Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi all

My friend just selected a new mayanmar maid from an agency. Is it true that in the new mom ruling, even before maid bleach her own contract, employer has to bear the air ticket for the maid to go home?that is stated in a new contract.Its from SXXXXT AXXXW

I don't open bank acct for my maid. I will keep all her salary. She has no off days and I do not allow her to keep money as well. But I told her if she needs to buy anything, tell me and I will pass her some money to buy. After which, I will record down what she bought and keep the remaining change.

I do this because I know some maid steal $$ from employer. They will mix this stolen money with their own and it is difficult for employer to catch them since we can't proof that they have stolen from us although we know that they have done it.
Just one caution....

No matter how good and hardworking our maids are, we must set some stern rules. Even if we know that they are honest, still we cannot trust them totally. We must keep some reserve.

Most of the time these honest, good and hardworking maids can do stuff that surprise their employers. They are not so simple as they look. Many of them have inner thoughts deep within them which they don't voice out.
thanks lani & babycutie! then i will keep her passport with me then. as for bank a/c book, guess i will have to discuss with her how best to handle it coz she is ex-SIN so probably will already have bank book
Good that your maid is transferred already.

For others who want to know :
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May be you can tell your maid exactly what you want her to do at your parents' place. For example, she need to wash all dishes and clean the kitchen. You can even ask her to mop the floor at your parents' place, so long as you don't ask her to mop the floor when she goes back to your home on the same day.
Some maids just don't have the initiative. But if they do as told, then it's not bad already.

I think MOM knows that they can't stop people from doing this, because it is not safe for kids to be left alone at home with the maid.
Tam,Lani, i think the issue with MOM is some employers expect the maids to clean and do allhousework for 2 households, which can be unfair. I guess as long as the maid goes there and jsut helps out here and there should be ok? Not good for the maid to be sitting down doing nothing anyway... like my maid, so free now!
hi Tamarind,

yes , I have told her exactly, mop only children's room, clean kitchen, jagar children at MIL or my parents' place. but now she do more than what's she's told, then come back home to demand pay increase!!!!
i have never worry about initiative but it's so motivated by other factors. I guess it's just human

Hi mummies
I am experiencing some sort of dis-contentment. A few months ago i began to think the standard of cleanliness in my household has dropped. And today, my HB also brought up the same issue.
But I wonder if it is cos we get so used to the cleaner environment as compared to pre maid that our standards have "increased" sub-consciously?

My maid goes to my mum's place in weekdays and we come home only about 9+pm, so I dunno if it is actually too much to expect total cleanliness at my home when she spends a whole day out. She does straighten my bed (cos no time to do so in the morning) after we reach home, but I tell her no need to clean the floor.
There is one way to solve the problem of maid going to caregiver's place with children during the day and back to employer's house in the evening.

Just draft out her chores at both households...whatever you think is right and email it to MOM to see if it is legal and okay in their eyes. They will definitely respond. If they say it's too much work then re-do until they say it's ok.

Then you show the response to your maid and tell her you checked with MOM and they said it was normal and fine. Then get her to sign it and file it away.

As a rule-of-thumb, just give your maid the same amount of work for one house only but split it between the two houses.

For example: Mop whole house and scrub bathroom at employer's house Mon, Wed, Sat, Sun. Mop whole house and scrub bathroom at parent's house Tues, Thurs, Fri.

Make breakfast employer's house Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. No breakfast to be made at parents house.

Make lunch for parents Mon-Fri. Make lunch for baby Mon-Fri. She does not need to make lunch at employer's house right?

Wash up after lunch.

Make milk for baby every 3 hours regardless of location. Bathe baby morning and night and change diaper for baby as required regardless of location. (she would have to do this even if she was at employer's house only right?)

Help ah-ma prepare dinner, cook dinner. Wash up after dinner.
No need to make dinner at employer's house.

Wash clothes at employer's house every day. No need to wash clothes at parent's house.

Don't see there should be a problem if both houses are not too large. You might even want to highlight the size of each house to MOM.

I am getting a transfer maid. Is it possible to process the documentation without going thru a maid agency?

What are the charges for a Ex-Sin transfer maid getting through an agent?
i also agree with you. i think that most employers in s'pore are reasonable and will never expect or demand the maid to do complete household chores for both households. but i guess there are a few bad seeds ard who really spoil the market lor.

remember a few wks back i talked abt my neighbour's maid who was left home alone w/ 4 small children and she had a BF, and the BF would come over, and sometimes she would go out with the BF and bring the 2.5YO toddler with her, all w/out her employer's permission?

i have been trying to get a hold of that neigbour of mine for wks already, cause i wanna tell her abt what her maid has been up to, as i really feel very uncomfortable abt what she's doing behind employer's back, esp. since it involves a 2.5YO toddler.

anyway, my maid just informed me today that the maid was sent back home to Indonesia on Sunday! i was so relieved when i heard it! God is really looking out for that family! then i asked my maid, how come they did not send her back to agency but chose to send her to Indonesia directly. my maid said dunno, but most likely she has done something really wrong so the employers want her to go back immed lor. hee...even my maid can tell when a maid is really not worth keeping lor.

then my maid told me more dusturbing things abt this maid. my maid told me the neighbour's maid told her that these 3mths she's been working there, got alot of "bad" things have been left outside her employer's hse. eg. rotten eggs, feaces, etc!

then i told my maid, for the past 5yrs, that neighbour has had 1 Indo maid who was very good, and i used to speak to that maid daily, and she never encountered such bad things outside that house before. so obviously "whoever" the culprit is, he/she is targeting this new maid lor! either that or this maid is a liar, and making up all these stories. and my maid agreed with me! hee..

anyway, i am happy that this maid of my neighbour's is gone, because i really don't like her and have always felt very uncomfortable about her. in fact this past 1mth i have been trying desperately to talk to her employer, cause i found out from my maid that when she found out that my maid is often left home alone, eg on days we go out whole day or when we go to JB for a whole weekend to stay at my parents' place, she has been trying to encourage my maid to leave the house and to go out also, saying things like, "if it's me i would go out everyday, so shiok ah!".
i got my maid as a transfer from another mummy on this forum. her agency helped us process the paperwork only, and we made it clear we do not want their other services. so i just paid them ard S$150 for this service only, and that's all. aft i got my maid we have no more r'ship with the agency at all, so if i got any problems with the maid i have to settle it myself lor, and the agency got nothing to do with it. luckily i never had any problems with my maid, she's been with us for almost 1.5yrs.

I'm hoping to get a more detailed picture of costs of hiring a live-in maid. Can you pls share what the costs are for - agency fee, levy, maid salary, any other additional costs?
Hi Tamarind
I read ur blog and i must say it is very detailed.

Fr experience, checking the Maid employment history if she claims she is ex-Singapore is v impt. My ex-maid lied that she worked in Singapore for 1 year with 1 employer but when we did a search with WP online, we realised she had 3 and each employer change after 3-4 mths. If we had known earlier wouldnt have employed her cos after we employed her, we have problems with her HP usage, couldnt get along with my mother and the last straw - she stole. Finally we sent her back. But we checked that she is back in Singapore again after 1 mth. I hope no one in this forum has employed her. Wish her present employer all the best.

U mean we can write to MOM to blacklist a maid?

Is it a must to have a contract with a transfer maid? What are the terms that are normally included in it?

Regarding medical checkup, how much does it cost and how long it takes for the results to be ready?

Checkout my blog.

Glad to know that you visited my blog

I called MOM to ask about blacklisting a maid before. I was told that I can send them a letter about it. I supposed they will do some investigation before deciding to blacklist her.
My neighbour blacklisted a maid who stole money from her. In my case, I wanted to blacklist an ex-maid who has many boyfriends. But later I thought I do not have much of a case, because my maid did not actually hurt my family in anyway. So I didn't blacklist her. do you know your ex-maid has returned ? do they return with the same WP no ? even then if you are not the current employer, you would be be able to check her employment history right ? did your ex-maid get to know the boyfriends ? did she get to know them during her off-days ?

I'm in the midst of changing dunno how to break the news to my maid. She sure cry one...maybe will refuse to pack and get on the huh ?
Hi Liana - Yes she is quite a bitch! I mean the money is not hers and how can she want to hold on to it! I dont blame her for supplying me underage worker (my first fresh ID maid with her) as long as she can service me as per the contract. This maid was returned to her as per the maid wish, but the agent was v bad in following up my case and plus they had 6 demerit points, I decided to make a change. Nvr did I realise getting back my money can end up with such bad experience! I will email you separately the name of the agency and yes please do broadcast to yr frens!!

Hi Tamarind - i guess for most agencies, when comes to new customers, they will treat everyone well. But when comes to returning money, for those companies which encounter cash flow problems, they can be difficult to deal with. If they can accumulate 6 demerit points with MOM, I think the service stds of that agency have really dropped and that they must be facing some internal problems. Having demerit points with MOM is a serious and no laughing matter! But i am shocked that the agency is dealing this so lightly!!! Unbelievable!
Very interesting thread in the Expat Singapore Forum. Title is "How Many Times Can You Change Your Maid" Under "Living In Singapore".

This person pays her Indo maid $600 per month + $25-$75 per week (for overtime) + every Sunday off and she can't even finish 50% of her easy timetable. Furthermore, her maid got bad attitude!

The expats are saying she's a slave driver. OMG! Check it out!,35429.0.html
Hi Lani,

Thanks for your kind reply. Didn't know got to go through so much paper work to get a transfer maid.

Hi Tamarind,

Your blog is really comprehensive. I have learnt a lot about hiring maids from reading the posts.
Yes that maid have 1 off day every month. I also made the mistake of letting her go out once every week to the nearby supermarket to buy her own groceries. I learnt my lesson now, cannot give a maid too much freedom.

There are some tactics you can use:
1. One hour before your maid leaves, tell her that your whole family migrating to USA, cannot bring her along. Your maid will not have anything to argue about and will have no time to react.

2. If your maid is crazy nut case, you should tell her to go shopping with you. Then drop her at the maid agent's place. Then you come home to pack her things.

3. Ask your maid agency to send someone down to collect her. Let them break the news to her.

I think many employers don't know how to check whether the agency has demerit points lor.

That's interesting. Expats treat maids very differently from us. I think they really pamper the maids. Then they love to criticize Chinese for treating maids as slaves. The maid get paid a salary which is considered very high in their country, free food/lodging, can come and go as they please, what kind of slave is this ?

Glad that you visited my blog
Wow u got so many "jue zhao" to send the maid back. I did no 3 but backfired. She simply refused to move
We dont want to use force on her too for fear of getting into trouble with the law.

Just log in to WP online to check. They return with the same WP number. Just key in the WP no. I made a copy of her WP so that i still retain her details.

My maid didnt cry when we told her the news. She called her sister who taught her some tricks. I hate this sister of hers. She has worked in Spore for 10 years and taught her all the bad habits. I should have changed her long ago. Really regretted not doing it. Think i was too soft.
Can I know what is expats(ppl that are very rich?? overseas ppl living in Spore??)? I mountain turtle..cos after reading their post..thinking their maid is so lucky n good life, good pay.. yet behave like the princess.. asking for too much???...They really pamper n spoil the maid market...
hi mummies,
I've a phil maid who worked for me for abt close to a year. Realise that once the maid cleared their loan and start going for off days, their 'patterns' start to surface. anyway my maid recently got her relative who is oso working here to call up my agent and complain abt her work load. She said her workload is getting heavier and there are more and more ppl in the family. Please lah, firstly there is no new member in the house and the chores she is doing now have all been specified in the timetable when she 1st came. when i recv the call from my agent, I was very betrayed and angry cos we treated her so well, nvr scold her, bring her out everytime we go out and she eats whatever we eats. In the end, I din even had a tok to her cos i too angry to do so. i simply decided to transfer her and hope she finds a better employer. i even got my agent to break the news to her, dun feel like toking to her now. maids, I dunno they are here for 'holidays' or to work. if the work is so relax, i wouldn't spend money and employ her at the 1st place, I'll do it myself! Sorry for the long windedness, just felt like venting it out...
yenny... so scary wor.. My maid jz starting working for me and so far so good.. so afraid that once they cleared their loan, they will become another person

My maid has asked my dad about HP in singapore and she also noes about lucky plaza sia.. sigh.. duno how next time..

give them more freedom but afraid kena abuse also... sigh... dilemma...
tamarind...tks, think I simply have to tell her we are not keeping her (no sign of us migrating leh ? still buying new items for the house...ha ha)

She just don't meet our requirements. Whatever she did, she did not consider the safetly of my kids, which I can not tolerate. Last weekend, I was getting ready to go out, asked her to help to children put on shoes while I fill up the water bottles. I came out of the kitchen, saw her mopping the floor, while my kids out at the corridor, worst, the main door was closed !!! "I didn't know" was her answer.

tinkerbell...oh i see. I shall monitor how many more employers she will get, and for how long. Oh, I feel so sorry for the future employers...

My first philipino maid was the best. I had her for 3 years. Stopped when my son went to childcare, and at that time didn't have the 2nd child. I paid her $400 on renewal with Sunday off. We didn't have any problem with her at all. When my son fall, she will be the first to rush to him. She even bought presents on our birthdays !

I am getting my maid despite protests from my HB.
The problem is that I dun mind being a SAHM, but my mum, who is helping me to look after my kid, feels vehemently that I should go back to work after staying at home for a year.
So to choose between HB and Mum, I went with the latter.

In the process of getting a maid now. My HB values his privacy and insists giving my new transfer maid every Sunday off, as well as Sat half day. Dunno whether we r spoiling the maid by giving her too much freedom. Is it possible to make the maid stay at home and rest instead of letting her go out on Sat?
Hi, mummies with Crixxx, if the maid want to change employer, do we hav to pay to get a new replacement maid(I know if we dont want this maid,we pay but wat if the other way round?) or the maid pay for our admin charges..?? Cos every replacement Crixxx charge for a fees.

I saw my maid's note when attend to my bb..(she dont know I can read bahasa..its on my bb's cot so I just read..understand little cos different indo n bahasa malay..)

She said, she never feel so unblissful in jail, no freedom like before..cos need to look after a baby.Its so suffering...she asked her God teach her wat to do?

I think she is not happy looking after baby..that's why she always work without heart..not focus on her work. I know she is trying to do the work but deep in her heart if she can choose she wont want to bb care..

Think she cant get use to my small flat hse(like jail,I brought her out to church every sunday n walk walk like marketing, which she is very tiring after going out) care no freedom.. but she know the pay here is higher than her 2previous employer.. no wonder when I said if she perform well will reward her $, but she seem not interested in the $..think she rather little pay then bb care.. where she use to hse work only.. I dont understand why her data stated exp in bb care.. but actually not.. really suffering for her n employer lor..

Mummies any advise? She is not happy but dare not/didnt tell me.. dont know how long she can tahan work w me(cos she think its so suffering for her,as wat she wrote).. on my side, I want to have a happy maid( which I'm trying to treat her well, giv n take, can closed one eyes with her,now more understanding why she cant organise or work like the heart is somewhere else).. thinking happy maid will enjoy working, thus perform well..

Now, 1st..spend too much time n $ changing..she is my 3rd in 4mths.. 2nd..if change soon gg kopi w MOM.. Wat should i do???
I also feel sorry for my ex-maid's current employer. Really dont know what lie they have been told this time round.

same as u ... mine started to complain to me after her loan is cleared...that my mother is horrible, always pick at her, don't trust her, v hard to work for her etc etc. She even quarrelled with both my parents and shouted at them! She asked for an increment. We thought ok , fr $320 to $340 not really a lot given that she helps out at my mum's place and agreed to give her the increment after 1 year.

Actually, we have been v kind to her. We treat her like a family member. Eventually, she even stole fr us and that was the last straw - we had to terminate her services.

My lesson learnt - never be too nice to the maid.

personally, i dont oppose my maids having a HP. But abuse of use was the issue i had to face with my ex-maid.
She keeps using it, hiding in the toilet to sms, look after my daughter also sms... like that how can i trust her to look after my kids? And the hp was mailed to her by her sis during her first mth here!

Worse thing was she completely denied that she didnt follow instructions. And even asked me who said that and whether did i see her using or not!

so one day, when i saw her using while looking after my girl, i was so angry i shouted at her and showed her black face for days! so angry!
tinkebell, i used to allow my maid hav/use hp, she also abused(sms in room day time,sleep w my girl,chatting till my girl cry..wake up by her chatting,chat out side when bring my boy to school,ask my boy wait till she finish her talk..also same didnt use infront of me).. so now my hse rules,no hp for 2yrs working w me.
aiyo, looks like most of them abuse the HP. Chat on the phone? so, not allowing is the best. Isn't her bill v expensive? I know a lot of maids chat on the phone while employers r not at home. Hee... that's why i dont have a home phone. But my son's teachers tell me that they always see my maid chatting on the public phone!! Probably that's where our stolen coins went to!
tinkebell, some maid they chat outside n dont bother what the little master is doing, there was one time I stare at a maid on hp n dont bother the little boy crying..she just continue to chat at the play ground.

my 2 previous maid like to chat on phone..that's why she(1st maid) spend a lot $ on hp n card lor.. another maid(my 3rd maid) using my hse phone when I'm not around n also use phone card that not using her $ to buy,dont know how she get it..midnight can wake up chat(when everybody is sleeping)..but cant do night feeding

Babycutie, my maid transfer liao, last sat. So i only pay extra 16 days levy. HOPE she can work w new employer,cos only hse work..children big liao,I asked Mic.
Hi Jo, if I were you, i will let yr current maid go cos as u said, her heart is not with u at all. Look out for prospective maids meanwhile to save time. I cant answer u as to whether that considered as replacement or not, but under my current agency, it is treated the same regardless whether maid who dont want to work for you or you dont want the maid.

As for the kopi session, i believe you have more than 1 kid right, you might want to consider applying the next maid under ADDITIONAL MAID cos like that you can change maid 8 times...hee...

For some of my applications, my agent did process as additional maid so i havent hit the quota yet! (I think its like that) Check it further with yr agent.
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Hi,

I'm sending my maid back soon so would like to find out if any of you prepare any doc or declaration etc for your maid to sign? Can email me samples at [email protected]?

This maid of mine is very cunning so my HB is worried that she might play punk & accuse us of stuffs.

Next thing is we have to pay the maid extra S$20 if they don't go for their off right? What happens if they took extra off in the mth? Do we deduct extra S$20 or just deduct her salary?</font></font>
Hi jenifer, if i would you, i would deduct esp she'is a cunning one...yes I am mean, but in the first plc, who is the first one who did the nasty acts?

I used to have one cunning maid - i only made her sign a document to say that the moment she leaves the house (as her request and that she dont want to stay in agent's hse), I am not responsible for her actions. Legally speaking this is not effective at all, cos as long as she is not officially transferred, the current employer is still wholely responsible for this FDW.

I spoke to MOM recently and thats what they said. Cos I was worried that my agent put my maid to work in someone else house during the period waiting to be redeployed. MOM said, regardless, the employer is to be responsible. What we can do is to let the worker go interview and come back to the house. But that doesnt make sense to me, especially you nvr know what can the maid do to you as a revenge when she is back at yr household mah...How stupid this regulation is!!
I hate the expat thread. I don't find the maid is doing a lot. She mainly doing housework with no bb/childcare. And she has 2 hrs lunch break!!! OMG.... I will NEVER get maid who work with EXPAT (Foreigners who work in Singapore) before. Most of them will have attitude problems with a lot of demands.....

My maid has been with me for 1.5 wks. I don't understand why she likes to sleep so late. Ended up she overslept a few morning. We told her many times that she has to speed up her work so she can sleep early. But still she likes to dilly-dally and ended up sleeping ard 11.30-12am.

My mum was very angry. Told her straight in her face that she don't care what time the maid sleeps, but the maid has to wake up at 5.30am every morning. All maids working here wakes up at 5.30am and there is no exceptional for her as well. If she chose to sleep late, its her own biz, she jolly well has to wake up at 5.30am.

I really suspect she worked in Taiwan before. She can understand what we said everything in Mandarin. Do u believe a person can speak so fluent in 4 mths of learning this language?? Thk she might have worked in Taiwan for maybe 1 year... Then due to some reason, she was sent back. Otherwise why she said she din work in Taiwan before yet her Mandarin is so good??? Thk she can understand some Hokkien too. Because this morning my mum ask me " ai jiat mai"? The maid took a clean plate n put on the table for me.

For those who is buddhist. I have a goddess statue at home. My mum pray to goddess every morning. My mum ask goddess whether this maid has good heart or not. The answer from goddess is "NO". So my mum pray to goddess to give her some sign if this maid is going to do harmful stuff to my kids.

I find that my maid is not HONEST. My mum ask her just now does she live in concrete flat like ours in Cilacap. She said yes. So my mum ask her which floor she stay. She said 5th floor. Then my mum ask agn.. wah 5th floor, u stay so tall? Then she said oh no lah.. 2nd floor... See she twist her words so fast.

Definitely we cannot leave her at home alone with the kids. Also we cannot let her go n buy grocery on her own. We are keeping an eye on her.

I will talk to her again. I want to re-emphasize my HOUSE RULES to her and my time-table. Since I know she is not the honest type, I want her to follow my time-table instead of letting her organise her own timing. Because a lot of chores she do the wrong way. Eg. Sweep and mop floor liao then wipe window grille and ceiling fan. She has to strictly follow our ways.... Do all the cleaning and wiping before sweeping and mopping.

So far she has not show attitude problem yet. We are prepared to change if she do anything funny.
I changed 5 maids in one year and MOM never ask me for kopi...I think you are still ok. But Eileen is smart...can apply for Additional maid. I didn't know about that.

Are you going to change her?

HP addiction
I don't allow HP during work hours at all. All maids except my first one followed this rule. After they finish I allow her to use her HP as much as she likes as long as I can't hear it ring or beep. My next door neighbor's filippino maid has HP addiction and even I can't stand her high pitched chatter while she sweeps the floor, eats her meals, cleans the house. Sometimes she speaks English and she totally bitches about her ma'am! She is so loud I cannot even enjoy sitting in my own back yard. Her ma'am is out most of the time but when ma'am is home she is quiet as a mouse.

yeh, I hate the Expat thread too. They totally spoil the market and the maids are havoc. So many of them resemble prostitutes and according to the expat thread those caucasian men think the dark skinned maids are sexy. I also will never touch a maid that has worked with an Expat family too. Anyway, I can't afford one if they are all so overpaid.

with regard to your current maid, I think she's still ok...ask her again what floor she lives on in Cilacap. Anyway, if you check her bio-data, her address will be stated. If got #02-01 then she is being truthful I guess.

This is my worry for my previous maid too after I have returned her back to that GY agency. I really suspect that the agent started to let her work in the new employer house while I was still paying for her levy. In fact, I had paid the entire 1 month levy for her for nothing!! The agent even allowed her to go out shopping every sunday or maybe even worked part-time during that 1 month period. I did call MOM to check with them about this and they also told me the same thing like your case. Luckily, nothing happened to may previous maid during the 1 month transferring period. I just take it that my $170 has been washed in the drain!


My that previous maid also liked to sleep very late..12 midnight to even 1am everyday. She would pretend to be working when we were watching TV and dragged her work till late at night. I have told her many times to sleep early as she needed to wake up at 530am in the morning to get ready to go to my MIL house at 7am. Guess what after we have returned her to the agency? I found out that she had secretly been eating my expensive cookies and I really suspect that she did that after me and my HB have gone to sleep!! She just pretended to work but actually was waiting for us to sleep so that she could help herself to the food in the kitchen!!
Oh yeah..experienced maids are normally very stubborn. They will do things according to their preference although you have specified to her your houserules. My that ex-maid was exactly like that!! She would not follow my instructions and time-table but would do according to her likes. Last time one of my instructions to her was to wipe all her tables in the house every morning but she wiped only when she wants. Also, they dont like the employer to check on their work whether they got do or do correctly and properly.
Eileen, Liana, thks... I chat w her today...asking how she coping w her work,she everything just said fine/ i go tru w her again the work n hse rules.. n follow by casual chat.. i hope she is not hinting me...from our chatting,she told me her fren(indo) work here get S$400(asking for off but her mdm cant giv so pay another S$20 n said will bring her out when shopping) n only do hse child care/nanny work.. wow..i'm surprise she said nanny...dont know she is trying to tell me her work 'maid' not specialise in bb care???

Anyway, I said ur fren same agent? she said no la.. I reply..I also cant giv off day,as i hav a bb, unless next time when my kids older ..thats why i pay u more S$20 + ur salary.

She keep on telling me that her previous employer(2002-2004 Msia) asking her go back n work, but she dont want. Her employer bought gold ring for her. Her pay was Rm350. I wonder why the Brunei didnt ask, which is more recently..before come to spore.Her pay $230 brunei dollar. She said she still keep in touch(called the msia employer's children). I was thinking, she said her previous treat her so gd..yet she dont go back to either she is not loyalty or trying to promote she is treasure by that employer(means she id gd maid).. but that is how many yrs back..n doesnt mean anything to me..wat i know is currently her performance w me. Hse work can closed one eye(cant cook,forgetful, cant organise/priority her work) but childcare is not gd...

For me, i told her, just tell me the true if u not happy n i'm willing to let u go any time..( she not happy w bb care/ thinking i should pay her more cos no freedom, hse bored like jail,as she can play out door game(badminton/golf) w children last time)...

On my side for salary, i think its fair enough i already pay her at market rate which the agent charge me that price n not i suka suka say how much..

second, her work still not up to my standard or compare to my cheapest maid(i mean her salary). I did tell her if perform well will hav extra $rewards.

I will try to giv both me n her some time, n see how the situation, hope for better, then continue.. only 2weeks..

Now gd abt her,she still do her work not lazy la.. so if she can think more mature n accept n dont compare or not content n dont giv me attitude problem..i think still ok..or worst only change.. i even told my hubby this morning, tot of gg w/o maid after her. but a lot of sacrified

Cutie, I think, u speak to ur maid 1st n see how.. mayb not that bad after she understand ur explaination.
I don't think your maid did the right thing by saying those things to you. She told you those things to make you feel bad by insinuating you are underpaying her, overworking her and that her previous employers love her so much (which doesn't sound realistic to me). Good that you can see through all her rubbish.
My 1st maid like that. Telling me the neighbor's maids get paid so much more, can work part time, more time off, pay for thier kids education etc. It's a ploy to make you think you are stingy so you will give her more benefits.

Urge you to consider changing, especially if she wrote she is living in a prison and dun like baby care.

My previous maid sounds like your current maid. Keep comparing her previous bosses to me .. n dun understand y i dun allow her to watch tv 24hr/day. yes, she can practically sit on my living room's floor n watch tv the whole afternoon or nite. she would tell my MIL things tat her previous employer gave her etc etc but all stories dun gel together haha which is y i saw thro her tricks. eg, my M'sia employer wants me to wake up early in the morn n clean the whole house (+ shop) n 2 cars.. by the time i can rest z is 11pm liao ..den daily must wake up at 3am to wash car. next moment can tell my MIL things like "oh, they gave me a room to myself n i can watch tv the whole nite." den another story goes like tis "my M'sia employer always bring me to see ge tai" ahem... but she only work in 1 family in M'sia wor.
Hence, i cannot tahan her stories n her working attitude... n quarrel w my hb so many mths till he gave in n say "change her" eversince we changed her, our hse is peaceful.
oh, found the expat forum... well, i guess each of us has their own prerogative as to how we treat the maids. expats do spoil their maids, but probably because they see maids in a different light as most singaporeans do... it is true though that any maid who has worked for expat before gets too spoiled! i think we just have to find a proper balance, they are here to work, but at the same time, they are humans too...
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Eileen,

My maid has been on strike since last Mon, refuse to do hsework or look after my DD. Only thing she do is hide insde her room or sleep. So I'm wondering for such case - do I deduct S$20 for each day she's not working or I just don't pay her salary.

This maid of mine is giving me so much problem. She lied & steal so when I wanted to send her last mth, she gave my HB sobbing stories & begged to stay till Oct.

Then now suddenly just refuse to work and when I told her we going to buy ticket for her to go back this weekend. She went on hunger strike, refuse to eat/drink since Tues nite.

Not only that think her family member prob call up the Philippines embassy to complain or whatever. Cuz yesterday I rec'd 2 missed call from the embassy.

Spoke to my agent, all they can tell me is if she refuse to step out of my hse.. they also cannot do anything. If use force, wait later she complain we abuse her. So they suggest we give her some xtra money to solve e problem after "counselling" my maid on e phone for 2 hrs. Their idea is faster pacify her & send her back before e embassy really steps in or else it will be real troublesome.</font></font>
oh dear Babycutie....i dont know what to say to you...Very sian hor, everytime encountered such maids..You said she is an ex-sin maid right? So how long was that? My previous ex-sin maid can understand mandarin v well also cos the previous ahma make her learn the language through casette tapes...

I guess at the end of the day, really go for your gut feelings what you think abt the maid. Sometimes the gut feelings is v zun. If you dont feel comfortable, you do have to monitor her.

I wish to say something gd /positive abt my new maid who was with me 1 week now. But i dont dare to say anything now. Haha... Remember how i used to sing praises of my previous ex-sin maid - who later on she choose to run away!!! I better keep my mouth shut!

Liana, Mylvera, thks for sharing...

She write note,like dairy every night... n place at my bb cot, its good that i know wat she think but just wondering why she leave it there?? for me to read?? tot asking her to keep in her drawer(cos i dont want any other thing on my bb cot,except bb's stuff) but then I cant read liao, I wont take from her drawer la..

Current maid's work really not much compare to my previous maid..yesterday she sleep at 9pm, 8plus go shower liao.. I think is gd life if i can sleep at 9pm.

She dont hav to cook n i'm helping to look after bb n when my girl come back from cc i feed n make her sleep.. I also tell her that my previous maid can manage my hse whole,will do all hse work(include cooking) n child care n I dont need to do anything..that's how I can work n travel..

I tell myself I will rewards according to her performance.. but if not gd yet asking for more.. i tell myself she already get the best treatment(compare to her work,sleep 9pm-6am, no cooking, need my help at home,be alarm clock w bb n childcare myself).. sure to change her if she dont change for better.. only time will tell, n I'm prepare to stay home liao.
