Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

About your question:
<font color="0000ff">hi tamarind,
wah if really cant get trf then send back home, her loan how?? </font>

If your maid cannot be transferred, then most likely your maid loan also gone. Unless you get another maid from the same agency.

But most agencies will cheat and lie to find the maid a new employer, so don't worry too much.

I don't have that problem with my maids, they will drop what they are doing, even when they are having their meals, to attend to the child. I didn't have to scream at them. May be because I emphasize to them that they must do so when they first start work.

Oh dear your maid fake data again ? I think from now on I may get only fresh maids, because it is so easy to fake experience. Hope that this maid works out for you. My current maid also no previous experience with kids at all, but both my kids like her very much. So much so that when we all went to cruise, my kids want to go to my maid's inside cabin, instead of staying in my balcony cabin !

babycutie, dont worry. Mayb suay suay la..always get fake data.. anyway, no choice liao..hav to train her..n pray hard she can make it lor..

Stated married w 1dd,when ask her hubby occupation,she said divorced liao.. aiyo, I dont know wat else..the data really any how do to attract employer.. haiz.. most important she can work n hav good attitude.

Today, second day, already break a glass bottle. Hope the 1st n last. Praise the Lord, giv me a good helper. Pray.
I better emphasize to the maid this priority. Drop whatever she is doing - being it washing or eating or watever and attend to the kids first.

I will get the agent to tell her this tomorrow.
hi all,

the agency dun have much biodata for me to choose leh..
if she is being trf & i dont get a replacement, i will still be able to get back the loan amt that i paid rite?

so at the mean time, i can tell the agency i dun want to get a replacement from them cos lack of biodata??
very angry leh... e stupid maid slept e whole afternoon, ask her 2 do e housework @ e toy rm, she refuse leh.. still bluff mi said she d it, then she challege mi said showed her e video(cause i said my house gt CCTV, actully nt), wah lau.. i saw her e dust, she nt even 1 2 c on it.. very xian liao...
Hi mummies..

Today went to a maid agency to confirm a ex-sin helper. And I was being informed that she most probably will take about four weeks to reach cos passport not ready yet. Paid S$100 as deposit to the agent. Her salary will be S$340.

But after hearing Jo's experience with the current agency and maid, the bio-data that I read might be fake. (but I dun care liao lah! :p) This ex-sin helper had previous experiences with two ah mahs for 1.5 yrs, and she was sent back twice when both ah mahs passed away.

She, 32 yo was married with two kids, aged 3 and 10. So I reckon she have experiences and patient (since looked after two ah mahs before.) dealing with baby and young kids.

In fact, when we were at the maid agency today, they've got only four indo maid's bio-datas left, three fresh ones and one ex-sin. (Cos hari raya is approaching, no indo maids are willing to come to singapore to work for the time being.) Quite agreed with the agent, irregardless many or little bio-datas, choose maid are like 4D.. heng suay nia. :p

Hopefully the helper that I've chosen will be the one and only. *Pray hard*
You need to be careful with your correspondence to the agency. Everytime you call them to ask for new bios, follow up with an email and ask them to respond to your email. You see, they can say any bullshit over the phone (which they will) they will say "yes, we will have new biodata in 2 days" but in 2 days time they will still not call you and will have nothing for you. At least if you follow up with email and they don't respond you can use it as evidence.

At this point in time, I would look elsewhere (other agencies) for a new maid but do not tell your current agency you do not want a replacement until you have secured a new maid.

You need to check your contract too. If your maid has been with you for LESS than a month, your loan will still be deducted for the full month salary. Is this clearly stated in your contract? If not, you can argue for pro-rata.

You will need continue paying your ex-maid's levy until she gets transferred. Some agencies will also charge you room & board for her whilst she is unemployed. The contract will state how many days.

It's usually not good for the employer as the contract gives the agency a long time (up to 3 months) to transfer the maid. During this time you will still have to pay the levy and perhaps a protracted room & board.

Do your sums. If you think it may be cheaper to cancel the contract and the maid's EP and send her home, then this is the best. If not, you will have to prepare yourself as you will lose money.

Also, if you go to another agency, you will lose the agency fee you paid, unless you can prove "incomplete service". This would be something like the agency keeps sending you bio-data that is not suitable for your family. So in one of those emails, spell out your requirements. ie. babycare, experienced at least 2yrs, ex SIN, ex TWN, 25-35 yrs old or whatever you require. That way, when they email you rubbish, you can save it and use it as proof.

Once you have a new maid from another agency you just need to send an email saying you wish to cancel the contract and request for a refund. If the service has been very bad, you may request for partial refund of the agency fee.

In the meantime, you never know, your agency may provide you with an appropriate replacement. Sometimes, miracles do happen! Good Luck!!
I will be sending back my maid to the agency tomorrow.

What is the tactful way I should tell my maid. I felt a little sorry for her.

Should I say, we have to send you back. Remembered before we pick u up, we oredi told u, if ah ma don't like u, we have to return u to the agent.

Well, this is what we get the agent to translate to her.
Hi liana,
i got chk my contract b4 rtning my maid.
yes, must pay for full mth salary but i really dun mind cos i dun want to suffer...
but levy wise is stated from the 22th day if still not trf is payable by agency.

hmm i better go chk my contract again
been reading for so many days still nv remember

Hi babycutie,
i just tell my maid to change cos we going out.
then when she is ready, i tell her to pack all her stuff, then she asked me all together with luaggage bag? i told her yes, we going back to agency.

i nv give any notice at all cos i dun wan later she do anything to my ger or me..
ya very bad.. but no choice
What was your maid's reaction after you told her you are sending her back to the agency? She worried or bo chap?

If she's a crap maid, don't even bother explaining. Just tell her "ahma dun like you".
Tam, thks.

Bbcutie, remember to open ur mail box n watch the vcd. Already send out, tell me if u didnt receive.

I did the same as Zuoer, tell my maid to pack things, we are gg out. After she prepare to go, I told her to pack all her things, I'm gg to send her back to agent, I dont need her help any more. Just to protect my bb and if she steal, no time for her to get the thing that she keep other places in the house.

Joyce, mine is not ex-sin so cant check MOM online for her working history, yours ex-sin can.

IT fair, D-link camera have promotion.. I bought 3cameras n a recorder(so dont have to on the computer whole day,still can record when motion detected)cost me almost 1k.No choice, or I worry about bb when working. At least helper know there is cam to monitor(even I dont hav time to watch, all the time). Previous maid, hav acting awards, we home, very hardworking, not home..she is the boss
Can you let me know where you bought your D-link camera and what model. I also want to get for my house. I think I need to buy 4 cameras. One each for living room, kitchen, master and bb room.
I asked my fren that went to the IT fair n buy, so i dont the actual location in hall suntec. The model that I bought 950($189 normal cam) n 5220($409,cant view from 3G phone/PDA). I haven't get the cam, still with my fren n to meet up n collect, so dont hav the detail yet, I also dont know how to install at home,but bo chap,just buy 1st.
Hi Liana,
her reaction ar.. tell u all u all will think she mad..
she still can smile smile to me
then still can act as normal.. if i am her, i will think jia lat later sure get screw by agent..
in car hear songs she know still sing slowly as usual.. !!!!

mad rite

then go agency got scolded liao then want to cry
too late.. i cant help anymore..

Hi Jo,
you better than me tell her no nid her help anymore all this..
i nv say anything to her except asking her to pack her bag & stuff..
she got ask me why but i find no pt to tell her cos go agency sure will repeat everything..
Zuoer, I told her, I send u back to agent cos I dont need ur help, I can manage the work myself. She look at me(surprise) but didnt talk a sing word. Cos no need to ask why I send her, she know better than anyone else the things she did w/o me.
My hubby said I'm cruel, last minute but no choice to protect myself n family.
You can read your agency contract to check if the maid loan is refundable. If it is, then even if you don't get a replacement from them, they should still refund you. If not, then you must get another maid from them, otherwise you will lose your money.

I will tell the maid "We are migrating to USA, cannot bring you along". This way the maid got nothing to say. I hate it when maids start crying, arguing.

Someone told me before, tell the maid to go shopping with you, then drop her at the maid agency. Then go back home, pack her things and bring to the agency. This is for those seriously crazy maids.
Hi Jo,
Thanks for the info...if I can bring myself to face the crowds at Suntec, I'll go down to take a look. One of the other mummies in the forum did a BP on the cameras once a while back and she was saying it was not too difficult to set up yourself. Just plug wires in and run auto-install.

Some maids are thick like that...don't care if they are being transferred. Most will care if you send them back though as it means no chance of income. But after all the maids I've had, I have now come to the conclusion that I will not pay up-front loan and if the maid is really that bad and has a bad attitude then I will send them back to their country.

Wish you all the best finding a good replacement.

Actually, that is a very, very good idea with regard to those "beyond hope" maids. Might as well drop them off and pack their stuff yourself. That way, you know that your stuff stays yours.
hi jo,
not cruel lor..
even if so, is they force us de..
ya we need to protect ourselves, dun later go crazy then jia lat..

hi tamarind,
ya, will go c biodata tmr, if really dun haf wat i want, will opt for the refund.
i chk liao, stated in my contract got state can

my frend dun tell her maid goin back to agency, like normal go out then bring her there then come back pack the stuff & bring there..

hi liana,
at 1st my thinkin is she's mad lor..
wat u did is very norm mah. if we dun last minute inform who knows wat will happen. hope ur new maid can b a gd helper to u.

ur maid v funny as in "hao xiao" also " qi guai" leh, very much like living in her own world. mayb this is better dan seeing her cry? i sent back my 2nd maid who started crying after i told her we have to send her bk to agent. when she was ready to leave while waiting for us, she was sitting near my main door n crying. it was definitely a pitiful sight, so much so dat my gg of age less dan 2 at dat pt of time can still remind me nowadys dat "xxx jiejie was sitting near the door crying leh!"

wat u suggested 2 do 2 seriously crazy maids seems like the only way we can do to send them back.
I sent and collected my maid. This maid looks mature. Hopefully she can handle the chores.

When I told my previous maid to pack up, we are sending her to the agent. She just pack as instructed. Then I told her we are sending her back to the agent, she ask me why, I told her because ah ma is not satisfied with her.

She don't have a glimpse of sadness at all. She still can smile & play with my girl.

I think she had planned of not working with us after she finished her loan. If not, she should not be behaving this way right? Wish her luck to her next employer.
Hi rdaphne,
ya like live in her own world..
i guess maybe she think cry also no use..
or maybe she is those send me back better i also dunoe.. haha

hi babycutie,
ya my that maid also lor..
can still play with my bb..
Hi all

I am very sad
duno to send or not to send..

<font color="0077aa">This philipine transfer maid has been with me for 2months all she do is to take care of my baby and do housework when baby is sleeping. I would consider her good life liao cos i cook lunch and dinner she just wash after dinner nia! Cos she dunno how to cook as per her biodata. She is 38 and ex-singapore with experience of taking care of baby which made me take her cos i plan to go back to the society to work!

This is how she do housework :
She mop floor with the pail in the kitchen and drags the mop to living room to mop than to bedroom twice, she use a cloth to wipe window to and fro to the basin w/o a pail on hand! She dun listen to instruction she does things her way..and when you say her Oh cannot like this must like that, she gives a unhappy face and say MUM IF YOU NOT HAPPY Y NOT U SEND ME BACK..likewise if she is in her mood she do the way you wanted but only for that very day nia..She has got those atitude which she pride herself very high..I am so angry cos she always like to let my baby play with fan, crawl to the kitchen to play with cabinets stuff like cans, coffee powder etc..and feed her the food she is eating w/o my knowledge! Everyday she watch TV with my baby and let him sit near just because she wants to see the english subtitle..Today i was out she called me crying very badly i was so scared that i rush home to see her crying standing at the window, she can't call her son due to landline problem and insist that she wants to speak to her son wants to go downstairs using public phone to call!!!!! My baby on the other hand got a scare and cry out loud, she could not be bother and insist that she must speak to her 15year old son! She took 1/2 an hour to call and came back happily as tho nothing happen BTH!!!I am paying her S$380w/o off</font>

I have acutally selected another new maid no experience and when the agency called me to send her back cos got employer wants to interview her..i somehow very reluctant to send her back and got feeling towards her cos she take care of my baby well and my baby likes to stick with her rather than to me even tho seeing me 24/7...i have not send her back for 1week struggling should i or should i not..

<font color="ff0000">Mummy if you were in my shoe, will you send her back to agency or retain her</font>

4 me, i wld sent her back. i can't stand maids like tt. she's here 2 wk & help me out, nt 2 give me probs.
Hi esthermummy

If I were in your shoes, I would have sent her back to the agency long ago...

To me I feel that she has no heart working for you and is bullying you to a certain extend. Perhaps she knows that you cant do without her therefore she is taking advantage of you and even threatened you to send her back! If the maid can say such things to an employer, it is obviously that she has no respect for the employer and is not afraid of being send back to the agency.

I am puzzled why you still say that she takes good care of your son after what you have described about her and her attitude. Also, I feel that she is not mentally stable when she called you crying over the phone regarding not able to contact her son. It is not safe for you to place your son under her care if she is unstable cos duuno what she will do to your son the next time.

Dont hesitate to send her back to the agency. I am sure you will be able to find a better maid that is more capable than your current maid.

me too, will send her back. she should learn how to cook..but i dont believe she cant cook..38yrs old,quite old, ex-sin,higher pay, not humble,saying u not happy send me back.. dont let her feel that u cant live without her. U will get a better helper. As for relationship/feeling w maid..u r sincere but they might not.
Hi vone, bridget and Jo thanks

Ya infact they are here to work not to create problem but this maid of mine dunno leh like very temperamental type can be good when she is in her good mood likewise will turn black face forgetting her "position" at home. According to what she mentioned neither her previous employer let her sit in together for dinner nor go shopping or holiday together never at all! But right here at my place she enjoy what we eat and wherever we go..sigh!!

Her attitude sucks! But when she is in her mood hor she teach my baby with lots of motor skill and teach him to clap, wave, point to head etc..sing nursery songs during nap time which make me feel she is good towards my baby, as for leaving them at home hor haiz no choice leh i got lots of errand to run..The thing is only today than she like that wor, on days when i am out she dun call and cry only today after 2months under my employment..

I believe she is the type "act" for the past 1 month she never "cook" at all but recently while going for marketing she suddenly ask me to buy flour for morning pancakes she claim to make in the morning and she did it for us for 1week, spagati, cheeze etc...and she cook twice for lunch liao..

I think its time i better decide fast hor else i end up regretting cos been thinking to keep or not to keep, my lazy hubby cannot be bother about maid issue, think i am too emotion liao, angry and forgive forget very fast!! Oh now is it true that maid's salary for philipine is S$400 if no off day add S$30? cos this is what my agency told me leh
Long time no see..... get rid of yr maid right away. U r keeping a time bomb with you. You won't know when she will explode.

That's what I did to my maid whom I just send back today. I don't deny that she can handle my kids. But she don't take instructions seriously. She started to cut corner after 2 wks with us. She has no exp in Singapore.

My poor boy kept looking for her today because he is very attached to her. She plays with him everyday. Bath and feed him. Same as u, my boy rather goes to her than to me. But I do not want to make the maid feels that she is indispensable.

She is very forgetful and careless. She is rough towards my kids.

My new replacement is an Indo. She is 36 years old. 6 years exp in Singapore. So far so good, just that a bit slow. Anyway still early to judge. I have taken 2 wks leave to guide her. We shall monitor her performance for few mths.

By then, we will be able to judge her performance and her personality.
Hi esther *waves*
Not a good sign to see you at this thread.
Just like the rest of the mommies said, I would send her back.
I can close one eye on the way she does her housework if she is really good to the baby, guai guai listen to instructions, don't answer back and don't be temperamental. But the fact that she gets goes hysterical and scare your baby like that is a definitely no-no for me. I would not feel safe leaving my child with her.

Don't be afraid to change and re-train a new one.
What about getting a fresh one? Since your line of work is quite flexible, you can have more time to train her?
Liana, Dramaqeen,
Honestly I don't have the heart to do that when I send my maid away. Usually the "migrate to USA" trick works.

Your maid sounds very similar to one of my ex-maid ! She also cry when she could not contact her teenage son. Is her name Marciana ? That maid was as bad as your maid, needless to say, I sent her back.
YOur maid think that you cannot do without her, this type of maid better fast fast send away.
Hi Esther

Your maid sounds a bit like mine on the mood swing part.Whenever she wanted to make a call and not able to get through the line,she will be bad mood and mood swing....

Honestly, many asked me to change maid but I based on the fact that she has worked for me for the last 1.5years, just few more months to go, I closed one eye.

I feel that older maid tend to be very stubborn cos they feel that they know better than you and thus not willing to take instruction...same goes for my maid, tho she is 24.She behaved this way cos she was an ex sin 5 years.

Think you may have to gamble and change the maid cos the way she go crying is too serious as to frighten your baby...I hope he is okay...

Oh yes, a friend employed an old maid, seems to have menapause problem , also like xiao xiao type....

Wish you luck for the next maid if you have decided to change...I know its hard to make up our mind esp it concerns the little one....
hi esther, bbgrace n zuoer...

i'm doing my "research" here.. my maid already arrived, but collecting her next week...

<font color="ff6000">esther</font>,
i also agree with e rest, send her back lah... keep her u also wont get a peace of mind..
btw, philipino maid not that expensive ar.. e one i got is $350 w/o offdays.. no SG or Msia experience though, but experience in her own country town area as maid...
e maid agency i went to, e rest with experience in SG or Msia usually its $350 also, but with 1 offday per week.. else can negotiate to pay them $20-30 more w/o offday...
take care..
Hi esthermummy,
hehe it's me..
u get ur maid from which agency?
from that area? i got mine from blk 106 de..

i think u too gd le..
if is me i think long long time send her back liao.. she is too much i think she is bullying u!!

better faster send back cos u nv know later what is she going to do to ur bb..

btw, my agency is chrging me only $320 without off day for fresh philipino.
Hi Mummies,
Long time no posting....Just settled back with my Lasik and vision still not 100% back.

wow,so many postings going on.

Joycespirit, u got your maid from Nation? Should be ok lah.

babycutie, hope your current maid will be the right one.
Actually a lot of ex-SIN or experienced maid are somehow or rather stubborn, high pride and sometimes sensitive too. They are much more difficult to deal with actually.
For fresh maids, you have to have a lot of patience and time to train them and as well as communication problem sometime.
Ex sin maid
I think mostly with experience and has got some attitude problems....unless very lucky

I feed my maid with vit c cos she has very bad sinus. She always did not take so I start to monitor cos I do not want her to look like she is having flu all the time. This time, put ten day supply...this morning, discovered that she is not taking for last few days....ask her, got take, got...then I asked, why there are still a few more...only few days never take....

Sigh, what is got take and few days never take.

I discovered there are many times, communication is like that, she is twisting her words or really its a communication issue....I wonder
Morning mummies, gg to church..pray hard she is good/will improve..

Wonder how she work w previous 2 employers...I wake up at 6am to guide her cos she seem to be blur(need to ask her to do the work or she dont know what to do even w timetable)..this morning I ask u never wash clothes before? cos I showed her every morning how to soak,wash w hand,do hanging.. or she need supervise all the time?..

Yesterday, raining she also didnt bring in the clothes, I go to tell her to keep clothes(I was in bedroom),end up the wind blow too stong till my bedroom's door bang(even w rubber stopper),cant open cos jam(after 2hrs trying to open myself, till my body all blue black,i giv up,called locksmith n spend S$50).

I bought Spinach,asked her to pluck n put in plastic,keep in fridge...the next day I see my spinach on kitchen's floor with touching..when I ask,she reply, I tot mdm keep in fridge..???

Always think that water n electricity is free..leave the place/room w fan/light on. My sink water drip from tap..didnt close properly..even after reminding..

She cant organise her work..hope giving her more time and she will learn..

BB, she seem to worry/scare when bb cry... didnt make milk if i didnt ask her to do.. already told her to feed about 3hrly..

She look like fresh maid le.. also didnt cook..she said dont know how to cook..previous eplomyer buy/packet..

Need a lot of training..pray she will improve.
Hi all,

I am still observing my maid. So far so good. She is initiative. Take instructions seriously. Last night went thru the time table with her.

This morning I woke up at 5.15am. She dun need much guidance. She will ask when she dun understand. And SURPRISINGLY her mandarin is good. My mum communicate with her in Mandarin and she can understand my mum without problem. Sometimes I speak to her in Mandarin and she can understand me also.

I told her to try to play with the children as much as she can after she has finish her household chores. I want her to build up the rapport with my kids so it will be easier for her to take care.

Its still too early to judge her now. Hopefully that she will stay this way till her contract ends.

Oh yah. She is very courteous. She will say thank you, excuse me.... even when she is combing my girl's hair after bath, she will say excuse me before each comb. Because my girl won't stand still n let her comb. She will be busying playing with something.
Your new maid sounds good! That's really great!

What can I say....thought it's common sense to make sure water doesn't drip from tap and to take in clothes when it rains.

Sorry to hear you got stuck in your room for 2hrs...that's just awful.
Babycutie, great to hear u hav good maid.

Liana, I also dont know wat to say.. this morning go to church, n last minute plan to go plaza sin walk walk.. she is 25yrs old but seem like old lady.. I walked infront about 3m away holding hand w my 2yrs old girl, she carried my bb, I can hear my bb pacifier drop on the floor.. she just walk without realise that..I turn n asked,where is her pacifier? she look,eh..where(blur).. n I went back to pick up.

At night,she boil water in my zojirushi pot..usually boil daily(one time) n keep warm inside,use to prepare milk later,i remember today morning boiled liao..still hav 1.5l in the pot, she just add water with the balance 1.5l..already told her cannot just add, must throw away the previous water.. boil n boil again is not good, I asked(she said ya,still hav water) n tell her nicely, she reply, sorry lor.. with the lor at the back I can feel she is not happy like I'm nagging..

She didnt finish her work, but sleep at 9.30pm.. even her own clothes didnt wash,which soak this morning.

I really pray for her, I dont want to change again .. I dont understand why they become maid n dont work properly.. I keep on telling myself,, she might be homesick or cant adapt or watever reason..

Thank you for the blessings. I am keeping my finger crossed.

Sorry to hear that your maid is lousy again. Is she married? Maybe now is near Hari Raya but she had no choice but to come out to work so her performance are not satisfactory?? Physically she is working, mentally she is holidaying.

Anyway, observe her for 2 weeks. If her attitude is still the same, I'm afraid she is not suitable to work with you. Especially when no one will be supervising her when you work.

Remember Tam's verse "DO NOT BE AFRAID TO CHANGE".

My current new replacement is my 7th maid in 3 years.
This morning, a little rain, she stand at the window(laundry area) looking out side n ask me, its raining need to keep clothes??? I was thinking, u know raining, of course need to keep clothes. I just answer her, yes,please bring in all the clothes.. after that she can ask how about those clothes outside? I said bring all clothes in when raining. Think she need ppl to tell wat to do.. floor/table dirty need to tell to wipe, tell to bath children, tell to make milk, tell to make bb sleep, tell to do everything.. is she to new??? Also need to tell now do this n that later... I'm just like alarm clock.. I will paste instruction on every where in the kicthen n switches(to off when leave room,off tap if dont use water) will be ugly but no choice..what happen if I'm not around/beside her all the time...??? Any suggestion, how to train this type of maid?

Babycutie, thks..I will give her some time 1st..if really cant work without me..then no choice.. mayb she need time to get use to our family/singapore.

Yesterday, go out, she was very tired, walk walk carried my bb(without hse work, come back sleep early).. think next time she hav to stay home n I will bring my 3monkeys w me,she do house work instead, but worry dont know wat happen leave her alone at home? Will monitor n see how.
Yes. Give her some times to adjust. Did u give her a timetable? I thk it is better to give her a timetable. So she will know what to do.

Do you know how long must we pay levy for our ex-maid with crisxx? We r not liable for the food & lodging right? They never ask us to pay another thing regarding my ex-maid. I just need to top up the placement fee of my replacement maid. I realise they did not furnish me with a contract of their terms and conditions. Only know we can have unlimited replacement up to 12 mths. But din state abt our returned maid. How long we should be liable for her levy. Do you know?

Bet many of us cannot stand maid that are black face and talk back regardless how efficiency their work is....Let alone, maid that constantly on diet , do not know when they want to faint type....

Do you find hair in the food that your maid cook?She cook for my gal, my gal always spotted hair inside....why huh?I asked her is it she scratching her hair when cooking, she says no...aiya, no need to ask, I think she must be lying again...

Guess what?My sil came to my house yesterday with her kids. She said my maid is okay, can clean the house, can take care of kid...just do not be friendly to her...can still use her....

Her own maid, never black face, but work is slow till you cannot take it...but she still hang on....

My converstation with my sil

ME :You know how tough me mgt her, always on diet
sil: she is still okay now tho she does not eat, just do not care
ME:You know it takes so long for me to watch over her diet and eating and thus she is healthy, if do not cont to look, she will surely sick.I am like having another burden to take care.
SIL; Quiet

ME: Do you know she always black face and mood swing
SIL : Just ignore her and dont see

ME: Do you know that she cook quaker oat, always has hair inside
sil : asked her to cut short
me: her hair is short enough.

Will you continue use your current maid if you are me?sil asked me to use her till her passport expired...I did explain her how blood vomitting m is with her attitude at times...she told me all maids are like that....
Babycutie, shawn told me 21days...they will try to transfer out or need to send back if cant we pay max is 21days levy.

No need to pay food n lodging, they charge the maid 2mths salary for that..need to pay the balance of replacement fees(maid's loan)..n admin or tumb print fees. U can replace unlimited w an admin fess in 12mths..but our max is 4times(provided crislo dont delay/maid dont come last minute), or have to go kopi w MOM(take employer course again $30)..

Rainbow, I tahan my previous 2yrs maid, she can work n bb care well, have mood swing n black face, used Hp, take sweet time when bring my boy to school n pick up.. but she can work w/o me..even when i travel.. so just tahan getting all worst than her...

Its normal to get hair in the food, I myself always eat her hair.. wat to do she came in short hair(tha agent cut for them) but later w me she refuse to long hair after 2yrs. She is neat n clean so i ok, just evertime have i will tell her.

I was thinking nobody is perfect, so if their weakness can accept compare w her performance then just giv n take..if also cant work n bye bye.. I think that they r very poor thing, so treat them well, try to understand them..but if they take advantages, i will be very angry n after giving chance, no improve..worst,we hav to change them.
Hope you have recovered completely now

Like Jo said, I did not have to pay food and lodging, only need to pay the levy.

I agree with Babycutie. Sometimes no choice have to change. You newest maid got experience ? Work for how long ? Now I will not take any maid who work for any employer for less than 2 years, they most likely got problems.

Not all maids are like your maid or your SIL maid. My current maid does not have all those problems, only thing she is slow, but still tolerable. Quite a few of my ex-maids also better than your maid. If you are afraid to change, then you are the one to suffer everyday she works for you.
Hi Tam

Hmmm..i am waiting for your feedback and I know this is what you gonna tell me......I truly praying that my luck is better, get a maid next round, some one that do not have an attitude problem...

For this one, its really testing my endurance level....She is not bad to the core nor good until a die die must keep.

She just complaint to me that she bang down and get up again, she sees star....see, I am going to manage another kid.


Thanks and I know which direction you are coming from...

Esther mummy

How is thing, are you okay...
esthermommy - if i were you, i will send her away too. Cos i felt that in long term, she may give you surprises cos it appears to me that she has the experience and ways of doing whatever she thinks she can.

babycutie - you really have to pray. My current ran away maid is what you have described too. Everything was transitioning so well, until one day she disappeared! We are just shocked and dont know what to react. So dont be like me, still monitor her v closely...

Jo - oh dear...not good signs ah? I cant remember if yours is a new maid or transfer maid or exp maid?

Dear all

I need some advice. My current maid is serving her notice period and now I have found a transfer maid. I am planning to let her go by Wed evening (am asking my agent to pick her back) so when do you think I should tell her?

Most of her things are in my house but on Wed she still has to go over to my mom's plc to work until evening. So do I tell her on Tues night or Wed morning?

During her notice period, she is still doing her job to my satisfaction. It is her wish not to work for us, so if she knows I am letting her go, she should be pleased. But I am scared she will do some funny things like steal things etc..

I was hoping to tell her on Tues night, and to check her belongings on Wed morning, and before she go on Wed night, check again. What do you all think?
