A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Choco,

Never mind, try again next month! Dun despair!

Meanwhile, do eat well and eat nutritiously.

Me today CD21, 7 more days to knowing if this mth successful or not. Anticipating and believing but also not getting too hyped up. Its afterall God's will and in His time.
Hi Joy,

I used preseed thrice during last 2 tries. I havent conceive yet but i dun rule it out. Maybe i just didnt use correctly or overdosed.

Its supposed to provide EWCM to help spermie swim to egg. Its supposed to be good for people like me with little or no EWCM.
hI Sus Sus

CAn b use the followin day . like 2day n tmr?
U used OPK ?
act i used when tested OPK hv fainted +ve..so wonder can use followin day ..hehe
Hi Joy,

U mean 1 tube use for 2 days?? I dunno leh, abit unhygenic leh, cos must insert inside, even if got left over, want to store also dunno how to.

Ya, i use OPK, when test +ive then i use preseed just 15 mins before BD.

i mean 2nd tube for next day? isiz ok to use together both days..i jus wonder..

me tooo,....15min b4 BD

Should be ok bah, its CM equivalent and we produce CM everyday so shd be ok to use 2 days in a row? Thats what i did also.

But how to know whether how much is needed? Sometimes i stand up and nothing drip out. I went to BD then alot came out with spermie as well, dunno issit preseed overdose and flush out spermie instead.

How you gauge how much is really needed? Dun empty the whole tube?
koori - Yes i went back to her, since she has my records so i decide to stick with her. but hor... i realise this month my CM not much leh... not like last 2 cycle... anyway... hoping to strike lor ;)

mum wannabe - CONGRATULATIONS... wish my turn will come soon... PLEASE SPRAY a lot a lot of babydust to US!!!! :p
i agree with mum wannabe... i had taken few cycle of clomid before and there was side effect on me
Some how i realise the best way to get ourselves conceive is to have healthy and strong body.Since tcm can help to tiao bu our body internally to produce and balance back our hormone to normal. why not?

Of course that required determination and patient since it does not give immediate effect. :D

Act i oso nt v sure as im 1st X usin it...but i tink i oni empty 3/4 of the bot bah...
But 4 me even i din use preseed ..sumtm the spermie oso jus flow out
N ger..hw mani days u BD when u tested OPK +ve?
hi all

today AF reported as expected...
last cycle was CD38. if i O in CD 23, that would be 15 days later then I have my menses again.which i guess should be quite normal, right??

will try again this month. but i think the BBT really help me a lot. at least i know when to prepare myself
Hi Joy,

I find it very hard to gauge and stop at 3/4 cos the tube inside, cant see. Can only base on gut feel, to stop after pumping the applicator a few times. So i think i may still have overdosed.

BTW, u apply squatting or lying down? I can only do so discreetly in toilet as dun want HB to get turn off. That means only squatting or standing, cannot lie down to apply.

I try to BD every other day of if can, everyday once OPK test +ive.
act i oso est one .. abt 3/4..hehe

i apply when in toliet which is sittin... the instruction said..sit lie oso can leh..

me cannt BD everyday, hubby nt free..even tested Opk +ve we oni BD once... so hard to strike
hi yuki
can i know more abtthe TCM u consulting? wat type of medication u take?
I am a endo sufferer previously, and has taken 2 jabs to control after the laparoscopy. i had 2 AF cycle after tat, waiting for my 3rd one soon,, how is the ovulation calcualtion? my cycle CD is 33-34 days? and iexperience some light spotting after my last cycle... anyone has same experience?
Hi Lorain

The TCM that I'm taking was divided into 2 kind.. 1 to help wif conception.. the other one to help to clear off blood during menses... the 1st kind is taken 1 week before and after O... the 2nd kind is taken once my AF starts...

I've not taken any jab to control endo... think it may be why my cysts came back again... but once u r taking jab means u won't get preggy, rite? As wat I understand, u won't even hv AF leh... how come u still can calculate yr cycle? wat kinda jab is this?

O calculation is to minus 14 (avg) from 33/34... if u taking yr BBT or OPK... shld be able to guage if u 14 days ... some may be shorter or longer by 1-2 days...

Light spotting after menses or after O? Light spotting after menses is very common... for mi, after the actual flow.. will be the brown discharge... then come something more caramel colour... then nothing... then CM starts...

But if it's after O, it may be implantation spotting...
Hi all, i has been on Clomid and it is my 1st cycle now. And when i used the OPK to test it shown +ve on yesterday nite.
But then after 4 hours later, around 12am, it shown -ve. So does it mean i ovulate already? I tested 3 times within 1 hr to confirm it is +ve.

BTW is anyone of u experience extremely tiring feeling after took the Clomid? I find that i am very tired after consumed it. Pls enlighten me, TIA!!
hello all - men & women,

i've started a support group for couples facing fertility difficulties and have gotten a few medical professionals to support my thread, ie, when any of you post medical questions, they can answer where appropriate. after 5 yrs of suffering, mostly in silence, i think a support group structured to help us cope with the realities, would be good for all.... well, coping with the technical bits are impt, ie, who to see, how much to pay, etc, but we have to look after our emotions as well since it does affect our overall wellbeing....

well, the thread is: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/505416.html?1157309502

hope to see some postings soon!

soulutions - CY
Hi caitlyn,
Yeah, this thread has been pretty quiet...

Okay, let me start the ball rolling... Even though I had 5 eggs last cycle, still failed. So, I am proceeding to do IUI this cycle. I have one matured egg today (CD11) - 20mm. So, will do IUI tomorrow. Although only one egg this cycle, I still remain hopeful. Well, we just need one good egg to be fertilised, isn't it? Wish me luck!

Any upates from you?
whee - all e best to u this cycle! me no updates at e moment as i'm currently waiting for AF to report.. today is CD40 liao.. mine should be coming by CD50.. after tt i'll start on my first cycle of clomid.. =)
Hi Caitlyn

For mi, it's my CD 29.. But think this cycle I O late (if I O at all, coz my BBT is extremely low and the flunctuation is not big)... will juz wait for AF to report probably the coming Sat...
Who knows, probably you strike this cycle leh. Then don't even need to take clomid.

Are you following up with any gynae? What did he/she say about your BBT? Anyway, I believe nothing is absolute. BBT, OPK, Egg monitoring, etc, all these are tools to help us. Whatever it is, still must do 'homework' (BD).. ning ke sha cuo bu ke fang guo..
yuki - oic.. nvm.. just take good care of ur body.. maybe u strike when u least expect it! =)

whee - very unlikely.. coz hardly BD this cycle.. hee.. very stressed out at work and kept fallin ill coz of slight insomnia.. resulted in migraine and all..
Oh I see. Aiyo, you take care of yourself. But like what you say to yuki. You might strike when you least expect it. Spermie can live up to 5 days, isn't it?
whee - keke.. me prepared for my AF liao lor! haha.. no symptoms watsoever.. also my BBT seems to be just at a constant of 36 degrees.. so sld be no O watsoever
hi caitlyn, remember u got post a msg asking how am i...actually i got reply and I asked u regarding the TCM u took was it in capsule or powder which made u puke but no reply from u since then..i can't remember when i posted that msg...so u have decided to take clomid, wish you all the best.

Pls take good care leh...

I was on MC 3 days last week. Down with flu and throat infectious. Now, better but having cough...so sian...

last sunday, got watched a programme host by darren lim and evelyn tan on TTC...quite informative. I think this coming sun should still have. Is channel U at 9.30pm.
hi all,

i am very frustrating over TTC issue. i wish i can strike soon but on the other hand, i have a "scheduled" holiday to go in mid dec to US. shall i defer my TTC until dec? any advise?
Hi caitlyn, yuki & whee,
how are you?? nice to see you gals around, thread so quiet. my updates, today DPO25, AF still not reporting but HPT still BFN????!!!! best part I have a triphasic chart & temp still high. Could it be a persistent corpus luteum?? Happened to anyone before?? help!!!
Nice to see you.
DPO25 and triphasic chart and high temp. There is a high chance this cycle leh.
Eh, what is persistent corpus luteum hah? Sorry, cannot help much. I encountered AF delay at DPO21 before only (due to stress). Not so late before.
Hi Alien,

I had the same frustration when I was planning my holidays last year. Only confirmed at the last possible date just to wait for the verdict of that cycle. Hehe.. :p

Do you have to confirm your holidays now? If not, you can keep on trying. Don't go if you strike. Else you can go for the trip and have fun and relax.
But of course it depends what your priority is. And if the trip is important or not.

For me this time round leh, my tickets for my Oct holidays are already issued and I am doing IUI this cycle. I guess I will decide when the verdict is out. Hehe.. At most I sacrifice the tickets. My priority is TTC now.
hi gals
long time din post here.
me O yday but din BD, no mood. Anyway i going US next mth so tot not trying. Now i not really ttc liao, trying to take it easy.
whee - thanks! me keeping my fingers crossed..

dolp4 - oh is it? paiseh.. think i must have missed out on e posting.. my TCM was in powder form.. but hb n i have decided to try clomid first.. if any negative effects spotted.. will stop immediately.. =) thanks for ur well wishes!

posh - maybe high chance this time.. did u check in w ur gynae?? maybe take a blood test to check?

koori - have a made in US bb!! he.. =)
Hi Whee

No following up wif any gynae at this moment.. Thinking of TTC naturally... but may consider taking a blood test to confirm that it's not hypothyroidism lor... coz my BBT has been consistently low... so... kinda scare lor...


I'm also planning for short holidays up to Ipoh during the super long weekends... but scare that it will be my AF week during then... aiyo... hopefully, not lah... but if come also no choice... but of course, still hoping that I will strike this mth... heheheh... dreaming so early liao..

Hi Posh

When did u tested -ve? normally Luteal phase is pretty standard one leh... shouldn't drag so long... u wanna try again using first urine of the day? maybe it's good news?
hi whee,

thanks for your advise. my trip was already confirmed. all fully paid. looks like i hv to defer my ttc plan and enjoy my "last" trip with hb before bb coming. maybe made one in USA also sounds good. i just wonder how long will i take to conceive... sien
hoonie - long time no see.. thanks.. u take care too! =)

yuki - wat's hypothyroidism? my BBT also consistently ard 36.5 - 36.6.. no up, no down.. so sad... so even though it's CD41 liao i still never hu si luan xiang! haha.. not like the other time when my temp was high even on CD48! haha

alien - dun be sian! maybe u relly strike in US! easier to strike when on holiday if really coincide with ur O? hee
my AF delay maximum one week plus only, this time super long leh....... dunno what to do!!!

I did blood test at DPO19, was -ve also, but forgot to ask what's the level.

I tried 1st urine too yesterday morning & I used clearblue digital which can detect 50ius above. result is NOT PREGGIE leh, so dun dare to hope!!! Now only waiting for AF to report. Can check with you, the other time when you realised you have a cyst in the ovary, did it create havoc to your cycle or AF??
Hi Caitlyn

One of the symptoms for Hypothyroidism is low BBT... my range from 35.9 to 36.3... which the normal before O shld be at least 36.44... that's y, i'm scare lor...

Yr BBT is consistently 36.5 to 36.6 all the way or are there any ups and downs?

Hi Posh

Nope... the cysts didn't hv any effect on my AF except the 3 to 5 days spotting before the AF starts... dun think it's cysts lah... maybe juz stress causing the delays lor... but as wat i ve read... the delay is normally before O... but yr luteal phase shld be more or less the same leh... if yrs is longer than 16 days most of the time... then maybe something is not right... perhaps, discuss this wif yr gynae but if it's only once... maybe juz some hormone imbalance lor... juz be patience and wait for awhile...
Thnx. This is the first time so long thats why I completely lost, hopefully it's jus plain hormones haywire, so worried. BTW, my BBT B4 O is somewhere quite close to yours, highest 36.4. cause for concern???
Hi posh

Since it's the 1st time... maybe juz some hormones haywire lah... relax and wait patiently for yr AF to report...

As for the BBT... I read in the "taking charge of fertility" that one of the symptoms for hypothyroidism is low bbt... i checked wif my gynae but she said that i dun hv the other symptoms that hypothyroidism is having but to be safe... it's better to take a blood test to confirm lor... so, thinking when i'm free maybe will go to her to take a blood test to rest my mind lor...
hi whee, the program is abt what u shld do before getting conceive, like eat healthily, exercise, etc. Then the host interviewed some couples like how long they tried before they got preggie and a famous gynae named peter chew was oso there to give advice on some fertility problem. He mentioned even for a healthy couple, the successful rate is only 20 to 30%. The programme name is called xin4 fu2 mi4 ma3.
