoes swimming in d longbath, i asked d maid when i went home, she said coz she wanted to save water ma (she used d water fm my dd bath) haiz ... dunno where is her brain, lucki she nvr keep/tk d water to wash vegetables haha. i more faint haha.

celtricia, haha, yrs opp fm mine, my boy was reali difficult. oic, yr hb in town bttr la can drive u, n now u preggie, me no difference, i drive myself hehe. u r rite, @ least, my frenz maid nvr ill treat d son but she has yet to find out other things coz d maid juz left abt 1 wk onli haha. tat trsfr maid def can not tk leh, wk for angmoh, some more asked for trsf herself n asked nb to help, haiz must be dun no what nonsense she upto leh, bttr be careful leh.

nellu, u r rite, d maids wl not admit n younger kids can not tell, mb by constantly asking d maid on d food gvn to d kids, at least they wl know tat we r alert/monitoring. i oso found out tat d hiao fili ate up my kids vitamins haiz. hehe, yes, my dd can keep an eye on d maid but i tell her to keep quiet n call me quietly fm her rm if d maid do nonsense or wait until i come home coz dangerous ma if she confront d maid alone.

dymples, result out liao bo? dun worry la, pregnant usuali a bit more sensitive la. yes, horrible whch shows tat all maids good ones or bad ones r d same la, no mttr how good they r, sure got something one leh haiz.

susany, yes u r rite, d reltv agt is hopeless, her maids r princesses, definitely wl not tk fm her anymore coz no more foc replacement liao now. i oso found out tat she let tis fili maid go out wiz her frenz n go wherever she wants when she was a d reltv agt hse haiz. yes, i dun underst, eggshell haiz, tis morn, purposely mk egg sandwich agn, n agn dunno how to mk but @ least, nvr put in d egg shells haiz. she reali haiz extreme forgetful, extreme blur. u r rite oso, must hv lots of patience lor.

csi fan, LOL, yr maid lk my maid lor, blur blur, haha milo, me too me ask her to make milk, she said okie she mk, 15 mins asked her whr is d milk, she lk at me huh, she forgot, 10 mins ltr mk d milk, use cold water to mk haiz. same same pattern. we both must hv lots of patience lor.
Hint hint your hubby to go 'tie' instead cos guys' one is reversible .. hohooo.. But not sure his ego will allow him to do so lo .. (oops, different topic, shouldn't come to this thread)
Kanna sai,
oh really.. mayb like they say.. the younger ones r aws the more difficult ones.. hehe.. ya.. wif hb in town, its beta for me.. all the fetching n gg places.. heehee..
oh, ur fren's maid juz left ah.. heehee.. ya.. so mayb there's more SURPRISES to come.. sigh.. maids.. ya lor.. tat trf maid i dun wan liao.. heehee..

watz implanon? pill or wat? kekeke..
my fren also suggested.. but no lah.. dun tink he will.. most guys won't anyway.. opps.. tink i haf led most of u to sway away frmt he maids' topic.. kekeke..
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
Oic... yah.. 27-yrs is consider young leh. Maybe you try those IUD or 3-mthly injections first yah. Btw, my Gynae is Dr Phyllis Liauw of TLC clinic. How about yours?
Back to the maid thing - yah... she may be using you to find even greener pastures. Definately not worth the risk.

<font color="aa00aa">PinkTweet</font>,
Yup... I was SAHM for 4-yrs to take care of my 2 older gals. After no. 2 turned 18-mths, put her into CC and then went back to work. Now got no.3 so resign again... boh pianz cos no one to help take care of BB. Plus, no way ever I will put my child in maid's or infant care. Yah.. being SAHM is quite "siong" but luckily for this one, I got maid to help versus my other 2, I did everything myself... but luckily that time I had the small luxury of tingkat dinners and part-time cleaner to clean, mop, iron and wash the house lor. Or else I sure collapse already.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
No.. results nor out yet. The clinic said most prob tomorrow cos yesterday PH so the lab not open. Luckily the itch is getting better... and the rash has kinda stop spreading.

Yah lor.. no matter how good the maid is... sure got things they hiding one lah. But as long as the house is clean, the children well taken care of, house chores all completed... then thank God liaoz. We can't expect too much from them lah.
heh.. yes yes.. so bo bian lor.. haf to try contraceptives liao.. sigh.. mine ah.. he's Dr Wong Mun Tat.. i duno his clinic at TMC is where.. haha.. but his day clinic is at bukit gombak.. so its super near my plc..
but my current maid is getting on my nerves lor.. sigh.. though i dun wan to handle, but on saturdays when hb not ard, i haf to handle mah.. n she aws make me angry n i try to lun till my tummy tighten, whh i find not gd for bb n me and also no pt lor.. sian.. so i really hope i can get rid of current maid soon.. argh!!!~~~
celtricia, yes, more surprises to come haha, lucki u dun want to tk tat trsf maid leh, expat's maid not ez leh. implanon, it is a lttl small thing inserted into d arm whch last for 2 yrs. u can chck out d website, got some con's la.

dymples, oic, results not out yet, glad rash stopped liao heng. tat is yr gynae, some of my frenz use her too but my hb n i pref male gynae lor hehe, mine Dr LC Cheng oso fm TMC. u SAHM, siong but at least u @ home wiz d kids, yes, maids good or bad ones, sure got something haiz, haha tat' why they r maids lor haha.

i feel tat actuali we nn d maids more when d kids r in primary sch coz we nn to spend a lot of time wiz them on their sch wk/exams time, tuition, piano lessons n etc. we can send d kids to student care but den, by d time, we finished all d hsewk, we too tired to coach d kids liao, so i find tat i nn a maid more than when d kids r younger/in cc.
Just sharing:
Saw an article in yesterday's xin-ming newspaper on one topic of breast cancer. Then it highlighted a case where a maid ganna 2nd stage breast cancer and employer ownself pay for her treatment ($15k) and plus employ another maid to take care of this maid .. employer is one of the lady PAP nominated MP (not sure of her exact title) .. When i read the article, i'm really really curious how long her maid was with her before she was detected with breast cancer.. and whether the maid was very good or just average in performing her job ..
hey all...

hv also had my share of maid woes. waiting for 7th maid (in 3 years) to come now.

my new maid will come from a lady who used to work with the agency i was using, who has now set up shop on her own with a recruiter fren. she has more than 15 years experience in her previous agency so her advice to me is very valuable. as they do their own recruitment, they say they hv more bio data (and better i hope!) than others. like now is hari raya period, most agencies dun hv indon bios, but she hv plenty. anyone looking for maid urgently can pm me and i will give you her contact.

also another note to add, not sure if you all are aware, that insurance is refundable within 6mths of employment. 0-3mths - 70% refund, 3-6mths - 30% refund. i din know and returned my maid at 3.5mths!!! aiya... lugi so much!

by the way alamak and celtricia, the implanon lasts for 3 years. i juz did mine in june.
are, not all insurance is refundable tat much leh, haiz, me wl nvr ever use reltv agt forever ever! yes, u r rite, 3 yrs, juz chck my card, u oso got a plastic card rite?
agree with alamak
there was one maid which i returned even before she come to my house, i have asked agent then and they told me the insurance is not refundable ..that was AIA policy
i pay my fresh phil (with exp in phil &amp; only 3-4 mth exp in spore) $350, no off days (already compensated in the $350)..
harh? Insurance is refundable? Mine is with NTUC leh...dunno can or not ah?

Oh, just found out that my ex maid was transferred today. This morning, the employer went to pick her up. Probably dun need childcare one lah...coz when I returned to agent, I mentioned cannot handle baby. hehs...
celtricia, agn, i was overchg by reltv agt haiz, i pay my fresh fili, no experience S$ 350, no off day another S$ 20.

Nothing gd abt reltv agt, agt fee extremeli high, bad svc, said tat i m d onli emply in sin tat dun allow off days, d onli emply she has tat dun allow hp, tat i m d onli emply tat has probs wiz d maids (she forgot my 1st fili has bn wiz us for 5 yrs), counselling tat sucks, all her maids r wiz off days (no biodatas at all for maids w/out off days, said tat agts in fili nowadays dun allow no off days, X@#$%? her, what abt d sms my hb saw in her hp "maid going mad agn", am i reali d onli one in sin or her onli client tat has probs wiz maids. All her maids r princesses ... @#$%^?

nothing good abt tis reltv agt. she lk to bring in d maids earli not to train them but to let them roam d whole sgp meeting wiz frenz/reltv, X@#$%&amp;? maids can do anything/go anywhere during their stay/supposed trainings at her hse!
in addition, all d maids fm reltv agt don't nn to pay any trsfr fees at all thru out their 2 yrs here, emply lk me r d fool lor, she said all her maids no. 1 veri good, nvr/hardli trsf, i m d onli one. 1st time i hear maids trsfr no nn to pay any trsnfr/agt fees/any single cent!
<font color="aa00aa">Celtricia</font>,
yah... tink you try those contraceptives first.. oohh.. Bt Gombak har.. berry near me leh. I stay at CCK area.

Oh dear... dun get so angry with your maid yah... not good for you and BB. But can understand your frustrations at same time *sayang*

Btw, the salary for fresh new maid from Phil is about $350 without off days. Some of them will ask for extra $20 if no off days. Depends on the agt lor.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Yup.. luckily the itching is better now. Aiyoh... I was hoping to do away with maid when my gals are older. But what you mention is also true lor. Where got energy to teach the children after doing all the housework. *faintz* become catch 22 situation again. Can't do with maid... can't do without them.

Aiyoh.. your that relative agt really terrible, horrible, incorrigible!! Her maids like come to SG only for a good time rather then being maids lah. No wonder got so much problems from them. Yes yes.. next time dun go thru that relative agt liaoz.

<font color="aa00aa">PinkTweet</font>,
Wah seh... that MP really "wei-da" leh. Wonder how long the maid has been working for her. Maybe the maid is really like family to her liaoz. But then again... being an MP.... wonder is she doing this for good publicity?? *Cynical*

<font color="aa00aa">Are</font>,
wah... insurance can get refund. All this while... none of agents ever let me know leh. Maybe the policies that they buy dun qualify? Thks for the info.
hey... sorry.. wats "reltv agt" ah?

i juz went to chk on ntuc maid insurance, it did say something abt refund within 90 days but never say how much? wah, i din noe not all policies can refund on leh, juz tot i was "eaten" by previous agent! ha! mine's from OAC. maybe you all can chk with agent or read your contract carefully again.

my past 2, and next 1 maid all $350 w/o off day. salary and loan is up to agent's neg with them, so i prefer agencies who do not side them. i ever went to approach a certain phili-run agency and understand how one will help one's own country men. the maid i interviewed was asking for transfer after 3mths, and the agency insisted she will need off day cos she is "ex-sgp". i'm like wat? but she oni here for 3mths already qualify for ex-sgp ah? win liao lor. and the maid face turn black when i say no hp. no thanx man!

alamak... yeah, die, dun noe where i dump plastic card liao. ask u har, do you still get menses? u can pm me ans if not convenient to ans here.
didn't know that insurance can be refunded.

Seeking advice:
Out of goodwill, today, I offered my 2 month old maid to write letter home. But was revealed that she has a starhub sim card. She said this was given by her relative in Indonesia before she departed to SG. The relative was working in SG before and now in HK.

I asked her how come she didn't show me this simcard on the 1st day of arrival, she said was hidden at the bottom of her luggage. But then her luggage was kept in the storeroom after the 1st day, she said that she had taken her luggage out of my storeroom and now the simcard is with her, no more in her luggage. Now making me wonder what else that she had hidden from me.

There's a value of like $8.00 and asked if she could use the sim card to call her dad's hp.

I'm in dilemma now, should i lend her a hp for her to use on her simcard or not?

Definitely i'm not going to buy her any $$ to call back home.

I'm worried for the consequences should i start to lend her this 'privilege' or is it i'm worrying too much.

Anyway, i'm little bit not happy for her not revealing her sim card to me but then, at the same time i dun wan to make her lose confidence and not happy working. As u all know my 2 kids r with her alone.
<font color="aa00aa">Are</font>,
Yah... dun go to those phili run agt especially those located in Orchard/Holland/Coronation Rd area. They will only side with their own people. Even when you call them to "feedback" on the maid's bad performance, they won't do much lor. Somemore, they will talk to each other in fili.. who knows what other nonsense the agt is telling the maid. I've got previous bad experience wz such agencies. Now I only look for those run by locals, preferably chinese.

<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font>,
I won't allow the maid to "borrow" any of my HP just to use her SIM card. Will definately become a bad habit and this will also set a precedence for her to use your things next time - even without permission. What I wuld do is tell the maid... that she will have to save her own $$$ to get her own HP in order to use the SIM card. This way you are not stopping her from using the SIM card... which she will eventually anyway. But yet, you are drawing the line between your things and her things. But pls do tell it to her tactfully... cos your children are in her care. Meanwhile, she will have to contend with writing back to her family. For such a maid where she can hide things from you in the beginning, it already shows she not really trustworthy. So the line really needs to be drawn between yours and her property. Maids are always ever ready to over step their boundaries.
very suspicious to me ref your maid's starhub sim card. I'm not sure i can believe what she said regarding how she got the sim card.

in any case, like Dymples said, I would not lend her my phone either. and will draw a very thick clear line to show her that my family and my things are ours and her things are hers.

she seemed to be ever ready to take advantage of any situation that might be favourable to her.
susany... wat i always do when a new maid arrives is to let them make 1 call (i pay) back hm to inform their family they hv arrived safely, and also to give them my hp num to call in case of emergency. i feel tis is a gd 1st gesture out of goodwill to ease her settling dwn. also to be fair as her family shd be worried how she is, so far away frm hm. then she can only call back once a mth aft her loan finish and she buy her own card. during the laon repayment period, she can send as many letters as she wants, i will pay for postage. but i think they prefer calls a lot more cos sometimes letters get lost, and i think their postal service in phili also sucks so they seldom use. my previous maid ever sent many letters which were never received.
dymples/nellu/are - she had betrayed me on the 1st day of arrival.

On the 1st day, after transferring her clothings to the drawer and after checking all the pockets, i asked her if she has anything else to show me and she said NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!

and because she started to feel comfortable with me now, then only yesterday she revealed about this sim card after offering her to write letter home.

and stupid me, didn't know how to respond to her because for my case with 2 children under her care, i must respond to her very tactfully, so that's why i want to seek advices from you all here.

but I did said that i'll find a hp .. anyway, in my house rules, that HP is not allowed at all and I'm not going to allow her to buy any hp even with her own money.

and yes, i'm going to stop her in using this simcard. My colleague will pretend to be the customer service and I'll put the call on speaker to tell her that this sim card is no longer valid.

Also, i'm going to demand an explanation of why she had kept this from me since the 1st day. Will also emphasize to her that i cannot tolerate lies.

Dymples/nellu, agreed to you that she's not trustworthy.

I'm now worried for the consequences if i demand for the explanation and warn her that i cannot tolerate with lies.

Gosh ..... how ah ..
Hi, can I check with anyone who knows Malay or Indonesian what "SENSI ANJING SINGAPURE" means? I received this sms from my maid's family.
It does seem ridiculous that we should be held hostage by maids.

SusanY, I like your idea of getting your colleague to pose as the customer service person. Hopefully your maid is not so street smart to try and call the cust service herself when you're not around.

She has agreed with your house rules? Then perhaps you can bring it up again, and mention that you guys have agreed to no HP, so she shouldn't be asking for it. Can she call home using a phone card? Maybe to "make up" for the no HP bit, let her call her father's HP for that one time using a phone card and that's it?
Or maybe you can confiscate the SIM card, as you do not allow HPs. But will let her use it on (eg. her birthday), subject to her work performance. Maybe that might motivate her and she won't think of doing anything bad to your kids...
my phil maid (experienced in Phil only) is $360/mth, no off day (the $20 compensation is included already).

Talking abt her, she made me sooooo mad yesterday. I could feel the blood pressure rising in my brain. Aiyoh, scary. sekali kenna stroke. Haiz. She messed up my EBM yesterday and today! #@$*&amp;%$*#&amp;%!! My EBM! That I took so much trouble to pump etc. I mean, it is hard work, pumping and storing EBM...only to have it messed up by some idiot. And it's not that I never tell her lorh. I even repeatedly tell her to check with me each time! @#$(@#%&amp;. So pissed.

And sterlise bottle, can sterilise all the bottle parts, but no teat and cap. Then sterilise already, how to keep the inside of the bottle sterile (no teat, sealing disc or cap mah)? Just leave on table top like that. Then what's the point of sterilising? Really no brain....

sorry, had to let it out...pai seh.
dymples, glad yr rashes bttr now, must tk care n @ tis stage, can eat more bird nests &amp; etc liao, so bb complexion nice n mummy oso benefit ma. yes lor, relative agt, haiz reali dun underst why she nvr chg her maids for trsfr fees!

are, reltv agt means relative agent, the maid agency is my relative (husband's cousin), so d morale of d story is never to get maids from relatives or frenz. That is d cons' (downside), it is irregular n sometimes more than twice a mth lor n heavy at times, goodside, is no more menses cramp wiz implanon. u must remember to tell d doctor whenever u sick tat u r on implanon so tat they dun gv u something tat wl affect d effect of implanon n u shud hv d card in yr wallet at all times to show d doctor in case they dunno wat is implanon ma.

susany, i agree wiz d other mummies, do not lend yr maid yr hp, next u know is tat she tk yr hp herself to use, haha, i lk tat wiz yr colliq pretending to be d cs telling her d sim card is no longer valid haha. yes, we must tread tactfully wiz kids alone wiz d maid @ home w/out supervision. when come to these things, maids r not stuxxd rite! They know what is buy a load &amp; all d nonsense even bef they come! Mine even hv an ezlink card, hp vch &amp; etc! Not stuxxd &amp; blur rite when comes to nonsense!
csi fan, yr fili maid S$ 360 no off day starts fm 1st mth or aft 6 mths wiz now $ 340 n S$ 360 fm 7th mth onwards ar? huh, she mixed up agn, haiz, dunno whether they r reali forgetful n blur or pretending nia. haha, brain left in fili juz lk mine lor haha.
<font color="aa00aa">Susany</font>,
If your house rules states no HP, then remind your maid (tactfully) about it. heheheh... I like your idea about your colleague pretending to be the customer service. But like what CSI Fan said, hopefully your maid not so smart to call the customer service hotline herself later yah. Anyway... dun demand for explanation why she hide this from you, cos I feel she will just give crappy stupid answers. But it's good to re-highlight to her the importance of not telling lies.

<font color="aa00aa">CSI fan</font>,
Oh dear... how come she mess it up again? Is she really blur or purposely doing it to make you fed-up. Maybe you ask her to tell you what she did wrongly? How about printing instruction on your EBM and sticking somewhere in the kitchen so she can refer to it? *sayang* Must be so frustrating for you.

<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
Yup yup... me will eat more birds nest and drink coconut juice too. hehhehe... huh? Your relative agt dun charge the maid's trfs fee? No wonder her maids happy happy just wanna change employers. But by re-cycling her maids, guess she earns $$$ from the agt fees that she charges new employers for each "new" hire mah.
dymples, tink she is d onli agt tat dun chg d maids' trsfr fees, ya lor her maids all yayapapaya but den hor, she said all her maids veri good one, nvr chg emply finish ctrs (except myanmar) n her emplys all nvr chg maids, i m d onli one wor - do u buy tat? Any mummy buy tat?

she has bn in d biz for abt 10 yrs liao, i dun believe i m her onli client tat chg maids! wat abt d sms my hb saw accidentally in her hp 'd maid go mad agn'!
gosh, hate to give lecturing leh .. but yet cannot close 1 eye, rite ..

on the first day of arrival, she has been telling lies after asking her if she has anything else to declare, somemore to gain my trust, she showed me some coins of M'sa &amp; S'pore, she said the coins were given by other maids who were at the agency as remembrance. All her clothes and the pockets, she flipped inside out to show me that she has nothing else hidden.

but then, this sim card thing leh?????? Also, she's the one personally revaled it to me.

she's actually good in her work, very fast learner and very smart but then the honesty leh ..

another fren said don't act on the cust service part woh because by calling the Starhub CS, means that i'm giving the privilege to her liau .. the fren insisted that i must be firm and strict. You all buy this?

this maid still can be kept or not ah ..

pucca - sansi (no such word), anjing (dog), singapure (singapore). So, actually catch no ball what the sms is trying to say.

alamak - in my previous post, i already said that yr relative agent is teruk hoh .. i don't buy any of her words. She is also another betrayal.

csi_fan, mixing yr milk - she didn't check with u ah .. use her own agak-agak ah .. worth to be scolded. I'm still pumping milk too but volume very low now.
<font color="aa00aa">kannasai</font>,
I definately dun buy what your that reltv agt says lor. So full of BS. Where got maids really so good never change emplyers one and where got employers first get maids so happy with them. She's really full of crap leh.

<font color="aa00aa">susany</font>,
If your this maid is hardworking and learn fast, then maybe you wanna give her 1-more chance. Maybe she hide this from you in the beginning cos of your "No HP" rule? But now, she feels more comfortable with you as a boss, that's why she tell you? At least she owns up now rather then still keeping from you and then secretly buying a HP. Nevertheless, I agree that you need to speak to her about not hiding things from you in future and that she cannot tell lies cos it breaks the trust you have in her. If she does such things again... then off she goes. No more warnings or lectures.
dymples, i went thru the house rules before transfering the clothings from her luggage. Yes, it's because of the house rules, that's why she was able to show me some coins due to my house rules saying that she cannot keep any money with her.

but then, she is still very daring to hide the sim card despite asking her if she's anything else to show me.

gosh, of course if she can be trusted, then i want to keep her, sigh ..
Hi all
My myanmar maid current salary is $320, I renew her to $340 for two more years.
Now my hubby's grandma also got another myanmar maid arriving soon and I heard her pay is $350. Then my hubby proposes to increase her pay to that amount but I disagree. Why should I follow norm? Cant I set my own salary range?
If she gets $400 does it mean I also pay my maid same amount?

hi gals.

i am getting my 1st myanmar maid soon but i am becoming so worried after reading all the horror maid stories.

Wish me luck!!!
