A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Let's us gambateh! This wk sama sama my fertile wk. Today my CD11, O on 11/6. Update pls...
Same here, I stopped taking BBT very stress everyday need to take at the same timing...

From my view, Dr Heng dun drag & waste my time when I told her I hv tried long enough & hv difficulties ttc she'l request to do a SA, follicle & HSG test for me & my husband. Whereas my ex-gyna was irresponsible told me try harder again for another 6mths without proceeding further to find the cause....by the way I reside at Tanjong Pagar. I like East side coz nearer & convenient to go to my favourite spots, the beaches & Bedok Reservoir.

I also raise this concern abt sperm flow out the next day... to my gynae, she siad that are semen to help n support the spermies to swim thru,
so no worries when it flow out the next day, cos by the the sperms are already niside our uterus liao

dun think need any pillow to elvated leh...,
I did nt ask her this wor..only the flow out part
Louie, ask EC abt this on mon hor? I forgot,keke :p

My hubby never follow me to genting leh...hehe...so no BD lor...by the time i am back..I think my egg take leave go back liao...ahha
Jo - Tks for your view .. will note that drop .. actually I do not fix gynae yet ... the previous was not gd for me ... maybe to others, they find him okay ... told me to try for 1 yr + if dun have then try to consult medical help ... Anyway, will see a gynae this mth when my AF clear off ... U staying at Tangjong Pagar ... I work there ...
thanks. i did lift my butt with the help of pillow and bolster for about 20 - 30 mins lah and my hubby will laugh at me for that, he said i very kuan zhang but go to such extend...grrrr....There was once i fell asleep in that position.
hee..oh u slept! gd! that's wat my gynae said,LOL
she said dun wash, place a towel under butt n just go to sleep! hehe..:p
Ladies .. normally after BD .. normally U wash or just sleep??? Normally for me .. I will give a quick wash .. with not too warm water ...
sihui, i tried to sleep w/o wash..but v uncomfortable leh. now i just try to wash quickly and dont pee if i can. but some says if dont pee after BD may get urinary tract infection. so i tried to empty my bladder b4 BD..how abt u?
Val - Tks ... maybe next time dun wash .. the very last time BD .. told my hb dun wash .. he said dun want .. dirty lah .. better go & wash .. next time I do him .. better dun wash .. wash all sperm flow out .. hee hee ... !!
hahha, i think only managed to sleep for abt half an hr in that position, boby cannot support. with the pillow underneath, i wrapped my arms around my bended legs and i fell asleep already...
huh, so cute one. Then i hope this month my egg and sperm will become intimate and BD. Then egg will become preggy.

thanks for your receipe.
Me will become a bat and sleep thru the night if possible. If we BD in the afternoon, then i will wash up after 30mins. A very quick one...
Eliz - For me .. I will pee if there is a need after BD .. no gd?? If dun wash or pee .. scare later get urinary tract infection which will be very painful ..
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International Visitors: While we do not ship to non US addresses, we are more than happy to ship to your friends and family in the US. They in turn, can forward the product on to you.

if can buy online, then will be very cheap.
husband must wash...we dun need to wash..:p

yaor i also think it's dirty, so i must wash..
aiya nw for the sake of bb, dun wash lor,hehe

I suggest that when u feel sleepy or dosing off,
can remove the pillow under ur butt n just put a towel, sleep or lie on side n zzz..., dun need to wrap ur arms on bended legs la..this position nt xinku ah?
Ya lor .. maybe .. dun wash if need .. give a quick wash .. after 30mins .. when all the sperm swim up already .. a quick yet not too warm water .. ... hee hee ... next time I rem to empty my bladder first .. normally I drink alot of water at night when I'm at home .. but in office .. not much .. not gd hor .. sigh .. cos I dun like to keep walking to the toilet ... haha ...
urine can "wash out" spermie? i am not sure. i am like peg, empty bladder 1st b4 bd. if really need to pee, then no choice but pee lor..

think i will follow no washing after bd for a change...
to all MTB!

! In the meanwhile u consider carefully who to visits lor...hope u find a gd & responsible gynae. Ya lor...there always 2 side to a coin...Yes, but I work in East u r the opposite...haha!

blk 6. Wat abt u? Stay town very boring one...everyday face all the high rise building...
hi Jo,

I used to stay at Blk 5...3 room flat...You stay at Blk 7? the 4 rooms? I think live in town is good leh...convinient..saves travel time...
hi feliza,

congrats to you too!! wish u a healthy 9 mths!


regarding my doggie, i have more or less made the decision. i have to be fair to my hb. he will be very worried if i am alone at home and in future, alone with bb. If i am not preggie, i will hesitate giving him away cos i can still train. Now i am physically unfit to do so. I am cruel but i wun want to hurt my bb too. i dun want this day to happen whereby bb kena attacked. Doc told me that for that kind of bite i have, young children cannot take it.

louie, whenever i smack, he will show his teeth, sometimes will not bite, sometimes will nip, sometimes attack. think the safest way is not to touch him now.

regards to sperm flowing out:

i remember this round, i did not prevent the sperm from flowing out as i was not actively trying. few occassions, almost half the amt of semen flows out.

But this month, hb took zinc tablets from nature farm and i do produce some EWCM. Dunno if thats the case or not. and this mth i super duper relax on ttc.

all the best gals!
haa I opposite u,
I drink alot of warer in off, walk alot to prevent myself frm dosing off in front of pc
keke :p

at hm after dinner, no more water liao
only water is fruit juice lor
Ya tt is the advantage. Mine is 4rms...

No lah u r not cruel. I definitely'l choose bb over doggie.
Hi all,

Would like to clarify if the higher the "Sensitivity: 20 mIU/ml" it is better?

There is one of "Sensitivity: 20 mIU/ml" Vs "Sensitivity: 40 mIU/ml"
Ariel = sihui? Change name sia.. kekeke..

i can;t tahan without washing after BD, i find myself wierd in that butt holding up position leh and if I slightly bend my knee, can feel some SA flowing out, dun is it my DH overfill? I did try to hold up for 5 mins but I know you all sure say 5 mins too short!
i wld like to have the recipe in chinese. pls email me at [email protected]

i dun wash after BD... jus sleep till morn, then wash. also pee before BD, so dat i can sleep immed after BD

same as u... i drink litres in office. but drink by millilitres at home... hahaha

i usu prop butt wif pillow & sleep till next morn. unless i feel uncomfy or hot, then will remove the pillow. think i lagi kua zhang & kiasu
gt a trick after BD,
sleep side n do kegel exericse, so the sperm can swim faster inside us, squeeze the vaginal muscle like holding urine like dat
less semen will flow out...
when i do dat hor (kegel), machiam got more urine in bladder leh, then will feel like wanna go pee liao... dunno issit psychological or wat
Oops Chloe... hahhaha... maybe, I mixed up... tot one of the gals bought OPK from Babyhopes...

Hi Stella

So, wat r u going to do to yr dog? anyone willing to take care of him? How old is he? My SIL is very much into pets... if u need, I can check wif her if she or she has any friends keen to take on....

Hi Val

Kegel exercise will help meh? I tot I read somewhere that it might be causing the spermie to come out instead... but if u tried and it works, then shld be okie lor...
btw, gals, not too sure if u encountered this before... but anyone have cramps before Ovulation? I'm supposed to O sometime from now to Sun... and now, I'm having this very bad cramps (similar to menses cramps)... felt terrible... wondering if that means I'm going to O... will I be too late if I BD tonite?
hee this kegel trick is Fizz teach me one :p
keke...think that's how she strike

Yuki, since when u O? u saw the OPK 2 line is cd wat ah?
ehh...monitor ur cramps, if unberable, call ur gynae n chk...

take care gal
squeeze ur vaginal muscle, nt ur bladder,hehe...
aiya..means when ur HB's didi inside ur vagina, u squeeze his didi lor, get it?
aiyo so paisei,haha...:p
penguin : yes .. ariel = sihui .. haha .. confusing?
Call me by sihui also can lah ..
normally I lay on there for ard 15mins or so .. haha .. hb will quickly give me a pillow .. always .. ok .. will try to empty my bladder before BD ... maybe I go zzz .. morng then bathe .. Yalor, dun like to walk ard my office leh .. but now, ok lor .. tender liao .. not much things to do liao .. clearing my stuffs and handling over to another person .. more free time .. can check out the forum also .. maybe next job .. won't be that free .. only can check when I get back home ...

juju78 - Posted up the thread liao ealier on .. or you want the scan copy??
ya la... i noe. but if do it after bd, usu feel like going to pee also. dat's why i only use the pillow prop

yes... i wan the recipe in chinese
thanks wor
ryes - oh realli .. hee hee ...
maybe we can meet up for lunchie?? keke

Hey ladies .. I have sent the scanned copy of the recipes to you by
check it out ...
Hi Yuki,

My experience is I tested +ve on OPK on 3rd June(CD16),then on 5th June(CD18),experience cramps for a few hours then the pain went off liao...
