A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yuki - actually i've not been taking my BBT consistently.. only when i see EWCM then i start.. haha.. but on CD36 - CD41 my temp is like 36.58.. tt's considered low for post O (if i even O) rite? tt's y i also dun harbour any hope of being preggers.. =( stoopid AF just playing hide n seek with me

My gynae says still can travel if preggie. So, you can still go for your trip if preggie. Just be more careful. So, don't be sian... If not, have one made in USA...

Have you seen your gynae? Maybe you want to call him/her to ask for advice? Stress does delay AF. Try to relax...

What is your BBT after O? Is it higher than before O? Of course if your BBT can go higher in general, think will help in conception. Are you taking TCM? For me, TCM helped to increase my BBT. Highest after O used to be 36.7, then after TCM, it reached 37.0. I have not striked yet lah. But I like to see the bright side. At least I believe situation is improving. Hehe.. Jia you!
Thnx for explaining, will check with gynae my next visit.

haven't seen gynae yet, wait till 2 weeks late from AF then see how, trying very hard to relax, hope AF turn up soon. sigh......
hi whee, u r most welcome.

everyone seems so tense up...pls dun give yourself too much stress leh...u know right now my main focus now is to eat healthily which means more vege, fruits, lean meat, fish(salmon, markerel and sardines are good), drink more water to detoxify , avoid food with caffeine and have enuf sleep, trying to start exercise, etc...all means to keep myself in good condition...

oh yes, my fren advise me that try to ask hb to avoid taking too much soya which can affect sperm count...

posh, that time my AF delay for one month becoz of stress i think...so dun worry too much maybe u r under stress...

yuki, things hapen when u least expect it...who knows u really strike this mth...

gg for a short break is oso good

koori, dun be too stress, u can still try when u return frm your business trip...maybe a break can create miracle aft u return...

caitlyn, i noe work stress is unavoidable but try to find means to destress yourself...if possible go exercise like jogging, swimming, doing something u enjoy etc etc...
exercise increase your appetite and you can eat more..
dolp4 - keke.. me okies lah.. hate my job tt's y.. now just counting down to end of bond.. also, after next week, will not be so shiong.. so counting down.. hoping my AF will wait till next week to come.. so my BD period will be e less stressful period! haha.. i HATE exercise.. my hb calls me lazy bum/pig/slacker.. so u get the gist lah.. hahahahah
The initial months of my TTC also end up in tears most of the times. Didn't know TTC so difficult. Then add stress to myself by telling myself I must give birth by age 30. Now, already 30 still have not preggie yet! Haha..

Then I realise, I am the one giving myself all the stress.
Now leh, did not give myself such timeline already. Things are progressing very slowly. But at least I find it is improving. At times, I still feel down. But I just tell myself to be positive and have faith that that day will come.
*But still secretly hoping I don't have to wait too long lah.. ;)*
I am also trying to eat more healthily. I find quite difficult to eat veg outside leh. So, I try to eat veg rice wherever possible. If not, try to take niang tou fu, ban mian, wanton noodles, etc, where there is also veg.

Exercise leh, a bit difficult. Now, should be entering 2WW. Will try to start if fail this cycle. *hope I am not finding excuse*! Hehe..

When is your end of bond? Will pray for your AF to come only next week. If best, don't come for the next 9 months!
whee - i oso like dat initially.. super stressed out by it.. but now i guess not so obviously stressed.. but still always have a nagging thought in my mind about when i'll ever be preggie.. even now secretly hoping tt i'll be preggy but not likely coz nvr BD, nvr see EWCM.. haha.. my bond ends next june if all goes well.. =)

dolp4 - i always give e excuse tt i gotta stand for 1hr each time i go for lessons.. so in a day will be standing for ard 3 hrs.. hahah.. tt's enuff exercise for me!!
hugz too!!

delay one month ah???!!! also hormone imbalance?? stress??? really long leh..... now I already wait till cun wait.......haha!!! think of it, what an irony, people cun wait for AF not to turn up, here I am waiting for it to turn up!!!
actually i felt that outside vege really 'yan4 bu4 xiao4 qu4...yuck...still prefer home cooked vege and rice by my mum but return niang jia only once a week...

ya if entering 2WW then cannot do vigorous exercise...i think swimming is the best but hor veri pai sei to say that i duno how to swim...now so old already want to learn oso pai sei... ;p

caitlyn, haha standing not consider exercise lah...standing for 1 hr quite tiring hor...teaching really not easy...Teacher wan sui

posh, ya i oso got delay 3 mths before but that was when m in my mid 20s and i think was due to work stress...delay for 1 month was 2 years back. Not sure whether is it hormonal imbalance but i got a hormone prolactin slightly above normal range which will cause weak ovulation as mentioned by the gynae when i consulted him last year.
agreed w you leh...before i got married i hate to see AF now i hope it will come regularly if i can't strike...really irony...
I am okay with outside food. Just that those food with veg a bit limited variety. Don't need to pai seh. There is nothing everyone should know. And it's never too late to learn anything. 'huo2 dao4 lao3 xue2 dao4 lao3'.
Hi Caitlyn...

Me so sad to hear that you not happy in yr job...
Perhaps you can request to be transferred to HQ to work or go Primary school...If you insist u wan a transfer or leave the service, I guess they might consider yr request...

Talking about exercise, I started jogging 2 months back also..tho I dun see results instantly but I feel more healthy tho...Very refreshed after the jog...good to sweat it out also...I think jogging can release my stress also.
I think it is good to have a healthy body when u ttc-ing....Slow jog or brisk walk for 30 mins a day should be ok...even in 2WW....
morning all.. =)

dolp4 - haha.. my hb also says standing is not exercise.. but i dun care.. hahaha.. think i'll regret next time!

hoonie - i waitig for bond to end then decide.. i dunno if it's e job or e management.. haha..

all, my BBT today is 36.94.. dunno y suddeny shoot so high.. wonder if i comng down w fever!
Hi Caitlyn

I dun think standing is exercise also... ahhahaha.... but better than mi lor... sitting every day...

36.94 still not fever yet mah... if u have fever... i think the morning bbt shld be around 37.4 or 5... then u better look out...
Afternoon ladies!!!

finally see some spotting today!!!! hopefully AF come full force man then can start all over. Haha!!! I used to be like you too b4 TTC, AF dun come on time very happy coz i find it a hassle. Now how I wish I have textbook 28day cycle!!

high five!!! I also cun swim!!! Ya, so shy to learn at this age right!!! That's why the only exercise I do is jogging!! But my gynae mention before not to jog in 2WW, brisk walk is ok. I remember reading somewhere before that during 2WW, to avoid swimming, coz its cold to the womb.

not fever lah, but its a good sign temp is climbing, which DPO are you in now??
yuki + posh - haha.. coz my BBT usu not so high but i also nvr take consistently lah.. (now taking coz scared AF just spring surprise) so was shocked tt my temp so high today.. but 2 cycles ago was also ard this a few days before AF came.. just tt had some feverish symptoms.. haha

posh - i dunno coz i nvr track.. my CD not regular.. plus i have PCOS so e OPKs dun give me very accurate results..
Hi posh,

Though I have stopped ttc-ing but still have unprotected sex...(which mean there is a chance of conceiving), does that mean i can't go jogging 2 weeksbefore my expected AF? Like that no good leh..if you dun substain the exercise, how to keep fit like that??

I heck eh...the 2 weeks before AF due also go jogging....
I do slow jog..
Hi All

Just to update you gers, i failed again this cycle. Today is CD5 liao, AF reported on Mon. Haiz ...

Hi Posh, will eating pineapple help to get it out faster?

Hi Caitlyn, I also very stressed and fed up at work. Sometimes i think that is the reason for my hormone to go haywire and ovulate poorly. My post O BBT also quite low, sometimes only 36.2, very sad.

I am due to O next weekend, am planning to do a v-scan this coming friday to see if ovaries got eggs. Anyone also planning?
Hello gals,

been a while since i post here...how's everyone?

used to think better not exercise, in case anything happen that can lose the "egg" or spoil the implantation process. ended up with 8kgs of weigh...now i am not so bothered by it, will carry on exercising...if it is not for ttc, it is for my healthy. i believe if it is meant to be, the egg will stick no matter what.

this month is my 1 yr anniversary to ttc efforts...still no news...other than a m/c in march....sometimes i wonder what if it takes more than 1 year? 2 years? 3 years? 4 years? how should i feel? how to cope with disappointment? I guess life goes on with or without babies....guess just have to manage my disappointment and live each day happily...
Ya lor, Elizabeth, i oso wondering how long?

Actually gynae always say chances increase from 25% to more as each month of TTC goes by, but how do they measure?
sus sus,
why increase leh? So difficult to pin down exact O timing...even if pin down, not sure the spermie can travel safety to meet egg....sighhhh...

I mean...how much BD can one have? So stressful during O period....BD everyday also tired, BD alternate days might not strike....

I have a colleague who is 21 this year...single and got pregnant recently...getting married 2 weeks time....envy her ability to get preggie so easy...but at the same time understand her agony of going thru the wedding cos she is preggie...which is worse? To me at this stage, not able to have a bb is worse than getting married at age 21..
getting philosophical...hee
dear all,
i have 1 doubt here, is it possible to get a +ve OPK for consecutively 2 days? i encountered this, the 2nd line of today's test strip is sort of darker than yesterday one... though both shown prominent 2 lines...
Hello... TTC-kaki,

I'm new to this forum and have been trying for 2yrs but unsuccessful. Previously, I used OPK but always do not have any positive sign on the kits. I also tried the "MaybeMom" microscope that test the saliva for ovulation sign but I don't see what I'm suppose to see (if I ovulate). Pai-sei... I'm really lazy to take my BBT... find it very troublesome...

Suspecting that I might not be ovulating, I went for a check up at KKH 2 months ago. The doctor there told me not to waste money on OPK. They schedule for me to go for 2 blood tests. The result is normal, indicating that I'm ovulating. My husband also has his SA and it turn out normal.

The doctor can't find anything wrong with us but suspect my fallopian tube maybe blocked and suggest going for a HSG. He told me it is very painful and I chicken out. I wonder do you guys have any friends/relatives done this procedue before? Is it really very painful?

Or is TCM able to unblock the fallopian tube?

Thank you for your help!
Apple, i just had my HSG done. Its not really painful, once the tube is inserted, u will feel cramp like menses cramp, u will feel uncomfortable only not to the extend of pain. But it can be quite frightening cos the process is more than pap smear. However i would suggest that you do this test to check if the tubes are really blocked.
Thanks for your reply BabyDust,

May I know where did you have your HSG done? and how much did you pay for the procedure?

BTW, how is your result?
my HSG was extremely painful, i almost cried during the procdure. I read that it depends on pple. some pple will juz experience mild cramps oni. I went to KK to do, about 100 to 200 dollars oni.
I dun like KKH..I did my pre-natal test at KKH too..and now i am doubting the accuracy of their results...

hi apple,
May I know on CD (Cycle day counting from 1st day menses) u did your blood test?
Hi Apple / All

You had 2 blood tests to check for ovulation? Test for FSH, LH issit? Can i ask when you go for the tests? I want to test but dont know which day of my cycle should i go. I am in CD7 today.

Raffles Medical having a 30% discount now for their 30th year anniversary till end Sept. The discount applies to hormone tests for FSH, LH and E2 i think. Price around $58. Thats why i tempted to go this month but now already CD7, too late?

Hi Hoonie,

Whats wrong at KKH? I am planning to go do a transvaginal scan there leh. Any advise?
i did mine at TMC, very good and professional. It was done in the lab from referral frm my gynae at TMC. The lab assistant did a briefing to me and explain the process how its gonna be, so called minimise some of our doubts and relieve our stress. I admit i was still bit scared abt the test but overall was done very professional. I like the service there.
Btw, my result was fine, seem that i was done all the necessary tests and all in order, the only thing is time now, maybe god tik its not the correct time for me to have bb. ; p
I paid abt 180 for the test.
Hi sus sus,

I went for the blood test to test if I O at KKH..But i think I did on the "wrong" day...You should take the blood test on CD21 i think (correct me if i am wrong.) Hence, I think the blood test may not be very accurate...If you wan to go KKH, be prepared to wait lor..Get a referral letter from polyclinic to be a subsidised patient..I am a civil servant hence my medical is subsidised there....That's why I went there lor.....
I think the gynae and doctors there not very caring leh..
sus_sus - can understand abt the stress and all at work.. now learning to take things one step at a time... for the FSH n LH test, i believe can take on CD02.. tt was wat i did to get a more accurate pictures.. unless u have a textbook cycle, maybe can take on DPO7 if i dun remember wrongly.. but basically even if u dun take on those days, there are reange of values for diff times during ur cycle.. so if u noe which pt in your cycle u're at u sld still be able to get some readings.. =)

hoonie - u're rite in tt blood test must take on correct day.. but if u notice the result sheet, there are diff ranges tt u sld be at at diff times of ur cycle.. so u can still get some answers from there.. =)

today me CD46 liao.. waiting anxiously for AF to report! haha.. but guess coz of my anxiety, it's just gonna drag.. sometimes really wish i have regular 28 days so i can start trying faster once i noe i fail!
hoonie, Elizabeth,

what one of my friends did when she was TTC-ing was that before ovulation, she will exercise as per normal, but during the 2WW, she will stop the strengthous (sp?) exercise (eg, no jogging or kickboxing) but continue with the more 'gentle' exercise (eg, brisk walking, swimming).

Maybe this will help with the weight gain and health aspects, and will also continue with your momentum of continuing to exercise.
gals.. help me to stop hu si luan xiang!! hahaha.. the more my AF dun report the louder my little nagging voice tt i may be pregnant become!! shucks!!
J - me also have pcos.. however, i not suitable to take metformin.. so can't really share.. but i do remember reading previous posts tt there may be some discomfort after taking..
Hi BabyDust,

Could you recommend your gynea in TMC? I am thinking of going for HSG. Been trying a year now..went for TCM soon...but still no luck. Think i should "rest my mind" by going for all test to confirm i am normal. If still doesnt strike, at least i tried my best.
ho posh, your AF come already?

hi caitlyn, sometimes, when my AF dun report my inner self start to tell me maybe u r preggie...though i know is not possible...can understand ur feeling...
Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor... mi also lor... today already CD 35... my BBT dropped.. abit of spotting liao... and having menses cramps... yet still hoping that maybe i'm preggy ... heheheh...
dolp4 + yuki - yayy!! i'm not abnormal! hahaha.. but always still will feel disappointed even tho never try hard n noe tt it's not possible.. so horrible hor.. never reap then wanna sow (in my case lah)

yuki - for me, worse thing is BBT still very high.. 36.93 still.. but my BBT i feel not very accurate.. coz i dun really get 3 hours of sleep in a row.. last nite, woke up to pee THRICE! was telling my hb tt if i'm preggy, i sitll wun mind, but i'm NOT! think i got bladder problem!
then maybe it is a late ovulation for you? thats why luteal period is delayed? would that explain your high temp? in any case, stay hopeful okie!!
hahhaha... Caitlyn, dun worry lah, u r not abnormal... think we all the same...

I suspected that I didn't O this mth also... my BBT very low leh... some more my cycle like extended rather than shorten...

Thinking of stopping TCM for 1 mth and see how my body react without TCM's help... hehehe... coz hear that those who taken TCM from the same Sensei got increase in BBT leh... but mine like no diff leh... in fact, lower...
elizabeth - thanks! me trying not to be too hopeful so wun be disappointed.. anyway i also like no symptoms.. =(

yuki - hmm.. yup.. maybe u sld stop e TCM if u still dun see any improvement yet and see how ur body reacts naturally.. but i think TCM also need a longer time to see results rite? did u check in w e TCM sensei? me super sianz.. just keep wishing for AF to come come.. if not, then let me test +ve on HPT! hate this waiting game..
Hi Caitlyn,

Maybe eat 'liang' or cooling things will help purge it out? Or try another method ... BD ... the orgasm may just trigger the womb to let go?

Hehe ... sorry, abit erm ... but sometimes that help leh. But need HB to help lor.
Hi Caitlyn

TCM let me recover faster from my op for sure lah... juz that maybe coz of conditions... she dun dare to give me to "bu" medication coz scare that will agitate my cysts to start growing again...

that's y, thinking dunno wanna stop for one mth to see if my bbt will go up or not.. hehehe...

sus sus

Better dun eat too liang before AF... later cramps very bad one leh...

Thinking abt the BD method yesterday... but my HD scare later purge too fast... bedsheets all red... hahahah...
