A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi Marble...congrats and may you have a wonderful and smooth pregnancy journey. hope we all join u soon!

btw..can anyone gimme Dr Du's contact if you don't mind and where is his clinic? i am seeing Dr Xia Rong at EYS currently and i was informed yesterday that she is discussing with the company abt her job, that she might leave to go back China for good, although undecided yet at this stage. maybe i can visit Dr Du too. thank you!

Here is the contact:

Dr Du Xue Mei
Stream TCM Centre
170 Upper Bukit Timah Road #01-02
Bukit Timah Shopping Centre
Tel : 64637476
Mobile: 97727633

Bus Service : 67, 75, 170, 171, 173, 184, 852, 961
hi babydust, the bloodtest was done at gleaneagles (parkway medical or something...) dr du wrote a form for my hubby, so he juz pass the form to the clinic...
Congrats Marble!!! ^-^
So happy for u
anne & liz - dr du asked me to continue plotting my BBT, and it had been like almost the same temp from my CD 1 to CD 25 (which is today)... and i still not "O" yet... aiyo...
i still continue plotting my bbt too..good for keeping track

dodo, late O..drinking dr du's herb should help early O next month...jia you!
hi hoonie,

i ttc for 10 mths. i've endometriosis which complicated matters..R u seeing her too?

thanks dodo & happythots, your turns will come too.
liz - ya... so torturing, still waiting for my O... i have lost 2kg after taking dr du's med for abt 3 weeks... my mum getting worried i lack of nutrition due to my food constraint...
Hi all,

What are the charges under Dr Du?

Anyone here knows what is the normal operating hours for the clinic under Dr Du?
marble - u are very lucky... 10 mths TTC is rather short and u already blessed wi a bb! does ur hubby take dr du's medicine also?
hi joan,
u only have to pay consultation fee for ur 1st visit, that's $50. she may arrange u and ur hubby to go a checkup at gleneagles if u have not done so. then she will prescribe u med according to the results of ur report. heard she increase her med price, mine is $20 per packet

hmm.. think it's from 10am to 10pm right? maybe liz, marble, kermit & anne can clarify this?
Hi Marble...

We are considering to see Dr Du too..perhaps after our exams bah(we are both studying..one part time one full time)...I have been ttc-ing for 7 months. DH diagnoised with low sperm count..and I mic be having ovulation problems too..

yes i consider myself very blessed by God. I've never ttc before when i discovered my endo cyst and went for op. the first cycle after op, we conceived the first time we tried but unfortunately m/c. like a lot of u here, i had my fair share of frustrations in the last 10mths. even contemplated HCG, IVF etc. some mornings when i open my eyes, thots that i may be childless would creep into my mind and depress me. i'm glad i held on to my faith in God and am receiving my blessing now. so gals, dun give up ok. just hold on..it will come.
anne & hoonie- i understand the "miserable" of studying part-time, my hubby and me went thru 4yrs of it... it's very tiring to attend 3hrs class after a busy day of work... moreover, still gotta brew med now, it's really a challenge! anne, jia you k! hope we will be rewarded soon...
my meds also $20 per pack. hubby will need to do a SA before she will treat you. fortunately my hubby's SA was ok. not sure if she increase her med price leh. how much is it now?
marble - i start TTC this may... so abt 6mths till date... though it's not tt long but at times i also very depressed coz of my PCOS prob... the super long cycle is really disheartening... whenever i see pregnant ladies ard, im so envy... and wondering whether will i have the chance to wear maternity dress at all?....
we will all have a chance to cuddle our own bb ...just press on

i heard from dr du the last time i visited her, the herb price will increase..how much i am not sure...her operating hours are quite long...sometimes she starts 8am on weekend and all the way to 10pm at nite. Weekday she starts later at 10am. It depends on how many patients she needs to see...
hi Marble,
though this is the 1st time i chat wif u here
just want to congrats u, God is faithful

so u mean u took TCM to clear ur endo and get pregnant?
or u went for larpo 1st then take TCM to tiao?
hmm..wonder shld i go for tcm n tiao also..

hiaz..I hv been ttc for 4 mths, went for scan before ttc
everything is normal, but nw after 4 months still no news

cos nw ttcing..i will think how n what to eat
i will ask my hubby to cut down his coffee , only allow him drink weekend
for us we only eat hm cook food on weekend when go back parents place, weekday 3 meals will be outside food
I tend to take organic food if possible
then hor, we both take multivits,
are all these good enough?? u all take organic food?

do both of u n hubby often eat hm cook food n enuff vege/fruits?
sometimes, if i dun take enuff vege/fruits
i feel loss leh...cos these 2 gt most antioxidants hiaz..

then when u gals ttc..u all gt apply makeup?
my face oily, so i will still use makeup, otherwise face even oilier
i will use liquid foundation n loose powder
i dun like two way cake cos too heavy for my oliy skin
what ur gals skin types?

hmm maybe the MTBs here can share??
do u all apply makeup n use what skincare before ttc, during ttc

skin type:
beauty products:
makeup products:

for me
skin type: oily skin
makeup products: silkygirl and shu umera
skincare: fancl(cleansing oil, toner n mask)

hiaz...to me I think wat we eat or use will affect our health, am I really too paranoid or stress???
sob sob feel I am getting old, 28 gng to 29 liao

sorry for the long posting
ttc for 4 months still no news..wish to conceive or give birth before 30

still praying to God for miracle

Amen. God is always faithful!

yes i went for lap, then went to tiao with TCM.

4 mths is not a long time. when i told my gynae i tried 10 mths, he said 10 mths not long at all!

since your scan was normal, you're probably ok. i think no need to worry too much about food and cosmetics. i eat out most days too. i did not put myself on diet restriction, but only avoid cold food, raw food, coffee, chocolate, 'liang' food & fastfood becoz of my endo.

dun be paranoid. if it makes you feel any better, i'm 34 this year! if i can, i'm sure you at 28 sure can too.

i recommend u to read this christian book "supernatural childbirth". it helped me cling on to God's promises during my TTC period.
Congrats Marble!

Hi ladies,
I'm getting confused with my system liao... Last mth my cycle was 28days. Assuming that this mth also 28days, is it possible to have implantion spotting on CD18?
Yesterday was my CD18 (to-date, didn't dedect +O). When I was bathing (9pm), washing my private part, a drop of blood (as big as this <font size="+1">o</font>) came out. And at around 12mn when I wee-wee, I got some blood stain on the tissue when I clean myself. After that, no more blood until now.

1. BD on CD17. Could it be that we were too aggressive during BD?
Shouldn't the blood came out with HB semen during the day?

2. I usually check my CP during my bath time. Could I have hurt the organ?
Didn't feel any pain during "routine" check and this is the 1st time in 2yrs that I see blood after checking CP.

3. Could the blood be ovulation bleeding?
I have not experience such bleeding before. Somemore didn't detect +O yet (Hvn't test today). The only time I bled at mid-cycle was I got infection last yr and the blood was running like a tap.

4. AF coming?

Any ladies here experience the same thing before? Any advise? Thanks!
I see...so I guess that I am too paranoid/stress
I know I shouldnt be like this as it is nt gd for ttc...
hmm..do u use any skincare/makeup brand?
cos there was health hazard abt paraben can cause breast cancer
and most of skincare/makeup hv paraben ingredient
I thinking of trying to change my makeup n skincare to organic range for the sake of ttc and health well being
well is it neccessary?

ya diet I also try to cut dwn those food you mention as it is general nt gd for womb
esp cold and liang food, however I gt sweet tooth, love ice cream and chocolate, trying to cut dwn to twice a month

thks for ur words and will look out for the bk u mention

hv you heard of ovulation spotting?
cos I ever exeprience before this yr so went for scan in June before ttc
so my gynae mention is ovulation spotting, nothing serious
if u worried, chk wif ur gynae

<ul>[*]Fizz <LI>Kermit <LI>MSN_Queen <LI>Bloom75 <LI>Minidach <LI>Zenn <LI>Katherine <LI>Stella <LI>Feliza <LI>Penguin <LI>Belle <LI>Stileto <LI>Taysetsuri <LI>Caicai <LI>Jesmine <LI>Tami <LI>Mum Wannbe <LI>Blueblue <LI>Char <LI>Elizabeth <LI>Marble[/list]

<ul>[*]Yuki <LI>Posh <LI>Hoonie <LI>Koori <LI>Dodo <LI>Anne <LI>happythots <LI>JoyWee <LI>Joyce <LI>Poissons <LI>Ant <LI>March Aries <LI>Volf <LI>Choco <LI>Dolp[/list]
Hi ladies,
Haven't been logging in for awhile, great to hear good news!!!

BIG CONGRATS to you!!! Hopefully GOD grant all our wishes here soon, have faith!!!

decided to do away with the TTC table, keep everyone away from stress, will update only our accomplishments in time to come ok, let's all JIA YOU!!!

Some updates on me ....... currently spotting, no cramps whatsoever, touch wood!!! temp drop, mission fail, haha!! quite immune to it by now. temp chart looks teriible after stopping TCM for a few months, now contemplating to go back to TCM again. Understand that some of the graduates have seen Dr Du &amp; some currently seeing her. Must book appointment?? Anyone can advise??
hi mangogal - m not a MTB. But, got something to share aft reading your posting. I oso got thot of taking organic food before. But, organic food are expensive and not much variety. I read from a magazine that eating a balanced diet is more important than just eating organic food. If your body immune system is good, it should be able to expel any harmful toxin from our body...btw, food labelled organic doesn't mean it is really organic unless it got a certified logo there.
Food wise really diff, as for product, m using organic shampoo...
Hi Ladies, i am new to this forum and hoping for a 2007 baby too.

Marble, congrats! I am a christian too and still praying to God to grant my and HB hearts' desire. Have been putting off checks and treatments and believing in faith till now. But as i also keep getting a nagging voice in mind to get myself checked so i finally went yesterday. Noticed that you sought TCM, can share what problemed areas you were trying to improve?

Hi Dodo, i also have PCOS. I have just been diagnosed yesterday ... it was very hard to swallow and now kinda like a dash of hope gone ... am quite sad. I also havent found alternative to my normal diet. Also drink mainly plain water now. Which Dr Fong are you seeing? And for TCM, does Dr Du treats PCOS also?
Thanks Posh for your cute well-wishes!

Yes - we all hv to jia yu!!

Marble - congrats!! So happy for you....

Mangogal - Agree with Marble. Don't worry so much abt makeup. You might want to consider taking essence of chicken everyday / alt days? I take it daily and when feel stronger, I will take alt days. I feel my immune sys is higher. Also try to avoid liang stuff like chin chow. Eat well, and healthily I guess. It's ok to indulge in chocs and ice cream once a while..take more veg and fish
thks for advise
i guess what we eat is more impt than what we use
ya i do take a balance diet , nt everything orgainc food, cos i will be broke,keke....

hmm..nw skincare i am quite paranoid abt paraben this ingredient
any of u ladies use organic skincare/makeup?
any recomendations?
hi maple babies,
i was just like u when i knew that i have PCOS... i even cried on my way home, coz the nurse told me somethg tt quite discouraging.. and it's just like end of the world for me...
but cheer up gal! we must keep on trying and never give up... i hope our perseverance will grant us a baby soon...

ya, i was arranged by dr du to visit dr fong @ gleneagles... dr du is very experience, she will refer to the results of ur checkup wi dr fong and prescribe u the med...
gal, may i know do u have irregular menses as well? mine super haywire...
posh- how are you ya... long time no 'see'!!!

GALs - Seems like the trend now is to visit TCM ya. I also on TCM now... really hope that one day will be able to tell you all the good news too.

my friend just give birth to her second baby on 31 OCT.... sob sob... when would be my turn
Thanks for encouragement Dodo
So apart from TCM, are you planning other treatments?

I am due for a HSG test after and if next AF comes, then next cycle, gynae may put me on clomid. That means earliest, Dec 06 then can TTC. Meanwhile i was advised to eat well: low carbo diet and try to lose about 5% of my weight. Thats the hard part, almost every food i liked also cannot eat now. Dunno what to eat. And the constant reminder why i had to skip those food just made it even harder to bear.

I am very scared of my impending HSG test and HB's SA. Really cant bear to hear more bad news. Already gynae say got slight endo prob but since slight, he's leaving it out for now.
Hello girls...

Congrats, Marble. =) Have a H&amp;H pregnancy.

Thanks Posh for the well wishes. You are so kind. =)

Wish Kermit have a smooth delivery!

Am currently on CD 7, not really trying.. as my mom was being hospitalised for nearly 2 weeks for minor op. Then my two boys fell sick. Totally no mood to BD. Sigh.
hi Hoonie, thank you very much for Dr Du's contact. i am so encouraged by all of you who have succeeded and the rest of us who will not give up!! Jia you, jia you!! yesterday i was quite depressed coz a fren of mine just got a baby a week ago and proudly emailed the baby pic to me and other frens. then anthr fren who's baby is 6 mths old started replying to the email with pictures of his baby. wah lao...i just didn't want to see the pics at one point coz i know it will make me feel like i'm a failure. but after reading this forum now, i am convinced and encouraged we will all succeed. YEAH!

Joyce, hope your mum and kids get better and u can resume trying with peace of mind.
Hi marble,

Where can I get this book "Supernatural childbirth"?

I am a believer of Christ too(but of Catholic faith)....
dodo...*sayang* At least you are younger than me man...Dun cry hor..You have higher chance than me!
Take Dr Du's medicine can lose weight huh? good leh..I only wan to lose weight...
thanks for info.

**wave**, i'm good, jus that this TTC thing is driving me bonkers sometimes, feel like taking a good break, yet unwilling to stop trying, duh............
hi hoonie, i got "supernatural childbirth" from Rock bookshop in suntec city, outside rock auditorium (new creation church). i think most big christian/catholic book shops carry also.
hi all

yest went to see doc &amp; did a scan.
it was my CD 20 but ,my egg still small.doc say i may have ovalute late and going to do a scan again on friday see got grow or not..then next week will do blood test...

does anyone faces thisd problem...
thanks Apple, Posh, Maple Babies, volf20, piglet, joyce &amp; yuki for the well wishes!

*spreading baby dust on all of you!*
posh...dont be disheartened.. your time will come. I truly understand how u feel..TRUST that it will happen for you..meanwhile, keep a light spirit on BD efforts..enjoy the process of growing closer with your HB.
will keep u in my prayers.
*raining baby dust on hoonie*

Hi maple babies,

i sort TCM help coz i had endometriosis, with 2 ~5cm blood cycts on both L &amp; R ovaries. before my lapro op, i was bleeding during midcycle for up to 10 days sometime (1 GP told me it was just O bleeding but she was obviously wrong!). i wud cramp and bleed even after jogging then. during op, gynae found my tubes blocked and my uterus was stuck to my intestines..it was quite a gross sight!

so yes i wud encourage you to get it checked if you're getting this nagging feeling to do something about it.

Thanks happythots. =)

Hi volf, sorry to mislead you. I was saying that I'm not trying this month. Will ML as per normal and leave it to fate. Forget about the O and DPO! Stress me up man. Kekke. =) And I guess I'm falling sick as well...
