A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


are u seeking any gynae's advise on ur irregular menses? better go see one cos u won't know if anything is wrong.


yup, now i try not to think too much but my sis is actually giving me pressure. she jus got preggie after trying for 6 years. she keep telling me n my hubby to go for checkup! feel like slapping her cos she is adding pressure to me! haha...


i dun like to go to family or friends gatherings cos i wan to avoid them frm asking me when i wan a baby. so sickening! i always find excuses not to attend those full mth baby celebration.

Hi Yuki,

Yar lor...I think I'll hv to leave it to fate...I've already tendered my resignation with my present co so I don't think it will be fair to them if I stay on just cos I'm preggie and my new co don't want me....my worry is tt I may become jobless.

BTW, can you update for me? Tdy shld be my DPO12, AF expected on 28 May. Thanks a lot!

Hi Hayashi,
the reason y I am worried is cos these few I'm feeling nausea, like a gagging feeling in my throat. I've nvr expereinced tt before.

Has anyone heard of this before? Someone found a new job then cos of preggie, the new employer withdraw the offer?
My gynae suggested to do a pap smear and ultrascan one week after my mens. My last pap smear was done in 2004. So just nice lor. As I took clomid for this cycle, shld be ovulating. Hence she checked the egg for me..and it was big lor, 26mm. But cant see if already burst anot. I oso use OPK on my own and it is neg, hence gynae said shld be Oing soon...which is true. 2 days later got a +ve on OPK. She oso scheduled to do a blood test to confirm got O anot..to close all the loops..in case OPK show +ve but my eggs still not released. She said tat is possible but not high chance..can only say that she is patient with me la....I asked many questions oso pai say liao.
Hi Tami, i got a fren who got preggie after she joined the co for 3 months. The co let her stayed on but on a condition that she couldnt enjoy the full maternity benefits. Think she only get 1 month maternity leave and paid out of her own pocket for the 2nd mth. Think u can negotiate with yr co. in worst scenario, i rather take the baby than the job.

hi sharon, yeah i agree with u. know what i did after my miscarriage in march? i organised a baby shower for my sister...no choice cos already agreed to do it before the miscarriage. i went thru it...wasnt that bad but heart aches for my baby...but it made me stronger person i guess..

my family members know i had the m/c, now they seldom asked me when i want a baby but offer me all sorts of sympathy advices...sigh...which makes me feel worst. but life goes on, BD efforts must still go on.....
i cant wait for the day i shout i am preggie too!!
elizabeth - i guess ur sis doesnt realise she putting pressure on u.. maybe coz she had to take 6 mths so she worried for u too.. take care.. all e best in ur BD efforts.. =)

if u got preggie jus after u join ur new coy, guess u got to talk to ur new boss over there.

i really regretted for not starting ttc earlier. right after my customary, me and hubby wanted 'er ren shi jie', then 1 yr after 'er ren shi jie' i started changing jobs (changed jobs within 1 year). then finally found 1 job which i am happy with, now with this coy for abt 8 mths... so jus started ttc since feb...
thanks caitlyn...
need all the luck this week........

I have been using OPK past two days...chart says i will O this sat, is it too early to use OPK?
My cycle is regular but gynae oso asked me to take clomid as I am not ovulating even though I hv menses.

Ya lor, first love till now...hee hee....sometimes friends said very "er xin".
Hi Elizabeth,
If given a choice, I would also rather hv the baby..esp after I hv been trying for so long. But I need the job cos I don't think can survive on hubby's pay alone..

Guess I shld not worry so much now since I am not preggie yet. I will worry only when I am really preggie..haha. Take things one step at a time lor...Thanks for all ur advices
Thanks Elizabeth,

sometimes I really think tt we women hv such great burdens, hv to worry abt conceiving, hv to worry abt careers.. then later on after give birth hv to worry for kids and balance career at the same time.

I told my hubby abt my worries he just bo chap and say the co cannot withdraw their offer, if they do, then he will sue them...sigh.. he just don understand lor.. or issit I think too much
elizabeth - maybe u can monitor ur CM also before using? if O on sat.. maybe can start testing tmr? i oso not too sure lehz.. jia you jia you..

blueblue - so sweet.. envious envious.. keke..
Hi Sharon

My Brown discharge only disappeared last nite... today come back already... saw some blood stain... so the full force shld be in the afternoon or this evening lah... so far, always have 2 days of brown discharge and after AF come...

My BBT is abit higher than yesterday... but not as high as bf... so think not very high chance lah...

Hi Tami

Ya lor... nothing u can do now anyway... why trouble trouble when trouble haven't troubled u... heheheh..... juz take things as it come lor...

Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor.. I also wearing... very scare suddenly full force come...
Hi Elizabeth

At least yr relatives will shut their mouth and not ask u anything abt pregnancy mah... hopefully, one day soon... u can announce the good news again..


And guess wat, during my New staff meet the MD session earlier on... I already get pple asking me when I'm going to have a bb... OMG... My relatives nvr ask me... but my friends are all over enthusiastic...

Btw, I went for my gynae follow-up... she's increasing my Clomid dosage to 3 tabs / day... and also checking up my hubby's semens... hopefully, nothing wrong... Hopefully, if this cycle fails... then next cycle can make it... coz she was telling me... try 3 tabs / day for 2 cycles... after that gotta go back for further reviews liao... coz she scare my endo will come back...

Must work doubly hard this coming cycle...

ur hubby doing the SA? 3 tabs/day? that's alot? u took 1 or 2 tabs for last cycle? i still have 1 more cycle of clomid to take before i see my gynae, meaning if this and next cycle fail then will go see gynae. hubby will do SA once my AF reports
Hi Sharon

Ya lor... juz to make sure that he's healthy and "productive" mah... this cycle I'm taking 2 tabs... but looks like the effect not very good... so, gynae advise 3 tabs for 2 rounds before seeing her again...

but u start off taking only 1 tab right? and ur blood test result is good right? then how come results is not effective? never strike never not effective? this cycle u got do blood test?
hi gals....
long time no see.. so busy with work now... take a bit time off during lunch..

saw quite a few graduates!!! congratulations..
say positive for those still trying...

me CD28 today still no sound no pict.... pray that AF come soon cos going on biz trip nex week... dun wan to kana then...
yuki - me no brown discharge.. no symptom ever since two days ago the stomachache.. darned sianz.. i dun want it to come too late.. and nw i start to hu shi luan xiang.. usu how many days e longest after O will AF come?
thanks yuki..
yeah tami dont worry too much..take it as it comes...

i v kiasu..planning to BD tonite till O day on sat..like that sure wont miss anything rite? hee..

i am using OPK testing at nite 10pm.. cant remember where but read this article that says we should test OPK btween 10am to 3pm, 5pm and 10pm. anyone heard of it b4?
Hi Sharon

I start off taking 1 tab... the 1st blood test after that was good... but the 2nd time I took 1 tab... think my body didn't react very well... though I did ovulate, but there's not EWCM, felt abit dry... my cycle was lengthened... So, after blood test results shown a decrease... my gynae advise me to take 2 tabs instead... but the 3rd cycle, still not reacting well... that's why she told me to start with 3 tabs the coming cycle...

Though I didn't do blood test but based on other body reactions... my gynae also say that chances are will be the same as the previous cycle, did ovulate but not as well...

Hi Jadefeet

Really very long nvr see u liao... how r u coming along? hope u enjoying yrself...

Hi Caitlyn

Ya lor... true lor.. I also hope that if I'm not preggy this time... my AF will come soon... the brown discharge is kinda disturbing... coz not considered 1st day yet... and u always have a voice telling u... "maybe yr AF is not coming afterall... " so tend to hu shi luan xiang...

Think luteal phase is from 12 to 16 days... for mi... so far, it's 15 days..
elizabeth - if u BD everyday, i think ur poor hb will be so tired! hahaha... every alt day sld be safe.. =)

yuki - i ever have this brownish discharge for a week! then AF for anoher week! tt was torturous.. till date got no symptoms.. really darned sianz.. then keep on trying to imagine i got pregggy symptoms! crazy already man! haha
Hi Yuki,
Clomid will dry up EWCM, so when i was taking clomid, i used preseed, if not too dry to BD.

I am very busy since its a new job n i am working on a big project... very stress...
last 2 mths, cycle super short.. 28 days then 26 days... so expecting Af to arrive anytime soon so its CD28 today n on CD14 that week.. got EWCM...boobs aso grew heavier n harder.. nimples aso sore...pre-Af symptoms... only difference is my skin very good this mth heheheheh....
Cannot BD everyday according to my gynae. The quality of the sperm may not be good enough. Suggestion is every 2 days or 3 days..cos lifespand of sperm is about 72hrs.
noted... should i BD even if the OPK show negative? just worry if i miss out anything..sigh.

jadefeet, heavier boobs could be sign of preggie. i had the same symptom..boobs were so sore and heavy.. if u have been planning, might be good news.. i also notice the cycle usually shorten and period will come earlier than the previous mth with each passing cycle...not sure if i am rite..
Hi Caitlyn

I hope I won't have it for a week... otherwise, surely go crazy thinking of all the possibilities.. mi also not much of symptoms until today... can feel the crampy feeling liao...

Hi Jadefeet

Ya lor... Dunno if I shld try preseed this cycle coz actually, my gynae was telling me that if Clomid reacts well... I shld get EWCM and cycle shld not be delayed... it's supposed to regulate my system... so was thinking maybe if this cycle not successful... will start wif the pink grapefruit juice that the rest suggested first... then see how...
Hi Elizabeth

Think us OPK as a guide only lor... continue to BD on alternate days from CD 10 / 12 depending on the length of yr cycle...

Like me, my OPK I tested from alternate days from CD 10 till 20... (BD on the days when I'm not testing) all -ve... Even on the day bf my BBT hit lowest... also -ve... But heckcare lah... juz continue to BD lor...

then meaning my 2nd cycle of clomid is not responding well? cos my 2nd cycle is 34 days instead of 31 days. cham... cos i never do any blood test for the 2nd cycle. but i did get a +ve using O. think my AF will come this few days liao cos have this crampy feeling since last week. pimples start popping out last sat already... but a funny thing is, i never get breakout when AF is coming.


this cycle i also got use preseed cos i didn't know that saliva is unfriendly to spermie!
Hi JuJu & Stella,

Me from MF also but primary sch.

Now toying whether should send my son back to my pri sch or not? No need to queue mah.
elizabeth, i m past the phase of TTC liao.. gone that's not my priority now... wan to relax n enjoy n do well in my new job... aiming for a promotion heheheh...
everyone aso experience sore boobs so i give up liao... even DH aso say he is not geting his hopes high cos my boobs always grow at this time..
jus dun think too much...

yuki, for myself, i realise during clomid, my ewcm is still ard but much lesser n stretchy than normal.. so i tried preseed...

saliva is unfriendly to sperm cos there is a lot of bacteria n aso the acid level... not good for the forever fragile spermies, this aso canot tat aso canot...men always more troublesome than women...

i read frm this thread then realise saliva is no good for spermie lor... that's why i went to buy preseed and use for this cycle. for me, sore boobs is also a AF sympton, but this cycle, boobs not so sore, normal lor... haiz....
Hi Sharon

Dun panic lah... but how did yr cycle goes... is it the same like yr other cycles... good EWCM? Luteal phase also regular? think if others are okie... shld be okie lor... if not, maybe u wanna highlight to yr gynae also...

And dun use saliva coz not friendly to spermie leh...

Hi Elizabeth

Ya lor... Since I m going to BD then not necessary to test OPK mah... heheheh... save $$ lor... but on one of the days, I did lah... coz BBT showing that I'm going to ovulate soon mah... so tot... juz test and see if I can see +ve or not... but also -ve leh... so think maybe test wrong timing lor...

my luteal phase is 17 days for last cycle. today is only 14th day. so maybe AF will report 3 days later? i got EWCM during my fertile period and OPK did show +ve result lor...

yah, now that i know saliva is no gd, i use preseed lor.... hope it helps
Hi Sharon

Yr Luteal phase has always been 17 days? tot normally it's abt 12 to 16 days leh... but if yrs is always like that... then shld be okie hor... but next time if u were to see yr gynae, may wanna highlight to him/her...

At least, u got EWCM... mine dun even have...

yup, mine is always ard 17 days... maybe will let my gynae know during my next vision. i got EWCM but not much leh... is it bcos of clomid that's why not much?


is ur menses always irregular?
Hi Sharon

If yr's always 17 days maybe not so much of a worry... but juz highlight in case there's anything that we do not know mah...

Dunno leh... my gynae told me that if Clomid is working well... the whole cycle shld correspond well also... but looks like alot of us who's taking Clomid all experience that CM is much lesser leh...

Will continue to take Clomid first... and try the grapefruit juice method...
then see how lor..

Coz for the last cycle, I was sick also.. so dunno if it affects my cycle... so hard to say...

The strange thing is till now... still no sight of my AF....
"where are u..... if u r coming... pls come... if u r not coming... then dun come for 9 mths...."

how many days due liao? ur brown discharge is only little bit or a lot? maybe still got chance?

my next cycle will still be 1 tab/day leh... how many cycles of clomid can we take? it's determine by the nos. of cycles or the amount of clomid (mg)?
Hi Sharon & Elizabeth

Considering my average cycle then, I'm 2 days overdue...

Considering my luteal phase then, I'm 1 day overdue...

Last Sun, I did a HPT liao... BFN... so, dun think it's pregnancy lah... coz till now, I kept having the AF cramps... juz that my AF dun come only... maybe too stressful liao...

But of course,
can't help hoping that AF won't visit me for the next 9 mths lah... that's why now more stress mah... coz keep thinking... I was so kancheong
that went toilet more frequently... till I fed-up...
now juz put pad instead of panty liner...

my last cycle also like u.... previous cycle is 31 days, but delayed for 3 days, CD34 then AF came. also tested with BFN, so i understand how u feel now. i also keep going to the toilet to see if AF came
yuki n sharon, fully understand...my AF was 10 days late and i was so hopeful. During my trip, i kept testing with test kit. AF finally came on day 35..

will keep fingers crossed for u..
btw, what the long term for CD?
Hi Sharon & Elizabeth

Yr last menses also got brown discharge?

CD = Cycel Day

I know lor... always hear pple's AF delay... actually, if AF is coming... I rather it juz comes rather than like now... wanna come dun wanna come like that... so fed-up..
