Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

lani/eileen10, thanks for your input. i tot s'pore govt gotta abide by the indo govt! now i know better.

OK will update my blog later

Thanks again...I felt the same way like you so...After all its a less than a year extension. Is there a salary increment usually for this type of extension. Apparently, my friend's maid did not request anything and she is thankful that she can fully utlise her passport.
*big waves* to babycutie, zuoer, bbgrace and starz

Hi all
Thanks for the advise
After much pondering I HAVE DECIDED TO SEND HER BACK TO AGENCY without having any emotion setback this time round! So will send her back after my trip.

Mine is from Nation @ Hougang Green. Only 3months of grace period to decide after which payment is required.

Her name is Marvelia keke is it the same ones with teenage son?? She berry "jialat" leh..

I have pre-select a fresh new one with only experience in philipine she has don't what nursing course experience so her salary is S$420 exp hor...thought of changing agency leh any suggestion boh?
I need advise from all exp mummies.
We wanted to change maid. My maid (she a trf) don't take instuction from my inlaws, everytime face black and like to argue back when confronted. really headache.
I am staying with my inlaws and they help to look after my 3 kids (infant 2 and 3 yrs old). So her duties to do housework work, able to cook and must put-down her on-hand duties when asked to help to look after kids. Mus be initative and obedient( take instruction fr my inlaws)
So Should I get a new maid (usually obedient) or ex maid (usually gt initative)???

Pls advise and tks
Hi sf
U can try looking through all the previous postings .. nice, 'juicy' conversations and good advices from many experienced mommies .. i really learnt a lot from these postings ..
Wah, new PHIL w exp in own country $420, increased so much ah? I think still some agency, charge $350 w 1off day/mth(or $370 no off).

Sf, very hard to say new is obedient, and exp hav initiative..its all depend on the maid herself. I hav exp maid but lazy, exp maid also can be blur like sotong.. like my current, ex Msia and ex Brunei.. need to supervise all the 1 week with me, everytime I wake up and show her what to do.Hope she can improve n know her work better.

I tried to stay in my bedroom, do some work and let her independant..end up, she can come to me everytime after she finish 1 work.. think positive, its good she check w me but what happen if I'm not at home? I already go tru w her timetable, details of each area..what to do.. maybe she is forgetful.

I also told her, she help me safe utilities bill, and I can reward her more.I told her my bill $300(4rm HDB).

Yesterday,told her to heat up food for dinner before I go out, as usual I took 15mins to bring my girl back from childcare, when I reached my door, I can smell my braised chicken is boiling, and I shouted, off the fire(its boiling on stove w max fire)... wonder if I return late my hse kena burn down..and this is not the 1st time, something boiling on stove, she forget to off. Was thinking might have to cater for food. Teach to cook, afraid end up she cook my hse.

Fan and light also same, always leave the room,forget to off...

She was very tired after bringing her out last sunday, tot better to leave her home, to do hse chores but worry leave her alone at home.

Why so tired when going out, cos previous employer's children(old enough,can walk) dont have to carry(mine 5mths baby)...she can go her way when shopping n not follow the mdm, as I need her to help me with my bb/ 2yrs toddle out side. Each of us handle one.

She dont like porridge, but I cook quite often for my children, and eat porridge together, for easier work(dont have to cook other food again). Of course porridge(not plain but w sweet potatoes),still hav fried veg, chicken/fish or egg..

She told me, she constipation..since her arv in Spore(1wk w agent & 1wk w me) no motion,asked her, if she is too stress n mis her dd..she said yes(told her not to be stress)..I asked her to drink more water, i bought banana for her n she can eat as much as she like but i noticed she didnt eat/only 1-2pieces per day...what should I do? Bring her to see doc? or just get chinese med from shop?

I ask her if she can handle my children and look after my house when both Sir n mdm travel. She said no. And she asked how long I travel...1-2weeks depends on location.If worst, I need to get my in law(very old/sick)to come, no place to sleep..she need to sleep in living room if they come...she keep quite...

She told me her dd's birthday on Nov. Last time she send parcel/box home all paid by previous employer. Actually, I tot of giving her dd birthday gift but didnt plan to bare the shipping cost. How? Better dont giv present, just giv cash.

Raya fasting, I asked her whether she can work w fasting, she told me not sure, I said if you feel weak when fasting then you are not allow to fast, cos need to look after my bb n hse chores. I said tell your God, you cant fast,cos r working.
hi jo
regarding your fasting matter - my maid asked me if she's allowed to fast. I told her she can fast so long as she make sure she dun feel weak . . if she feel the sightest weakness due to fasting, she has to eat cos i dun want her to faint while carrying my 5mth old baby .. then she tell me again, 'If mdm says i can fast, i fast. If mdm says i cannot fast, i won't fast' .. Then i sensed that she want me to be THE ONE to say she can't fast, else she has to be answerable to her 'god' for not fasting .. if i'm the one to disallow her to fast, then it's not her fault in her 'god's eyes .. Then i told her "Ok, you cannot fast" .. immediately she say 'ok' .. haha .. for your maid's case, you have to give her a 'yes' or 'no' answer, rather than let her decide .. she will be very hard put not to fast cos of her obligation to her religion .. if employer say cannot fast, then it's employer's fault, not hers ..
wah dats ex. now the price really quite high, equivalent or more dan an exp indo maid.

with regards to fasting, i did wanted to let my current maid fast. but i observe the way she do things, completely no concentration at all. simple instructions got to repeat 3 times or more. so i told her its not dat i did not allow her to fast but she is truly lacking concentration.

each has own tolerance level. so if the maid cun concentrate n need to b reminded constantly then i dun think should let her fast.
Wow, getting a fresh indo maid at 340 is expensive!

Wat if the maid cannot perform to your expectation? Not worth to pay so much and yet make ourselves angry all the time if the maid turns out to have no initiative.
I think not all agency's maid salary are same,some lower and some higher..depend which agency u use.

About renewal of wp, no matter for another year or few months, hav to buy 2yrs insurance no short period. Its a package.
Those mummies who returned yr maid to crisxx, have they been transferred?

I returned mine last Saturday. Till today, still no news of transfer.

my Philipino maid salary is $350 per mth with one off day. New maid frm this agency only $330 with one off day.
Ok, just afraid u didnt receive. U can call my hp if any question.

I think most employer, asked her employment one will be her 4th employment.
hi all,

hi esthermummy,
very ex leh.. $420
i ask ard a few agencies b4, all quoting me abt $320 - $360 max, with no off days.
only exp in Philippines..
maybe u want ask ard again?

btw, heard from my cousin the chong pang maid agency got many biodata, & price is not bad. u wan go there c c? is at opp the 108 RC there.

Hi Jo,
even if cater food also need to re-heat, so i think it defeat the purpose..
my previous maid also like tat can leave the fire on & the food nearly got burnt.. everytime i must c what's she doing..
more burden than helping

btw, i went to choose my replacemnt maid today.
hopefully will be a better one.. if not i really dun wan to get maid liao

just to share my maid's salary
its $320 without off day, philipino

You are right, not all agency charged that high rate for indo maid.

My gf is caught in a situation in which, she paid 2.7k upfront loan for one transfer maid she used, send back, choose another one, but failed entry test. No choice, choose filipino maid, failed medical test....and stuck, in the end choose fresh indo maid and they asked for 340 without off days...also my friend badly need a maid as she has been going without one for three weeks...thus the extortion comes in....

Hope mummy reading it, will be caution by this....
mommies, i dont think you will believe that the below had happened to me!!

Last week, I already informed my agent at Furama to collect my maid (the ran away maid who dont want to work for us). She came on Wed night and all I want is to get back the balance of my loan cos I dont think the agency service is good for me. Why no good?

when maid ran away, they dont follow up to get the maid to return and leave me with no maid for almost a week and that I have to take leave ultimately had to resign. At least they could have asked the maid to come back soon so that I can find replacement.
Subsequently, no follow up from agent on replacement maids biodata regardless of the emails and phone calls made. No one bothers basically!
6 demerit points accumulated with MOM (how good this agent can be?!)
Poor service despite claiming they are NUS graduates (and told us that they dont provide cheena service and behaviour like other agencies). When the maid ran away, she basically sit on things and somemore wrote me a nasty sms.

I have the every right to terminate the contract and her service right? And what I know is I cant get back the agency fees (but nvr mind, I can pay to attend some free lessons I learnt from this experience and help to do a broadcast on her service!), but I should be able to get back my prepaid loan (placement fee).

On wed night, she came with no intention to pay me back! She claimed that why I dont want to drag and hold the maid? I said no, I dont like cos I prefer a clear working relationship and continue with my life. She then accused me saying that I said that she is dishonest. I told her no, just that I want a clear working relationship with the maid. She doesnt want to work and we will not force her. I honestly told her I felt conned cos her agency cant be bothered abt servicing its clients. Then she claimed that she has to get that proven first. I said I dont understand cos I know how much I have bothered to call them.and that I am not asking back for her agency fees! She said thats important so that I dont smear her reputation. Fine! she finally checked everything (which is against her) and then she claimed she was not kept in the loop. I told her, whatever it is, I dont really care! Cos that was her agency internal issues that I am not interested. She then said I can always call her! I said no point, cos I dont really want to deal with her due to her sms of accusing me! But that doesnt stop her to call me, regardless there is biodata or not. So I said anyway I found my replacement maid and just want back my money.

Guess what? She knew I had made my decisions she then took next steps to start her GAMEshe started to raise her voice (me too) and that she said I have to talk to her nicely so that I can get back my money! What crap is this right, ladies??? She then said my pkg of S$ 388 is not refundable with loan. If to refund loan, the package has to be upgraded to S$788! Another crap, cos all these are no indicated in the contract. Even there was a contract in place, she also didnt want to adhere to it!! How horrible right? She even said else she wont give me a single cent of money back if I am loud with her! She even told my maid saying that, now she knows what sort of employers the maid is working for!!!!

I said, if you dont want to gv us the money back, you cant leave, I have to call police and the maid cant leave also. She then said, its okit doesnt matter to her!!!

We were still v insistent of cos and then when my husband came into the picture, she then willing to pay but she will have to charge all trips made to our place including the trips for THUMBPRINTS!!!!!!!!!!

The contract stated no hidden costs what and now she started slamming us with all these additional costs! We said, if she was to charge all these, we also have to deduct the maids salary for not working during those hours. Then guess what she said? She said she dont mind!

I made my maid see for herself for such agent who keep telling these maids that they will fight for their rights and protect them!

Basically she doesnt care abt the contract signed and not bother abt CASE or AEA.. She also said that many other agencies also have demerit points so she also couldnt care! I was really shocked to hear all these.

Other shrewd acts from her is that she wanted to make us sign the consent form to transfer before issuing the cheque! We forced her to issue chq first and she only issued 99% of the loan amount and claimed that we have to go to her office to take the balance! My hubby believed her and let her go. But I refused to sign the letter.

Yday, my hubby went to her office to collect the balance $. He smsed her and went up to her office twice. He couldnt find her there but she replied a sms saying that she is very confused now and needs to be calmed down before to decide whether she wants to pay back the money or not!!! Horrible! I was furious of cos and I am prepared to lose the balance money but I want to make this BIG by calling the reporters and give her FREE publicity man!

We went back to her office (this time I went along with my hubby) and intending to make a row in her office with her. If she has customers, I will be glad to tell her other customers! She didnt dare to come back and she finally asked the staff to pay us the balance in petty cash!

The whole episode really let us see how she tried to find ways and means not to refund us the money back even there is black and white against her! Very scheming and unprofessional isnt it!

Even the customer may be demanding, unreasonable, whatever, the agent can choose not to continue to do business with the customer but can nvr exploit us in full and hold on to the money which is not theirs. If she is doing a business, she should know what are the customers rights! But this lady seems to go all way just not to return the money which I think its totally unacceptable and dishonest way of doing business.

So please spread words around and to be wary abt this agent.
My new maid is here. So far so good. Quite happy with her performance overall, no complains...

One concern on my part, she is fast and seems that she is quite xian at home cos no one to talk to, all alone. Sometimes she will remark very bored alone. I understand cos its really bored with all chores done and nothing to do...

Can you gals advise what to ask her to do in the afternoon? I have already passed her some receipe books to read... Maybe must get her more books?? hmm

She is here for less a week and my girl keep "auntie here auntie there"... cannot leave my girl with her too early. Currently girl in CC.

Hi Eileen, sounds bad. Can u share the name or the initials of this company? Will avoid at all cost, man. Hope your next maid will be better.
My replacement maid oso just joined me last Saturday. My girl oso aunty here aunty there liao....

I am ok to it lah.... It will be easier for the maid to take care.
really bad situation leh. do share wif me by pm the agency name thanks.

crisxx didnt call me when my previous maid was transferred to another employer. i had to follow up myself.

2 wks liao n ur previous maid is still there? she must b really jialat, usually their tsf cases quite fast leh.
The agency is located at Furama Hotel. Initials: HxxxNxxx.

I nvr know I need to beg someone to get back my money! Truly a bad experience.

Agent seems no remorse even they had 6 demerit points already.
thanks for sharing. this agt must avoid at all costs. refund $ also can come up with excuses like being confused? n dun care abt complaints to Case?
Babycutie, even bedtime when I m in room with my girl, she wans to go out find auntie to play.. faint... One thing cos auntie always play with her la... At first i ok, now everyting dunwan me leh.. come hair oso, cannot sit on chair cos auntie sit.. i bengsang sia... sobx... So now I instruct maid cannot play with her at night.. Night is girl and mami time!

You have anyone to supervise yr maid??
My mum is home to supervise. I dun feel safe putting the maid and my kids alone.

Yesterday the schoolbus driver called to inform that he is reaching soon. My maid was feeding my boy. So I went down to pick up my girl. My girl saw me and said Aunty feeding didi. (what she meant is the maid is feeding my boy so did not come down to fetch her).

Last nite my girl woke up at midnite and dun want to sleep. Finally my mum ask her whether she wants to sleep with aunty. She said yes. So she slept beside the maid.

My room has no space her my girl so she dun sleep with us from baby.
No choice leh. Because my girl doesn't want to sleep in the room with my mum.

She wants to sleep on the sofa in the living room to watch Hi 5 (VCD). She stay up till 2am still dun want to sleep. So ended up my mum ask her want to sleep with aunty, she said yes. So let her sleep with the maid last nite.

Thk not every nite she is like tat.
babycutie: how old is your girl? hehe.. My girl is 2yrs end of tis mth and still sleeps with me... :D My coming baby I will put him in our room oso.. haha.. overcrowding le.. :p

So your new maid from where?? transferred??
My girl is 3. Both my kids dun sleep with us (hb & me)since bb because our room really no space for a playpen/bbcot.

My maid is from cilacap. She is Ex-Sin for 6 years.

Finally I called crisxx to chk whether my returned maid is transferred. One of the girl told me she oredi had an employer on that day I return her. But hor I kpo check her employment history with her existing WP #, and I m still her employer leh...... Usually transfer process take how long???

I returned her last Sat (1 Sep) and she got an employer on that day. So 5 days has passed. I should be receiving transfer letter from MOM soon right?

Unless Crisxx sit on the transfer process?? Or they let that employer try for 2 wks since I m paying the levy??? Since I am liable for her levy up till 21 days, so the agency make full use of this??? Possible or not??
Babycutie, I also afraid that now Crisxx hav many return maid so too many waiting for transfer..

Yesterday night, her 1week w us, asked her any problem working w us.. she ask me back what i think about her.. I show her how I grade,which area.. n I told her 1week is too early to say.. will monitor for some time..maybe after 1mth.I do highlight to her...

1) Baby 1st, cos noticed she cant leave her work half way when bb cry..
2) Forgetful regarding,electricity, water and stove.
4) Her timing, work not organize, need supervise all time.. get her to know her work asap, I want to return to work can earn $ n pay her salary + rewards. she still look no confident n smile to me..
3) Her attitude n conduct, if she didnt giv me problem(stealing, lies,ect)..and show improvement.. I will reward her accordingly(basic pay + extra $)after every appraisal.

Good after 2yrs, will renew her contract but she said, she will only work for 2yrs..she want to work in HK,Taiwan after this.At least she is honest.

She told my boy that she very tired..when I asked her any problem she said no..I gav her rest/bed 9.30pm (hoping she will do 1time night feeding,cos bb sleep at 7pm plus till 6am) and she wake up 6am. If she finish her work earlier can rest early...which I noticed she shower at 8pm n sleep at 9pm.. My house, dinner 7pm, clean up(children bath and sleep after dinner). So nothing much at night.

She told me, work w me is very different, cos previous employer only hse work(which i noticed she like hse work more than my children) n very relax.. now is bb care.. no exp at all, dont know wat to do n when,like feed n sleeping.

Also spore(actually my HDB la..) very bored like jail, no garden, she use to stay bungalow.. her mdm like shopping so she also can shop but now w bb,she cant shop lor.. her mdm giv her salary in cash monthly..and she spend all in her shopping.. here I said keep in bank so you have $ when you return/need to send back.

I told her,please dont run away or kill(herself/others)..if not happy,just tell me. We can talk n find solution. Cos now maid is really different..dont know wat they think n they dont tell u everything.

She complaint to me,spore agent is the worst compare to her 2previous.. she stay 1week, water not enough, sleep 2person share a matress, at night cant go toilet, lunch is rice/noodle(instant noodle but cant cook, only use hot water,so noodle not well cook) w meat. Dinner is always cabbage.. she eat until very scare.
Babycutie, this is wat I worry too..
its ilegal, what happen u r in trouble, cos still their employer.. n how can they collect/earn levy from new employer, since we r paying.

This happen to me before..that time I still dont know about all this n stupid pay the agent levy for trying out a transfer maid.But not Crisxx..

They dont keep my maid for 2wks in hostel do nothing right, still provide them food(so stingy) like I mentioned,heard from my current maid.No water for washing clothes too. Drinking water also limited.Water is expensive.
I hope crisxx is not like tat..... I will call them again to chk her official employment date with her new employer.
Hi All..

Just stumbled onto this site..
I have a great exp with my maid.. my first.
She has friends/relatives who wanna come work in SG. They have exp looking after kids/can cook/ elderly care.
The agent fees not exp. Still done by agent in the application, training, medical, insurance etc etc.. till maid arrives at your doorstep.. haha. They also have no loan.. only maybe owe passport making and airfare.

Let me know if you are interested.. email me [email protected]. or call/sms 81130573..

Will be glad to help..

What a bad, bad experience you had. That woman is a total bitch! Brings back my own bad memories with HOMELINK the crappiest (or maybe now the 2nd crappiest) agency in the world. What is the agency HXXXNXXX...I still don't get it. I can't believe they made you come back to collect the remaining 1% of the loan then she is not there to pay it! Please! What rubbish is that! I would have thrown the contract in her face and told her to pay up or face the police! Horrible bitch! Am sure you are not the first victim. She will get her retribution.
Oh, btw, HOMELINK paid me my refund check already....short of $160. I sent a big long complaint letter about them to MOM and stated file no.s for CASE and SUBORDINATE COURT.
No wonder my maid cooks noodles in hot water! Maybe that the agents' tactic to make them appreciate us more. tsk tsk.

I am v puzzled by what my maid did while I was out with my 9 mth old baby. Only my hubby and 2 yr old boy were at home with the maid.

As we were going out, I told my hubby on the phone to give her $ to buy her dinner. She came back and went to the toilet. She came out of the toilet saying 'hot hot hot.' My hubby was of course puzzled. Asked her what happened. She said 'urine hot hot. Put tiger balm on stomach' My hubby didnt ask fearing embarrassement. When he picked me up, he told me to call my mum to ask her what happened cos not conv for him. It turns out that when she urinated, the urine was hot. Giving excuse that it was the outside food that caused it. She not down with fever. My mum said she is crazy to share such trival info with my hubby. I think my maid is too young -23 years old. What u people think?
Thanks for sharing the story. I thought that HxxxNxxx is good, I heard other people recommending them before. Last year I almost wanted to get a maid from them, but didn't because their fees are quite high. Fortunately I didn't.

I don't understand why that agent is making such a big fuss about returning the maid loan. I got my maid loan ($1200+) refunded by Crislo within 1 month, no problem at all. I think that agent does not know how to do business. It's not about losing one customer, that customer will tell others and soon the news will spread.

The same thing happened when I return to a maid to Crislo in March. I was told that she got an employer the day after I returned her. But I received the transfer letter only 3 weeks later.

I think the application for transfer take about 1 week. May be if the employer is first time, then he/she will need to take the test.

I also don't understand why it took 3 weeks. I don't think Crislo will let the employer try out the maid before the transfer is approved. This is because they will be in serious trouble if they do so.

You can call MOM to check whether Crislo has submitted her transfer, and if they have, when did they submit.
Hi mommies,
You all received a publication from MOM for your maid ?

I saw this on the first page:

INFORM August 2007

<font color="0000ff">It is a common arrangement in Singapore for some employers to bring their FDWs and children to their relatives or a caregiver's home when they are at work or away.

In such cases, you can look after your employer's children at the relatives or caregiver's house. However, you should not end up having to do all the household chores in both your employer and relative's house.

Most importantly, you should not be overworked as a result of this arrangement. If you are overworked, you should inform your employer.

If you face any employment-related problems or need help, you can call the FDW hotline at 1800 339 5505.</font>
Can you give me the number to call at MOM?

I called crislo again last night. One lady told me my ex-maid will be picked up by her employer today. And they have submitted the transfer application yesterday. Dunno how true.

Better call MOM for verification.
I checked the MOM website today again. My ex-maid has been transferred. Her start date with her next employer is 8 Sep 07 which is today as stated in the website.

All the best to her. Hopefully she can do well there and don't steal food to eat without permission.
hi tamarind,

thanks for that info, I just realised that. cos my maid complained to me a few months back that she had to take care of the children at my MIL place plus do many housework on weekend at MIL place when I have to work, despite MIL saying maid do only feeding, bathing children, wash toilet after they shower, she does not have to cook or do other housework cos I cook for all of them before i go off.

anyway to cut the long story short, I pay the maid extra money for every session she spends there with the children at my MIL for weekends that I have to work
just feel that I hav e been taken by maid for a RIDE!!!

urghgh and on weekdays the maid plus children are at my parent's place where my dad cooks for the maid!!!! she doesn't even have to do housework there! i saw that she had so much time there that while gong gong is cooking, she's writing letters home in the room! RUghghgh

should I just send this maid back and start afresh with a new maid!!!

advise advise


My maid has been with me for 1 week. So far her performance is good. Have initiative and hardworking. No cutting corners. My mum is very happy with this maid. I didn't hear a word of complain from my mum about this maid.

Anyway, it is still too early to judge now. I will continue to observe for few mths. If she is still good, most likely she will be good throughout her contract.

Keeping my fingers cross.....

yes i saw that info on the publication too! so basically MOM is saying that is is OKAY to bring maid & kids to other caregivers' house daily, and it's okay for maid to look aft the kids there and do childcare-related chores, so long as she does "not end up having to do ALL the household chores". the key word here is "ALL", and not some. so basically it is okay for the maid to help out and do simple chores in the grandparents' house, so long as she doesn't end up doing ALL the chores there. i think this is really good news for most parents, esp for those who send their maid & kids to grandparents' homes.

i keep my maid's passport and WP card. she doesn't have any off days so she has no need to keep her WP card with her. but if your maid has off days or is allowed to go out of the house w/out you, then she should have her WP card with her, as this is her only form of legal identification. as for bank book, when my maid started working for me, i asked her if she wanted to open a bank a/c and she said no. she said i can just keep her salary ($250 out of $300 every mth) in my own bank a/c, then as and when she needs to send the money home i will just help her do it. we have a small notebook where i record down all transactions and we both sign.
