A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

nvr heard of his name... lol... me grad frm 4E7...

i did! i did! i went wif 2 other gals frm my class, the next day we went back & took pics of the old bdlg. i prefer the old bldg, more homely... u joined in '94, means u missed the prev principal. a super nice guy

i realli missed sec sch days siah... poly & uni were so political, u only got frens either bcos u get good grades or u super good-looking. but i wasn't either, so i din hv frens

u all 1 by 1 more and more younger leh..
i dun wan to hear about age please...

stella, blueblue i think i will go and buy pink grapefruit juice also. But what is the flaxseed for? Can I dun take that?

blueblue, u saying tongiht start to test, but the package say if I am average 32 days should start to test CD17. Today is my CD14, I should start to test already? What time usually? Later I am eating free ice cream, will it affect my test result? Ice cream make me happy (haha)

You say if saw a faint line I must start to test 2x per day, so what time I must test? I can't test at office leh...

Can share with me?
Can get grapefruit juice from Cold Storage, i think the brand is flordia or tropica..cant rem. I think it is EWCM, clear discharge. But dunnno how to confirm...hee hee. Cannot just show anyone like tat...so just take it as EWCM since it is clear...go n try...maybe it helps.

I a bit kiasu. I think can start to test lor...now one time a day till u see a darker line then start to do it 2x in order not to miss it..for my case, I got a dark line in the noon time...not as dark as control line, then at nite 9pm, got two dark dark lines... yeah
so happy to see it like seeing BFP..ha ha...too bad it's not BFP. I tested in the office..walk fast to toilet n go bk to hide in cubicle.

As I was on clomid, oso dunno when to start, so I tested on CD10 - neg, CD11 - neg, CD12 -faint, CD13-faint, CD14-+ve then CD 15 faint again....hope it helps.
Actually, last mth I first started using opk then never get a +ve. This mth i bought the clearplan wan.. and then i tested on cd14 and i got a smile.... meaning +ve lor... then i hand itchy, i use the opk(green color) test, then the test band seems lighter than the control band... that was abt 7pm. but hor... next day, i test again at 7pm, the clearplan shows no smiling face liao... haiz.... the package also say start testing on cd14, but i ks, i start test on cd13... luckily on cd14 saw positive...

i knew the principal..he got transferred to Jintai sec sch rite?

That night was a wonderful night.. the moment where we sang the sch song ,very touching

Yah we also took pics of the old building..even went to our classroom and sat on our old seating arrangement. and not forgetting the home econ room. Even the bus stop in front of the gate holds much memories cos penpal(now my hb) always wait for me there and i always siam far far..heehee

all the beautiful memories there.

Remember Madam Khong , the funny but stern discipline mistress..

opps.. Off topic liao

the flaxseed oil is to increase estrogen level, if i am not wrong , thus helps to ovulate ---> improve EWCM ? ( if i am not wrong)
yep yep!!! he went there liao. & yes, i remember Mdm Khong. she's nice la. not as stern as the other guy, think it's Mr Ng.

yes, we also went classroom, science lab, pavillion to take pics, etc etc... home econ room was open? we tried to go in but was locked. same wif computer lab, library, & dunno wat liao...

yes, it was a fun nite. i hate ppl who say MF was a hooligan sch. ever got an uncle laugh at MF name, i nearly slapped him... hahaha. those were the days
Hi Juju...

Dunno which class... only noe he's in basketball team... nvr mind lah... dun crack yr head over it...

Hi Penguin

Hahahah... dun worry... u got mi for company... mi 30 liao... also old liao... but young @ heart..

Hi Blueblue

oic... okie... will go shopping and stock my fridge wif pink grapefruit juice...
Hi Juju

Hahahhaa... juz saw yr note abt frens in poly... actually, I enjoyed my sec school alot.. My school is in Braddell... so after school aways hanged up @ Toa Payoh Mac... lots of fun... those were the days... during my 1st & 2nd yr poly was nitemare... no frens... but 3rd yr onwards... okie... coz I'm in the committee for my Travel Lab & also the chairperson for Travel shows... so, was enjoying myself alot... and still meet up regularly till now wif the committee member of the travel lab...
yuki and penguin,

i also old liao... this yr 29 already.

the pink grapefruit juice is those packeted ones? dun need to mix with water one right? will start drinking when AF come
juju, those school days time very politcal I agree. My Sec school is the most enjoyable one. Me hor grad from Pre-U, walau 3 years like hell..I also don't have much friends there. Juju, *pat pat*, u r not alone, at least u noe penguin here also face the same situation..

We are all grown up, let the past be past, let's all now encourage each others onward for TTC.
I am even older..hit the 30 liao...somehow no time to waste....last mth checked that I hv no ovulation at all...so sad...but now feelin better.

did u take any medication to O? (sorry for my forgetfulness if u did mention before)

i miss my sec sch and poly days. miss sec sch days those were the days i met my hubby...
year 76 alot of babies ...hee hee.

I took clomid, my first cycle this mth. Last mth tested progestrone level n no ovulation. Tonite going bk to test for this cycle.
U oso met ur hubby during sec days..me too. pple said relationship is too long...so far still ok...those were the days...so nice....now with work, so tiring...everyday not enough sleep.

me 1977. haha... 1 yr younger. but same lah, next yr also 30 liao


yup, i met my hubby during sec 1 and we start to pak-tor during sec 2!
u all hor stop talking about age, I really
liao coz I am more than 30. Dun ask me how old, sad sad..

blueblue, alamak i CD14 today leh, think I beta cheong home now to test OPK. It's after work!

and hope to see you all tomolo!!
Wow Sharon

So good... met during sec school patok till now? my sec sch boy boy all puppy love... very fast break off liao... hehehe... gotta know hubby @ work...
faster test ok..n let me know the results...excited for u...dun throw away immediately. The results only appear after 5 mins time...if I am not wrong..good luck.
hi ladies,
hvn't been here for quite some time liao...I'm also in my 2WW but this time not so stressed cos I'm very busy with my work so not much time to think.

Actually now I hv mixed feelings. I hv been given a pretty gd job offer and since I am unhappy in my present co, I hv decided to take up tt offer. However, I am worried tt if i am pregnant, my new co may not want to employ me after all..

So I also not sure whether I am hoping to see AF or not...sigh..

enjoy ur BD tonight! hehee...


yup.. patok since sec 2... like very long liao but feeling still fresh lor...

bye gals... i am gg home liao. hubby come drive me home.
Hi Tami

Leave it to fate lor... if u r preggy, it will be good news afterall... so, if the new co so bad, dun wanna employ u... then either u work for current one and endure or rest @ home or go to others lor..

Mi also going home liao...
U started earlier than me....
We started dating since sec 3 n got married 2.5yrs ago. can understand the kind of feeling..so long yet so fresh...
Lao Fu Lao Qi liao....
Blueblue and sharon,

pat tok since secondary school....wow....so long huh.....that means they must be ur first love lor....So romantic...


since u hate ur present job and have a better offer,just take up the new job lor...dun worry abt the preggie issue...Anyway,u are not preggie now what....
What is 2WW?

hi ladies,
very "kan cheong" huh once hit 30! Me 31!!

Been TCC-ing since my girfriends were pregnant with their first child and now they are delivering their 2nd child...sob..sob...starting to feel embarrassed and disappointed that I'm still trying...

Foresee, I'll drag catchups with these "mother- girlfriend" bcos i don't and can't share wholeheartedly their joys about their children. I feel sore instead!!! haha, evil me...

Anyone have ideas/experience to manage these negative emotions? Reminded myself not to be petty but still...

Did your Doc do scan to check the egg or blood test after you've taken clomid to see medication effect? My doc didn't suggest any of these. I'm starting clomid in next cycle and understand max cycles to take is 3.

wow.. many posts ytday..

yuki - me still no sign of AF coming.. sianz.. always play hide n seek w me.. esp when i want it to come! sighz.. dunno whether it's e multi vits but feel constipated... stomach very hard n bloated.. eeekss..

why ur gynae give u clomid? ur menses regular? i am also taking clomid now (cos i got irregular menses), gynae ask me to do a blood test during 1st cycle of clomid to see if i respond to clomid. and the results show that i respond well with clomid.


ur AF due for how many days already? u got test? today is my CD31 liao... BBT is higher than yesterday's. but no high hopes cos my last cycle is 34 days...
(As of 24 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 6</TD><TD> 8 June</TD><TD> 20 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 9</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> 27 May</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> 29 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> cd 15</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 17 May</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> 29</TD><TD> 8-10 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 30</td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> 5 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 3 dpo</TD><TD> 1 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 26</TD><TD> 10 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> 14 dpo </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> 15 dpo</TD><TD> 23 May</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 35</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 36</TD><TD> 14 dpo</TD><TD> 24 May</TD><TD> 34 - 36</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates
Hi Caitlyn

Mine also leh... yesterday already got brown discharge... now nothing... but can felt very strongly that AF is coming...

Later got 2 meetings... so scared that it will come in the middle of it...
sharon - my AF not exactly overdue yet i think.. today is CD37 liao.. but my O was ard CD22.. so today is DPO15 i guess.. i have irregular menses.. plus i nvr BD during O period so sld be zero chance..

yuki - me wearing pantyliners these few days in case lor.. but maybe u have chance if ytday have brown discharge but today nothing.. how's ur temp?
hi gals

My Ewcm disappeared today already..so sad..but i tested with opk, still positive leh, so have i ovulate or not?

My ewcm only lasted for a day, is it too little
sharon - me oso scared AF suddenly come.. sianz.. i really wish it wld come.. if nt dun come at all for 9 mths.. i hate it when it plays hide n seek w me coz will keep having a glimmer of hope which i dun want to have coz i noe i din BD at e rite time.. s***

dodo - u tokking abt preg tests? it says one day after ur menses due but doesn't come it can get reading liao.. but usu wait a while maybe say a week will be more accurate? i oso not too sure..

i also hope AF dun come for 9 mths. dun wan to think too much... wait higher disappointment.


my friends and relatives around me also pop one after another. i can also feel the pressure. although i know pressure is no gd for ttc, but i can't help me. sometimes i will break down and cry when i am alone...
hi catilyn,

yup... im talking abt preg test
oic... but my menses always irregular... so dun really know when to test it even if AF din come after a month from the last AF... do u gals share the same concern?
sharon - hugz.. dun get too stressed.. must take care yah.. can chat here and get suppt frm one another.. =)

dodo - mine also super irregular so wat i've started doing is to track my discharge plus buy ovulation test kits to check when i O.. tt gives me a better idea of when my menses is due i guess.. =)
hey sharon, dont cry... it will come sooner than u think...

read the above article. we need positive attitude and the "never-say-die, never-give-up" attitude in baby making process. Who knows, one day we might all be a role model for other mothers-wannabe!!

Maybe sometimes, we should avoid some social gathering where we know questions like "when u going to give birth?" will be asked. I am turning down most of the social invitations during my BD week...just go to work, go home, BD.
Will commit myself to a 3 months routine before seeking help with gynea. Meanwhile, enjoy your time with yr hubby...when yr baby comes, u wont have the luxury
jia you jia you!!
