A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi ladies... tot tis article is quite good


Hi dodo,

You sound very pessimistic leh...You will sure have yr 1st child before

We will all work hard and hope to graduate soon!
stella, didnt' realise JRT can be so aggressive! Tot they are only active & playful. When u scold/ smack him, u gotta be very firm & stern (using low tone voice). U better use cane or slipper, not bare hands... easy kenna bitten! Can try putting him on lease even at home, easier to "control" him if he tries to attack u! Dog has to know tat u are the master, cannot bite & bully u!

If he bites, fling him away... the other time my neigbour's dog stayed over for a few days, suddenly crazy come & bite me! My initial reaction was quite to fling my arm away & the dog flew off the sofa. Initially, he was quite stunned, paralysed like tat... then i quickly sayang him, he was quite "consoled" & liked me very much after tat! Very weird hor?!
thanks for ur encouragement hoonie

true... im rather pessimistic towards this issue... actually i find that my life have been very smooth so far... so i somehow or rather feel that this will be one of the big setback... keep telling myself not to think abt it too much but hard to control... my hubby also worried i will get depression soon... sigh~
Hi Venice

How long did u wait bf throwing the OPK away? the reaction abit slow leh... last cycle I also nvr get any lines... but this cycle at least see faint line liao... later going to test again... hopefully can see +ve liao..

Hi Dodo

At least u r still young leh.. mi already 30... so definitely won't be able to hv bb bf 30...

Dun worry too much lah... quite sure bf 30 u will get a bb...
U are welcome dodo...

I do agree with you,my life also quite smooth so far..just got this ttc-ing..However,just think of it...TTC is one thing you can't force one..When it is time,you will have it...Dun be depressed ok?? We will be here for each other...At least some moral and spiritual support...
i wait until 10 min lor..
actually on monday, i saw a very faint line....
that is the very first day i use the OPK...
thereafter i used, no lines at all..
tonight i will try using again...
becoz based on calculation, i shd O on 10th..
hope will be able to see strong visible lines these few days

Cheers Upz!!
You r still young, not to worry...
thanks ohohjazz & yuki..

i will jia you!

agree wi what u said hoonie... it's really beyond our control... all the elements have to be there at the correct timing, then miracle will happen

thanks for all ur encouragement... i try to be more optimistic, dun wana affect morale of all the TTC-ers here.. everybody must work hard and hope we all will strike the goal soon...
Hi vernice and yuki,

Just to share my experience with the OPK...

If you are using the green stripe OPK,my double lines show in about 5 mins...Then the next day I test,got a faint line,not very clear...I used the website calculation,the O date somehow tally with the OPK result...
Hi Venice

I saw very faint line on Wed.. faint line on thu... according to the chart... today will probably see dark line leh... but juz tested... the line looks very faint leh... I hope I haven't O yet... but dun care lah... juz continue to BD... my BBT still rather high @ 36.62 today... so should hv O... unless it's on CD 13... BUT on CD 13 itself, I did test but no line at all leh...

Sometimes, really felt... heck care lah... juz continue to BD till I dun feel like BDing... rather than keep thinking of OPK, BBT
ya yuki.. just go ahead and BD.. no harm right...
i just started using BBT, having same temp 36.39 for consecutive 3 days...

if wat u said is true..
that means we have not O yet lor...
i also hope so...

i have not test for today yet..
later when i reach home, i will test..
*keeping my fingers cross*
Hi kermit, christine and louie,

My BBT low ah? oh oh. Been like this for the past few days and got sometimes is 35.96 like that one. I measure in the morning at 715am and i sleep in aircon. So wake up that time is abit cold, thats why I tot my temp sld be normal, since it's cold.

Is it?

if it's before you O-ed, then it's ok. so where are you now in your cycle? if you have already O-ed, then that range is a tad too low i think...
dodo, don't be depressed abt tis TTC-ing thingy. Sometimes, i find tat we read too much, discuss too much may make u more stressed up (even w/o u realising it). We're all here to support one another & cheer each other on!!

Christine, ur gynae shd do a blood test aft O to test for progestrone level to see if u O well. Post O, shd still have eggs lah... but no dominant one lor! But, not all the time PCOS. Yes, OPKs/ BBT are NOT GUARANTEE tat one's reproductive is alright.

Vernice, good luck to ur testing!!

Ryes, if Ur BBT chart shows 2 distinct phase - pre & post O. shd be no problem! Usu. 35.96 is pre-O temp. CD57 is quite long liao leh... is ur cycle usu so long?

bettle_bug: u cld see gynae to do V scan for u. Usu with V scan,can tell a lot of things, whether have cysts etc. My last cycle, right ovary quite painful ard expected O (but think in the end I didn't O)... when I sleep on my right side can feel the pain leh. Will check wif gyane when I go for my CD12 scan appt on monday!
Hey hey,

I'm so happy happy! Dont know why just picked up the OPK to test today and I've got a positive!

But just to be sure, I'm gonna test again later, coz I have yet to receive such dark line before!!!so happy!
Hey Congrats Ryes...hehe..

I was like you,excited and happy like a bird when I see the dark line positive last sat!!
Continue to BD and BD and BD thru the wkend k??

Good Luck!!!
hey hoonie..kekekek, okay, busy busy this weekend..

but then har, I tested againhor, is so much faint line leh..how come like that one.
Dun despair vernice..*hugz*

Which CD are u in now? If your cycle is long(ie.30 days),you mic ovulate later... Sometimes you drink too much water before testing,might not show accurate results also I heard...
Hi Ryes,

Perhaps you had drank a lot of liquid before testing?? I have seen the pic u attached..I am sure that is a +ve...
Ryes, LH surge happens only once before you ovulate. If you test again later (say few hours later), the surge would not be shown cos you already passed it out when you did the previous test!

Actually, don't fret too much about the result. The important thing is to enjoy the process with your hubby! It's a common saying that passionate sex is the best bet to getting pregnant, so you just focus on seducing your hubby every night and forget about the rest just for these few days ;)
Mrs Wong,

U are absolutely right....We should enjoy the process and seduce our man,otherwise they may feel we treat like them a making BB machine
Hi honnie & mrs wong...

the thing is hor for the test ah, I pee wee little bit only, then duno is it too concentrated,that's when the LH showsup leh. ahahah, think getting paranoid.

Nvm, waiting for hb to come home, then BD time...
bettle bug,

the corpus luteum is left 1 or 2 days after O or the follicle pop...
ya do a series of scan n chk wif ur gynae
hi gals..

good morning!

i could not sleep well and woke up early.

abit "xin fan" cos of my doggie issue.

went to pray and i told god to bless him.. this is the least that i can do..
hi dodo,

dun despair! i was like u during apr/may when TTC failed for 2 rounds.

3rd round, i was totally relaxed and even told my gynae that once my period comes, i will book a test in CD21 to test whether i ovulated.

so this time, i din think abt TTC and din use preseed. I also dont think we got BD during my O DAY. me and hb also tried out various position for our ML sessions, no lying on bed after sex and i immediately get up to wash and pee. I still remember lots of semen flowing out..heehee

so...it may sound clinque by most importantly "relax"
morning gals! was busy with work the whole day yesterday and couldn't find any time to post here.


dun worry if u have already O, jus continue to BD on alternate days lor. for me, i have been testing with OPK these few days but -ve results. think still early for me cos i normally O on CD17 (today is only CD15).


Congrats! throw some baby dust to me! hehehe....
feliza and stella, congrats!!! Piggy or doggy??

Ladies, I thought the book 'Taking charge of your fertility' says don't do kegel immediately after BD cos it will push the sperm out? Or it will help the sperm to go in if lie down sideways?
hi gals - thanks for all the comforting words... today i feel better already...I will learn to be more relax about TTC from now on...

msn_queen - ya, start to TTC again.
bloom- i just bought the book yesterday.
wow.. lost after not logging in for 2 days!

congrats to e new graduates!! HUGZ.. spread more babydust to us!! keke

me gg HK on mon.. luckily sldn't coincide with O day! so i can just shop shop shop! haha.. think i'll just wait till year end before i'll even have any chance since my menses so irregular..

dodo - dun be too upset.. i was just like u last mth.. my AF also played hide n seek w me and i tested BFN THREE times! even cried.. now just decided to take things easy lor.. tt period was very sian for me.. everyday also sad sad.. hb was also worried.. we encourage one another! me also seeing dr chua yang..=) hug hug
Hi I am new

We were planning to have baby and my period was late. But when the result is negative, I still feel like vomiting every morning. So I went to see my gynae - do blood test and scan - discover a 10cm cyst.

I just had an operation to remove a 10cm Teratoma Cyst and it was attach on the left ovary thus it had damaged my left one. And I left with one ovary

I was very very sad and worry ..I cried almost every night. My hubby comfort me that it is ok if we cannot hv kid but actually we love to have one.

I felt so relieve when my period came after the operation and my gynae advise me to get pregnant fast as sometime cyst may come again but the problem is i scare to have tat feeling of disappoinment again.

I just had the operation 2 months ago.

And I have so many worries ....like
*is it safe now to try conceive ?
*With one ovary can i succeed ?
*will my baby be healthy ?

What should i do ?
HI May may,

welcome to this thread. Dun be too stressed and have so much worry okay?

Since gynae has already given u the green light to go ahead to TTC, just enjoy the process.
will we have period if there is no ovluation ?

tks Ryes ... hmm lucky have a forum for me to voice out my worries as not everyone understand the heart-pain.
hi may,

jus relax when ttc-ing... i am trying to keep ttc out of my mind so i will not be too stressed. yup, some gals may have regular menses but no ovulation.

tested with OPK yesterday and there is a faint line, hopefully today will be a dark line...
Hi May

I had lap to remove 2 cysts... one 8 cm and the other one 5 cm... my gynae also told me to get preggy asap so that the cysts won't be growing back again...

My womb now is hour-glass shape... also not very good condition...

Think we juz continue to TTC and leave the rest to god's will lor... coz if u dun even try, u won't know...
Bettle: Me bought this book early this year ... at $5 ... at bras basah 2nd hand bookstore ... initially, wanna get it from borders but out of stock .. so managed to see this book by chance .. hee hee, actually not much been read .. .. starting to read it now ...
U leh??
