Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Tam, Eileen, data stated 2yrs ex-msia, 2yrs ex-brunei.. but not sure how true..,data stated w bb exp but when ask her,she said never stated can cook but she said cant cos employer buy outside..,data stated married but when ask her hubby's occupation,she said divorced liao.. I dont know what else is different from data.. tot if she can work n child care,the data doesnt matter. But now still to early to say.. this is my second/replacement maid from Crisxx, both maids from them,bio have some area r fake

Eileen, if she hav time to pack on wed morning, then wed is good..pack morning n u check at night before she go. anyway day time will be at ur mom's plc.. no time to steal.


Think read about your citeria in choosing a maid. Just curious, do you prefer someone that is ex experience somewhere or fresh....

I know you prefer someone that is married with kids, right?
My brother has an ex malaysia maid. Soley take care of the two kids, and do nothing else.

He said that she is a very good maid....Think most of us will not agree, cos she really does nothing else...

See one men meat is another men poison.....
The problem is that if their experience is overseas, we will never know whether they are telling the truth or not. If I were to get experienced maid, I will take only ex-SIN, because I can verify their work experience with MOM. My current maid ex-SIN 6 years with the same family, one employer only.

I used to want to take only experienced maids, but these give a lot of problems too. Then this year I took a fresh maid from Crislo, who is surprisingly good. Whether fresh maid or experienced maids, both may have problems. So I think I would rather take my chances with fresh maids now, simply because they are cheapest. But fresh maids really is a big test of our patience.
Yes I prefer married maids with kids to support. Those single maids normally come here to play, not to work.
I just asked my maid whether she wants to renew her contract next year, she said OK. But I told her if she change her mind, she must give me a few month notice, and she must help me train a new maid.
Hi Tamarind - I tried going to the MOM site to check my transfer maid employment history by keying her existing WP number. The site doesnt say much like the name of the employer hor? Only shows when she first come to SG..I thot I will at least be able to see the employer name.
I oso hope to see the employer name. If can, I would like to contact the employer as well. But dun thk we can get the information.

Our maid won't tell us oso if we ask her.

I checked my maid's employer history. It stated she worked with 3 employers. Employer 1, employer 2 & employer 3. Does that means she has 3 employers? But she told me she work with a chinese family for 2 years and malay family for 4 years. If so, MOM should reflect employer 1 & employer 2 right?

1st stay is abt 23 mths. 2nd also 23 mths and 3rd is 25 mths. How to verify like tat? If employer 2 extend her contract, then should continue with employer 2 right? But MOM website state employer 3... How come?

Have a speedy recovery. I also have lasik. And it was 4.5 years ago.
It could be that she change employer within the family which she work for 4 years. May be from one family member to another. This is also counted as 2 employers.

I think most important is to let the employer put down her comments about the maid. Hopefully MOM will add more features to it in the future.
Thanks. This never come across my mind abt switching employer internally within the same family but different nucleus.

Ya... am constantly watching. Her working speed is slow. Just now I told her she has to be fast. Especially when my boy is sleeping, she has to try to finish all cleaning chores quickly.

My cleaning chores are divided into morning and afternoon.
My mum and I don't like ppl to drag time doing chores so we expect our maid to finish the assigned chores quickly when my boy is having his nap.

Today I told her and can see she is not very happy abt it. But I explain to her that I am not scolding her. I am teaching her to be a fast worker. I want her to learn the right thing. This will benefits her in the future. She said thank you and she understands.... Well, I dunno whether is it mouth say only or really meant by heart.

I will keep watch these 2 wks while I am at home. I dunno what will happen when I go back to work.

I want her to familarize with my routine and also try to play with the kids more.

Your are making me scare leh.... I hope my maid is ok.... her record are decent. I will pray that this maid will be good and that my kids will like this maid.
No lah mummies! It's not normal to find maid's hair in your food leh. That is DISGUSTING. It's not hygeinic. If it happens more than twice I will buy her a shower cap and tell her to wear it when cooking cos I am sick of seeing her freaking hair in our food! Gross!!!

I can understand your concerns if your maid is constantly dieting but what can you do? She's an adult and has to make these choices for herself. I'd write a letter to the MOM stating that she's on a diet and doesn't want to eat. Just in case later she complain you don't give her enough food.

I know your maid has only been with you for a short time but you better consider changing her. If she can't remember to switch off the lights and turn off the tap and needs to be told every minute of the day what she needs to do....then she's just not suitable. My number 2 maid was like that. Thick as a brick. Need to tell her absolutely everything and no improvement. Her heart was in the right place but she was dirty and totally lacking in commonsense. She had to go. No choice. Furthermore, she had 4 years experience with the same SGP employer. I guess their standards were pretty slack.

Your maid ran away right? Now serving notice and going back on Wed night? No need to give her lots of notice. Wed morning is ok. She won't be fact she will be very happy...since she ran away!!!

My current maid is still good after a month. She does everything I tell her (extra to normal chores that I need not mention anymore) and never shows black face or talks back. The standard of her cleaning is still very clean. The only thing she has done wrong is break my crystal pyramid and ruin one of my work blouses (put it into the dryer until colour bleed). I told her she must handwash all my work clothes and hang flat to dry, then I told her how much the blouse cost and threw it straight in the bin in front of her. All clothes now ok.

That said, she has an easy job (I think). Housework only. Wash 2 cars only once a week. Got nanny to come and take care of my girl during the day so no need for her to look after and no need to cook as we get catering. She can sleep by 9pm.
Hi Tam

so good, you can ask your old maid to train the new maid...

My maid can work but I really afraid if I were to do like you as in get her to train the new maid, this new maid will learn all the talk back and black face attitude....unless I take myanmar and she trained....what do you think?thanks
Liana, thks, I will consider n giv her some time,hope for improvement .. need to giv a timetable to switch of light, light at 7.30am(she on after wake in the morning n didnt off(I need to go round the hse to off),my boy also tell me,mummy..this kakak dont know how to off light.

Just now she iron clothes, before she will ask can I iron clothes,bb is sleeping(which stated in my hse rules to iron clothes twice a week when bb nap), after she iron, she tell me,I finished iron can keep/hang the clothes?..(need to remind n instruction all the time) but at least she keep on asking, mayb not yet familiar..or she scare make mistake or she no common sense? so far she is not lazy.. I tell her to learn n pick up her work in 2weeks when I'm home guide n help her work, now I cook for her.. I cook porridge very often, as my children like but just now she tell me she dont like to eat porridge

Mummies, can i ask, those w D-link camera, do u subscribe another network for IP address? Cos I'm using max-online by starhub. N cant go internet to view the camera..??

MOM online, wonder if we can suggest that they should include maid's appraisal(or letter of recommendation) by their previous the new employer can decide the pro n con before hiring.

Thanks for advice.

Honestly, if she goes on a diet that does not hinder her work, am fine.Her diet is like few table spoon of rice for whole day....immunity goes down, fall sick and my son gets it. This morning, she complaints she see stars, so not sure when she is going to faint..worried espeically if she is carrying my boy and faint....

Wearing shower cup is a good idea...I am going to tell my maid, one more time food in the food, she will need to wear shower cup....thanks again, liana.Think all crews are very particular about this...hahahaha

WoW! Your maid diet until like that so, so little. No wonder you are so concerned. She's an idiot. How to work with only a few spoons of rice! Yes, you are's quite dangerous but what can you do?

Heh, sure she will be sure no hair in the food as she will not want to wear the shower cap! Even just give her those free ones that you get from hotel rooms.

Wish you all the best....really hope she can improve and you can feel good when you go back to work. Good thing your boy is smart....can tell you what she's up to.
Can share ur opinion on my new maid? Am I picky or she is really too slow?

1. 6am wake up, wash clothes till 640am. Told her since fri, that monday morning got to rush to bring bb to auntie's hse cos I am returning to work after ML (today is the first day). Yet, she can take her time to do things.

2. reminded since fri that monday morning got to bring the meat out to defrost so can cook at night after picking bb and her. She forgot this morn, and after wash clothes, reminded her, still din take out.

3. Rushing time this morn, see she havent taken her bkf. Ask her to make coffee for me and hubby and take her bkf. After 5 mins, I went kitchen, she is taking her bkf and forgot abt out coffees.

4. Told her must bring one formula feed to auntie's hse incase not enough breastmilk, she can bring the container to me, must bring milk?

5. Today at auntie's pl, she only do what she is told. When auntie busy with bb, she sit down watch TV. Told her cannot, hv to find things to do. Ask auntie what to do.

6. Ask her know how to speak english, she like dunno how to speak. But when she watches TV in english, she understands...can smile...

7. I told her must wash my breastpump at night after I finish. I finished at 930pm and she is bathing. I left the pump on kitchen top but she went to bed.

8. She told auntie that BB keep crying and sleep v little over the weekends...only here for 4 days already know how to tell things...

9. yesterday brought her out with us to shopping. reached home at 10pm, she saw me feeding bb, she can go sleep without pondering that she needs to wash the milk bottle.

10. She cleaned my bedroom yesterday, got one used tissue besides my bed, she din even throw it away....cannot see?

Am I picky on her? When she has finished her task, she will go into bb's room and sit there. If I tell my hubby, he will think I am picky or too strict. I dun bother to tell him.

i have been following this thread before i engaged a maid and must say it's a great sharing ground!

I got myself a transfer maid (PH), she's been with us for two weeks liao. Paying her $350 with one off day. So far so good, got initiative, know how to find chores to do without me telling. For e.g, cleaning shelves, windows, ironing, changing curtains, repacking children's wardrobe, cleaning bathroom tiles, etc.

She is pretty independent cos' i not the sort who like to tell people eat to do all the time. A bit slow motion though esp ironing (usu takes ard 3 hrs for 1 and a half laundry basket load.)

Does take instructions well and sometimes got so much initiative that she went ahead to do extra chores without informing me first, good lah but sometimes i might hv something else in mind for her to do, then plans get thwarted

She has three kids aged from 3 to 6. So far she has already made 3 calls home during her stay with us. Is it ok?

tt day, she was at home with bb and my PIL, she put bb in bouncer and while buckling up, bb hand got caught by the buckle. When i came bk, she told me apologetically : " mum, sorry i accidentally hurt bb hand when i put him in the bouncer. I not intentional mum!" I ask her to show me and i told her to be careful nx time, did not scold her and just told her it was right of her to confess to me shd such things occur so that we can monitor bb.

one ting i nd to chk is : how does your maid behave when out shopping with you?

another thing i nt satisfied is sometimes weekends i go to my mum's plc, she will just sit there look after my bb even when he is sleeping. Never like take some initiative to help my mum. Is it norm ?
I suggest that u write a timetable for yr maid to follow.

what she should do in yr place in the morning before she leave to yr aunt place and wat she should do after returning to yr place at night.

Also discuss with yr aunt wat to let her do there. plan a schedule for her. inform yr aunt abt the schedule.

Then u give the timetable to yr maid to follow. Tell her strictly that these are the chores she has to do.

Emphasize to her that all employers in singapore wants their helper to work fast. Everywhere she goes will be the same. Usually employer hire helper to take care of children or elderly. Tell her we won't hire helper for nothing.

U monitor her for 2 wks. Get yr aunt to monitor too. If she still cannot perform after 2 wks. U can say bye bye to her. Her heart is not here to work for you. Tat's very obvious.
i don't think you are being picky at all. these expectations you have of your maid are VERY normal, and she IS expected to be able to carry them out in due time.

the key is, you need to SPECIFY and EXPLAIN to your maid in GREAT detail what she needs to do everyday. and you will probably have to do this many times, until she gets it right.

like i've stressed before, a maid needs to be trained very thoroughly and this would take time. on top of that, you really must assume that she doesn't know anything and that she does not have much initiative, so you will need to tell her EXACTLY what she needs to do everyday. you will need to explain to her in detail, and you will also need to demonstrate to her.

i know this is frustrating, esp. for a working mum like yourself, but this is something you need to do if you want the maid to be able to do all the things that is expected of her.

also, you MUST give her a daily timetable, so that she has an idea of what her daily routine and chores are, and you MUST give her a list of houserules. in the houserules, you MUST include every little rule you expect her to follow, eg. in your case, cannot watch tv at auntie's hse, cannot go to bed until ALL chores are completed, at the end of the day, must check with ma'am if got anymore work to do before can go to bed, if see dirt/rubbish ard the hse, must pickup and throw away, etc. i know it may sound very trivial but you can't assume that she will know how to do these things unless it is specified to her that these are your house rules and she is expected to abide by them.

for eg, i have over 50 house rules for my maid! some of the "trivial" rules i have for her are: she cannot kiss my dd, she cannot watch tv, read newspaper or read mags while taking care of my dd, if she is taking care of my dd and my dd is watching tv, she can only have the tv turned on to Disney Playhouse or Nickelodeon channels, and NOT her Malay tv programmes, before she goes to bed at 10pm she needs to check with me if there are anymore chores to be done, if we happen to go out late (ie. till 10pm or 11pm) she is expected to help me with the nightly chores (eg prepare dd's bath, wash dd's milk bottle, sterilise bottles, boil water, etc) when we return before she can go to bed.

some of these rules may seem trivial but i feel they are necessary, and the maid must be informed of all these rules, so that she knows what is expected of her. sometimes they really have no clue that these are basic expectations, so it's up to us to let them know.

for eg, i recently had to add in another rule for my maid, which is she cannot take her evening bath until aft 9pm, aft my dd has had her bath and milk and i am putting her to bed. the reason i had to do this is because last time my maid used to have her evening bath aft 9pm, but then a few mths back she started taking it earlier and earlier, eg. hubby would come home ard 7.15pm, then he and i will have dinner while maid takes care of dd. then aft dinner at 8pm i will go bathe, and hubby will play with dd. but some days he has things to do so he will play with her for a while only and he needs the maid to watch dd, but end up hubby gotta take care of dd and wait for maid to finish bathing (she takes abt 30mins, cause she hand-washes her clothes as well) before he can go bathe and do his things!

i felt this was totally unacceptable and quite disrespectful really, that i had to put a stop to it. i mean, to me, it's really unacceptable that at 8.15pm the maid is taking her leisurely night bath, and the Sir is sitting in the living rm and taking care of dd, waiting for maid to finish bathing, before he can go bathe and do his work right?!

Thanks. Told her right away to put on shower cup should I catch one more hair in the food....Ya ...many many shower caps from the hotel one use, myself use for cooking cos cannot stand the cooking smell myself on a hair freak....

good day...


Thanks for info.I noticed maid tend to be a bit unhappy when enforced new rules...any idea how to deal with it?Maybe best way is , I asked you to do, you just do it....

My maid very stubborn, I know she has serious nose problem, cannot take dust, asked her must wear mask when vaccum the house, for her own good, but she just turned a deaf ear and must be all the time to CATCH her and ask her to put on....wonder, for who purpose....

My maid ex sin five years, loves to use words like xiao, waH lau,xian....I myself cannot tahan all these words....anyone maid use all this jargon?
Check out my blog for houserules and time table.

I just PM you.

The maid is only supposed to do housework at the address stated on her work permit card. I believe every maid has been told about this before they start work. That's why she didn't help your mum.

For calls back home, so long as she uses her own money to buy phone card, and she finishes all her task before calling, I think it doesn't matter how often she calls home. But you should tell her that she can only call home at a specific time, and she must always ask your permission first.

As for shopping, my maid will always help me look after the kids when I shop. How does your maid behave ?
My maid din use the jargon. Maybe she didn't work long enough with Chinese family to pick this language.

Today my maid told me that she prefer to organise her time to do the chores instead of following mine. Because she said my boy sleeping time is not fix (which is true) so she wanted to do the major chores first like sweeping and mopping the floor. I said ok

Then I told her in that case, I will tell her the chores that she needs to do everyday, every week and every month. I will let her decide her timing. She agreed. I told my mum and my mum oso agreed.

My mum dun have communication with this maid because they speak mandarin to each other.

Hopefully this will be my final maid and can last till contract ends.
I just sent back my maid to the agent after endured her for bad attitude for 1 mth.

In this 1 mth, found out that she actually using another name to enter singapore, and using an illegal passport.

Actually i did threaten her if she don change her attitude, she will be reported to the police.

Somehow, i brought her back to the my mum's house in M'sia for 2 weeks to take care of my bb, i know this is against the rules that employer should be there all time. I just went back once a week.

So, what worries me now is: If i report her to the police, she will be investigate, and i will kena also as i bring her to M'sia for work.
Any suggestion to this? As i die die must report her to police, because she mistreat my son during her employment, and scolded my mum also.
I would advise you not to report to police. You should write to MOM to blacklist her. But do you still have any more maid loan ? Most agencies will refund you only if the maid is transferred to a new employer. So if you want your maid loan back, you cannot blacklist her, and you cannot report her to the police.

This is a very big problem in the system. Bad maids keep getting recycled.
Hi Tam

Just wanna check with you on renewing a maid contract proceduer.Have got a friend, would like to extend her myanmar maid service for another year till passport ends, besides going to agent, is there any other way that she can do it herself?thanks
Hi Babycutie - Your maid is the same as my experienced maid. These exp maids usually prefer to have freedom in performing in their chores. As long as work is done, should be alright..However, do monitor her closely to see if you can observe some traits from her.

I realised my maid - altho competent has some things I dont quite like also:
Talk things behind us to my mom e.g. complains that my hubby dont help out and complains when I asked her to pour a cup of water!
V busybody - tends to look at confidential letters - even now when I am selecting new maids, she also wants to see (what has that got to do with her?!)
Always like to eavesdrop (cos she understands Mandarin also) during our conversation
Think she is smarter than my mother

Tomoro will be her last day. I also hope my new maid will be competent and can auto pilot fast!
Hi Tamarind,
If i blacklist her, will the MOM get the chance to talk to her? And she might tell MOM that i brought her to M'sia for work lei...
I already transferred her out, so no more loan with her.
Lani and Babycutie
This morning, she performed much better than yesterday. Maybe she knows that I am not happy with her. I will take note of ur advice. Hope she will be a good maid.
I am not sure MOM will interview maids you blacklist. The last time I called MOM to check about blacklisting a maid, I was told to send a letter to them.

Since your maid already have a new employer, then no point blacklisting her already. Just hope that her new employer doesn't have any young kids.
Hi Tam are forever so informative...

Any idea, how much does on line work permit renewal fees like and where to buy the insurance...Insurance must buy one or two years, is it?that is lump sum regardless few months or so?

I heard renewal should not be done earlier as the new renewal date will be based on the date that one applied right?

Thanks again
Is yr maid like this when she first joined u? Is she naturally the kpo type.

My maid dun look like kpo type. She oso dun talk much. Only when she is not sure on how to do a chore then she open her mouth to ask.

I will let my mum observe her. My mum will be supervising her at home while I work.
Hi Babycutie - I am not saying yr maid will be like mine lah...when my maid first joined, she didnt look kpo type, but as time goes by, we chat more, then of cos slowly her traits all showed up lah..She is some sort of attention seeker. She was telling me all sorts of stories abt her past employers. Of cos i take it with a pinch of salt..

When she ran away and went to her ex-employer house, the employer told her that they already found a maid. I was thinking if she is THAT good, surely the employer can consider to want her back right? Cos having a good worker is so hard to find and plus already know the routine..she claimed she is the one who dont want to continue with the previous contract cos she complained the employers dont care abt the children blar blar...But the employer wanted to keep her so much...

After that incident, it makes me afterall think that she is probably not that good!

Its good to let your mom observe yr maid first. Remember the tactics to use on experienced maid have to be somewhat different to how you deal with new fresh maids. Cos if you find a competent maid, dont let the trival matters affect her morale working for you.
The insurance is to cover the bond thing. What happen is you must buy the insurance first. Then the insurance company will transmit electronically to MOM. After that, you are ready to renew online.
Thanks again.

Hey all
Is it true that no indo maid coming out to work?They say most prepare to pusa....

I just went thr that time table, its quite comprehensive.Thanks for sharing.

i heard from one agency tt indo govt is fighting higher pay for the maids coming to sin. min wage is $350 with one off day per mth. so most indo maids are holding on till this law passes thru b4 stepping here so that they can get better pay. it is expected tt this will take effect quite soon, most probably by dec. so the agency advised me to take fili instead of indo.
ya, usually when it's near hari raya, no maids wld wanna come out & wk coz they wan 2 celebrate d festival wif their family & frens.

wah, d salary incr is 2 much oledi. if tt's d case, then we might as well get fili maids. at least d communication barrier is nt so bad.
Eileen & Vone

Thanks for info.

One more question please....that is whether my friend need to draft a new contract for the renewed one year?If yes, how should it be like?thanks again
whether the indo govt passes such a law or not, the s'pore govt and MOM is not obligated in any way to abide by it. it's the same as philipine govt setting the min. wage for philipino maids at US$400/mth - till now s'pore govt & MOM has not implemented it/abide by it, nor have any plans to.

your agency is just taking you for a ride, tell you these type of things to make you panic and to get you to take phili maid instead of indo, cause they know now the supply of indo maid is very limited and almost non-existent. this is because Hari Raya is on 13th Oct, and fasting will start on 13th Sept, so no Indo maids are coming here to work yet. they will wait till aft Hari Raya to come. don't fall for the agency's tactics into trying to get you to get phili maid instead of Indo.
Just to also contribute a bit on what I know on ID maids supply. Apparently the agencies faced a lot of the ID maids who cant pass the entry test and becos these agencies have to pay S$ 1.7K each for a maid to Indonesia side, the agencies are not taking any risks. If the maids failed the test 3 times, the maids have to be sent back and this money is not refundable in any way.

Most of these agents really have to go to jakarta to see the std of the "crop" before confirming which maid they want to market out, therefore creating this shortage of supply.

So there are some risks on our end also..even if the maid have been selected by any employer, its really depending whether they can pass the entry test and medical test...if they cant pass, the employer has to re-select again.

I think from the agencies experience, they prefer PH maids also cos dont give so much scary problems and then their tendency to pass the test is also higher.
It's up to your friend whether she want to draft. I know many people don't have a new contract.

Yes that is what I heard also. MOM want the salary of the maid to be driven by the market, they are not going to set the minimum wage.
I think most people are just going to take whatever is the cheapest.

I thought agencies like to push for filipino maids, because they can charge higher agency fees.

just a note on my "Daily Schedule" i sent you. i sent you 3 different copies. the 1st one, ie. the one you posted up on your blog, was set for my maid when she first came, ie. when my dd was only 15mths old.

later on, when my dd was 2yrs old, i updated the schedule (to fit in with our changing needs, and also to fit in my maid's preferences, esp with the timings for her meals. that is the 2nd schedule i sent you. perhaps you wanna put it on your blog too? but indicate that it was updated when the Mdm's dd was 2YO.

finally, my 3rd schedule was just updated 2mths ago, in July, when my dd was ard 2.5YO, again to fit in our changing needs. so you can put that up on your blog too and indicate that this is Version 3, updated when the Mdm's dd was 2.5YO.

one more thing. can you put up a disclaimer somewhere there (ie. where the schedules are), stating that the schedules are more suited for a maid who is taking care of a toddler (as opposed to a newborn or a baby) and also suited for a maid who's Mdm is a SAHM who is home to supervise the maid and take care of the kids while the maid does the housework uninterrupted. tks!!

