Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi, Haven't been here for quite sometime. I am really lost now. Currently looking for maid, but the issue now is indo or phil? I have parents in law at home.I wanted phil maid as they can speak better englsih. The purpose of having the maid is to have someone speaking english to my ger when most of the time, me n hb is not at home. My PIL speak hokkien so now, my ger is speaking only hokkien (she is 18mth,learning to tok).So i tot since she is learn to tok, she should have someone speaking english to her at all time, not only when me n hb come home frm work. (Now when i speak to her, she dun really understand me!)I been to many agencies,and they told me phil maid canot get along well with elderly. (My PIL are already in late 70s)I had an indo maid before, but alot prob with her (On BF issue). Now I have the phobia with indo maid as my frds said they are all very despo.(my maid told me she need sex!)She was a gd maid and her english is not bad(Better than filipino) just that she got tis bf problem and alwaez making my PIL quarrel.(Kinda smart, she alwaez try to turn the family upside down, or should say, we are silly to be controlled by her).Now most agencies told me most of the phil maid cannot stand elderly at home.ask me to get indo maid instead.more guai..but if i wan fresh indo maid, they cant speak english at all.only word by the end tis indo maid will learn to speak hokkien, n my ger will still b speakin hokkien then it defeats the purpose already right?I really having headache and because of the new insurance ting which govt impose starting from next yr, i hope to get the maid to come within tis mth, which most phil maid cant make it. Isit true that maids comin in next yr, we have to pay about $200 for their insurance? Another ting is, does anyone has any comment on Labour Express maid agency and Raymond maid.Labour Express offering unlimited replacement which i tot its too gd to be true. How true isit? Does anyone has any bad experience to share? Raymond maid is quite strict.All their maids come with no off day, but the sales person machiam ai mai ai mai..Not interested in doin business...Haiz..headache...Pls advice me....
I have used Labour Express (chinatown branch) before. The service okay lar, the only maid I took from them is a transferred (Filo) maid but she only worked with me for 6 mths, gave me some problem and left saying that her mum is very sick. I did not make use of their unlimited replacement service cos I was pissed with the whole maid thingy...the agency is alright.
Thanks for your reply precious one. So agency is ok huh? Should i just settle down with tis? I need to noe about the replacement ting coz i heard though they say unlimited, but they tk their own sweet time to do the replacement...n almost not willing...i duno about labour express..then when ur maid giv u problem, did agent tried to help? like to counsel her or wat?
for the insurance thingy, it's actually for the benefit of the employer .. Imagine, without the insurance, employer will have to bear the $5k if maid runs away. Without the insurance, employer will have to bear the full medical cost should the maid is down with serious illness and employer will need to pay the full unsubsidised medical bills .. So, think of the insurance as to your benefit, you'll feel less heart pain for the parting of the premiums.. You also have insurance for yourself and your family, right? It's the same logic
Labour Express (Chinatown) didn't give me any problem previously. As I didn't make use of their unlimited replacement service, I can't comment on their attitudes when dealing with replacement cases. Usually most agents will counsel the problematic maids but it is when things turn ugly, then u can see the true colours of the agents and also the maids. Labour Express agency fee is rather cheap as compared with the BIG names.

Yes, take PinkTweet's advice, buy maid's medical insurance, bond protector etc. to protect yourself and your family. From this thread, you will read that there are a few maids who run away even when the employers treated them well. So we really can't preempt or predict. Wish you luck in finding a good maid.
PinkTweet and precious one, yes I will pay for the insurance just that tis yr and next yr premium got difference of about $100, but cover the same ting.thats y i hope that the maid come by this mth.The maid i KIV at labour express is 24YO divorced with 2 kids.(3yo n 6mths) Does anyone has comment on divorced maids? And with kids, will they miss their children too much till they got no heart to work? (coz i cant imagine myself parting with my ger for so long)
i just heard from my colleague yday that her brother's maid ran away while they were holidaying in Macau!!!!

If you getting a Phil maids... you can try DANS Services.. service is good and the lady really listen to your needs & pass all the biodatas that relevant to your requirement... no wham bam thank you maam service here ... They got branch in Lucky Plaza & Jurong... own & manage by Philipinos... they should know better their people..
My concern on your indo maid is:
1) at age 24, she is still pretty young
2) divorce at what age cos her 2nd one only 6 mths old, who's looking after her kids when she come here
3) if fresh maid, 1st time here, sure she's going to miss her family a lot especially her kids.
4) her divorce must be pretty recent, has she get over it mentally or she is still nursing a broken heart, cos she might not be able to take pressure when work in a foreign land
5) does she fit your bill as in speaking english to your girl?
6) nothing wrong with divorcee, if her intention is to earn the dollar to feed the children then she might work hard. Just hope that she is not the vain type (like what your ex maids said, she needed sex, then you in another shit again!)

Very hard to say also cos there's only this much one can gather from the bio. To work and live with that person is another experience again....Lastly, is she the best of the lot of bios shown to you.
hi everyone.. back here again..
went to budget maid to get some biodate.. hmm .anyone use budger maids before? was told . by their branch at woodlands.. they dun have any transfer maids at the moment. does that mean that all their maids are so damm solid that employers deem no need to sent their maids back to the agency???.. hmmm

eileen101.. thanks a lot for the link.. going to read through it slowly.. very informative
Hi mummies, my new maid with me 5days, at 1st I tot she was slow..but now is super slow.. cooked can sardine and fried 1 veg,used 2hrs..??

The problem is she don't mind so slow..where she work till almost 11pm (not complete all chores and I'm helping baby care, no choice to ask her to sleep,do again the next day) .. non of my previous maid work till so late..timetable till 9.30pm (some previous maid can rest at 8pm,cost finish early)same amount of work.

I was thinking should I give her the same amount of work, hoping she will learn n do faster or lesser her work.. no need cooking..

I really vomit a lot of blood with this new maid

Her attitude is alway yes,mdm.. or when asked why she do something that I can't understand, she will just smile..?? what so funny?? make my blood more boil..

For example, she will just seat infront in cab..leaving me behind w bb.. when I was thinking I'm there to help you with bb care,hoping she will learn but end up..I'm the one that do all.. so I asked why you seat infront(return me a smile) to bb care??
Oh dear....what are you going to do?

Could be cos she didn't have enough bribe money for the corrupt Indonesian authorities.
I am praying real hard about this. I hope she gets her passport soon. she is the only one who catches my eye. I need her before school reopens... Have already prepared my mum to cope with 2 - 2yrs and 1 yr when school starts.
Hubby did suggest to just get one before school reopens and wait till her passport is ready then send the stand-in maid back and get the selected maid. Whta u gals think?
Hi ribenagr8s, yr hubby suggestion should work. Maybe see there is any transfer ones around? But not sure how would the agent think? If you are using the same agent, they might not willing to recommend you gd maids? Else you bluff them, you are applying for 2nd maid? But this method, not sure if they will charge you for double fees?

Hi Jo - i was about to post to ask how are you doing? Alamak, how come the maid like that one? Maybe you should look for a experienced maid of abt 2 years - finished one contract. If its a little more expensive, then pay for it...cos at the end of the day, I can understand how these pple can drive employers mad.
Liana, worst just minimise her work.. actually I already lower standard like only basic house chores that must be done. I keep on telling myself, closed both eyes.. be patient.. give her some time to adapt.. I also confused, if I help her, afraid she take advantage(I do the work), if I leave the work to her, afraid she too stress.. I really don't understand what she do, imagine after her dinner..can work in the kitchen from 7.30pm to 12am yesterday..?? I keep on telling her to be fast, afraid she not enough rest.. daily clothes not fold, till we don't have cloth to wear(never happen before)..all our clothes are mixed(baby & 2.5yrs old girl, my short at my 7yrs old boy's cabinet..
everything upside down.. kitchen cloth also used as she like, diff design cloth also can mix?? I don't know what to say, I want to cry...

Think really a long way to train... she has 2yrs exp in Jakarta..but don't know how true..

Eileen, I actually paid for exp maid's fees.. after 2 exp maids can't make it, agent told me better to get fresh... now I'm lost, lost hope in them... wonder MOM ppl have maid, they won't vomit blood???

I talked to her, she told me, maid cannot seat behind in car, in Indo, is that true? Cos I also noticed she has a lots of reason.. like, when going out, she can tell me, she changed her cloths cos wet, toilet not clean, very sure she didn't brush the floor..also have reason.. will need more time to see if she is not honest..haiz.. where to find good maid..
Aiyoh, Jo, I can imagine..really can vomit..I dont know what to say...If I were you, I dont think I will waste time on this girl leh...

There is no trick how to find a gd maid. It all depends on yr luck. And if you are lucky enough to find a gd match to what you want. Are you still using the same agent? Or perhaps you want to have a change?
I think your maid cannot make it....I think you need to wake up same time as her and show her exactly what to do step by step.

Then no excuse. She seems to have alot of excuses. Actually, the maid is not allowed to sit in the front....should sit in the back but if the family has a driver and does not drive their own car then she sits in the front.

I don't like dirty and disorganised maids. I just think this is a pre-requisite of the job as a maid....sigh.

Unfortunately, I am now convinced there is no such thing as a good maid. There are only maids that you can tolerate.

Am sorry to hear about what happened regarding your maid. Hope your next maid will be a better one.

I agreed with you.

Plastic basin
Can I check with you mum whether do you place a plastic basin in a basin?Some friends were saying this way helps to save water.Is it true?Thanks
Liana, I did show and do it myself how to do mopping, washing, boil water, cooking..everythings but its whether she follow the same method, n do it supper slow.. she wake up, take time enjoy her bfast..enjoy work slowly even she knows many wrok need to do. Today, didn't open window.. I don't know she is forgetful, or slow till no tme to do, or what.. I can see, she work quite 'chin chai'.. clean not clean properly, cook like snail(only simple cooking, where half hr can done..she takes 2hrs).. talk to her, she can tell me, in indo used to have 3helpers (her salary 350,000 rupiah/ abt SGD70).. alamak, I'm staying 4rm HDB..small hse, 1week liao..she still never have time do weekly duty, can see my cabinet all dusty.. hardly finish basic daily hse work. Whole morning..clean bedroom and wash dishes after I cook.

Going out, think can leave her at home alone to do hse work, since she is not helping me with baby.. and work so slow..

Her attitude is good to me but my boy said she is rude to him, so need to see if she is acting.. if good attitude still can cure.. need to improve on her work. I think either train her only to look after baby or purely only do hse work..

Just realise my bill for last month without maid can save $70,I do hse work too while baby care myself, no diff compare to maidless but save $.

Rainbow, I will used her as long as I can tolerate(good/suitable word to use by Liana), unless she creates problem.. Pray at least finish her loan, which is next year August
Jo, how are u going to endure till next Aug? yr maid sound horrible.. dont tolerate any execuses and lazy. some maids purposely do slowly so that employers will do themselves & wont ask them do so slowly. I used to have a Phil maid (like yrs), i send her back agent after 11days. lost money. but then better than vomitting blood every day. by the way, u better be careful of yr belongings if u are letting yr maid stay at home alone. i have an ex-maid who used to search thru my stuff when she is alone at home. she steal money.
Mum88, thks for your advised..
my hubby keep on asking me to leave all work(only daily work,haven't start weekly duty) for her to do.. I told her, I can't help her when I need to work in Jan(mine flexible working hrs).. I think she is smart, not can't work, just want to test water.. Pray for improvement, continue to have good attitude( n not acting infront of me).
Yah, you are right. Your maid just testing water. I really can't stand maids that do not clean properly - especially if you already showed her how. That just shows how damn lazy she is.
Fedup.. maid with me 5mths plus lau.. still teaching her how to wash clothes, how to wash her hand clean... Arrgggh...
i really want to scream at my agent. biodata all lie. state maid weight 40++ kg. actual only about 38kg. Everyday eat mountain of food (more than my whole family). yet everything no strength to do. No strength to make clothes dry. wash floor cloth also cant squeeze dry. push market trolley also no strength. carry pail of water also no strength. The MOST super one is open my Baby's bottle also no strengh. Everytime, we got to open bottle cap for her to wash or else she no wash, will left bottle there cos she cant open!! WIN LAU LOH!
Mum88, maid opposite, biodata stated 50kg but actual 56kg,daily eat 1 small pot of white rice(in indo she used to eat corn rice,so white rice is too yummy) which equal to the amount of rice my family eat for lunch and dinner(excluded 1pot of soup n some dishes,fruits).. also take tea break, biscuits and breakfast coffee with bread,marjerine n jam.. I told her I only supply 1 tin of biscuit, 1 jar of jam n marjerine monthly. Bread is 5days, 1loaf(extra big loaf). I don't mind if she can work, sadly..cut corner..didn't mop properly, didn't clean properly(have food stick on pot,cup have coffee powder after wash..)I think she dream away when working..

Very forgetful, yesterday asked her to make baby milk, she make at 7plus evening and I do feeding, half an hour later (7.30pm), she make another bottle of milk again.. when I asked why you make milk? she totally forget she already done.. yet try to give me reason.. I told her, I very scare (she didn't admit her mistake), how to put my bb in her care?? tell me if you really forget.. then only she said yes, she forget.. haiz.. I don't know why??
Hi all.... finally finish with my xmas thingy...

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>, I felt sorry for you. I oredi forwarn u abt yr maid and intro the one that I chosen but u insist on taking your choice. So I just let it be. First of all, I would not have taken your maid because she have ZERO experience in baby/child care which is your priority.

I remembered you have mentioned that the maid I recommend looks older than her stated 24 years old. Look is not important. I don't care whether she look young or old, as long as presentable and can perform. No point getting nice looking one but can't work. Because I doubt her heart is not on the work but to find bf or watever.

As u know I decide to keep my current maid. But that is not the end of the story. She still make mistakes and got ticked for that. I still show no mercy to her if she make big mistake. But at least she is zi tong. At times when she can handle the situation, she ask me to let her do and I can continue with wat I m doing. Well, my mum is still as fussy as before. My maid oso work till abt 11pm. She do what has been listed in my schedule which I have shared with you including the daily and weekly chores plus childcare.

Since your maid is fresh and TOTALLY NO CHILD CARE experience, she needs longer time to adapt. And u need to be very patient with her. But by the way u describe her working attitude, I thk she is not suitable for you. WHY? <font color="0000ff">No. 1</font> - No child care exp, <font color="0000ff">No.2</font> - No sense of urgency (u need that because u have kids at home), <font color="0000ff">No. 3</font> - Don't really bother what she is doing, she just do it blindly (maybe she buy time so that some chores she don't need to do). <font color="0000ff">No. 4</font> Her attitude tells me that she is a LAZY person.

Sorry I may sound straightforward here, but I m stating the fact. Maybe u can observe her for another month, if her attitude is still the same, then u should reconsider. U can try calling the agency to counsel her if her working attitude still don't change after 1 month.

Can I ask, did u show her the schedule and ask her to follow? For me, I get my maid to write down herself while I read out to her. Usually ppl can memorize faster if they write down themselves.
Cutie, I have schedule for her and repeat many times liao.. btw I speak malay to her.. she said has exp with 5mths baby but don't know how true.. her ex-employer has 3maids, 1 for cooking, 1 for cleaning and 1 for bb care.. her duty take turn..

Your no.2,3,4 is very true about her.. infront of me, she also can mop floor without mop corner and under table
I told her immediately to mop.. basically her work is no standard, very chin chai type.. asked her to learn to make my bb sleep.. she can come to me said my bb don't want to sleep.. but actually too sleepy liao (cry cry)..

I don't know what or how is the working standard in Indo but for sure very slow and chin chai..

I will asked Crislo to give her counselling.. so far, I do cooking and bb care.. she only cleaning..wash dishes/plates,mop floor and washing clothes.. yet can't complete (no folding clothes, no wiping of cabinet..) hse work also have way done.. I try to be patient, just don't know when I will shout at her..haizl..driving me like elephant but work like snail..

Nice reading your notes.

M collecting my brand new maid later. Wish me luck. I will take note that they write down will help them to register faster....does that include writing houserules themselves too?
Hi all\
My Myanmar with me for one year , no off day, dared to ask my mother to let her go out by taxi as she needs to go to Peninsula Plaza and buy things. I am very angry and I asked her what are the things she needs and she says no need already, dare not tell me what she needs to buy.

I am going to HK with my family soon and I will leave her in my grandma's house. She better dont do anything silly and make me pissed off. I know she has no heart to work here as one salary is alot to them in Myanmar. She can ask me how much is the laptop, camera, dvd player here as she wants to buy them before she goes back.
Mine damn jialat also. Walk also very slow. Bring her out, she walks like modelling. My kids already run in front. Do things also damn slow too. Taking her own sweet time.
Yes, make her write down. But it will take long time if u have a long list of houserules. When she write down, emphasize to her that you are very particular on all these rules. Repeat to her a few times when she is taking down the rules and when she has finish writing them all.

Maybe u can test her. Tell her that each day u will ask her to recite 2 houserules and add on. For eg. Day 1, she recite 2. Day 2, she recite the 2 that she has told u the previous day + another 2 new ones..... Provided u have time lah....

If a person is really here to work, she will take each and every words and instructions very seriously. U will be able to observe these behaviours from the way she work.

Don't compare standard in Indo &amp; Sin. It is very different. Even in Sin, diff family has diff standard of cleanliness. Some families are not very particular on cleanliness while some are.

Also in Indo, a family can hire more than 1 maid to do a specific chore. My SIL (hb bro's wife who is an Indo Chinese) parents hired 3 maids in Indonesia. Each maid do different chores. Eg. 1 to purely take care of kids and nothing else, 1 to do housework only and she don't bother abt child care....... etc....

In Sin, we cannot afford such luxury. Our flat is oredi so small, how to house so many heads. Furthermore, we are not earning over 10K per mth so cannot afford to have so many maids either. So, we expect our maid to be an all rounder (housework + childcare + misc).

Since yr priority for hiring maid is to help u with childcare as priority, I would suggest u let her handle the kids. U can help out with the household chores if she cannot cope. If she tells u that your bb doesn't want to sleep when u ask her to put to sleep, u answer her back, its not that yr bb don't want to sleep, its that she don't have the patient to put bb to sleep. Then ask her what is she in a hurry for? Then get her to go back to the room and put bb to sleep. This is how my mum train my previous maids. Of course, if she take a long time (more than 1 hr) to put yr bb to sleep, then u can step in to help at the same time teach her how to handle and tell her next time she will use same method.

U know when I brought my girl home after delivery from hospital, we let our maid handle my bb. From bathing to feeding. Even let the maid make milk. Of course my mum will supervise and observe and correct her is she make mistake
Same goes when I brought my boy back home from hospital. U must let the maid has hands on.... on point u do and tell her, she won't learn.... words will go in and out of their ears.... Let them have OJT and u supervise along the way.

U try and see how. Give more time for your maid because she is fresh....
on point u do and tell her

correct my typo mistake --> no point u do and tell her.....(aka no point telling her while u do... hehe....sorry my broken english)
Cutie, thks for your advise..

Just argue with my hubby on maid's matter.. he said I complain too much.. so I let him talk to the maid instead.. I told hubby maid alway give me reason when she did wrong, hubby can tell me its normal, cos maid afraid.. but I rather maid admit so she won't repeat n not reason to cover her mistake..

Already, told her don't simply throw anything without my permission..she can throw away my organic brown rice, cooked porridge for baby with scallop and aloe vera. When I want to eat, maid said throw cos watery liao..

Lied, throw away diaper.. that my 2.5yrs old girl's urine 1 time but actually totally dry.. so that I won't scold her why she throw away..

Hmm... pray she improve or I really thing I should go maidless.. why the quality(maid) drop so jialat ..
When my son poo on his diapers, she said she never smell anything. She and my 2 kids are in the room. Once my hubby stepped into the room can smell already. My girl also told my hubby that didi poos. In the end she kana get scolding from my hubby. Don't know is it she is scared to wash his backside with shit. Next day also kana get scolding from my mil also because of my son poos.
Maureen, I also have 1previous maid that can't smell motion.. she even leave the diapers(with urine) in dustbin (in bedroom) for few days till the whole room so smelly.. asked to empty dustbin daily till I give up, so I removed the bin..tot convenient for them but they take advantages/lazy.. now all maid have to walk out the room to throw in the kitchen's dustbin..
U r not alone. My current maid sometimes oso cannot smell my boy's motion......

Sometimes I really suspect whether their own home smells like shit hence immune to the smell totally.....
alot of my ex-maids are the same as yr maid, Maureen...I also cant understand! There are 2 maids even lagi better can tell my mom later then she change...i told the girls, what abt when you poo in yr underwear, can you change later also????

It was that bad until my baby has so many rashes on his bottom. And then, the way they wash the backside of the baby - also must watch out. Wah maciam like rubbing with sanding wonder the baby will scream lah...
Ya loh. My son's backside is very sensitive. That why I can't use other cheap diapers. I have used mamy poko. If change too late, he will get rashes and backside is all red. Even urine I have to tell her to change. At first she came is ok, but 2 months plus liao, pattern starts to come out.

Today my cabinet arrived. Then she was cleaning the house, my mil tell her what to keep and what to throw. My mil told her this is only part of it. CNY is coming, she has to use cloth to clean the walls. She is like huh expression. Last time my first Indon maid, she does well. Just too bad, I should renew her. Can't find her liao.
Hi all, can i ask you mummies for your opinion? My PH maid is married with 3 kids. Hv bn with me for 4 mths now. But recently, i suspect she got boyfriend outside. Hv told her straight that if i find out she has bf, i will not hesitate to send her back.

I consider her to be quite good as a maid. This is my 1st maid and I told myself i pretty lucky cos' so far i did not hv to shout at her.

Her priority is to look after my 6 mths old boy and so far i feel she is doing quite well except my in-laws sometimes find her very "chor lor" (rough) and at times forgetful.

If you were me, how wud you tackle this? Close one eye, dun bother if she got any BF outside as long as she still work as per normal? Or get a replacement?
Hi All

I heard about many maids when they just started work with an employer, they will work very hard and fast and after a while, they slack....any idea how true is it?

My ex maid worked non stop when she first came....but after a while, when they KNOW you, all the patterns surface....Bottom line, keep a distance,true?
hey jus a speculation ah ... how do i know if some red marks on my son's body is self-inflicted or by someone else? Cos my son's nail grow very fast &amp; he often accidently scratch us &amp; himself. Not only scratch marks on himself but also a thumb size red mark that look like bruise. Shd i take pic of those marks as a record jus in case?

Today my maid came to show me that after she wipe my son, she saw some red marks on his neck &amp; shoulders. Maybe shes scare that we'll accuse her so came to tell us first. I was pretty sure he did not have those before cleaning cos i was carrying &amp; playing wif him. Maid use warm damp hanky to wipe him. It takes a "vigorous" wipe to make some markings rite?
Hi San

You can take photos and keep it. At the same time, you keep a close monitor on your maid....maybe supervise her while she is wiping him....sometime their force is something we cannot imagine....
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0000ff">E</font><font color="119911">RR</font><font color="aa00aa">Y</font></font> <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">C</font><font color="119911">H</font><font color="0000ff">R</font><font color="ffff00">I</font><font color="aa00aa">S</font><font color="119911">T</font><font color="ff0000">M</font><font color="0000ff">A</font><font color="ffff00">S</font></font> <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">T</font><font color="0000ff">O</font> <font color="aa00aa">A</font><font color="119911">LL</font> <font color="0000ff">M</font><font color="ffff00">U</font><font color="0000ff">MM</font><font color="119911">I</font><font color="ff0000">E</font><font color="aa00aa">S</font></font>
Jfong, maybe you can talk to maid (I don't know if she think mature).. what man wants from her (mostly only sex/money n not true relationship).. don't get herself in trouble with bf.. and MOM rules, don't get pregnant.. cost if she is here to work n support her 3kids, not worth if anything happen to her.. this way, you show her, you concern/care about her.. instead don't let you know she has bf, she will hide if really has.

Rainbow, I think its normal.. maid so called slack after some times.. even worst, show pattern cos get to know the employer.. that's why I think can't renew maid's contract after 2yrs.. Like my previous maid, 1st without hp..slowly used hp n hide from me..later don't even listen to my instruction/ do funny things, thinking I will not find out..

Merry Christmas n Happy New Year to all mummies..

San, just monitor your maid carefully.. very hard to say..

I see some improvement in my maid after my hubby talk to her.. attitude with my hubby super good, every instruction will said thank you to my hubby.. see.. Pray she really think and do work properly.

Today, she super fast liao.. sleep at 9pm but noticed she cut corner.. only wash 2pieces of clothes.. asked her why she didn't take out clothes from my master bathroom, she can said take out in the morning (which lied lor... morning, where got clothes? already washed yesterday's.. cos she has to collect in the evening and wash after my hubby,son and I bathed..)

Don't know its normal for her to sing and talk alone while stared outside from my laundry area.. she didn't noticed me standing in the kitchen looking at her (with noise, as I'm there to make tea).. means really dream away..

Today, I received a letter from MOM, that my maid hasn't do tumb print(no work permit) and visit pass expired, it will be illegal to work, need to send her back.. when I call crislo.. they can tell me, they forget..???
