Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

my maid also washed my nursing bra until out of shape. I got fed up and ended up washing it myself.

During those time when maids washed my bras, all went out of shape but when I looked at theirs, all in good shape lei. Strange right? Don't believe, go and see their bra, somemore theirs got lace and wire too.

thks for ur reply.

my maid ran away this morning!! she damaged my window as she force my grill from my wall and ran off from there!!

I've not popped into this thread for a very long time...

quite some time ago, tink i read some1 asking abt installing cctv at hm.

advise needed. now my mum is not able to help me look aft my kids n maid while im at work as she's now terminally ill. so i hv to leave my almost 5mth maid at hm alone w my 2 young kids (14mth n 3mth).

sometimes i really wonder wat she does when im not ard cos when im ard, she seem lost, like dont knw wat is her priority or wat she shld do. esp when bb is crying, she dont put down watever she's doing to attend to bb 1st, she'll juz let the bb cry...

n i oso realise she don take her lunch. i don allow her to go out to buy lunch, but i've bot canned n frozen food for her to cook herself. (i brought her to the supermarket n let her choose wat is 1 2 eat) but i noticed the food are not touched at all. when i ask her, she say she oni eat bread n coffee cos she not hungry...

im tinkg of installing a cctv at hm to monitor wat she does at hm. any1 knows hw or where i can find out more abt installing the cctv and roughly hw much will it cost? im actually tinkg of installing those hidden type cos i don intend to let her knw tat i've installed a cctv.

all advises, suggestions and recommendations welcome.

thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear that. My maid ran away last Thursday leaving entire house unlocked.

Did she run to the embassy or the agent. Once she is found just cancel her WP and send her home. If you are keeping her salary then deduct the airfare. List down her salary less airfare cost and pay the balance.

Just get your agent to do all the work. In the meantime choose a new maid.

Hope it all works out for you. It's such a pain in the ass. Maids these days think running away will solve all their problems. They have no idea about committment, contract terms or responsibility.
Liana, sorry to hear that your maid ran away! I also got a maid from the same agency as u. read from my contract that we are suppose to pay for the airfare if we decide to send the maid back, and i have questioned the agency owner bout it. she said that it has to be stated in this way but if it was due to maid's misconduct, we will not be liable for the airfare.

in your case, did u pay for the airfare?

my maid also leave my hse wif the damage and opened sliding window..which means any1 can climb into my hse !!!

have made police report and called the agency. the agency is trying to look for her in the embassy but accorrding to my agency, some maids wont go to embassy immediately after they left..they might go to embassy after few days ...
i also indicate to my agent that i will not let her TRANSFER and will SEND her back using her own $$ plus she has to pay damaged to my grill!!
so ego ...mst as well let her go back to indo and be a princess there right
Hi pooh, I just heard from my fren that her MIL's maid also ran away!!

I really dont understand how and why they would know how to do this in the first place - even no money, no passport, no WP. I am a victim like you, I had 2 maids who ran too at different ocassions (an experienced and an inexperienced one). I had the impression the running away tactic is taught by MOM!!! It seems that during their course, they will tell them, if you are abused by yr employer and you have no chance to go out to mail the feedback form, you can run to the police or the embassy.

We should really have a look at how the MOM courses are conducted!!
eileen and rainbow,

How long does it take for your new maid to arrive upon selection? My agnecy promised me by Dec 15. Now they tell me she is still in indo and not sure of the arrival date! I want to cry already. This one leaving tomorrow. I thought I can just handle the chores for a week.
How to apply for WP upon cancellation huh? As for air ticket can change date.
aiyoh, ribenagr8s, i dont know leh...cos my encounter with Indonesian maids is that the agencies nvr give me an accurate date - it always get delay and delay and they also nvr bother to inform me until i keep pestering them...except if the maid is a transfer case, the maid can be picked up v fast.

Currently I have a PH maid and the agent does keep to the promise by sending me on the day he promised initially.

Apparently, passport takes time to apply in these countries. Even waiting to attend the MOM course also takes time. Now, MOM dont allow the maid to come in early and wait to attend the course. My agent said, must book the course first before fly the maid maybe thats the problem your agent is facing.
You're taking a very big risk. It's super tough looking after 2 young kid/baby alone ..
Most of us can't manage, let alone a maid .. It's so stressful and no time to eat, bath or go toilet! .. It happened to me during my maternity leave before i got my maid. I was alone, handling 2 kids (28mths and 9mths), was super stressed and nearly gone mad ..

so, for your case, you must be mentally prepared that your maid can't cope, esp. if she is young and single . .

Maybe it will be safer for your kids to go infantcare or childcare .. too dangerous to let them stay alone with maid at home
Precious_one, I like the way you said abt how the maid takes good care of their bra! And i agree with you! You know what, my previous maid, everytime forgets to tell me bread, milk, diapers finishing. And one fine day, she used up the last piece of diaper and still didnt tell me. I was so furious that I told her, now its 10 pm, where am I going to buy diapers! And so, everytime you like to forget, fine, I will cut her clothes to let my baby uses as diapers. And guess what, she so damn scared that she kept guarding her clothes the whole night!

They really take gd care of their own things! I cant stand that mentality!
hahah eileen that is a good one! I'm going to use this tactic on my maid.
My maid also always forgets to tell abt the bread (she gets white bread while we eat wholemeal cos my hubby doesn't like to eat white bread). Sometimes i wonder if it is her ploy so that she gets to taste the wholemeal bread (anyway, wholemeal bread nice meh? only healthy wat!)
You so funny, I cannot help it but laugh. They really safe guard their belongings. I have one 17 yr old maid who secured all her clothes on the bamboo with the clips but ours randomly clipped?

Then the 27 yr old filo used my girl's cloth napkin to cover her head from rain one day, thereafter, put the napkin (undry and unwashed) on a chair in my bedroom?

Since you stay pretty near me, if you run out of diaper at 10pm, you can run to my house to get one....haha

I asked the maid to do inventory also, but they all cannot do one (even the ex filo who claimed she was an auditor in a big co. in filo). Like you said, bread up to the last piece also won't tell. Then when you ask them why don't tell since we already ask them to let us know, they said pai say ???
it's obvious to me. It's a ploy to either make us no choice but to share some of our "goodies" *roll eyes* or they just simply BO CHAP!

like my maid, who had no choice but to agree with me last weekend when i scolded her that she really didn't care!
There's one thing that really puzzle me, both filo and indo maids seem to have the same mindset...same excuses, same tactics, don't they come from different countries with different culture? How can they be so alike in behaviour since they differ in education and upbringing etc.
er..precious_one, they are somewhat similar, despite being in different countries and have different culture. If you trace things back to 5000yrs ago, probably you will realise they share similar ancestors lah... i dun think i need to elaborate further...o/w....
My maid oso got used to how difficult my girl can be when it comes to meal times. Gotta read book, gotta this and tat. Blah blah... Just getting used to lor.
As for meals, as long as she knows your family eat tat time can liao lor. She din complain right?

Actually I dunno wat rules my agent gave my maid oso. But I have my own set of rules lor. Maybe bcos I am at home, easier to watch over her lor.

Just get your hb's support. Anything he side you can liao.. Heee...
i sure hope my hb will side me ah...sometimes also v difficult to make him see my pt of view. gets emotional esp when the problem lies with his mudder...
Looks like all the maids use the same tactic.
Ask for transfer when not happy. Run away when not happy.
Actually you gals here are lucky in the sense that the maid only ran away and that's all.
My friend, who had her fair share of bad maids just like some of you, threatened her maid that she will send her home instead of transferring her. The maid ran away the next day and reported to the embassy of being abused.
And u know the law is v sympathetic to maids, so even with the absence of injuries, the employer was still charged. I shan't go into the details cos the case is not settled yet. All i can say is that it's really an unfortunate incident where the maid lied cos she's either so naive to think that she wont be sent home or she was hoping to get some compensation.

u are right many law protecting the maids while poor employer pays levy and gets all the nonsense !
precious one,
i hope you don't take this the wrong way and be offended by what i am about to say. as i have stated many times in this thread before, i personally feel that the "bad" behaviour & poor work ethics of many of the maids who come here to work (be it from indo, or philipines, or myanmar, or sri lanka, etc) really has nothing to do with their culture, what country they come from, their age, their marital status, their birth order (whether they are youngest, middle or oldest child), if they have children or not, etc.

it really boils down to the maid's individual personality, personal attributes, attitude and work ethic.

as such, i don't think it is very fair to generalise based on a maid's nationality or race or culture. even within a country (indonesia, for eg) the cultures of each ethnic group can be quite different.

i also hope you don't take this the wrong way and be offended by what i am about to say about your comments too. you stated "they are somewhat similar, despite being in different countries and have different culture. If you trace things back to 5000yrs ago, probably you will realise they share similar ancestors lah... i dun think i need to elaborate further".

i may be wrong here, but it seems to me that you are somehow implying that because indonesians and filipinos share the same ancestry, therefore their behaviour, mindset, etc, especially when it comes to the maids' bad behaviour, bad work ethic, etc will be similar.

firstly, this is a rather simplistic generalisation. but more importantly, i feel this statement made is culturally & racially insensitive. i am a malay singaporean but my mother's family is from indonesia, (my grandparents were born there, most of my mother's older siblings were born there. like many older s'poreans, my grandparents were migrants to s'pore). i still have many realtives living in indonesia and we still keep in touch with them. therefore, being a malay s'porean of indonesian descent, i can't help but feel slightly offended by the statement you just made.

i know it was probably never your intention to offend anybody with your statements, but all the same, it does come across as culturally insensitive and there will be readers of this thread (especially those of us who are maid employers ourselves and ARE of indonesian or filipino descent) who will feel somewhat offended.
Dun worry, I understand where you come from.

I am seriously puzzled on why both maids (indo/filo) would always come up with the same excuses/behaviour when they did something wrong and all would say the same words when they wanted to return to the agency. Unless their maid agents taught them to say that before they come. I didn't know about their ancestors origins as I am very weak in History. My filo maids received university education and my indo maids had high school education, only the last one had primary education.

I really think that they should be different because they were from different countries. Sadly, those maids who have worked with me do have similar personality traits.

I knew of friends in Indo and Filo and they are really nice people. There are also a huge number of filos working here as shop assistant, waitress and nurses/doc. and this pool of people whom I have come in contact with are also very genuine and nice.

I really don't understand what's wrong with those who decided to work as Domestic Helper themselves.

I apologise if my statement seemed offensive in any way to all concerned especially to Lani.
Hi and you have mail...

Mummies out there

Thanks for advice all this time

Was trying my best to draft out routine for a fresh maid, anyone has a copy to share cos I hope to have some reference....thanks...

Do you mum think that by alloting a day for the maid to clean glass door and windows on every 15th of the month is a good idea or bit by bit on a week basis is better...thanks and have a good weekend....
hi ribenagr8s

The fresh indo maid that I have selected happened to have ready pass port. I booked her on 28th Nov and she will be arrived 13 dec and latest I can collect is 18th dec.

I have been maidless since 19 Nov, set off for tokyo trip with my two kids after sending her off on the same day....

Came back, realised my maid is not as good and clean as what I have always thought.....

Worst of all, its that when she cannot handle and pack certain toys, she just tied all in one plastic bag and throw at one on surface, my house always look neat...same goes for other kitchen things....

I try to sun her mattress and discovered, big mensutation stain on her bed and never bother to clear it...this reflects a lot about her....

I think I was so blind while hiring her.....

Need your advise. I just started to read this forum today. I'm very puzzled why some of you are tied down by the loan that you pay up-front for your maid and got the tahan till the loan is paid up? For me, I was unhappy with my previous maid and I send her back. And then I got the rest of the money back, which I got is a 'by right' thing? ;p

Hmm... really hope to get your advises cos I hope it will help me if my sister intends to hire one.

Many thanks!!

apologies there. my statement is absolutely loose. I'm just saying that there is a loose connection there. 5000 years is not a real number. Likely that it is longer than that. The fact of the matter is both countries, including places like Fiji, Hawaii and so on, possibly share a very ancient line of polynesian ancestry. I just don't have the details.

I won't go on on this anyway. The likely explanation for the bad behaviour have to do mostly with education, social strata, cuts across race and culture. Even among local singaporeans, there are people with very poor work ethics and I have personally encountered them before.

apologies there. my statement is absolutely loose. I'm just saying that there is a loose connection there. 5000 years is not a real number. Likely that it is longer than that. I'm only referring to the fact of the matter is both countries, including places like Fiji, Hawaii and so on, possibly share a very ancient line of polynesian ancestry, not making any reference to the bad behavior of maids.

I won't go on on this anyway. The likely explanation for the bad behaviour have to do mostly with education, social strata, personalities, attitudes, whatever other cuts across race and culture. Even among local singaporeans, there are people with very poor work ethics and I have personally encountered them before.
sent my maid packing today. Agent came to collect her. She didn cry. Just pack like a robot. Gave her food mix, chocolate and blah. She din say thank you. maybe no mood. refuse to pack her stuff into two bags I gave her till agent told her to do it. Before she left, she thanked us. Is it like that? Anyway, my new maid will be coming in 2 weeks time.
ribenagr8s (ribenagr8s)

At least you know that its two weeks time. For me, I have been maidless almost one month by the time my new maid arrived.

My maid also thanked me..I think they always do this.
Hi Mummies (Sorry for long posting..frustrated mummy here with a newborn and 2yr old kid need advise).

When u all send the maid back to your agency, do u have to pay for her food & lodging until she got transfer out to a new employer?

When i send back my 1st maid, beside the maid levy, i was forced to pay for food&lodging ($150) to agent since she stay at agent 15days before she got transfer out to new employer.

I am very unhappy about this as it was the maid who wanted to change employer after 1 mth. We treat her very well, but she start complaining and whining since day 1. When we tell her what she do, she doesnt want to listen. She said we are nagging. Said we no need to teach her. she want to do her own way (which is dirty & anyhow do).

Because of this PENALTY (food&lodging) imposed by agent, i got headache as i am thinking of sending back the 2nd maid provided by the same agent. I cant stand the thought of paying the agent the food&lodging again. this agent is very lousy. they side with the maids and dont help me at all when i ask them to talk to my maid. Instead of advising the maid to wk properly, they tell her MOM said u got right to change employer if u not happy. so i felt that this agent dont deserve a single cent from me... If i can just find one good maid, i dont mind paying extra or high salary. i just want a good helper... (SOB!). I really got probia of training new maids.

This 2nd maid have been with me for 5mths, yet do not know how to wash the floor, wash the clothes(my clothes stink!). cant even wash plates properly. Can u all imagine, after 5mths of coaching, she wash the floor with water (no soap) cos it is easier? she argue water is good enough, no need put soap.

She just do housewk. nothing else. no need to cook, no need to look after children. very easy life yet she cant do the simple housewk. when i ask her do u want go home or want wk here, she insisted she want to wk, yet her wk dont improve at all. in fact, getting from bad to worse. Dont listen to instructions. Say yes, and then turn around to do her own style. When I sms my agent for help, i was ignored. I am so frustrated with my agent and maid...

Do u all think i should change this maid? but is there any way not to pay the agent anymore money.. they really dont deserve any more $$$ from me! I rather pay more to get a new agent and new maid. Would appreciate any advise. Thanks!
Sorry... forget to ask.. do anyone have any method/ advise how to "train" my maid to improve? if possible, i would like to keep her. if she can change her wk attitude, i am willing to keep her rather than train a new maid. At least this maid don't show me black face... unlike previous maids.
mum 88,

how many more months of loan does she owe you?
If I were you, I will wait till she fin her loan and work 1 more month with me, use that $ to buy her air tix and send her back. Find another agent.
Your contract states that if you transfer a maid you have to pay $10 a day food and lodging. So if the agent is lazy and doesn't remarket your maid quick, you will have a big bill, as in your case.

Your agent is the sort of agent that employers need protection from. Use a different agent as soon as you can.

When I read that maids want to do things their own way and are not clean it really makes angry as they are the ones coming into OUR home and should QUICKLY learn how to clean the way we specify. If this cannot be done, then out she must go.

Agree with Ribena, try and keep her until her loan is finished then send her back to her own country and let her know WHY so she can reflect upon it before deciding to work again.

My new maid was not clean and neat enough for me on the first day. I told her that after I show her exactly how I want it done that if she still cannot meet my expectation I will be sending her back. On the 2nd day, she improved.

my maid ran away and she had jst finishing repaying the loan last mth. this mth, she gets her 1st paycheck. hwever, she ran away and now thou she is the one who ran off and terminate contract, i still need to bear her tix as wat i was told by the office as it is under the MOM law it means EMPLOYER is alwys on the loosing end. and she damaged my window grill and i couldnt even ask her to pay for the damages..wat the heck right

im meeting the officer next week to resolve the problem and after this, i wan to blacklist this maid...any1 knows how to go abt it??

mum88, usuali its veri hard to change one's attitude lor. my maid is veri gd wif my kids and cooking but she has serious attitude problem.But of cos , not all maid are like that monitor yr maid closely.
Hello everyone..

ribena8grs - you want my agent details? Sure, but you let me know your email address can?

precious_one - haha thanks for yr offer! maybe if it ever happen the next time, i will get the maid to WALK to yr house and pick up the diapers! hee...but you are right, my previous maid also the same like yours!! You know our clothes are all pegged with 2 pegs each pc. But my maid uses 3 pegs for each pc of clothing! I used to think she is really dumb. But the more i observe her, the more i realised she is not that dumb afterall! Even for the bread, when the first few occasions she forgets, I reminded her. Until a time, I want to see when she is willing to tell me. And guess what, she ate the biscuits given to her as snack. So she still didnt bother to tell me! I wonder if she would wait till the biscuits finished then she bother to say. When i asked her, she told me: Mam', nvr mind i eat biscuits. Then i told her: sorry, the biscuits is for yr snack or when I forget to buy the bread. Not to be used when YOU FORGET to tell me!!

There is another maid, also v smart. I asked her why she nvr tell me this or that is finishing...Guess what she said. Orh, Mam, I wanted to tell you when you go supermarket. I really dont know what to answer her that moment. So i said, if i nvr go supermarket, does it means you are not going to tell me and we all die here without any food!!

Thankfully, my current maid is not bad - guess she is a ex-mal maid with 5 years of experience and 2 kids of her own (4 yr and 2 yr)...Can manage the kids, can do housework to my std, and willing to ask qns and follow my instructions.

The only thing I am still skeptical is abt allowing her to have access to my keys. Remember, I have 2 maids runaway before!! So I guess I will persist in keeping the keys in my room overnight.
mum88 - yr agent sounds like mine!! It is so horrible isnt it. If the maid is not to our expectations, I dont blame the agency cos they dont know her also. But the bad way of managing the customer is the least I wld expect from an agent. At least yours is still ok. My agent can tell me the money which i pay to her as agency fees (S$ 488) is NOTHING to her, aka PEANUTS to her!!! I was really furious and the maid said the reason she ran away is becos she was abused. But the abuse didnt make any bruises and scars and tats why see doc also no use. Wah goodness right. Then i told the agent that the maid took our money. Again they side the maid all the way saying that if the maid took our money, then why she didnt pay the taxi driver. I asked them if the maid is really that stupid to pay the taxi driver and to let the whole world knows she got the money?!?! Crazy right? If there is something call tampon, I am sure to these maids, they also know money can be "like a tampon"!!!

I would say the same with the rest. Tahan the maid few more months, then get rid of her, else transfer her and get back your balance loan, and use another agent.

There are agents who will say it is employers who paid for lodging. But there are still numerous agencies who will promise the customer between 2 weeks to a mth time to transfer the maid and within this period, employer only pay levy. I dont know if you say this good or not? Becos it really means the agent might lie to the customers in order to transfer the maid out.
hi pooh, yr case is the same as my fren's MIL maid whom is staying with her. Same thing, she also just finished her loan and no money was held back to pay as her ticket...This case is really the tricky case that nothing can be done except to forgo the money and the loss...I dont even think MOM can do anything abt this. Tell us the outcome later on k?

mum88 - actually i would also agree with what pooh said. Whether the attitude can be changed or not is really easy to tell...a week's time can see already...anyway, which agent is yrs? Can hint to us?

I wonder where is babycutie? She has been missing in action for a while ah?
Maid article....what about when maid's abuse employer's huh!?

Dec 9, 2007
Neighbours helping to blow the whistle on maid abusers
By Mavis Toh
HELPING maids plan escape routes out of abusive employers' homes is part of Ms Elizabeth Tan's job.
For maids working under hawk-eyed employers, the best times to make a run are when they are taking out the trash or sent to buy food.

Most times, Ms Tan is discreet with her help but she has even brazenly waited at a void deck to escort an abused maid to safety.

The chairman of the Archdiocesan Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (ACMI), Ms Tan also mans the organisation's 24-hour helpline.

This year, 24 callers have dialled the ACMI number, complaining of maid abusers.

While nine of these calls came from suffering maids, the 15 other calls were from strangers or neighbours and friends of the abused maids.

At the helpline of Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2), an advocacy group for migrant workers, four in 10 of the calls are from members of the public.

Some whistle-blowers even send pictures to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and to Stomp, the interactive portal of The Straits Times, to report abusers.

Last month, one employer was fined $4,000 after a picture of his maid perched precariously on a 10th-storey ledge, watering plants, was sent to the MOM.

'The public does play an important role and they're really starting to make the effort to be whistle-blowers,' said Ms Tan.

But some go further than just tip the authorities off.

When Ms C. Chia, 43, saw her neighbour's maid sleeping in the car porch, the marketing consultant sensed something was amiss.

The scrawny maid would also ask Ms Chia for food, claiming her employer fed her only once a day. The last straw was when she passed a suicide note to another neighbour's maid.

After seeking advice from the ACMI, Ms Chia and a neighbour got the abused maid to climb over the house fence and drove her to the police station.

'I didn't want to sour the relationship with my neighbour but I couldn't let the abuse go on,' said Ms Chia.

Running away, however, is not the first advice agencies give to callers on the helplines.

When maids call in, often speaking in trembling voices and whispered tones, agencies would first establish what their complaints are.

The bulk of the gripes are to do with insufficient food, unpaid salaries, physical and verbal abuse and being overworked.

The maids are usually advised to first voice their grievances to their employers. But many are so timid, they often do not and some even clam up and deny reports after the MOM or police have been called in.

As a last resort, these maids would then flee from their employers' homes, sometimes with the help of an agency or a neighbour.

While the bulk of the help- lines' complaints are genuine, there are the odd few false accusations.

Ms Sisi Sukiato, welfare officer at migrant welfare group Home, said: 'Sometimes, they call and make a false report because they're lonely and just want to go home.'

I was so busy... no time to post....
So far my maid is ok.....once in a while still make stupid mistakes. But I still can tolerate.
My mum is more fussy. So sometimes still get some scoldings.

Hari Raya Haji coming. Mummies who has indo maid, do u give her something?

hehehe.... ya lor.... festive season mah.... I close eyes on my maid.... really dun want to care too much.... life is much easier....
Dear Ribenagr8s, Liana, Pooh, Eileen10,

Thanks for your advise.

Maid still owe 3 mths of loan. I think I will follow Ribenagr8ss suggestion. Tahan for another 4 mths. But may I know is alright for us to use their salary to buy their air ticket back? Will they run to MOM/Agent claim we eat their money?

Liana, u are right. My agent is so lazy (or maybe cant be bother) that it took her 2 mths to help me find a replacement. Maid took another mth to reach spore. When I call her for updates, she complained I am troublesome. I was so angry. She dont care that I employ a maid in the 1st place cos I seriously need help.

I agree with Liana on the cleanness portion. Especially with babies at home, hygiene is a concern. I highlight to all my maids that hygiene is the top priority in my home, but they dont care. I still see them using their dirty hands to touch baby bottles, or milk still in bottles after washing, hair in sterilizer, baby clothes still got poo. I get so UPSET!!

I had told my current maid numerous times that cleanness very important and I will send her back home if she does not listen. She replied yes yes, mom. I will do clean clean. I want to wk here. But her wk still doesnt improve. I really dont know is she serious or just bluff me that she wants to wk here. She is very young and single (no commitment). When I said she do something wrong, she will just say sorry sorry and smile or laugh.. She seems to think everything is a joke.

Not to be mean, but I am starting to think maybe she is not trying to be funny but just that her IQ is not that high? Yesterday I told her to pour warm water for my gal. She took the bottle out from the sterilizer (bottle still hot) and pours cold water in. I question her why. She state that bottle hot, water cold, when my baby drink it will be warm water!!! I NEARLY WANT TO CRY!!! How to trust my baby with her? The hot bottle teat will burn my gals tongue. Lucky I saw her about to put the bottle into my gals mouth and stop her to test the water. And what type of logic is that? Hot bottle+cold water=warm water???? I really dont know is she just stupid or trying to be funny? Sob sob..

I am keeping the key with me every night. Other than that, I really dont know how to monitor her. She is always in the kitchen, while I am busy with my baby or wk.

I dont understand why maid will run away after they finish their loan? Doesnt that mean they will have to start repaying the loan again with a new employer? Wouldnt it be better for them to switch employers immediately, instead of waiting till loan finish?

If anyone can share any way I can train this maid, pls let me know I hope she can improve.. or else I dont know how to tahan for another 4 mths if miracle happen, she suddenly improve, then I will be so so so happy!!!
Hi mum88 - sounds like you are really frustrated. I was like you. My previous maid also has the same mentality. Whenever I give her a lecture how she does things after numerous warnings, she is still the same. She drives me mad. I dont see her putting efforts. After a lecture, she walked away very happy, as if telling me, "oh mam finished scolding!"...My mom also noticed and told me these kind of maids is like that one. Some of them even feel better cos no need to work when got scolding.

I used to think she is dumb. Like how she wanted to use the knife to poke through the cereal can (she thot it is a new tin got a foil to poke through), how she thinks the overnight hot water is still hot even though she can use her hand to feel the bottle's temperature. She can put my office wear clothes INTO the washing machine net and peg the NET on the bamboo out to dry the clothes!!! But after some observation, she is not. She can use 3 pegs on a piece of clothes whereas our clothings is 2 pegs each, she can tell me she can eat biscuit when she forgot to tell me bread is finishing - how can she be dumb right?!

She will tell the agent how much effort she has put in. But, well, she smiled when she got scolding, every time looking happy!! She has nvr ever cried. When got scolding, she will just stare hard at you back. And i dont know how to describe her, in hokkien, she is just very the "cheng (4)" lor..

Finally I cannot tahan. Cos when all my kids woke up in the middle of the night and when we shared the same room at my mom's hse, I had to look after the 2 kids myself. The maid???? Oh well, she is sleeping like a pig! Even my mom, my sisters all woke up to help me and she is still sleeping. Okay, then i gave her chance cos I said specifically that she has to help out with baby night feeding if required to at point of interview. But the next 2 nights, she stil didnt wake up!!! And I have to deal with the 2 kids myself. Its not that I lazy dont want to, but the older boy refuses to let me carry baby, and the baby wants me to pacify him....So how to take it right, when the kids are sick??!!

To keep my sanity, I decided to let her go..But well, she is so smart that she decides to leave my house on her own first!!! I kept the keys, but she still has the way to dig my hubby's bag to get keys. Dumb? I really doubt so.

I really can understand what your frustrations are. Most importantly dont touch the maid!! If you really need to talk to someone, please let us know your email address (then we communicate off the line) and so that if we can help you.

Just keep the maid job simple for the rest of the few mths. Do everything else yourself for the baby matters. Housework, get her to do it, and close your eye. No need to even waste time to explain to her. That will probably help you to keep yr sanity. And yes, please keep yr keys and ensure you see that the door is locked before you go to sleep.

Gd luck.

your maid behaves exactly like my 1st maid, esp on the smiling and laughing even when being scolded. My 1st maid, we suspect, probably has a bit of mental problem. Sometimes, we observed, she would be giggling to herself for no apparent reason. Even though she would make sure things are really cleaned properly, after we have told her how to do, she would only do it for a while. aft that back to square one!

My 1st maid also doesn't take care of her personal cleanliness. After she kept asking for hair conditioner (even after having bought a huge bottle for her), i found out that she doesn't wash her hair with shampoo. Just put conditioner and wash off!! Also, she had wedged a wash basin (for washing rice) IN BETWEEN HER LEGS (sitting down on a stool in the kitchen) to wash the rice. Mind you the basin is VERY close to her privates!!!!

Can you imagine how disgusted i felt?!

From the looks of it, she might not improve at all. I have given my 1st maid many chances and yet she still didn't make the cut. I cannot take chances with her instability as i was returning to work. So i had to send her back.

Take eileen's suggestion. Just hang in there first. Close one eye for a while.
