A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

feliza and stella

So many graduates this month!

now feeling very down... just got to know my friend is 5 month preggie...sigh... it is her second one leh. me one also don't have... very sad

when will my turn come...
hi hi girls,
so many new comers coming into this thread???

And congrats to Katherine, Felica and Stella!!!!
Wa, really getting more & more grads, good news leh....

Well, now I'm into my week 10 soon. Very xing ku, everytime MS is like hell.... I already got injection for MS 3x liao.... so hopefully dun be like me.... fizz is definitely more fortunate than me, hers did not have so much puking....

jo(Fatty), U still going to see Dr Heng?? How's you appt so far? I'm seeing her on Monday!

Bettle bug,
still actively trying? bb dust will come to you from the 3 of them soon.

still updating the table? Thanks for the great job...

Sometimes I do not ahve time to read thru all the posting but will pop in and read through.

So everyone gd luck... sometimes is only luck.... not skill or whatever, it will come ok :p
bettle bug,

dun lost hope. i throw bags and bags of bb dust for u.

tomorrow going to si ma lu... will pray for all TTCers to be blessed with bb.
hi sihui & ryes, u gals working in alexandra? me close too...me at harbourfront. used to work in alexandra - HP.
maybe when we all graduate, can meet up with our babies in tow..hee
(As of 9 June)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sihui</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> 23 June</TD><TD> 8 July</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>baby26</TD><TD> 4</TD><TD>? </TD><TD>?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 5</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> 15 June</TD><TD> 30 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 11 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 34 - 36 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> 12 June</TD><TD> 28 June</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 24 June</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 4 dpo</TD><TD> 17 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Whee</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> 6 dpo</TD><TD> 19 June</TD><TD> 24-28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> 12 dpo</TD><TD> 11 June</TD><TD> 26-30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 27</TD><TD> 12 dpo</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates

Good morning gals...

It's FRIDAY... Hippee...

Hi Valerie

Not yet O leh... last 2 days got see faint line... maybe the darker line will appear either today or tmr lor... if on schedule,
I shld O on either 10 or 11 June...

But yesterday till now.... still having this crampy feeling... like alot of gas to let out...
very painful...

hi Stella

Hv pass the email to my SIL...
hopefully, she can help...

Hi Liz, Sihui &amp; ryes

Mi working @ ayer rajah... so, also pretty close to where u all work... hehhehe...
Hi Stella

Congrats to you too!! hee...e
Wishing u also a heatthy 9mths too! Hee...e..

Hi gals,
Some tips to share

1-2 days after AF, drink some black chicken soup boiled with " dan-gui". It is gd for keeping the womb warm lor.

And the legs up theory does works for me in this case.

Drink Green tea and grapefruit juice for more CM.

Hope it helps

Morning ladies ...

Yes, next mth I will be working at alexandra ... hee hee ..

Maybe we can arrange to meet up ard the area for lunch?? Yes, once we grad .. we can bring our bb to town, to meet up ...

Juju - No problem ... hope the recipe will b useful ..
hi yuki, sharon, jo - wkend all must jia you ok!!!

bettlebug, i am sure our turn to grad will be soon!! Stella,

Feliza - congrats!!! Thanks for the tips! Take good care ya!
come to think of it, i also experienced very bad cramp on 6 june, the day i think i ovulate. the lower tummy area, feel so full also, very xin ku..
Hi ladies,

I am ttc'g after m/c last Dec. I just found some interesting information on the net which I thot might interest some of u with short follicular phase:

Effect of short follicular phase with follicular maturity on conception outcome.

Check JH, Liss JR, Shucoski K, Check ML.

The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden, Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology &amp; Infertility, Camden, NJ, USA.

PURPOSE: To determine if a short follicular phase despite attaining a mature follicle is associated with a lower pregnancy rate. Furthermore the study would determine if delaying the maturation of the follicle by the use of ethinyl estradiol could improve the pregnancy rate. METHODS: The clinical and viable pregnancy rates of 32 infertile patients were matched to 32 similar controls who ovulated at or past day 11. After 2-3 cycles of demonstrating ovulation before day 11 some patients were treated with ethinyl E2, 20 mcg daily, from day 2 of the cycle until ovulation. RESULTS: Clinical and viable pregnancy rates for the normal ovulators (84.4%, 59.3%) were significantly higher than the rates for early ovulators (21.8%, 9.3%). However, the pregnancy rates were 83.3% and 66.7% for the subset of early ovulators who were made to ovulate later by ethinyl E2. CONCLUSIONS: The short follicular phase per se reduces fecundity.

that is interesting. which means if you ovulate early, chances of pregnancy is lower. i remembered i read something posted on this forum before that on the contrary, if you ovulate late yet got pregnant, there is higher possibility that that pregnancy may not be viable too.

but i know that was not a clinical study like this one but a book written by a woman wanting to give tips on how to attain pregnancy. now..if only i could find the link...any old timers here know which book i am talking about?
hey gal, jiayou

just BD la, over the wekeend,hehe...
u gt this kind of cramps before?

ya drink greentea helps
Congrats feliza! n thks for ur tips
hi all,

have not been actively coming to this thread as busy with work. wow! so many grads... *envy*!!! CONGRATS to stella, feliza and all the other grads.

btw, i have something to chk with all of u. my menstrual cycle has been verie accurate all along (31 days cycle) and i have been monitoring my O for the past few mths too. fr the test results, it showed dat i wld normally ovulate around CD15/16 (with 2 dark lines). hwever, during my 1st visit to my gynae, he diagnosed me with PCOS aft doing a vscan. there's no blood test done. and he did not mention anything much to me too, just that he cannot see any eggie when doing the scan. but then, i went to him aft my O, so it's only natural not to see the eggie rite? plus he asked me to take clomid for my next cycle.

now, i'm getting all confused as I read on the web dat PCOS is normally for pple with irregular menses. oso, my gynae said OPK tests may not be always accurate too. is this so?

can someone help to enlighten me? thanks so much!
oh i found the article..

it's called "Miracles do happen" by Carol Andrews.

anyone who wants to read this article, pls holler and i will email it to you
can i ask you, u took the black chicken bu tang everyday after Ur AF, or only once or twice leh?
cos dang gui cannot take after O..
Hi kermit,

I think both short and prolonged follicular phases are no good. From my researches, short follicular phases does not allow uterine lining to build up well enough. Poor uterine lining can cause poor implantation and subsequent miscarriage. Also according to my TCM dr, poor quality ovum gives poor quality uterine lining.

I suspect my uterine lining and/or ovum quality is poor as my AF only last 2 days. *sigh*

yes pls email me the article. [email protected]

i did a little bit of research on PCOS and some girls over the PCOS thread did say that it is not only girl with irregular menses who will have PCOS. the diagnosis is typically after a scan, many many similar sized egg follicles are seen instead of one dominant follicle with other follicles of various sizes. it has been described that a PCOS ovary will look like a string of pearl necklace.

if you do not trust what this gynae is saying, why don't you seek a second opinion. and try to schedule your visit before O and see if a dominant follicle can be seen.
i also got cramp around my CD14, so I think that's my O cramp too. It lasted about 1.5 days. Initially, very crampy (usually affects my back) and uncomfortable, cannot stand straight. After a few hours, then much better liao.

Ovulation is a phase of the female menstrual cycle, which involves the release of an egg (ovum) from one of the ovaries. For most women, ovulation occurs about once every month until menopause, apart from episodes of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

About one in five women experience pain and discomfort during ovulation. The duration of the pain varies from one woman to the next, but ranges from a few minutes to 48 hours. In most cases, ovulation pain doesn't mean that anything is wrong. However, severe pain may sometimes be symptomatic of gynaecological conditions including endometriosis. See your doctor if your ovulation pain lasts longer than three days or is associated with other unusual menstrual symptoms, such as heavy bleeding. Ovulation pain is also known as mid-cycle pain and mittelschmerz (German for 'middle pain').

The symptoms of ovulation pain can include:

Pain in the lower abdomen, just inside the hip bone.
The pain typically occurs about two weeks before the menstrual period is due.
The pain is felt on the right or left side, depending on which ovary is releasing an egg.
The pain may switch from one side to the other from one cycle to the next, or remain on one side for a few cycles.
The pain sensation varies between individuals - for example, it could feel like uncomfortable pressure, twinges, sharp pains or cramps.
The duration of pain ranges anywhere from minutes to 48 hours.

i've been drinking green tea since CD1, but didn't notice any difference in my CM... still as dry. But once i drink grapefruit... hee... got a bit sticky...
wat I know frm my gynae is, after ovulation, the follicle will burst out frm the sac/shell,
the epmty sac/shell will form into corpus luteum which produces progestrone
my gynae saw this corpus luteum in my ovary and showed that I had ovulated

can do a search in the net regarding this corpus luteum thing
Hi Hoonie

Actually, now I'm pretty worried if I O on CD 13 or not... coz that day BBT is very low... and these 3 days all high liao... very confused... will still be testing OPK later... so far only got faint line on CD 14 &amp; 15... And I usually O on CD 16 to 18.... and plus that stupid cramp... make me even more confused... so, maybe, juz heck care and BD as and when I like and hopefully will strike lor...

Hi Sihui

Sure sure... we can arrange somewhere more centralised perhaps... hehehee...

Hi Valerie

Nothing that's so bad... I always get slight cramps when I O... but this felt like what I get during AF... I kept having the feeling that my AF is coming... when I haven't even supposed to O yet...

Hi Christine

As wat I know is that OPK is not accurate for gals wif PCOS... U may wanna do another scan after yr AF to make sure that there's egg lor...

u may wanna seek for 2nd opinion to make sure that wat this gynae said is correct... coz fr what u say... this gynae also abit funny... nvr do blood test and scan after yr O, but expect to see egg? how come he so sure that u didn't O?

Hi Chloe

U so lucky hor... can see sticky CM liao? I saw a little on my CD 13... after that, juz the usual yellow discharge that I see everyday... not too sure if grapefruit juice is helping me then... coz till now haven't see EWCM...
hi yuki,
OPK is not accurate for gals wi PCOS huh?
hmm.. but dr chua did tell me considering OPK as another alternative on top of BBT if i still not succeed after 6mths of trying... (i have PCOS)... i getting more n more confused already...
hi feliza,

so our edd is abt the same hor?

have u gone to see gynae yet?

i got cramps on tummy on and off.. abit worried
yalor, i drank grapefruit the day before yesterday, and then yesterday night suddenly have the sticky CM leh. I only drink half cup and it's so effective...hehe... but hor, i dun dare to drink a lot. Scare gastric. But one thing is that the sticky CM may confuse me as to when is my O... because before O already have the sticky CM which is not my usual self... hmmm....
question har.

Pregnant that time ur BBT is high right. How high is high? Whats the BBT temp roughly estimated to be?

a bit of cramps is normal as the uterus is stretching to accommodate the new inhabitant, just as long as there is no spotting and your pain isn't very persistent or very bad.

at 4.5 weeks, i could see my sac already, why don't you quickly arrange an appointment with a gynae to allay your fears.
hi yuki, valerie, kermit,

thanks for all the advise! he oso asked me to do HSG and the scan result is ok. so now i waiting for my AF to arrive to take clomid lor and then to call him to arrange a scan on CD10. he actually told me to stop taking BBT as he said the OPK is more accurate. then again, he said might not be dat accurate too. so now, i wondering if i did O anot... cos i have been doing BBT and taking OPK tests faithfully for the past 4 mths or so and the tests results and BBT tally so far. so, i dunno wat's wrong with me now...

the gynae did say i have some verie small cysts but they won affect me in getting preggie in anyway... he kept telling me no worries though.
Hi yuki...

If you are not very sure whether you O-ed or not,then just continue to BD lor...no harm right??
I think you mic be reading too much into the symtoms,stressing ab it is no good for yr body leh...As for myself,I see the double line on the OPK,line quite dark also,I think I should have O-ed liao..I dun take BBT at all..

that is a bit low..in fact, those are like my temps before i O-ed. Have you done a progesterone check? progesterone is the hormone that will cause an elevated BBT. and lack of that makes it harder to get preggie.
Nice to see u here again. My appt with her so far so gd. I'm seeing her tmr...3 injection must be painful man...meanwhile u take care &amp; rest as much as possible...

I can feel the cramp as well as sore boob when nearer &amp; after to O...i tout every mth u start BD on CD10 or CD12 de...

My O date is the same as yours... And i had cramp yesterday... but then when i test on the OPK, it doesnt have any lines at all leh...
so i am confused now.... dunno whether i have O or not..
Hi Christine &amp; Dodo

Below is something I got from babyhopes webby...

<font color="ff0000">Special Considerations
Some prescription drugs, such as menotropins may affect the test result. Certain rare medical conditions or the onset of menopause can cause elevated levels of LH. Some women do not ovulate every cycle and they will not see any increase in the level of LH hormone during these non-ovulating cycles. Women with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) may not get reliable results from ovuluation tests. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure.</font>

Hi Dodo

Think, it MAY NOT get reliable results... but if u supplement wif other tests maybe okie? I'm not too sure also leh...

Hi chloe

wow... so good? half a cup got effect liao? I will try to drink more tonite.. hopefully, got better results..

Hi Christine

If u do a scan on CD 10... Shld be able to tell lah... dun worry too much... maybe u did O? Anyway, that's past liao... this coming cycle... do scan first... maybe u wanna be very sure, do a progesterone blood test after that?

Hi Hoonie

Of course lah... tonite going to rape my hubby... hehehehe...

Hi Stella

My SIL say tried this webby... not too sure u already noe? www.petschannel.com.sg
Hi Christine &amp; Dodo

Below is something I got from babyhopes webby...

<font color="ff0000">Special Considerations
Some prescription drugs, such as menotropins may affect the test result. Certain rare medical conditions or the onset of menopause can cause elevated levels of LH. Some women do not ovulate every cycle and they will not see any increase in the level of LH hormone during these non-ovulating cycles. Women with Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) may not get reliable results from ovuluation tests. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure.</font>

Hi Dodo

Think, it MAY NOT get reliable results... but if u supplement wif other tests maybe okie? I'm not too sure also leh...

Hi chloe

wow... so good? half a cup got effect liao? I will try to drink more tonite.. hopefully, got better results..

Hi Christine

If u do a scan on CD 10... Shld be able to tell lah... dun worry too much... maybe u did O? Anyway, that's past liao... this coming cycle... do scan first... maybe u wanna be very sure, do a progesterone blood test after that?

Hi Hoonie

Of course lah... tonite going to rape my hubby... hehehehe...

Hi Stella

My SIL say tried this webby... not too sure u already noe? www.petschannel.com.sg
Ops... double post... sorrie..

Hi Vernice

I also leh... yesterday's OPK shows faint line... so meaning still -ve lor... will be testing again later... hopefully will see +ve...
hi yuki,
thanks for the info

shall continue trying for another 4 yrs... really hope i will have my own baby b4 30yr old... if not, may consider adopting one...
gals - also experience O cramp sometimes. last cycle is the worst, the cramp seems to last longer, and it only happen after I tested postivie with OPK. any other possible reason why i cramp later? I am still thinking whether i should visit my gynae and ask her to scan my Ovary.

valerie - can you tell us how your gynae see the corpus luteum from your ovary? which CD did she/he do the scan for you?

kermit, ryes - preggie, BBT is supposed to be high. Rem MSN_Queen's preggie BBT quite low... so i guess it all depends wat ur pre-O temp is.

yuki, maybe u on 3 tab clomid, ur O becomes earlier? By right it is supposed to regulate cycle! tats why i need to do scan on CD 12 lor.

kermit/ christine - the doc shd be in the best position to advise whether got PCOS. I had a few egg follicle during my last scan, but none of them mature enuf to become dominant - likely didn't O lor. but ovary sure can see smaller follicles one lah, don't scare urself. My gynae said for me, no PCOS. read abt longer or shorter cycle also not too good. Most efficient is 28 days lor.
