Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

I don't think you need to feel that you are being cruel. For a maid who didn't perform up to mark, lied about her smoking habit and did not have any initiative, it goes to show how appreciate she is of the opportunity to work for you. And it also shows that it didn't really matter to her whether or not she could pay up all her loan. Like Liana, I would not advise you to give her any chances because very likely she will not be able to find another employer (unless it is some super bo chap expat!). You will end up having more problems to deal with.

Sorry to be so straight forward, but i do think your husband is being too generous to even suggest paying the loan for her. I certainly do not think it is money well spent at all.

Hope you have found the right solution for yourself.

Dear Mommies,

Guess what?! I discovered that my maid "likes" to be scolded! Only aft a very terok scolding yesterday then she finally wake her idea up.

She was super rude yesterday eavesdropping on my MIL's conversation with a friend. The maid had gone to the market with my MIL. Usually she would wait by the side of the stalls while my MIL picks out the things to buy. Yesterday, she suddenly inched in next to my MIL when she heard MIL's hp rang! My MIL didn't know at first, so was talking to her friend, until suddenly turned round and saw the maid standing just right next to her! My MIL's blood really boiled and scolded the maid one major one in public.

My MIL reported the incident to me and my hubby after returning to the market. I heard the story and called the maid over. When i questioned her why she was standing there next to MIL who was talking on the phone, she denied that she was listening to the conversation! Walao! Like ears got on/off switch lor!!!

Was so angry i just scolded her for not having basic courtesy at all. Told her squarely that since she doesn't respect us and our personal space, we won't have to give her that basic respect as well.

Later in the aftnn, she did something v stupid which really drove me nuts. She forgot to replenish the toilet paper in the bathroom. I reminded her and also reminded her to take initiative. After hearing me, no answer, she just went straight to the cupboard to take out the toilet paper. I was standing behind her. When she turned round and saw me, she put the toilet paper back into the cupboard(!?!) and proceeded to tell me "M'dm the plastic!" (Wat plastic?! Thought she was going to go and put the toilet paper in the bathroom?! Bathroom still toilet paperless!!!) Can you imagine how perplexed I was?! I couldn't take it and just scolded her one big time again.

This time, never give face. Told her she is FOS**T!! She said she is serious abt working. I told her "BS!! If you were serious, you would not be doing all this S**T that you've been doing (not taking initiative, being rude to my elders, doing everything in a slipshot manner)!!! You do not care at all about your own family! Because if you do, you'll do whatever it is to do this job properly, NOT the way you have been doing!"

*Biang eh! Wat's with these maids? Think SGD so easy to earn meh?!*

Aft yday's big time tekan, today she is like a new person!
Hi Nellu - I have this feeling that your maid wont last long. Nowadays maids cant be scolded...I used to be like you. But once reached a stage, I cannot take it anymore, I will ask if they are interested working or not. Some daring maids will tell you outfront, mam please change me, if you dont like me. Other act dumb maids, will say yes they want to work, but in their heart, they really not there to work and purposely makes alot of mistakes hoping you can get rid of her. That way, in front of the agent, they look like a submission maid who tried all their best...i cant stand acts of such maids.
eileen, you are so spot-on abt my maid!
Right now i'm in a bo pian stage cos I am still working. My hubby and I have discussed, we will let her go in Feb next year, when I stop work and after I get all the other alternatives set up (e.g. part time cleaning, food catering, etc...). My whole family unanimously agreed that she can be very good if she wants to, but the ONE big issue that irks us abt her is that she does not have basic courtesy wat-so-ever for us! Because of that, she'll only be here till Feb next year.
Actually i'd rather they be daring and say "M'dm dun like me, send me back to agent!" than do all the stupid antics!
I also don't H care abt the agent. They are dishonest and inaccurate in presenting the maid's biodata as well what!
Believe in the old saying, the leopard will never change it's spots, so just wait for the true self to reveal again. A man in an act can't last very long. That's why a lot of affairs eventually surface.......
you know i told my agent i couldn't believe this maid is so stupid not to behave herself at least until her loan is fully paid up! The agent is also perplexed and could not believe it. Her real intention and true-self have been revealed earlier than expected!

Anyway agent also kena-ed from me as well regarding this maid. hahaha!
Wa, thread moves so fast. Din log in for a few days.
Liana, you maid actually ran away! Must say your agent is prompt. I may consider her if the new one doesn work out.

Talikn her evasdropping, thats my maid's fav activity. Big time Kaypoh. I am counting to the days my maid is going away. My hubby who has been neutral for the past months cant wait too. She is beahving suspciously. Her old habits r back -hiding in the toilet and waking up late. My hubby has to wake her up on Sun. When she heard my hubby's footsteps, she sprang out of bad. I cant accept this maid who is always pushing her limits. Hubby even says " We made the right decision." 5 more days and my blood pressure will be lower.hahahah
Hi Nellu - my next advice to you is to keep the keys with you and dont let her have any chance to run away else you will be "dead" like me! I just worried she will run away before your next action. So leave her no chance to run away. Keep the keys and bag with you in yr room at night. Always watch out for her if she throws rubbish. Even make sure you see that the gates is locked before you keep your keys at night. Tell the old folks be it yr mum or MIL that too. Ask the old folks to keep the keys if they are napping. (i've got a maid who will sneak out while my mom is in the room companying the kids sleeping. The flat is a 4 room unit and she could make it so quiet that no one knows she sneaked out. Its our neighbour who told us!)

For my 2nd maid whom ran away, I did keep my keys that night - i did suspect she would run away. But she either ransacked my hubby's bag whom is careless or leave the gates unlocked over the night and therefore she had the chance to run away. I was so damn shacked that night that I didnt see to all these details.. I didnt want you to go through the same trouble i got.
In fact, i realised nowadays the maids cant be bothered abt their loan period! They think they can get away with it by changing employer despite paying another few mths of salary, some even say nvr mind. If sent back home, they also nvr mind, cos they can always come back again. Especially they dont really pay a single cent upfront to come here and work. So even if sent back home, some really also dont mind. They treat this job stint as a holiday trip!!
Eileen, thanks for the caution. we have been doing it all this while and will get everyone to be extra careful.
I control the keys very tightly because of a very unpleasant incident with my 1st maid over the keys. This was during my confinement. She just unilaterally made the decision to give the keys to the confinement lady to go downstairs w/o informing my hubby or me. And she lied abt it, saying that the CL insisted on taking the keys. because of this, i had to change all my locks, and sacked both the CL and the maid.
My first maid is better in terms of manners and work, but she really made a huge mistake by doing what she did. My hubby cannot stand pple like this.
yes eileen, i've been thinking abt this. and i think it is because of this stupid maid loan that gets most of us trapped in our situations. Perhaps one of the first things to work on is to find a way to push for the abolishment of such a thing!
I agree. If the maid can find her own air ticket and loan $$, she automatically will know her obligation towards her own debt. Then she will guai guai work properly to remit the $$ back monthly to pay off her debt.
Yes, just like hong kong & tai wan, where maids need to find money first before they can come overseas to work .. that's why they are very scared to be send back, cos need to repay the debts owed when they reach home
one thing i don't understand is that most maids have to pay up to PhP 15,000 just to come here, how can some maids be so easy going about being sent home? That amount is huge in the Philippines (approx S$500) specially if you look at the monthly income of most people is about PhP 5000 - 10,000 only... specially since they would have received no salary for 6 mths... but i guess we cannot put a price on homesickness and loneliness? dunno, really cannot understand
Aiyo, now only I know, asked CASE to help need to pay $10 admin n be member or have NTUC life insurance.. that also doesn't means sure win, they only help to send letter..

Not maid issue, just some retailer, keep on delay, already 3months, so I asked for refund but only refund part of it( cos that time no stock, its a package..) and get from other retailer but with higher price.. can't understand..wait 3mth yet now need to pay more to get from others??? So angry, asked for full refund but retailer said no, I said I will complain, and they said go ahead....aiyo, what service is this..
long ago (i think) the maid recruitment process was like that too in Singapore; the maids find their own money to get here. Was it not? Can anyone confirm? cos my parents said they didn't have all these things last time when we had a maid (like 15-20yrs ago)
Confirmed my new maid is coming tomorrow. She will be delivered to my door by the agent. This is the way is should be. No worries and no fuss and zero extra cost to me. Sigh. But this is just the beginning. Who knows what she will be like. Keeping my fingers crossed that this one can finish her contract but not counting on it.

Honestly, these maids do not care if they have money or not. My maid that ran away has just $350 with her after working for 4 months. Not much to show for her work here in SGP is it! It's their misplaced pride that lets them down.

We treated her with respect and gave her privacy but it still came to this. I'm still shocked.

This maid loan thing is ridiculous. They should just abolish it and let the maids find their own money to come here whether it be taking a loan from the family or a financial institution back home. Keep the employer out of it. How much it costs to get here has nothing to do with us. The employer should just make sure their salary is paid on time.
I thought about this maid loan thing for a while. Perhaps we are partly responsible too?
It's a supply and demand issue. Maybe the demand is so great, that's why the agents/authorities came up with this idea to meet the demand, but did not make the effort to have better QC. The thing is would we be able to do without a maid?
our society pushes us women to go out into the workforce and work as hard if not harder as the men! And on the flip side, we have the govt urging us to build families, to have more kids. Don't we all know and want to build proper families? but ever so often we are trying to make ends meet.
Even now, the govt encourage our snrs to work till 63 (?) So what options do we have left, except to turn to maids. As the demand gets greater, we'll have more of such problems.
Is it possible then that we bite the bullet and say "let's do without a maid!". Perhaps then we will naturally see the disappearance of rogue maid s and rogue agents with their rogue antics!

Has anyone gotten your maid from this agency called Home Maid at Katong Shopping Centre? My uncle has been getting relatively good maids from there. Or maybe he's just lucky..

My 2 maids who ran away, has no passport, no money, no WP card with them...yet they still dare to run away...How bad can our working conditions be when she doesnt even haf to lift her fingers to cook for her own meals. Either ah ma or myself cook for them....

For these 2 maids, I would think they thought there will be greener grass out there!

My new maid will also come to us tomorrow. Honestly with 2 kids at tender age and no spare hands, I dont know how to make things easier.

My mom will be at home with the maid and the 2 kids. So they have to take turn to look after kids. My son is a difficult eater and will eat for an hr or so. So if kids feeding time is at 6 pm, my mom can then cook dinner at 7 pm. 8 pm is abt everyone reaching home and have dinner and therefore the maid can most probably have dinner at 8.30 pm. I would v much want to let the maid eat earlier but how to????

The same thing happens on wkends, cos my hubby works shift and usually reach home at 9 pm. Of cos if I can speed things up, I would, but do you agree that kids at tender age will be first most priority and would eat first? Unless they are old enough to sit together with us, then I guess its a different story. Why must we please these maids when they cant even understand!
of cos we DUN need to please these maids! who do they think they are?!
ref to the maid loan, my mum told me that last time, the maids who come here do take loans too. But back then, the agents dun transfer the loan to the employers. It's a co-bearing situation. e.g. 80% of the monthly salary pay to the agent; 20% into the maid's bank a/c. In some cases, the employers and agents are not even involved in the loan because the maids raise their own money from whoever back home to come here.
This is not the case anymore now isn't it?
The mentality of the maid will always be like that - the grass is always greener.

My maids have always had a good life in my household. They get to eat full meals sometimes even more than we do. They eat dinner before me and my husband reach home, after my in-laws and baby have eaten. They get to sleep/rest as early as 9pm (waking up at 5:30am, going out and eating the same food as us from Friday to Sunday. MIL only cooks Mon to Thurs and they only need to wash up. Only thing is MIL a bit naggy but as long as they do according to her instructions, life is relatively easy. Is that too much to ask?

I've had 4 maids in the last 4 years (1 Indo and 3 FP). The current one is also FP. Only 1 managed to work for 2 whole years before she decided to get "better" employment in Hong Kong after knowing the pay is higher. What they do not understand is they often have to work in 2 households and event the food outlet if the employer owns one.
With the maid loan that ties the employers down gone, would that sieve out the bad maids? That will make those rubbishy ones think twice?!

What do you mommies think?
Personally, I prefer maid paid their loan themselves, so employer will not ties by this reason and maid agency also can't use this reason to recycle them( transfer cos still have loan ).

Once maid knows that they can anyhow being transfer to another employer they won't do their best. Not happy with anything, just ask for transfer lor..

One of my previous maid even thot that, I paid her loan and once she asked for transfer, she can have her salary from new employer.. she check with me( to make sure I paid all her loan, then told me she want to transfer, since I paid all liao.. ) I really don't know what they think, employer so stupid paid loan for nothing..

I just noticed Crislo take 1 week to hand over new maid to employer.. from the day maid reach s'pore.. so employer paid levy.. while waiting for maid to do Eng. test,medical, tumb print...
i am quite confused by this employer paying maid's loan thing. HOw does it go? For me, I give the agency 3 post dated cheques, amt totally to abt $2K. then my maid will take $20 a month for abt 5 to 6 month. After tat then she will get ther full $320 from me. So how is paying the loan, me or the maid?
those 3 post-dated cheques are the maid's loan lor. basically, ALL maids who go overseas to work, they have to pay an upfront amount of approx S$1500-S$2000 to a local agent (this money will be split amongst several ppl, eg the local agents & the s'pore agents).

in countries like HK or Taiwan, what the maids have to do is come up with this money 1st upfront before they can work, so what they usually do is to borrow from family or a local bank/moneylender, and then work diligently to pay off the loan. but in s'pore they do not have to come up with the money upfront. instead, they are given the option of working for their employer, and then their 1st 5-6 mths' salary will be used to pay off this loan (that they were supposed to pay to agent).

this becomes a problem for s'pore employers because agencies here make it mandatory for the employers to either pay up the full amt upfront, or write post-dated cheques (as in your case). as a result, the onus of the loan becomes the employers' instead of the maids'. and when the employer is dissatisfied with the maid's performance or the agency's service, the employer is unable to get a refund of the loan amount, or faces LOTS of difficulty getting it back. and even when the employer wants to send the maid back home, the agency will not allow it, and will ask the employer to had over the maid to them instead.

also, because the maid has not "paid up" her full loan to the agency yet, even when she gets returned back to agency before her loan is fully paid up for a VERY grievious reason (eg. abusing the kids, stealing, etc) the agency will not send the maid back home (which is morally reprehensible) but will instead transfer her out to another unsuspecting employer.

in HK & Taiwan, maids are not allowed to be trasferred out to another employer. so if her work is unsatisfactory, the employer will just send her back home, and get another maid. as a result, most maids working there would inevitably take their jobs more seriously and not cause their employers to send them back home (esp. if they have a loan to pay back to their family or to the bank/moneylender).
Hi Lani,
is it the law that states that the maids cannot be transferred in HK & Taiwan? Are you able to get the actual legal terms?
is your new maid here yet? In your case, would your maid have a maid loan?
i recalled you mentioned abt your agent who brought the maids over to your plc for intv. They were on social visit pass?
btw was the maid who ran away also supplied by this agent?
Am thinking of possibly using your agent if we still want to consider getting a maid. My boss has offered me something and I might just start to work part time again later next year. Right now, my present maid is still tolerable but i dunno how things will be going forward.
Appreciate your opinions. ;)
i am not sure if it is the law in HK & Taiwan, but this was what I was told by friends. perhaps anyone here wanna verify?
from my understanding, maids aren't the only ones who need to pay a loan amt of S$1500-S$2000 in order to come here to work. apparently MOST foreign workers who come here to work need to pay such a loan to a local agent (of which the money will be shared with the s'pore agent) - this includes foreign workers like construction workers (from Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand, Myanmar, etc), cleaners (from Malaysia, Myanmar, etc), and even medical professionals, like the many great Filipino nurses who work in our local hospitals, nursing homes, etc!

And all of them actually pay up their loans upfront before they get to come here to work! Is it any wonder that we hardly hear of employment/discipline problems with these categories of workers? These workers know they have to work hard and well, because if they don't, their local employers will just terminate their services, cancel their work permits, & ship them back home and get another worker to replace them! ALternatively the employer MAY send the worker back to their local agent and get a replacement ASAP.

It seems maids are the only ones who have the option to work here for 5-6mths 1st and use their salary for those 5-6mths to pay off the loan instead. It does make you wonder then if the "loan" issue is a big contributing factor in problems faced with employers & maids alike? It may be a little simplistic but it's something worth looking into.
Hi Lani, it's really strange because further to the S$1500-S$2000 they have to pay over here, I know for a fact they have to pay another amount in Manila, to pay for the TESDA training and medical etc, so it really is a wonder to me that the maids will purposely give problems to their employer (although from friends' first hand experience i know there are maids who will do things purposely!!!) most of the maids have to borrow money from everyone they know just to scrape up the amount for the that application to come here so I really doubt if the maids will be in any position to pay off the entire fee without the loan.

i do wonder why there are so many maids that are performing so badly these days? what has changed? gone were the days that maids stayed for 10-20 years and were totally devoted to the employer... is it because they are now more modern and educated? Is it because most of the mummies are now working and expect more from the maid?

During my maid search I spoke to a whole lot of maids (both fresh and transfers) and there really were some maids who i told directly that they were giving Filipino maids (and people) a bad name, but there were also those who i really pitied because of their abject poverty, and the hopelessness in them. But the one thing that a lot of them told me was that they would have been very happy to work for me because i spoke Tagalog, so the communication problem would be much less... could this be one of the reasons why there are so many problems now? Even with my current maid i will sometimes give her instructions in tagalog and she still cannot understand me and i will have to demonstrate, what more if i spoke to her in singlish??
need your advice.
We are going to go to Msia soon, but are not decided on whether or not to bring my maid along.
Why not?
Because she gets distracted when she is outside. Am worried that she'll give me more trouble than help. Also during the trip, she'll have to be parked at my in-laws' place. My MiL is not exactly happy abt it because the maid can be kay-poh.

Why bring her?
Was told by some frens that if we park her at the agent, she might get to mix with those bad transfer maids. My main concern is this. And also worried that she'll pick up all the bad habits and turn from bad to worse. I still have a month more to go before i stay home completely. If she really turn bad after we return, I will have a lot of problems as I can't be there to deal with her.

What would you do if you were in my situation? Appreciate if you can give me some insights.

Thanks all!
So like tat I am paying for her loan? But it is her pay wat. If I wanna cancel her, I just tell the bank to cancel the cheques. So how is it tat I am paying her loan? Sounds puzzling. It is just at she din pay upfront earlier, but now she paying back using her monthly pay. If she leave after 6 months, she oso have abt $120 with her only, cos the rest pay the loan liao. So even if I terminate her, I only paid her her pay and she used tat to pay her loan wat... not meh?? Not much diff as borrowing from relatives then gana send back after 6 months right?

Oh, I told my maid, dun think she finish paying her loan she can happily slag and hope for transfer if we not happy. Cos the day she piss me off enough, I will just get her an air tix for her to go, I wont bother if I lugi how much, cos I wont allow her to stay on in sg, working for another family, and pay a smaller loan thereafter.

You are back from sg already? So you have chosen your maid?

Well, if your family routine is tat everyone eats v late, like 8+pm, then get your maid to adapt. We are not farmers in china, eat at 4pm, sleep 7pm leh. At most give her some snacks at 4pm, so she can "dong" until 8+ lor. My sil's maid only finish cooking at 8pm, and by the time she eats, almost 9pm liao. Btw, I cook for my maid to eat hor, and even ask her nice or not. She learn for 5 months still learning from me ah. I think they can't expect everything to be like their rural life, you just have to adjust their expectations lor.

If me, I might bring her along. Cos I can watch over her. Yes she can be kaypo, she can stray, but how much right under my nose? Everyone is distracted outside. If the expenses not high, at least the maid can help me carry my things and clean up the place.
Another alternative is put her with one of your fren's here or your mom or relatives. Those tat are strict with their maids.
Thanks. i agree with you. I'm 70% for bringing maid along. The problem now is to convince my MiL (another source of my problems!) about this.

mom2nat is quite right. got to make the maid adapt to us, not the other way round. My maid fr mon-fri eat before us cos we come back late. If not by the time she gets to eat it's 10pm liao. wash up all, next morning oredi. But on weekends, she eats aft us. When we go out for meals, she also eats after us. On this aspect, my maid is ok about it.
Hi Mom2nat, yes we do provide snacks for the maid. I guess I am not being too difficult to the maid. The new maid came yday and i told her as much as i want to speed things up, there are days where we just cant. It took me 1.5 hr (!!!) yday evening to feed my son dinner. Took 15 mins each for my 2 boys to finish the I just hope she can understand due to the fact that the kids are young and we dont have a choice.

Yday, I was impressed with my agent too. I saw a list of rules the agent imposes on the maid. Some gd examples are:

1. No afternoon nap. Imagine my previous agent @ IP can tell me to let the maid have a nap when my kids are sleeping. Its not that I dont want to do that but really for kids at tender age, the maid has to take the opportunity when the kids are sleeping to do the house work. Cos when the kids are awake, it is not quite possible to do anything at all!

2. Off days, must finish up most general work before go out. Must return home by 6 pm.

I was really impressed with these, cos this makes the maid understand even the agent would expect them to follow such basic rules and it doesnt make the employer looks like mean employer!
my agent also give all these rules. So it is pretty good. The maid knows that whatever else we give her is over and on top of this.
but then you have to continue to remind her. Sometimes they'll forget.

Good luck with your new maid!

...and btw, my maid has improved quite a bit this week. I'm happy abt that and I told her to keep up the good work. She seems happier too! Hopefully got happy ending lor...
For me, during my three days to hk, I leave my maid at home.For you, maybe you can bring her along and get her to follow you closely and remind her to be alert and attentive to your kid at all time.
Hi Ladies

Need help and my new maid will be in next week and am still busy drafting out her routine.

Can I check with you how do you get your maid to hand clean those area that is under the cupboard or TV console area?For example, hand cannot strech and reach?

How long hand clean will usually take?Usually clean in the night or morning?

Does machine wash really waste a lot of water compared to handwash?Can anyone enlighten me?thanks

Me looking at my time table, looks like between 6 to 9am, maid can be quite free...
maybe can get her to use magic mop (the wet type) to clean the areas where her hands cannot reach.

As for laundry, it really depends on the person who handwash. For myself, if i were to handwash the clothes myself, i would waste a lot of water, cos i find myself no matter how i rinse, the water after rinse still have bubbles. Then i will take it as not clean, then rinse many times again, until no bubbles .. very waste water .. but if i use machine, cannot see, so ok .. kekekeekek ..

For my maid, i require she handwash her own clothes, but she can use machine to spin cos i dun want the dripping water to wet my kitchen as she hang her clothes. As for my family's clothes, i ask her to machine wash. Cos I dun trust her to handwash my working clothes, esp. delicate ones which i'll place in a laundry bag before putting into machine. I trust machine more (maybe since young, all my clothes are machine washed) ..
I dont know... maybe cos her departure date is drawing. The fear of getting a maid worse than her keeps whirling in my mind... Hiaz. Maybe cos she is leaving, I am closing BOTH eyes. No scoldings, can wake up late who cares.
Hello mummies,
My new maid is quite ok. She seems to be serious about doing a good job according to our requirements. I showed her how I wanted everything done including how I want her to keep her room and bathroom spotlessly clean to how to wash the baby bottles to how I want the slippers arranged out the back. Today, it was all done so...ok lor. She has quite a bubbly personality too. More bubbly than my previous made but doesn't talk unless we talk to her which I like. Let's see how long this one lasts.
hving a bubbly maid versus a non-bubbly one, which is better ah?

i dunno whether to consider my maid as bubbly or not... in my house, i don't talk to her unless required... i only expect her to speak when required and i dun really make small talk with her as i don't see it as necessary, except during review sessions with her...
However, at my parents place where i bring her and my kids there during weekdays when i'm working, she appears to be very bubbly... talk much more (to my parents) than when she's at my house.

Is this a common behaviour of maids who are required to go to 2 households?
I'm just not comfortable with the fact that at times when i bring my kids out (for a short while) from my parents place without the maid (maid still at parents place) and after we come back to my parents place, the maid wld be asking my daughter questions like "oh, where did you go", "what did you buy", etc. Dunno if she's trying to interact with my kid or if she's juz being kay-poh...
hmmm...I think it's good for a maid to be bubbly around the kids but no need to be bubbly around us lah...just work can already.

My maid comes across as enthusiastic to learn and please. Don't think she's gonna be like this forever. Maybe like a month until she gets sick of doing the same chores day in day out.

I guess if she's asking friendly and innocent questions it shows her interest in your kids which is good cos it will make them feel like she cares. As long as she doesn't start asking your kids for credit card numbers and bank details I think it's ok.

One thing about maids though...they gossip alot...even if they don't seem like the type to. They talk about all they ma'ams and whinge and complain! Then the other maids tell their ma'ams and your neighbors end up having this opinion about you and tell other neighbors...then everyone thinks you're a bitch that starves your maid.

need HELP.

my maid veri ego...wan to go back but put words in2 my mouth..she doesnt wan to write me a letter that she wans to go back...which means i have to pay for her ticket. She is so stubborn that i need to call the police for help jst now.

can any kind soul tell me the procedure of cancelling her WP and etc.... she is really a troublemaker!! my gal is sick ( on neb) and she do these kind of nonsense.

drafting a letter that she have balance of how much plus she is terminating her contract on her accord and wat else ??can advise??

thks alot

Last month, I faced similar situation like you.

Mums in this forum has been very help. Log on to MOM website, with your singpass and cancel her work permit. Best is 7 days before her departure, so you need not pay the levy for those days. Print the copy out.You can get the agency to send her to airport, expenses should be paid by her since she did not finish her contract.

If you find it troublesome to do all this paper work, maybe you can get your original maid agency to help, see whether they can do for free. I got mine done FOC.

Thanks. Just like you, I trust machine washed than maid washing my cloths. My ex maid, washed till all my t shirt collars went out of shape and sometimes, my skin itch too...true, I also find it quite waste of water too....

Thanks for suggesting using the magic clean, the wet type, am thinking for those area, I may give her a magic stick and help her to reach out to those area. Simply, by giving her the actual mop, she may end up using it mop the whole house when I do not see.....I like hand clean the house cos its really clean....

U know, at my MIL's house, MIL's requirement is all clothes must be handwashed, cos she's the very traditional type of housewife who doesn't trust washing machine .. Guess what? my maid washed SIL's bra until they go out of shape!! U know, the t-shirt bra type, once out-of-shape is very ugle .. cannot wear anymore, cos very ugly to wear .. when MIL feedback to me, i told her for myself, I ownself handwash my undies, never let maid handle them .. Dun ever trust them to do a clean washing job for u, cos their standards are different, esp. if the piece of clothings is very delicate or previous ..
