Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

oh no jenifur...yr case is very challenging. If i were you i will really have big headache. Maid dont work to work and yet agent say has to gv her more money.

I have encountered one ID maid also refused to work for few days. After which I asked the agent to get her - aka i sent her away. Cant stand maid refusing to work - but when comes to meal times, thick-skinned to eat..

During that time, cos only few days, i still pay her till the day she worked, but the cash portion, i didnt pay her.

True, if embassy steps in, its v troublesome. Maybe you consider for agent to take her away. Can you do without a maid meantime?

<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="0000ff">Eileen,

I definately can do w/o her cuz now my HB is e one staying home to look after my DD den we'll do e hsework together when I get home. She don't even lift a finger to help.

Agent said cannot drag her away if she refuse to step out of my hse, later gana accuse of physical abuse. Tt's why suggest I just give her xtra $$ & send her home

Ya my maid agent gana a few case of filipino maid gng to embassy le & she also said better not end up lyk tt. Cuz e embassy v "unreasonable" will only side w their own ppl, dun care bout e true facts.

This is causing me so much stress that I've been having headache everyday since last wk.

I should have send her packing earlier instead of agreeing to let her stay till Oct. </font></font>
oh jenifur, you poor thing, going thru unnecessary stress like this. Let's wait to get some advice from the rest here in the forum, esp our Maid Guru - Tamarind!!

I was thinking if can lie to her, say go to airport first then i pay you more money??
I talk to my maid last nite. Ask her how's everything. She said ok. I ask her can cope. She said yes. Then I told her why must wipe before sweep and mop, she agree to it.

BUT, I know deep down inside her she buay song. Just that she don't show out.

<font color="0000ff">My intuition has NEVER failed me.</font> To me, she is a dishonest person with a lot of "AN4 YONG3". She keep a lot of information from us. I believe she has worked in Taiwan before. But she kept denying.

Again, today my mum seek advise from her spiritual belief and was hint that we cannot keep this maid till her contract ends. Me too, Get some spiritual advise on whether this maid is dishonest, has worked in Taiwan and tell lie to keep information from us and the answer is "YES".

My mum told me that the maid will always stand nearby to "eavedrop" our conversation during dinner. So now we will be careful with what we say if she is around. Maybe we should change and speak in cantonese.... hahaha

Well fair enough, we do not want to stir up any issue now since she has not show any attitude problem and still do her work as usual. And "curry favour" us which I dun appreciate.

My intention is to send her back after she finishes serving her loan. She will get her full pay officially in May 2008. I will start looking for a replacement in April 2008. Then send her back to Indonesia once I found a replacement.

Then how come her address show Banjar Negara and Cilacap???
I talk to my maid last nite. Ask her how's everything. She said ok. I ask her can cope. She said yes. Then I told her why must wipe before sweep and mop, she agree to it.

BUT, I know deep down inside her she buay song. Just that she don't show out.

<font color="0000ff">My intuition has NEVER failed me.</font> To me, she is a dishonest person with a lot of "AN4 YONG3". She keep a lot of information from us. I believe she has worked in Taiwan before. But she kept denying.

Again, today my mum seek advise from her spiritual belief and was hint that we cannot keep this maid till her contract ends. Me too, Get some spiritual advise on whether this maid is dishonest, has worked in Taiwan and tell lie to keep information from us and the answer is "YES".

My mum told me that the maid will always stand nearby to "eavedrop" our conversation during dinner. So now we will be careful with what we say if she is around. Maybe we should change and speak in cantonese.... hahaha

Well fair enough, we do not want to stir up any issue now since she has not show any attitude problem and still do her work as usual. And "curry favour" us which I dun appreciate.

My intention is to send her back after she finishes serving her loan. She will get her full pay officially in May 2008. I will start looking for a replacement in April 2008. Then send her back to Indonesia once I found a replacement.

Then how come her address show Banjar Negara and Cilacap???
Maids can really give us stress. For me , even planning for a hol is stressful. where can I plaxce my maid? I dont like sending her to agent. What if they compare salary and blah blah? Putting her alone at home also not safe... Sigh...
The Philippine embassy protects the maid strongly here. Be very careful with them. Dont let the maid have a chance to run to embassy or its getting more problem.

Are u able to get an earlier flight and send her ASAP...Maybe yr hb can try to 'talk' to her and persuade her to go. I feel the extra $20 off or whatever just dont deduct her(treat it as a donation to her) since you do not know what state of mind she is in now if u going to deduct here and there, she might end up doing a lot of crazy things ...

I have 1 Indo maid who begs and refuse to pack and leave last time. My hb threatened her that he is working in Govt and will call up the police to 'haul' her away and she got terrified of it.

On the day for her departure, try the soft approach first and if it doesnt work have to use the 'hard' way.

Its really stressful for you hor to have such a maid living under your roof now. Have to be be very careful until the day she leave. Take care!
Tamarind, your blog is excellant and very informative, thanks!

I've called up an agency my friend recommended and they charge $600 for agency fees, with only one change of maid within a year. THey only work with Philippino maids. Is that the norm? Another friend recommended Nation. How is it?

I have a few queries too :
1) Should I get a Philippino or Indonesian maid?
2) Transfer maid or one directly from home country better?
3) How manys days off a month do you normally give your maid?
4) Do they pay for their own handphone and bills?

I need one who can preferably speak at least a bit of English, already knows how to cook (coz I can't cook for nuts), and preferably has looked after babies before.

Any advised will be appreciated, thanks!
<font face="Book Antiqua"><font color="aa00aa">eileen,

No use de lah.. she so smart. She prob will want to take $$ 1st den go. So now I'm also looking for sample letter which I can made her sign. In case later she complain to e police @ airport</font>

<font color="0000ff">KC,

We've tried to talk to her but she just keep telling us she need $$ lor. She said her HB is living w another woman so she need $$ to buy the land from e HB b4 doing seperation.

She told Agent she needs bout S$1k.. I dun owe a bank or print $$ leh.. how to just give her S$1k like that. Agent is coming down to my hse to neg. with her.

I wun really deduct e $$. I just want to do a proper tabulation to show her that I could have deduct this $$ but I'm still giving as goodwill gesture lor.

It's really v stressful & tiring, sleep also cannot sleep properly. Worried she jus suddenly come into our rm to grab my DD cuz our bedrm door cannot lock de. Pray all these stress wun affect e bb in my tummy

hiaz, i also faced a lot of problems when i tried to send my ex-maid back bec of lying and stealing our $. so i can really emphathise with u.

I suggest u get the agent to take her back. And do not give her the $$$. I made a mistake by giving my maid the $$$ the morning I told her i was sending her home. She called her sis and then refused to leave but the plane was flying off in less than an hr! In the end, i had to call the police. But police says their job is only to mediate and will not take any position. Eventually, agent took her back and I had to pay for another ticket back for her!!!

My advise to u : let the agent handle everything.
Never let her go to the embassy... u will be called in for long kopi sessions. If need be, call the police if u are fearful of any harm she may do. Tell the police to help her to tell her to follow the agent back. If u have already cancelled her WP, tell the police to explain to her the contents.


at least your maid is afraid of the police. Mine threatened to report me to the police wor. In the end, I really called the police and she still refused to leave!
But luckily eventually, she followed the agent back.
I feel your agency is not giving you the right advice or helping you solve your problem. What is the point of having such a maid in your house and hour hubby has to stay home to take care of your DD and you both have to clean the house whilst your maid stays in her room?! Its just ludicrous. Is there a reason why she is behaving like this? Why is she striking?

I dont think you have to worry about the Philippine Embassy. They have no legal jurisdiction in SGP and if you have not broken the law what can they do to you? Nothing right. Best thing to do is buy your maid a one way ticket back to her country, cancel her WP online and when the time comes for her to catch her flight, arrange for Police back-up at your house. This is the law, once WP cancelled, maid has to go home right? Just pay her up til the day she stopped working which is fair.
Hi,anybody has used this maid agency "Garden Home Employment Agency Pte Ltd" at east coast road ? Their service seem ok, got hair cut for the maid and drop off service too, but the agent fee $888, very expensive leh......anybody here use them b4?

Or anybody got recommendation of good agency in east coast areas? I desperately looking for maid to replace my current maid, she steal money & things at home, so very difficult to continue keeping her....pls help....tks alot
Oh dear your maid is terrible. I got one ex filipino maid also like that. She refused to leave, even when the police came in. The police told me that the maid agency must handle it. That stupid maid agency asked me to pay her $300 ! Then the stupid maid agreed to leave.

Once her WP is cancelled, I think you have 7 days to send her back. After that she becomes an illegal immigrant, only at this time the police can arrest her. But I really don't know what will happen after the arrest, will the embassy step in ? That's why that time I got no choice, I just wanted to get rid of her, so just pay the $300. Vomit blood.

Glad to know that you visited my blog

1) Should I get a Philippino or Indonesian maid?
Philippino is more expensive then Indonesian, so it depends on your budget. Whether or not you get a good maid, depends on your luck, not the nationality.

2) Transfer maid or one directly from home country better?
If you get an experienced maid, it doesn't matter whether directly from home country or transfer. <font color="ff0000">Most important thing is you must check the MOM website yourself to find out her employment history. The link is on my blog. Do not believe what the maid agency tell you.</font>

3) How manys days off a month do you normally give your maid?
If you have a new born, I would advise you not to give any off days.

4) Do they pay for their own handphone and bills?
You should disallow handphones. If they want to call home, they should buy their own phone card using their own salary.

My first 2 maids are from Nation, both of them got problems and I sent them back with a few months.
Jenifur...I can't believe a maid has such powerful. I also dunno how to advise you. But I would terminate her WP right away. Like what Tamarind said, she becomes an illegal immigrant and has to go. I guess I would also call the police.
Can anyone advise where to remit $ to indonesia? I used to remit using POSB but now it cost $30 for each remittance!

Hi Tamarind!
Went through your maid blog but need advise from you regarding transferring for maid. I am intersted in my sil's maid whose contract will be due next year. If she wants to go back to indonesia before working for me, what is the procedure? I believe her work permit will be cancel by my sil. Then she will head home. But how is she going to fly back here? Under social passs?
After her work permit is cancelled, you can apply a new work permit for her at WP online.

She cannot come in under social pass. You must apply her work permit and it must be approved before she return to Singapore. You can get her details now like work permit number and passport number.

I heard some maids say they want to return, then last minute never get on the flight. You may want her to pay for her own air ticket before she leaves. Every maid need to pay 2 - 8 months of their salary to get a new employer, so if she is sincere to work for you, she should not mind paying for her air ticket.

You can use Western Union, $12, but I cannot remember the limit.
hi pantone,
lucky plaza got many remittance centre that chrg less than $10 for remittance but i'm not sure if must be by the maid themselves or wat.

my uncle always go there to remit money to his wife, philipino & its $4 only.. very cheap

i think u can google & search online.
some even provide fax services.

meaning u only go down the 1st time so they can verify your i/c & stuff like tat..
after that 2nd time onwards, u only need to call & chk the rates, after which do a fund trf & fax the information to them

then they will do the remittance.
i collected my maid on mon and i check her WP no via MOM website and realised that her start date with me is from 8th Sep whereas I only collected her on 10th Sep. on the 1st day i still ask her if she's with the ex-employer in the morning (coz the agency only told me to collect her in the afternoon) and she said yes.

Is it the norm for the start date on WP card to be different from the date she officially start work with an new employer?
myno: my frn used that agency b4.. but i see the agency fee i heartache wor.. very expensive... Based on wat I observe, they dun provide ultimate good maids oso... She still have problems with the maid.. :D
hi myno,
i agree with ling,
no matter how its all still depends on our luck when selecting a maid.

my mum's frend went to an agency whi chrg $88 only during a promo... she also got a very gd maid..

so its really heng suay thingy
Hi ling & zuoer, tks for your response, i also heartache about the $$$ agency fee, in fact they let me interview one of the transfer maid, she seem ok,. But i also worry what if this maid cannot make it. ya i agree that getting a maid really depend on luck. Out of the 3 maids i have, 2 maids steal, so there i go again, got to change, haiz...

anybody know of good agency in east areas, can recommend ? Have gone to 3 agencies so far, very tiring looking at the biodata already....
Hi ling,

How long has your friend's maid been working with her, why she didn't go back to the agency to get a replacement ?
Thanks Tamarind for the advise! I'll try calling a few agencies and ask around soon. Any agencies you can recommend that have been good and reliable? I know finding a good maid is still a luck thing regardless of agency but I don't want a dishonest agency.

I'm delivering in end Nov. Should I get a maid before or after the baby comes? I have a confinement maid to help me for the first month but she will not be doing housework of coz. I was wondering if I really need a full time maid so soon, or just let my part-time maid come twice / thrice a week like she does now.
I dunno whether anyone can help me.... I managed to probe something from my maid. As I suspect how come her mandarin is so good. And she has never worked in Taiwan before.

I told her that I have a friend who is interested to hire a maid directly from Jakarta who can speak Mandarin well as she don't want to hire thru Singapore agent. I told her since I find her mandarin is very good, I am interested to know which agency she goes to in Jakarta that teaches Mandarin so well so that I can give my friend the agency name to my friend to find out more.

This is the info I manage to find out from website after she gave me the name of the agency in Indonesia.

Tel: 62 21 8293333

Well I can't speak Bahasa Indonesia so I can't call to check.

I wanted to call and ask the following:-

a) They provide training to learn mandarin at their centre?
b) Is it free of charge? Does the maid needs to pay for books and cassette?
c) The maid needs to pass the language test before she can go to work in Taiwan?
d) Will she speak very fluently after learning the language?
e) If possible, I want to check the background of my maid. I have her Code Number.

My maid really can understand what we said. We speak to her in normal mandarin we use everyday and she can understand every word..... I am really puzzled....

I feel that she is hiding something from us....

Can anyone help?
the date on her WP will indicate the date that MOM approved her WP. most times it will not tally with the date you collected your maid, cause gotta give 1-2 days for the agency to be informed of approval + make arrangements with you to collect your maid.

for eg. my maid's WP start date is 8th May, but i only collected her on 20th May (i chose to collect her later cause i needed to make other arrangements first).
Thanks liana, babycutie & lani for answering my enquiry!

btw, i also found out from the MOM website that her no. of yrs working in SG is not the same as wat was written in her bio data. She claimed that she worked for 5 yrs in SG before but there were no record of this in the MOM website (but I think it was quite a few yrs back, could it be because at that time, MOM does not keep track of past emloyment history?) and also she worked for a small duration of 2 mths in 2006 with the so-called 1st employer in SG but she didnt indicate this in her bio data...
Cutie, u steady... can ask the agency in indo.. what is the website add?

I was wondering if we can hire directly from indo supplier next time.. but if the maid hav problem then hav to send home(indo).. quite trouble..

I think most FDW do not want to work as a maid if they have a choice, that's why very hard to get a suitable helper. They work by forcing themself, cos of $ or whatever reason.. they keep on thinking they r suffering when working.. in this way.. the mind or heart is not here but body is doing the work.. how to be productive?

Imagine everyday force ourself to work or do thing that we dont like.. haiz.. very poor thing, if put myself in their shoe..

I think my current also cant last long.. unless she can understand her purpose here n think mature, she seem to be not content.. n compare w her previous work/benefit.. she is like a working zombie, just like robot.. but can be forgetful n non reaction to wat happen around her(even my older kids r snatching toys, she keep on doing hse work, like transparent).. gd point, she didnt giv attitude problem(black face), not lazy,behave well(no steal).. better than my previous 2 that send back.. afraid get worst..

After reading some mummy's post, FDW dont work or dont leave, that's worst n poor the mummy more stress.. I didnt know wat to do if all this happen so cant contribute.. n sure cant take Phil, no smart to handle them, indo i already headaches liao..

Sweet, ur current only work 2mths n went back indo.. think if only she hav a gd reason.. or find its not honest.. as for no records, might be using different passport? can ask MOM, or check with them.
jo, nope she's a filipino and she work for 2 mths in 2006, then transfer to the ex-employer (work for 1.5 yrs) then i m the 3rd employer, no break in between.. guess probably have to call MOM to check on the 5 yrs history
I think I need a butler(use brain do work n know how to response) not a maid(really only for hse chores,like cleaning,washing)...

do u think a maid should tell my girl not to play w dirty cloth(used to wipe floor) and wipe her cup that place tooth brush,later use to fill water for brush teeth..she no response when my girl did that..just bo chap n let her play??.. instead my boy tell me when he saw his sis playing with it
Babycutie...why can't you ask her directly where she learnt her chinese/mandarin from ? My previous philipino maid worked in Taiwan for 2 years. She could understand Chinese very well, and converse with my in-laws in basic Chinese.

Jo...your maid n my maid seemingly same pattern. no brain.
your assessment of your current maid is quite spot-on, ie she doesn't have bad attitude, is well-behaved and not lazy. but i think her heart is not in it, or she may be preoccupied with something or her mind is worrying abt something else, that's why work like robot.

i know alot of indo maids come here to work because of some dire needs/problems they face back home, so no choice they gotta come here to work to earn a living (ie. financial problems, hubby divorce/leave them, parents or siblings need her to support them). that's why when they start work here the 1st few wks, they seem like zombie, cause their mind & hearts are worried sick abt the problems back home.

i think if you feel that your current maid has a good attitude and is well-behaved and not lazy, and like you also said, she is better than the previous 2 maids, then it may be worthwhile for you to keep her, but maybe slowly try to gain her trust, ie. slowly ask her if there's anything bothering her, and if there is she can tell you abt it, and you will try to understand her situation.

somehow i feel that if whatever it is that is worrying her goes away slowly, she will be a much more productive and attentive maid. maybe you give her some time?

you said she writes a daily "diary" right? do you know what she writes abt? or what she seems to be worried abt?

i know this "zombie" symptom quite well cause my maid also sometimes will be like that for a few days or maybe ard 1-2wks, and i notice it's always when some problems fr back home is troubling her. in fact, these past 1wk or so she's been like that, and i know it's because she had some kind of argument/misunderstanding with her hubby. because abt 1wk ago her hubby called her (it was ard 9.30pm), i was already in the rm with my dd, then my hubby went outside to the living rm to get something. then he told me she received a call on her mobile phone and she was arguing with the person, and when she was done she was crying. so hubby felt so uncomfortable so he quickly got his things & went into the bedroom. i know the only person who ever calls her on her mobile is her hubby.

eversince that phone call she's been in this "zombie" state lor, doing her work like a robot, but i know her heart & mind is elsewhere. and i will observe her, when she is not aware that i am watching her she will be just staring into space.

her work definitely is not getting worse, but she no longer puts in extra effort to do more, and i can tell her heart is elsewhere and she doesn't seem to be able to tear herself away from her domestic problems, esp. with her hubby, so now i am considering seriously whether to send her back even earlier.

initially i thought i'd keep her until we move to our new place, so at least she can help me with the unpacking, but that is probably only in end-Jan 2008, and looking at her state now, i dunno if i wanna keep her that long or not. so i am now thinking of letting her go in early or mid-dec, because dec hubby will be on 2-week leave so he will be home to help me out so i won't really need her ard.
Hi, this is an interesting and informational thread.

Have checked on my Indonesian maid's employment history and found out that i am the fifth employer. Maid agency told me i was the second employer!!! Liars.

I would like to check:

Is it very difficult for maids to apologise for their wrongdoings? My maid very seldom say sorry for doing things wrong. When she damaged my items, she would kept quiet. Everytime i questioned her, she would say 'I don't know, Mdm'.

This is so exasperating at times.
Lani, thks... my maid just cant adapt to her new working environment.. she never bb care,which her data stated hav exp.. so she wrote she is suffering w bb care..

She also hav divorced problem.. financial problem,but she spend most of her $ working in Brunei to buy things,cos she get to shop when her mdm go shopping. The mdm gav her cash mthly, end up no $ when go back. She told me when I said I wont let her keep cash(she can bank her salary).

Vivid, its normal for agency to lie to employer.. 5 employments in how long? And it not normal not to say sorry when make mistake.. that is basic manner. Can pm me ur agent name? Thks.

Not saying sorry and saying I dont know is my maid favoutite doing too...

However, when come to asking me to buy phone card, she will open her mouth....

I always tell my maid its basic manners to say sorry, excuse me etc...but she never learned cos her ex employer and from young, she is not taught...anyway, I just leave it cos am no parents of hers....

Can give us the initial of the agency?thanks
i dont take those maid can speed Mandrain, i found tt no "ying shi chuan", cos wat ever u tok they understand n gossip, my 2nd maid is tt type so i sent her back, she bluf mi she cant understand mandarin, yet wat ever we said she eyedrops n gossip, she even can understand n speak very fluet hockkien, too smart liao... my present maid ex-HK, come here oso said she cant understand mandarin n hokkien, nw she very expect n can understnad wat we said, oso like 2 gossip, mi looking 4 another 1 2 replace her, she is nt honest n steal things, take n throw our things without any permission, very headache liao.. once they finished their loan , they changed n very hard 2 control them, bcos they can x'fer everywhere they like.
Your maid is telling lies. Either she has never worked here before, or she has worked, but changed her name and came in as a different person, or she could use a fake passport. If MOM find out about it, she must be sent back home. If you call MOM, they will probably take her thumbprint to match against old records, they will be able to find out the truth.

I don't buy the fact that maids are "forced" to work as maids. They come here to earn a salary that is considered very high in their country. If they stayed in their own country, they will have no money. Who says they don't have a choice ? If they don't like to be a maid, then stay at home ! It's not our fault that they starve in their own country. Of course they have a choice.

In fact, I don't think they will starve, at most, no handphone, no TV etc. All these are luxuries. They should be grateful to us for offering them a job. Many maids send back money to buy land and houses.

They can come and go as they please. I have got 2 maids who asked to be sent back to the agency, and I let them go.

I hate those maid who come here and put on a black face whole day like we owe them something. The fact is we do not owe them anything, if they don't like to be a maid, just leave !

Have you asked her why her mandarin is so good ? I think it is difficult to find out whether she has worked in Taiwan before. Is her skin very fair ? Usually Taiwan will only take those maids who has fair skin, as fair as Chinese.
I asked my maid liao. She said she learn from the agency in Jakarta. I really don't buy her idea. How can she master the language in just 4 mths with the agency? She told me she bought 3 books and cassette to learn "together" with the teacher who train those maids in Jakarta who is interested to work in Taiwan. And she took 3 attempts to pass the Mandarin test. I ask whether she can read Mandarin, she said she can't.

That's why I probe further to ask which agency she went to that provide such a "good" training ground for Mandarin that she can speak so well. She kept insisting that she have not worked in Taiwan before. At times I will say, your Mandarin so good, is it u have work in Taiwan before? She said no. And I asked 3-4 times in different days hor. And she gave the same answer as NO.

I really could not believe it lor. I know she is hiding something from us. No doubt she can do the chores and take care of my kids but I don't feel quite comfortable working with "dishonest" ppl.

Whenever we want to talk, we will talk softly when she puts my boy to sleep in the room.

Someone ask me to test whether she can understand hokkien (if she ever work in taiwan, she should understand a little). But I dunno how to. Can give some hint??

Did u ask where yr maid learn her mandarin? Can she speak fluently? My maid can speak fluently.

Quote u some example:-
AM = Ah Ma
M = Maid

My mum asking the maid whether has she cook porridge for my boy.

<font color="0000ff">AM : Suli, ni zhu bb de xi fan le ma?</font>
(She uses xi fan as porridge in Mandarin
which is commonly used in Taiwan. In
singapore, we use zhou)

Translate: Suli, have you cook baby porrige?

<font color="0000ff">M : Ah ma, wo yi jing xi mi fang jing qu,
xian zai zai zhu.</font>

Translate: Ah ma, I already washed the rice and now cooking.
My mum asking where is the milk which my boy did not finish.

<font color="0000ff">AM : Gang cai Jayden de nai he bu wan ni
fang zai na li?</font>

Translate: Where did u put the milk which Jayden didn't finish just now?

<font color="0000ff">M : Ah ma, wo yi jing yong shao shui re yi re
zai chu fang</font>

Translate : Ah ma, I already warm it with hot water in the kitchen.

Do u think a person who only has learn mandarin in agency for 4 mths can response to these questions and give such answers??

Can mummies hear judge by the above conversation and think like what I do (she definitely worked in taiwan before).

I use the yahoo and google search to find. Its not easy. I managed to get the info from Jakarta "MOM". U know they have a list of employment agency like ours. So I get the address, phone and fax number from the website.

I even printed out the list. U can get directly from Jakarta if you want. But still it is luck. The candidate can speak so well of herself during interview. You won't know her skill after you have engage her to work with u. Unless u r very stringent with your pick. That is interview the candidate as well as get them to do some handson demonstration of how they do the chore. But do u thk the agency will allow tat?
I asked her 3-4 times on different days. She said she learn in agency at Jakarta.

Her skin is not fair. The skin tone is same like the muslims here in Singapore.
I think Taiwanese only take in fair skin maids, or those who like Chinese. So you maid may be telling the truth.

Have you checked her passport ? If she is using an old passport it may show that she has been in Taiwan before.

Actually I think it is possible for her to learn mandarin in her agency. Some people may be very good with languages.
Tam, after reading ur post, I feel u r right, they choose to work overseas to get higher pay.. we employer paid them to do work not do charity work.. think she is smart.. make me sympathy w her(wrote suffering,jail,she is lost).. she didnt write note liao after that one saying suffering w bb care(which I chat w her,I'm wiling to let her go if she want to)..n she keep the note book in her drawer..

I hope she will improve w least finish her loan..

Finally my camera is on at home.. and she know,when I ask do u know wats that,she said yes.. I told her so I can see bb when I work..not to switch off the power.
Actually, I dont hav time online when working. But at least she aware there is a cam.

Cutie, ur maid's mandarin is really good... but that doesnt meant she work in taiwan before mayb w other chinese ppl.. do u ask her what/where she work in between before she work with u?

I think its ok, since she can perform well n child care.. n ur mum at home to monitor so no worry.

I think must find maid that recommend or used by other mummy..this way at least can know the maid better..cos all agency sure lie here n there..
hi all my maid just came in yesterday. this is the first time I am having a maid. Need to check with you these things:

What do you provide FOC for the maid? For me, I gave her FOC:

1) Toothbrush
2) Shampoo
3) Facial cleanser
4) Toothpaste
5)Bath soap
6) and I intend to provide to provide her sanitary pads foc.

So, what are the things you should deduct from her pay?

Also, if I bring her to my parents' hse on weekend, is it ok for her sit in my parents' house living room watching tv and doing nothing? My parents' hse is well-kept, spick and span but it feels weird for her to behave like a guest in my parents' hse. Somemore, this will be a weekly ritual for me and she is compensated $20/mth for no offday.

What are the things I can ask her to do to keep herself occupied in my parents' hse on sundays? One concern is that on weekdays, she will be at my IL's to help my MIL take care of my toddler and on Fri nite, I will bring her home with my kid and she will do housework chores at my house only on Sat. Will asking her to do anything else on Sundays lead to any "complaint"?

need to hear some opinions from those experienced mummies with maids here .
my parents are so nice to her that she is now browsing through the family photo albums in my parents' house! I want to tell my parents not to be too nice to her, cos we only used her for 2 days, still duno her character yet??!! just in case we are being too nice to her, she take advantage?

I asked. She said she work in Jakarta.
Her first employer in Sg is Chinese family. Her 2nd and 3rd are Malay family.

Usually maids recommended by agencies will have loophole in between. They want to earn money so as long as they think the maid is "acceptable", they will market out.

Seems like not many mummies here can recommend good maid. Really difficult to find one.

Generally I find that my maid is ok. Just that she didn't think before doing some chores and always get scolded by my mum. My mum kept telling me that she is getting tired. She will call it quit one of these days. I need to discuss a contingency plan with hb in case my mum decided not to help me.

She need some improvement in handling my girl. My girl is not easy to handle. One must knows her pattern and she is those who take soft. She will be more rebellious if you go hard with her.

My boy oso has very bad temper lately. He will knock his head against any hard object if he sees any of us scold him. Is this a growing phase? How long will this last?

My maid can handle my boy regardless of his bad temper but for my girl, it can be very challenging for her at times. My mum has to help to handle her when needed be.

Mummies, are your kids very difficult to handle as well? Does yr maid has any problem handling your kids? Or u only let your maid do the household chores and u handle the kids yourself when u r at home?

For those who have more than one kid, how do u divide yr time if both needs attention at the same time?
