Advise on Baby & Maid Exps


Yes, Neng is the manager. My current maid was not picked by her but by her ex-staff. Probably, Neng has a say in the selection of maids.

I paid $499 for their agent fee and I was already complaining expensive!! However, they could not reduce. I remembered hearing from the lady who I dealt with told me that they charge different agent fee for different type of maids..probably those with good records will have a higher agent fee (???)

I did request for my maid's WP number before I confirm taking her cos of my past bad experience and I have learnt my lesson. If they refuse to give, my advice is dont take the maid.

Hi kristen,
thanks for ur advice.

is it possible if i could PM u? can i hv ur email add?

Neng herself is a Indonesian,right? She told me.I hvn't met her but plan to go to her office tomorrow.

Actuali, i don't reali like her service but no choice because i like the maid.
hi ladies, my new maid is supposed to come soon, i'd like to start her off the right foot and give her some rules specially since there is only hb and i at home and not much work... any tips?
avocado: if u dunwan fresh then take experience ones... mine is ex HK, looking after 3 children.. depends on your preference, dont get influence by the agent.... personally i need an experience to look after my gal and newborn so I particulary looking for those with real childcare one... Another ting I dun like ex SIN maids...

My frn chose fresh maid cos agent says easier to train and dun like can change and change.. so total she change 3 maids in less then half a year and finally doing without now cos cannot tahan them...

JDM agent fee oso $499.
Tonight at 8pm Channel U telecasts Discussion on Maids under the program call "You Hua Jiu Suo". It is a Mandarin program. There's one abused maid speaking in English. Care to watch?

eileen10, what i mean my maid look at my son playing with his car she do not bother to follow him in case he bump into our car she also looked at scenery

mom2nat and angel, yes my maid is "fresh" from philippine haha..
Now coming to 2 weeks, my son still reject her and she still as stone as before.

I even asked my SIL's maid to talk to her in their own language tell her in Singapore we really treasure our kids hence she has to try to communicate and play with my son.

I talk to her myself several times that she must talk to my son be his friend so he will open up to her too.

And recently guess what, my maid meet up with my SIL maids (she got 2) she tell them she dun mind we transfer her if we dun like her! Wow I was so shocked to hear this from my SIL leh!
sounds like your maid really got no heart to work. Same like mine.
Thank goodness that I am sick these 2 days, caught her doing all sorts of rubbish, despite giving her new guidelines and giving her 'pep' talk last sunday.

your maid use cold water to bathe your girl. mine use water that is too hot, for bath and for drinking! the lagi irritating thing is that my baby accidentally tipped the bottle of water and spilled on the bed (therefore bed is wet), and when the maid tidied the bed, she just covered the wet spot! Biang eh! I asked her if her hand is spoiled cannot feel anything. Asked her if this was her own bed would she cover too? She said "No" I just tekan her and said, "so you don't care lah! Don't care then just tell me. I'll let you go home!"
Very fed up!
All maids, filo or indo famous words, if madam dun like me, you send me back agency.....

All my maids who left me (more than 10) said so. The last one said this, and I returned her to agency, she made U-turn, then said it again in the night. I really scream at her at the top of my voice.

My intention was to correct them and asked them dun be forgetful, dun be careless, dun anyhow do things, their summary is YOU DUN LIKE THEM!!

Very hard to talk to teach and talk to them one lar.
Hi Precious_one, bingo. Alot of my maids also said the same thing! They really dont mind to go....that really says alot, isnt it?
I'll definitely watch the programme and give my feedback.

Hi All,
I just did a long counselling session with my maid AGAIN! This time it's cos i caught her trying to 'kill' my electric kettle by putting it under the running tap with the water getting into the socket (where you plug in the wire)!! Not only that, this morning, she used water that is too hot for my baby (drinking and bath) and also covered the wet spot on the bed, instead of taking the sheets out to dry.
Made her write down her commitment, which goes like this:
1. If you can choose, what do you want to do?
Her answer: stay here to work so that I can earn money to buy new motorcycle for my husband

2. If you want to stay here to work, what do you need to do?
Her answer: work hard (at this point I made her write down specifics)
E.g. Clean baby's things and the house nicely
don't waste water
don't wast electricity
learn all the dishes that Ah Ma teach me to cook
have initiative to ask for work to do
have positive attitude when asked to do work

I made her sign on the paper which she wrote all this down. I made a photocopy of it, and magnet it on our fridge for her. The original i keep. Told her that since she committed to this, she has to keep to it. If not, she goes home.

She said she understood..So i'll see how..
I don't know if your maid will honour her signature or not. My previous maids sign documents like yours with the agencies when I brought them down for lectures, even the last one also but within few hours, they don't honour what they sign liao. Even what they sign with me for not repeating the same mistakes, also gone into the drain. I tried many methods but realised that they signed their lives away. With strong backing from MOM, they know they can opt out if they don't like to work with you. The ball is not in employers' court lei....unless you exercise your $ power, i.e. to send them back to where they come from.
haha precious_one, I don't have much hopes either. These are just temporary methods to give her chance. I also don't want her to say I didn't give any chance.
I told my maid if she doesn't want to work, she can tell me. No need to do all these nonsense! No issue with me at all! No big deal! I just send her back

She did realise just now that I know what crap is in her head. told her to go and think for herself lor. Then come and tell me..

In short i told her don't come and BS me (i really used that word!)!
you are right. I actually don't have much hopes either. These are just temporary measures. I'm not intending to keep her for long, probably only until jan-feb next year.
Also i don't want her to go and say that I didn't give her any chances (esp if we have to send her to the agent). Want her to wake her idea up and know that i am fair. I did tell her that with the kind of rubbish that she's been giving me, she would have LONG been gone if she were working for someone else!

She knows all the MOM stuff quite well, dat's why want to ya-ya with me. But i told her, to me it's NO BIG DEAL! told her we not die die need her here. I can ALWAYS send her home and get another maid. NO BIG DEAL.

with that i think she realise that I know what crap is in her head all this while. That's why i MAKE her write down the commitments, when she initially didn't want to.
Hello mummies,

Guess what! My maid ran away today! I hadn't seen her for 2 days as she was already in her room when I got back from work at 8pm. Thankfully my hubby had taken my girl out for breakfast and my girl wasn't with the maid alone (which she hardly ever is anyway). She ran to the embassy and that's where she is now with no clothes, no toiletries or anything. Unbelievable is all I can say, although my hubby is not surprised by these maids antics. Anyway, I booked her BUDGET ticket for the next available flight to Manila on the 5th December at midnight and her WP is cancelled. However, I really don't think it's fair that I have to pay for that. Afterall, it's not me who cancelled the contract and we certainly did not mistreat her.

Found out from my nanny that the maid was chatting to the neighbors maid who gets paid $500 per month. This is another reason for her dissatisfaction. That's one thing I really hate. Other maids can really ruin a good maid by poisoning their minds. This other maid was saying "your employer has changed so many maids, there must be something wrong with her blah blah". My maid knows this though. I told her in the beginning she is my no. 5.

The other thing about Filippinos is they can't take scoldings. I severely scolded my maid for feeding my baby a whole bottle of milk and then force feeding her a whole bowl of porridge until my girl vomitted. I told her "tonight for dinner you are going to drink 1 litre of milk and eat an entire McDonalds meal deal and see if you don't vomit". I guess she didn't like that.

Anyway, the agent is GOOD. She is a Filippino herself. She came to my house with 3 maids for me to interview this evening and the paperwork ready to sign. Each is on "social visit" pass and ready to work. They all seemed ok to me and willing to work here even after I told them they will be my 6th maid and I am particular about cleanliness and making sure my girl is properly taken care of. I also told them I will scold them if they don't take care of my girl properly etc. They said ok. They are all experienced in childcare with college degrees in education. They are all asking for $400 a month but I said I'm only willing to pay $350 and they all said it's ok, they will be happy with it. So I've narrowed the decision to 2 maids and will discuss with my hubby later. New maid will start next Wednesday.

From my experience so far, the Filipino run agencies are better with service than the local ones. The owner attended to me personally and she is fair to both employer and maid and her service is very good.

This maid was good. It really did not have to end like this. I had no complaints about her....but who knows what goes on in a maid's mind to make them change so suddenly that they cannot work with an employer anymore.
Dear mommies,

I am in a dilemma right now and I hope I can get some advice from you.

I am a SAHM and my indo maid has been with me for about 5 months now. She is 31 years old, experienced in doing house work and can communicate in simple english and mandarin.

Overall, her housework has been very good and has been adequate in looking after baby (wash bottles, clothes, heating baby food and playing with baby while I am busy.) Her main duties are housework while I take care of the rest of baby's needs, like bathing, feeding, changing diapers, putting baby to sleep.

However, the problem is she doesn't take well to criticism. Whenever I correct her or tell her to do something in another way, she will either talk back or show me a black face for a few days.

For example,
1) There was a time my baby had severe diarrheoa and the doctor told me that my baby had eaten unclean stuff. I told my maid that poor baby is in so much pain and so please be more careful when cleaning baby's bottles and utensils. She talked back to me and said that baby got sick because I told her to clean baby's toys with dettol (diluted with lots of water)!?!?

2) Her hair was always in a mess and I asked to to pin her hair up. She told me her hair is messy because the shampoo I gave her makes her hair dry.

3) I told my maid that typically she is to eat only after we have eaten, not the other way round. She did not listen and I scolded her recently. She snickered and told me "Mam don't like me, I go back agent". Thereafter, she showed me and my husband a black face and refuse to greet us. This happened 3 days before our 10 day trip away (she stayed with my parents during that time) and now that we are back, she is still showing the black face, although she still continues to do the housework well.

My husband and I are so pissed off at her attitude and have requested to change for another maid, but my parents thought I should talk to her and give her a chance since she does good work generally. We wonder what her intentions are, whether she wants to continue to work for us (as her work is still good) or not (her super black face seems to indicate otherwise)

Can you please advise me what I should do? Should I keep her (and have to continue to tolerate her black face and talking back) or get a new maid (may have another set of problems)?

Thanks in advance. Would appreciate all advice.
Liana, oh kena that curse too!! Dont know what to say. Remember the PH maid i just sent away recently after 2 days work? My agent sent her home based on the fact, she really look and walk weak! Guess what, she gotten her sister who worked in HKG to call the agent and questioned why she is not being transferred and threatened to go to the embassy. She also anyhow claimed things on the employer i.e. me and my family did to her and told alot of pple in PH that we have changed alot of maids (I was like, ya as if I am the only 1 in s'pore who changed alot of maids). The agent now had to preempt us not to make any reference to that girl anymore...Goodness, I dont know what's wrong with these pple!
is your maid an experienced maid prior working for you? A lot of ex-sg's maid has attitude problem. If I am you, I will NOT tolerate this kind of attitude from her. I pay her to work and not show me her black face and of course we have our reason to tell them off certain things that is not properly done. They should accept it. As you mentioned she is good with her work, maybe you can give her a last strong stern 'counsel' about it. If she doesnt change, then you have to ask yourself how long you can stand it. No point paying for someone and looking at their bad attitude and face.
Ask your heart, can both hubby and you tahan her face/attitude even after you speak to her? It has been 5 months, do you think she is one who will change for the better? You can change her shampoo, but can you change her hygiene standard and attitude?

The thought of changing employer already crossed her mind and that's why she dared tell you to send her back to agent if you don't like her. Perhaps she is feeling that you need her more than she needs you.

On the other hand, everyone fear change cos you don't know if you are changing for a better one or worst. No one can guarantee it unless you try it yourself.

How much time are you willing to give her to change? Remember, she is not going to change overnight. During the changing time, will you be able to treat her as fresh and forget about her black face.

At the end of the day, this person is going to stay with you, are you comfortable with her? If her intention is to get more salary, are you going to pay more? Cos, if it is salary she is unhappy about, then no matter what you do to please her, she will appreciate it with a BLACK face.

Very tricky situation. You have to go according to your heart feel cos we don't work with her.

This is my personal feel.
Your kindness had been badly abused by the so called "good" filo maid. You have been exercising fairness and generiosity towards her and she returned you with a mess. Yeah, what's in the maids mind??
From what I understood from my evil filo maid L, she taught my good filo maid J to provoke me all the time, so that perhaps I hit them. Then they could run to embassy, sued me and asked for compensation. If not, I would go to jail. She told her it is easy $$$. Perhaps, this is what is in their minds. Get their so called easy money.

She even told me her 1st employer hit her and lefta mark on her hand. I don't know if it is true but I checked with the agent. The agent said she didn't reported it when she was returned to the agency. I quickly told the agent her whichever hand got mark. (But the only mark was so old, so don't even know if it was hit by her ex-employer or herself??)

You see, they spent their time plotting against the employer. After her, I really have don't know how to trust maids cos I felt so hurt and betrayed.
hi mummies,
I've just confirmed my maid. She is ex-Sing wf 6yrs experience.

Can I chk with you:
Agent claims that her passport will be expired after 1yr. and i am required to apply for passport then renew her WP after 1yr

Any mummies had gone such process, applying the passport for the maid?

Isn't it the contract supposes to cover the expenses of the passport application since we signed 2yrs contract wf the agent?
The agent said it makes more sense to apply a new passport than renew the existing passport for Indonesian maid. Is it true?

I heard the process is quite tedious...nid to accompany her to go Indo embassy, go thru interview, engage lawyer, blah blah
Watched last night's "You Hua Jiu Suo" on maids issues. Conclusion: it's a 2-way gambling. A gamble for maid to get a good employer and a gamble for employer to get a good maid. JinYinJi is so sway to get 2 maids who abuse her 93yrs old mother-in-law . . wonder why she din report police ..
Hi Kristen,
I've just PM u.

Hi bunny,
My mum maid oso shares the same attitude as ur maid. Hers is a Indo fresh maid. Work wise is ok but always talk back.

She oso always tells my mum:if don't like me,change me. My mum told my SIL, so my SIL has used this as an excuse & told the agent to switch maid.

U've to examine her urself: Will her attitude change? Is she ego type or stubborn type? To be frank, most ppl characters cannot be changed,unless they went thru some "turbulence" in life & they realise their mistakes then changed for the beta.

31y.o shld be mature enuff. But I cannot stand her when u said she refused to eat b4 u eat,this shows she is disrespect.

Tell her if she wanna do it herself, she shld become the boss of herself or go n work wf ang moh. Every families has rules, if she chose to obey the rules. she shld go somewhere.

I mean, even in working life, if the working hour is 8am to 5pm, then we've to make sure we stick of the working hour. If u don't like the working hour, then switch to other jobs that allow u to work flexi-hour
Hi Ling,
Did ur frd oso choose her maid from JDM?So far, how is ur maid of ex-HK? does she give u problem?

JDM charges me $438, she said she gave me $50 discount. But i didn't choose her maid.Eventually, I chose a Indo maid,6yrs ex-Sing from JobPlus.

Ex-Sing no good???? jialak liao...i oso heard tat bcoz they said Ex-Sing is quite clever since they've worked in sg & hv a group of supportive frds.

I've interviewed this maid 3x. Seriously,it is difficult to judge. But i went ahead bcoz she accepted my conditions:
1) No off day: except hari raya & independent day
2) no h/p

actuali, i oso very worried if it can turn up good or worse. This is the 1st time i engaged a maid. But I've do it becoz I've a 3y.o boy to take care & plus I am preggie wf my 2nd one.

I oso don't hv mother or MIL assistance...I've to tak a experience one bcoz i do not know how to cook....
hi Liana,
I agree wf u tat FIL can't tak scolding. I believe it is their culture. If u tell them what to do, they'll try to reason it out wf u.

However, FIL maid is smarter than Indo maid. Some prefers FIL maids becoz they can speak english, work more independently & more hygiene compared to Indo maids.

But my 2yrs part time FIL maid is amazingly humble & very detailed in hseworks.

Again, this is depending on ur luck!
pinktweet, thanks for summarising the show for us. I missed it cos i was stuck at my gynae.

yes it is indeed a 2way gamble. I just heard from my mum's friend this incident. She had just gotten a new Indo maid. aft a few days, discovered that this maid is shortsighted! So she brought the maid to see optician, checked eyesight and got her a pair of glasses. The poor maid was nervous and shivering the whole time. in the end asked my mum's fren if she still wanted to keep her. From there, my mum's fren then found out that the agent had confiscated the maid's glasses!..and we suspect that the agent probably even threatened the maid that if she let the employer (my mum's fren) find out, she'll be repatriated! Such a terrible agent!
my mum's fren still kept the maid, because she felt sorry for the maid.
now that you mentioned abt the maids plotting against employers for their easy $$, you just got me on high alert!
Just last week, my maid came to show me some bruises on her shins, telling me that my mum's small little maltese dog is responsible for it. *roll eyes until eyes fall out of my head* I told her not possible. It must be that she is not careful and bump into furniture or something.
The dog is feisty but she is SO tiny! the dog is more likely to be hurt by us than us by her! Before i moved out of my parents', i also always 'kena' from the dog but NEVER get bruises or maid is SO lying thru her teeth right?!
aiyo... really i think i must keep a watch on this kind of things.
Reading all the post here..really make me wonder..we employ/pay maid to help but end up more problems..mayb this is new generation kind of maid..

When maid no heart to work liao..or thinking of something else, like transfering.. they will do funny things.. my previous maid also create lots of problems for me..and tell me, transfer me cos I already give mdm so many problems,she told me so.. I know she do it purposely and asking for transfer..

Now no maid, very busy n tiring but no extra stress from maid.. keep on telling my hubby I don't want maid.. hubby said anyway already apply, still waiting for her visa from Indo.. but the MOM application is on 21 Nov and already approved (insurance also bought)just waiting for her to come.. can I ask the levy only apply after she reach S'pore?..
Levy starts only after she arrives to S'pore. What do you mean waiting for visa? Is she a fresh maid... Almost more than a week liao still havent come yet, i think you better go and push them. Btw, how come you have to buy insurance(thought was from the package?) I thought this new insurance scheme which MOM implement starts only in Jan, next year? Just curious...
Hi Avocado, if you are full time working, my advice is that you have camera to watch what the maid does and train yr 3 yr old to report to you.

My previous ex-4 yrs SG maid, also wanted me to put her at home, meaning she dont want to go to my mom's hse. But I wont do it, cos my 2 kids cant talk yet and based on her intelligence, i bet she wont be too good.

You reminded me of my first experience with first maid, who is five years ex sin. They are very experience but generally has got attitude must be good in handling them....They are really old bird....
KC, I'm not sure what happen, Crislo keep on delaying, give me reasons this and that, I don't trust them liao.. (received letter from MOM) everything ready but don't know why haven't buy maid's ticket to Singapore.. if this time still ask me to select again or any problems.. I will sure ask for refund of the balance loan..
Hi avocado

You reminded me of my first experience with my first ex sin 5 years maid. Very smart, so smart till you do not know when she is lying or must be smart enough to handle them...generally, they are old bird...
Hi Mummies,
Drama over. My new maid, whom I think is also quite good based on her seriousness and good work record is coming on Tuesday. I spent an hour with the 3 maids sitting on my sofa giving the "talk". Then they went for the "tour" and I observed all of them. They showed initiative, switching off the lights as we left the rooms, putting all my things in the right places and best of all, not talking too much. Will update once she starts.

I really don't know what's wrong with maids these days. I just don't think finishing their contract is a priority. I don't think they are looking for an easy job either....what I really think is they want to take over your house and be the ma'am!!

Agree that your maid has to go back to her own country. She is not fit to work. If her sister from HK is threatening this and that just tell her to F***OFF and go and clean something. So how? You getting a replacement?

You gotta be careful with your maid saying she got bruises. Of course it's impossible for her to get them from a Maltese so she's full of S**T. Hope she doesn't use that against you as some form of blackmail. I wouldn't be surprised if those bruises are self inflicted.

All maids can clean well if they feel like it. You will be able to find another one who can do that job just as well. No need to put up with black face. I have learnt that black face means not happy, no heart to work so must go. Once a maid brings up "transfer", it's time to get rid of her already. Better still, send her back to her own country. Because transferring is so easy, maids don't put effort into their job. They'll keep job hopping until they find a bo chap employer who let's her do as she likes. If the law did not allow transfers then I think maids would think twice about anyhow requesting transfer and maybe they would put more effort into their job.

Before you sign on this maid, suggest you interview some maids here on social visit pass. You will see there is a big difference. I feel these maids are more serious about working as they paid their own way to loan. That also means you can send them back anytime if they are BAD without losing your loan money.
Which agency did you use that has maids on social pass visit? How about the agency fee? Ex? Singapore ma'am where got so easy to be one? They can't even do a decent cleaning job... come on....
I use ADP consultants at Far East Shopping Centre. All those filippino run agencies will have maids on SVP. I find ADP good but may not suit all mummies as they require employers to give maids at least one day off a month but honestly, if the employer has done nothing wrong and the maid has gone psycho as in my case they supported me all the way giving me good candidates on the same day and processing my application fast until my new maid can start within a week. No complaints. I didn't find them ex. I think $388 or $488 with one free replacement within 6 months.
Dear mommies,

Thank you very much for all your advice. We have decided to get a new maid.

My current maid has not worked in Singapore before but had worked for a chinese family in Malaysia previously. We realized that she is not a keeper because:

1) I allow her to use the washing machine to wash her clothes but she has abused my goodwill. She used it to wash her clothes a few times a week and also went ahead even when our clothes are full and needed to be washed. Basically, she places herself before us.

2) Our electricity and water bill for the last month increased by about $80. Apparently she started taking two long showers (longer than us) in the day with the water running non-stop for 20 minutes each time. She did not wash her hair or clothes so I am not sure why she is taking such long showers.

Can I get some advice as to how to control their water and electricity usage?

3) Till now, she is STILL giving us a black face. It has been more than 2 weeks. Think we have enough. We believe she thinks that I am a push-over and did not dare to tell her off for fear of her black face.

Apparently the maids nowadays want to choose their employers. They have forgotten their place. We would just have to take our chances with a new maid. This time, I will be strict and upfront with the rules. We will not tolerate another disrespectful maid.

Thanks everyone for your advice.
Bunny, i really think you have made the right decision. This Ms Black Face here definitely does not have the right heart to serve.

I really hope this new maid works out for you. I'm only on my 2nd maid and I already know all their supid antics. You are right about my maid and her bruises. This is not the only thing. She had from day 1 been complaining that her leg pain, arm pain, every other thing pain (dunno whether her....ahem...pain or not lah!:p). Initially i thought maybe because just started working and not used to life here so i empahtise a bit. But this has gone on for a while, now coming 4 mths. I'm just waiting for the next 'leg pain'/'headache' complaint to come, then I'll march her to the agent and request for the agent to allow me to bring her to the first doctor who had done her medical to have a thorough check. I'll see how many more games she want to play with me.

I also spoke to my agent today regarding my maid's poor performance. The agent thinks that she really need some serious counselling, which I am more than happy to push to the agent.

The other decision we have made with the maid is that we'll park her at the agent when we travel in Dec. During that time, i'll have the agent to give her one thorough round of training. Afterwhich, we are only intending to have her till Feb or Mar latest. After that, she can go and fly her own kite all the way back to "buat bodoh-ville"!!
Were you from the photos tread last time oso?
My fil maid oso quite clean, in fact v scared smelly or dirty things. I v worried of maids who are filthy or unhygenic. Do you leave your boy with your maid all day?
hi, advice needed. my maid smokes in her locked room at night and in the toilet when she bathes!! she thinks nobody knows but i have confirmed it and decide not to give her any chance. i intend to terminate her service. she has 3 more months of loan to pay off and my husband thinks we should pay it for her so she can go back to philipines or she can choose to work for another employer. i refuse to give her a single cent because we had not shortchanged her when she was with us, she was never scolded by us. her work is very average and tends to be dirty. she doesnt have initiative and looks bored every day. so, should i get the agent to come collect her and then tell her that she is leaving or should i send her to the agency direct? should i give her a parting sum out of goodwill, nevertheless?

If you are willing to pay up her loan I would suggest sending her back cos no family, especially family with kids is gonna want a maid who smokes in their house. Cigarettes cost over $11 a pack. Don't know how your maid can afford it! Crazy. "Do you smoke?" is a question on the biodata. I bet she ticked "No". So based on that alone, you have a very good reason to send her back. Got proof? Keep it handy just in case.

The best way is to buy her a one way ticket back, log onto MOM website and cancel her WP. Then without her knowing, say you are going shopping but drop her off at the agency. Whilst there, tell them about the smoking and other stuff then go home and pack her stuff yourself and send it to the agency seperately.

If a maid has not performed I don't see the point of giving her extra cash but it's up to you..

So you got your maid from Jobplus? My current maid from JobPlus is having the passport expiring issue too!

I will PM you to share with you more.
Avocado: my maid so far ok.. im oso not really a fussy person... but she quite auto and noes wat is to be done and not... she dun give me prob at tis moment. tis is my first maid oso.. no off day and no HP la.. But she already told mi she wana get HP le once her loan clear and will get a philipine sim card to contact with family.. cheaper oso.. im fine with it la, at tis moment :p

Wah, y u hv discount??? must call them to check le.. haha

erm.. u noe la, ex sing means they hv sing frns ma.. i dun like. the maid u getting is married or not?? how old??

I oso get maid cos have 2nd one.. u btr bring in maid few months before due to train her.. She has experience in infant care anot?? 4yi, my maid look after my boi only, my girl still goes full day CC... how abt u??
