A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

emm..it seem to be not due to pollution.

According to scientists, in fact any form of wildlife that consume large amounts of fish are at risk of developing mercury poisoning.

This programme is mainly abt sharks. As we all know, sharks are sea predator & eat other fish lor. The primary health concerns are mercury can adversely affect brain and central nervous system development, dangerous to foetus development for pregnant women as well as women on TTCing - especially effect on infertility..

As expected, AF visited me today.
So.. its CD1 for me.

Thanks for the word formatting info.

The medicine that my hubby took is in pill form (tablets). No need to boil one.

In fact I was also worry about who to take care of my baby if I really give birth to one. Impossible at my MIL and mother's side due to health problem. Heard that the government going to start more infant care, however I think most likely I will ask neighbours for help lor. Becos my friend put her baby at infant care, have problem also..
wow so many posts..

yah takes not only discipline but cannot be stress by the charting. but then i'm very confused by the OPK thing. you think i should buy those ovulation kit sold in pharmacy?
by the way, my gp told me to bbd alternate days during fertile period, you can try that!

hmm didn't want to be disgusting here
usually my AF will come every mth just the date is irregular. So Apr 3 came, then i started taking EPO, so when today came, i was surprised as its regular. but why i ask so much qns is becos prior to today, i thought i may have a chance to be preggie. by the way, i've tested on last sunday and its a negative.
you know what you posted is what i feel, tender breast, nipple enlarged and erected easily. But i think maybe its all psychological. i think i likely not preggie cos i have a bit of flow already.

at least you got a chance to experience MS

stay positive!

wah you like another expert besides chihiro and lilac

regarding the mercury poisoning thing, i heard that salmon fish also..
<font color="ff6000">ENJ</font>
dun be disheartened ... can try again tis cycle

<font color="ff6000">ribena</font>
if u r certain its AF then its not so worrying lor
do u usually hv spotting before ur AF ?
i do hv spotting a day prior my AF .. tts an indicator to me AF is coming on the nx day

me not expert lah .. just share want i've learnt earlier with u all ..

hv got a lot of info from <font color="ff6000">angelia</font>, <font color="ff6000">lilac</font> and <font color="ff6000">tuffy</font> too

erm, does it means no shark fins soup?
i also have this worry who will take care of the baby next time lor. Both our parents are back in Malaysia. But, I think "when boat at jetty, it will be straight" lor..

Dont want to think too much...priority is to get pregnant first! heheee

i never use the OPK from pharmacy. Are you using the one bought from preggiebliss? I find it okay ler.

Yeap, me also practice like two-three days alternate BD now. Last cycle, I very gan cheong, ended up BD almost everyday until both of us almost dried up!(pardon me for word..hahaahahaa)

I think try to reduce the consumption lor. Emm..come to think abt it, must go &amp; check what else has this high mercury content ler..
ribena, i sure have lots of that pscyhological issues every month! although every literature that i read up says that the early pregnancy symptoms are similar to AF symptoms. i'd always think that maybe i'm pregnant until AF finally arrives and smash my dreams. I get paranoid and think to myself.. oh my breasts are tender, oh i think i'm feeling nausea, oh i get tired so easily, oh i got abdominal cramps so maybe i'm pregnant. really crazy.. for this cycle onwards, i'm just going to stop dreaming that i'm pregnant and if AF comes, come lor and when AF doesn't come, i'll just test for pregnancy... no more thinking *maybe* i'm pregnant with all the fake symptoms.. so tiring...
hi wennia
same sentiments..i always feel like that for every cycle..i think must be my mind..think too much liao until everytime thought i am pregnant..*sigh*..thats why this cycle, I want to take it easy...

can eat fish ..in fact fish is good during pregnancy but certain fishes has high mercury content which is bad for health...let me go &amp; search through teh net &amp; see if can find any qrite-up on this..
hi ribena,

sure i try nott o think of the MS and i feel better.
dun loss heart your chance is coming near. maybe the next time u go see Dr Chan u can check wif him. the other time when i went to him for check up he told me "ok u can start your National service now good luck" and i strike 2 week later. he himself oso shock. he is very fun loving at time, very nice chatting to him
dear angelia, chihoro and lbs, thank you sooo much for taking the effort among the busy postings to answer my questions.
sorry i really can't follow the short forms, what is BFW angelia???
no prob..we are all sharing &amp; learning from each other..
I think angelia meant BFW = Bai Fong Wan
hmm..usually when i see red i know its my AF already, cos its quite easy to tell between spotting and AF i suppose

yah..there's a few of you here who are very well versed
so i'm really thankful that i can come here and learn from you ladies

no i've never use the OPK before. wow you guys really so discipline..hmm...my hubby sure complain if i tell him to bbd more often, cos he always tell me don't bbd becos of bb.
but guess i have to force him after my AF to bbd alternate days.

haha..you so cute
but i really can identify myself with you for my this cycle. that's why when i only have a bit of red, i also thought maybe its spotting leh. i think i will adopt your method cos i really know how it feels this time round, only gave me more anxieties..
but then your cycle is regular i suppose? for me, can be quite a norm if my AF delay.

oh oreo..
kindly update me as CD1 today. Thanks dear
hey all,

can i ask a stupid Qn. is it ok to still BD during 2WW??
ooooh lbs so it means bai fong wan ah? actually mine quite regular. though i did think of using BFW, but i heard recently there was a hooha about it, that it contains some harmful substance or something?
Hi Ibs &amp; wennia,

I think I definitely or can say 100% wun hit jackpot tis mth lah... Not active at all during my fertile period..
So now waiting AF to visit me lor..
<font color="0000ff">jov</font>
Keeping my toes and fingers croos for you when u test tomorrow morning ...
and i can't wait to remove your name from the CD Update List and put it under the graduate list!
Hi ENJ, glad to hear that there's improvement after going for the acupuncture. How often did your hubby go for the acupuncture, is it once a mth?

Where did ur hubby take his sperm test? Does he have to make an appt or just walk in?
keeping my fingers &amp; toes cross for you too! Hope to hear good news soon..

Hi ribena
actually, I think 'too discipline' also not good - like me...taking temps, charting, monitoring CM, using OPK..I ended getting very tensed &amp; stressed when I was into my fertile period then. My hubby actually complained last cycle that he was very stressed with this TTC thingy (maybe thats why didnt BINGO then *sigh*).

That's why hope to take thing easy this cycle by stop charting. At least by doing this I wont keep reminding myself is "time to BD..time to BD..time to BD"..&amp; ended up trying to do it almost everyday during the fertile period (can you imagine is like the whole week!) because scare will miss the boat..*sigh*

I am quite lucky because more or less I know arnd when I shld be ovulating, so will start testing OPK few days before.

I think for myself, I will make sure hook or crook must BD when I see the test band colour is just slightly lighter than the control band.
Because, then if I test again the next day, OPK will give me +ve result. Do you ladies experience the same?

Very hard to say.You might be very lucky? I think Jen also not that active on TTC but she also BINGO..
so, still have chance...**baby dust to you***
Hi BinBin

Sorry, I am not too sure abt BFW ler. I remembered my mum let me took it for few months when I first started having AF..been ages since..Didnt really read up much on this...
Enj and lbs, thanks for answering my qns!

too bad...yesterday din BD...might have missed the boat....*sigh* hubby tired. tonite...i am tired...so..... dunno lah...see how.

so much to learn from u gals...
but usu...can't come in to view the threads till after work...

btw, how many days will the OPK be positive? one or 2 days?

<font color="aa00aa">binbin,</font>
ya, think there are certain brands of BFW in the market that contain harmful substances. however, u can buy Yu Yan Sang one, they're local brand, and it's not blacklisted

u can get those in small pills form (like poh chai wan) which are ready for consumption, good for bz working females. if get those 1 big pill type, need to boil with black chicken/meat then can take lor. but many (or rather the elderly) believe that those that need to "dun4" hv better effects lah.
angelia, chihiro, oreo, lbs
Thanks for your blessing.
I have tested +ve this morning
I am so happy, what should I do next?
Should I go to GP to confirm or gynae?
<font color="ff6000">jov</font>
congrats !!

u can go to a GP to cfm if u do not hv a gynae in mind yet.. tts wat i did
if u hv, u can go straight to gynae to cfm ur pregnancy ..
yippee!!! Congrats Jov! First good news in May
Hope there'll be more reporting good news this month. Wheee....
Congrats Jov!!! Another gd news in tis thread...

Hi Ibs,
If i really strike tis mth, then i will be extremely lucky lor...
Hi Jov
A Big Congrats to you!!

Wow...ladies, we should be encouraged! Jov, any tips to share or not?

are you seeing a gynae to monitor your ttc situation? i guess that will prob help in you not being too stress out by temp,charting, checking CM..
i've not really done all these yet, becos i'm someone who gets discouraged easily and also didn't want my hubby to think that i'm going overboard cos i know he may not like it. So this coming visit to the gynae i'll just hear what he advise.

hmm..you may do it less frequent, but once you hit the egg, BINGO!!
so there's still chance if you don't see AF yet!
Hi ribena,
I tried not to pin up any high hopes lor. So even if AF comes tis mth i will not be disappoint cos i kw we hav not been trying hard..
Btw, which gynae r u seeing??
<font color="0000ff">Jov</font>
CONGRATS to u! So happy to hear another piece of good news. Hope that there will be more coming up soon....

Ya..., like what <font color="0000ff">skinnyma</font> had asked, how long have u tried??

Meanwhile, do take care of urself!!
i seeing dr chan for usual check-up. but next trip will let him know i planning for bb.
most impt is don't be too hard on ourselves, i've heard many pple say sometimes when you don't think abt it, you'll get preggie real soon.

hi lilac,
yah now have to wait for your posts!! yah how's everything? what kind of jobs are you looking for?

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 05 May 04
ENJ ............ CD 02
catepillar ... . CD 06
maya ........... CD 08
wennia ......... CD 09
skinnyma ....... CD 11
tuffy .......... CD 12
lbs ............ CD 13
classy ......... CD 19
lilac .......... CD 20
oreo ........... CD 25
funny .......... CD 26
westbb ......... CD 27
joice .......... CD 28
dawn ........... CD 28
Ms Blur ........ CD 29
amberlyn ....... CD 30
kissbb ......... CD 30
huggie ......... CD 32
ribena ......... CD 33
aa ............. CD 53
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if you have graduated!

jojoba ......... CD 64
felene ......... CD 87
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Mickey ......... 23/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 09/12/04
Emma ........... 09/12/04
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04
jov ............ ??/01/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
Common Terms Used</font>
ladies, thanks a lot for your well wishes.
Baby dust to you all too

This is my 7th month trying. I take angelia advice, that is try to relax. I went for a 2 weeks holiday break as both my husband and I are very stress up at work &amp; BD. I totally agree with angelia, the key word is "Relax".


how many days past your ovulation did u do the test huh? u miss your AF for how many days?
hi oreo
kindly update me as CD2 today. Thanks

what's 2WW?

i presume your hoilday period is your fertile period? wow you must have a romantic getaway!!
Not really, I "O" 5 days before the tour. That time, we are very excited about the trip and feel very happy and relax. That why more mood for BD
<font color="0000ff">ribena</font>

2WW is 2 week wait.
It means after you have ovulated, the 2 weeks waiting period before your AF comes or before you can start testing for pregnancy.
