A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

not for me. it came straight full force.
but b4 the AF came, i had watery slippery white discharge which was the same when i was pregnant..so that set my hopes high. but the breasts werent sore...so i kinda know it cant be preggie. the sore breasts is a big symptoms..at least for me.

AF delay could be due to stress...u can try testing 3 days from now...then u should know for sure.


yup, i got 2 days of brown discharge then AF came in full force for last cycle. but the brown discharge is very very little, even lesser than my EWCM.

bye gals..... going off too
thanks Sharon, BlueBlue and Elizabeth.

ya clomid cos' irregular cycle ranging 26 to 42 days! Just started tracking BBT to see if i ovulate ( the site Sharon recommended - fertility friend)

ya, I pray and wish all ladies TTC-ing to shout soon "heh heh, I'm pregnant too!!"

cheers! cheers!
Stileto, Elizabeth and sharon - Don't be so sad. I am also in the same situation like you. people around me already have 1 or 2 kids.
me still no leh..... the worst is my family and relative keep asking me... sigh... super stress. Sometimes i even lost my temper and give them black face.
yuki - please update for me my O on Sunday CD15.

If you continue to take 3tab for coming cycle for next 2 round you will have to stop after that as it would be 5 consecutive cycle of clomid already. But so far do you have any side effect?

For my case, I stop after 4 cycle of clomid as i feel some side effect. now on TCM... guess what I have O for last month and this month :D

my mum too....she was asking me this evening if i want to try TCM...Then i reply her there is nothing wrong with me and ah lao...Maybe,not fated to have one now lor...

Anyway,my gyn was telling me to go to him after I BD,the next day.He says he can check the interaction of the sperms with my CM under the microscope.The procedure is called post coital test...Probably some of u may like to check with ur gyn too.
hayashi - wah ... your gynae so advance ya. where did he/she practise? my gyne never offer me leh.

did you ever experience minor cramp on one side of your abs after O day? I can feel it this 2 days. my O was on sunday.
hayashi - my MIL has been pestering me and HB to TCM.
was force to visit 2 to Lousy sinseh. Well I try to avoid TCM actually. if not because of the m/c in feb. I won't go to.. since gynae said... i am fine.
bettlebug - good luck to u too! our O period almos the same period this time round!
I think Lisa is super busy, my DH SA results since last thurs till now haven inform me, dunno the nurse din do their work or wat!!!

yes,i do experience abit of cramps after O...

U call ur gyn and check with them if they do the procedure or not lor

so u still seeing the TCM now?

I have some information on tea to share here

How Does FertiliTea Support Reproductive Health?
Chasteberry (Vitex) stimulates the hormones involved in ovulation and restores female hormonal balance. Its useful in normalizing pituitary gland functions and the balance of progesterone and estrogen levels. Vitex is used as an herbal treatment for infertility and is especially helpful for women with irregular cycles, failure to ovulate, or a short luteal phase(a shortened second half of the menstrual cycle). The effectiveness of Vitex increases over time with continued use.
Red Raspberry Leaf is highly regarded for its ability to tone the uterus and muscles of the pelvic region. A highly nutritive ingredient, Red Raspberry is a powerful fertility-promoting herb, especially when used in combination with Peppermint.

Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant that enhances reproductive health by repairing the oxidative damage that occurs naturally as the result of environmental toxins and aging. A study from the American Journal of Public Health found that drinking 1/2 cup or more of green tea daily doubled the odds of conception per cycle. Due to the inclusion of Green Tea, there is a very slight touch of caffeine (equal to just 1/25th a cup of coffee).

Ladies Mantle is a tonic (tones and brings health) herb that is useful in regulating a womans monthly cycle. It also exerts a toning effect on the cervix.

Nettle Leaf contains a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals that are critical to good reproductive health, including Vitamins A, C, D, K, Potassium, Phosphorous, Iron, and Sulfur. Nettle Leaf also contains Calcium a mineral that affects a womans ability to conceive and maintain pregnancy.

Peppermint Leaf gives FertiliTea a delicious flavor & has the added benefit of serving as a sexual stimulant!
hayashi, i called few times and they always gave me the same reply, say will get the doc to interpret then call me, till now haven call me.

probably dr chin is too buzy to return ur call...why not u ask the staff to fax u the results,at least there is a normal range beside the readings which we can know if everything is normal or abnormal
(As of 25 May)

Waiting to Ovulate

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28 31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16-18 June</TD><TD> 30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> 8 June</TD><TD> 20 June</TD><TD> 30-35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 16 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 27 May</TD><TD> 10 June</TD><TD> 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> 29 May</TD><TD> 13 June</TD><TD> 30-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> cd 15</TD><TD> 5 June</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD> 19</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD></td></tr></table>


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD> 20</TD><TD> 6 dpo</TD><TD> 6 June</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 17 May</TD><TD> 27-28</TD><TD> 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> 4 dpo</TD><TD> 1 June</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fat Fat</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> 11 dpo</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berries</TD><TD> 25</TD><TD> 17-19 May</TD><TD> 2 June</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gladys bride</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> 11 dpo</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Char</TD><TD> 30</TD><TD> 8-10 May</TD><TD> 26 May</TD><TD> 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> 15 dpo </TD><TD> 22 May</TD><TD> 31-34</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 36</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 24-32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 37</TD><TD> 13 dpo</TD><TD> 28 May</TD><TD> 34 - 36</td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">Gaduates
Hi Sharon, koori &amp; Elizabeth

Thanks for the concern... but light menses came today liao... and still having bad cramps as usual... so today shall be my CD 1...

Hi Bettle_bug

My only side effects are the fever and headaches that I got after taking... told my gynae abt it, she said that it's usual to feel warmer than usual coz of the reaction of progesterone... the fever could be because I am also heaty at the moment... that's why 2 combined together and I got high fever...

Wat kinda TCM are u on? Thinking if taking 3 tabs still I dun feel that the cycle is right... might wanna switch to TCM instead...

Hi Koori

If u can't get her on the phone... why not try to send her emails?

nvm... work harder this cycle.

so far i dun think i encounter any side effects except that body feel warmer than before lor. today my BBT still high as at CD32 but no high hopes cos last cycle is 34 days.
bettle_bug/yuki - me took TCM then my cycle haywire leh. This 2 days BBT finally in the DPO stage... wonder how long tis cycle will be!! Anywae, a bit regret not starting to take clomid tis cycle... so just have to wait for AF to come lor

yuki - u running high temp fr taking clomid?? Your gynae wants u to take 3 tabs liao ah. Besides clomid, i tot there are other medication as well?
Anyway, I was trying to predict my next O using the babyonline webby...

The delay in my AF has changed my next O to be on a Saturday!!!! yippeee.... and the best of all is that it has predicted that I made it for this cycle... I will give birth on 9 Mar... which is my ROM anniversary!!! hahahahah... so coincidental... hopefully, will make it!!!
Hi Sharon


Hi Louie

TCM makes yr cycle go haywire? how come leh? so far nvr heard before... wat kinda TCM did u take? Dunno if there's any other medication... so far, my gynae gave me only clomid lor...
work harder yuki...this might be the time for u

i am also using babyonline to predict...been working my poor hubby out...

which day do you put in the box of "length of cycle" i tried putting the range of 28 - 35 and map out the BD period...
Hi ladies,

I am new here...me also trying to conceive... and i find it very stressful... I'm 25 this yr... have been trying for 6 mths... no news, so my hubby and i went to see a gynae... After my last cycle, i took the blood test... it showed that my progesterone level was low... i was so sad when the Doc called me... So yesterday went for another scan it was Day 3 of my cycle... Sadly... he saw that i had a cyst... this news was even more saddening... although my hubby is very supportive of me, i can't help feeling depressed...

So now... me on medication... taking some hormone pills for 21 days... hopefully, the cyst will go away by itself soon...
Hey gals,

I found this website pretty useful too


It can calculate your fertile period and EDD for the next 6 months(based on regular menses cycle)...I realise that one of the cycle's EDD is my birthday!!!
Haha...Still got a few months to go to TTC...Aiming for July 2007 bb...haha.But dun know can make it or not leh..I am putting TTC on hold coz of my course...Dun wan to crash into my practicum next year...
yuki - jia you jia you!! maybe it's fate tt u din conceive the past few cycles.. ur bb holding out to come out on a special day!! keke.. =) me still no symptoms watsoever.. but i guess maybe my luteal phase is just long lor.. coz my menses have never been regular so really freakily diff to track..

anne - me also 25 this yr.. tried for the past 5 mths.. but w/out tracking days and all.. maybe u can start tracking days to maximise ur chances? dun be too upset ya.. hugz
Hi caitlyn,

I have tried all methods... tracking the dates, checking the mucus, using the ovulation test kit (both the urine one and saliva one), body temp...

Wat else can i try? Maybe i'm too stressed up... if i could turn back the time, i would try immediately after i got married... regret waiting for a year...
morning gals...
I m CD29 liao... still no sound no pict... think this mth haywire again wif all teh stress at work...
vicious cycle again... caught myself walkign to the HPT counter in Watson... so tempted to buy 1 to test... jialut how?....ok if I still dun get AF on CD 30 then i go n buy to test...
if realy kana then mus go gynae to get advice on sat liao...
hi anne..

welcome ! i also 25 tis yr.

been trying for 3 mths already.

dun worry, at least u know where the problem lies and can work on it.

jia you!
If u feel tempted, just buy it and test..that's what I did...just in case I am really preg. hee hee.
have you missed ur period?
anne - maybe u really stressing urself out too much? anyway we still quite young.. ur hb ard ur age? sometimes must try to be more relaxed i guess.. maybe u can ask ur gynae for advice.. hugz.. come here for suppt frm all of us..

jade - wah.. if u really strike then congrats!! prove tt must relax then can hor.. =) all e best!
hi yuki, mentioned tat I was seeing Thong Chai the last time, the ultra impatient TCM practioner!! Anywae, gynae said better not mix TCM wif clomid (starting next cycle), so decide to stop TCM.

My normal cycle has 2 phases lor, v clearly will show pre &amp; post-O. Tis cycle, my cycle looks bad... today already CD36, but FF shows no O lor. Its like going up the hill one day &amp; next day, down the valley!!! *sob sob*
hi anne, dont look back liao...look forward...work hard after u see yr gynea..maybe can ask yr gynea what are the ways he/she can help you with..

i am still using the traditional method, no test, no medication yet. will try till end of this year b4 seeking help. hope my prayers will be answered soon
jia you!!
yuki, my cycle shd be 32-34 days, not 24-32! hee

Welcome to all the new-comers!!!

stella, maybe the dreams will come true!!!

anne, don't get over-stressed. Bad for TTC-ing. U already trackng using so many mtds, shd be sufficient!
yuki - me actually very tempted to but hpt to test.. but my hb says no pt.. coz my menses all along so irregular.. plus he says since we din BD during fertile period.. no pt mkaing myself disppointed w a BFN.. but really hate my AF lor.. always play hide and seek w me.. maybe i also stressinf over why it's not here yet so it's not coming.. haha.. vicious cycle
blueblue... my cycle always crazy type.. so duno wat is exactly missed my AF cos not regular tats y i dun wan to get so excited abt it...

stella... i m opposite... i keep dreaming i m preg.. or i have a cute bb boy... mayb think too much liao...but i heard its more zun if other dream of u having a bb n not like mine... dream myself hahahahah :p
