A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


thks for all your support.
So glad to find all of u here that share the same sentiments as me.. at least u understand my feelings...

sometimes really tired but need to BD cos fertile period so mayb watch a bit of porn to get both of us into the mood...
othertimes, is fine, he will ask for more if he is not tired...
gt a suggestion...make ur bedroom more romantic...soft yellow lights(u can get some nice table lights in ikea) scented aroma...dan the whole environment will be very cosy and romantic..although this suggestion is a little out adted, but it works!!
Is ur AF usually dat heavy...did ur AF come on time this mth? Not to scare u lar..cos when I had my chemical pregnancy..my AF also quite heavy...
HI Zhuzhu
my AF late for 4 wks leh..previously my AF not that heavy,but after I started the palace wine 2mths back,the 1st cycle after the consumption was heavy and also had blood clots,but not as heavy as now..but If i use HPT to test for chemical pregnancy,will it show +ve or -ve?Cos i tested ard 4x when my AF was late,but all results is -ve leh
Hi Jadefeet

Do you BD everyday during yr fertile period or alternate days?

Hi Char

The world is really changing... it used to be the hubby who will do all these romantic things in hope to enjoy the nite wif the wife and have bb.... now it becomes the women trying all the funny things to catch the attention of men and hoping to BD during fertile period... Juz wondering if we juz give up in BD, wat would our hubby do? Will they start to be kancheong and try to pamper us or will they be more than happy...

Hi Zhuzhu

Dun scare me leh... I also very heavy this mth... but even if chemical pregnancy when u test using HPT, shld be +ve izzit?
Hi Jadefeet

Btw, juz outta curiousity, wat kinda porn did u all watched? those all the way making only or those wif story line?

Imagine if it's those wif story line... probably gotta wait for a long time before they get into action... by then will hubby already fallen asleep... ehehhehe...
Hi Yuki..

U very funny leh... well usually we watch those Ang Moh type.. very fast get into action even if its with story line...so u can say its all the way making loh...

doct suggested we BD every 36 hrs, so alternate morning / night...
Hi Yuki,
some like to watch gt story line,some like to watch 'Go Go all the way'...my hubby prefer something with story line cos he say like v siao to watch those go go all the way cos once u on the TV,they are doing all the way until the end of the program..bt anyway...if we were to watch 'go go all the way' we always stop at the 1st 2 stories cos already v high liao!
so farni huh...reveal all ur secrets liao...haha
anyway as regard to ur qn, BD everyday...cannot lah.....when i noe my O day, i try on alternate daes near the daes...before and after...mayb u wan to try before the O day stated by the website n oso after...
Hi Char & Yuki
Not sure the correct explanation for chemcial pregnancy..but I tested +ve when i was late for 5 days...then another 5 days later..my AF came..and guess wat...I tested -ve on the HPT when my AF came...so went for a blood test..and gynae confirmed that I was pregnant..but miscarriage...and he told me it was termed as chemical pregnancy

The HPT would not show +ve if ur HGC level is less than 50...
Hi Gals,

Wow !! So many new and interesting posting....
All of you very cute leh
Anyway I want to check with you gals,once I purchase the basal thermometer from the pharmacy when do i start to check for my O day? when im on CD 11.What kinda of temperature to be expected if it is your O day?

I'm going for my scanning tomorrow before I start doing my IUI.Gals wish me luck yah!!
Hi Jadefeet, Char & D_woof

Those juz continue "go go go" kind like abit boring leh... we prefer those wif storyline... but so far, dun watch porn when making love... we prefer naturally... got feeling then made lor.. hahahha...

Hi Zhu2 & Char

OIC... I tested -ve before my AF comes... so, shldnt be chemical pregnancy lah, hor? But of course, better be careful than sorry lor... Char may be because she drank palance wine, whilst for me, it may be because I drank some health that's supposed to help me regulate my body... but not too sure if that's the cause of heavy flow coz usually, I'm already having heavy flow... it was only 3 mths before I had my op, that my flow was not too heavy...
Hi Smileybaby

We all need some lighter topics to relieve us from the stress of TTC
mah... hahahha...

You can start taking temp tmr morning... make sure u take yr temp before u do anything... yr temp will go up after ovulation and maintain for at least 3 days... then u can consider the day wif the lowest temp as yr O Day... BBT is more to give u a guide when yr O Day will be for the next cycle...

What you can do is to go into mycycle.com to check when is yr estimated O Day... then after this mth, see if it correspond lor.. after 2 cycle... if yr cycle is regular, shld be able to pinpoint when yr O Day is... that would make BD easier and more accurate...

However, not too sure how it actually tie in wif IUI... U might wanna check wif yr gynae...
Hi Zhuzhu,
Thanks for the info..anyway,already gt AF liao...so dun tink I will wana go check whether isit chemical pregnancy..otherwise will be very sad if it really is..Hopefully the palace wine is working for me...but i can feel the difference in terms of energy level and my palms and limbs are not cold anymore... i hv a fren who was TCC-ing for very long time then she started drinking the palace wine ,then in 3 mths she was preggy liao..so dun noe is it coincedental or wat,anyway,seems like it is better then DOM so i try try to see if it really works or not lor..
But the heavy flow very ma fan..have to go toilet to check every hr to make sure nv overflow..dan just today already saw 2pc of clots ard the size of my thumb..in a sense i m quite happy to flush out all these things,so at least can know that the harmful stuff are already out from my body liao

This my chart, when i key my BBt this morning, then my OP change, to be ODP 3 only. i feel buping since yesterday evening till today and feel hungry all the time. dun't whether cos i small build body, then not enough to produce.....

char, yuki,
when i really start to TTC last month, my AF also come heavy then normal, b4 tt i already test -tive... heard abt zhuzhu case i also worry whether Chemical misccarige of not.got one time come suddenly flow out a lot, and change within an hour... aft that still alright.

if i preggie,definitly will let your know.... not so pantang abt this, just worry if i let all my relative when early stage of preggie still unstable and the end miscarrige, then how?not so good...
hi yuki
About the bai feng pills, i ever check with my chinese doctor, he said no problem, but of course brew dang gui is better.

I use to take bai feng pills when I was in my teens, but only once a month or sometimes few months once.

I use to have very bad cramp, pain until I can faint, and very light flow. So I begin to eat bai feng pills and dang gui on a more regular basic, my pain has reduce greatlly, flow is more, about 3 days.

According to a TCM in China, he said having clot during our menses are not good, hormones are not good. I am not too sure about this! I used to have this problem, alot of blood clot. Is only I increase the dosage of my dang gui and bai feng pills, conditions improves!
Hi Baby26

Think we dun think too much into all these heavy flow also lah... even if it's chemical pregnancy, there's nothing much we can do now, isn't it... if it's confirm, it only made us more depressed...

If u have checked with yr chinese sensei then shld be okie hor... I used to take bai feng pills since young also... but not regularly lah... it's like on and off lor... but I used to be very active in sports, so not so much of menses cramps... my cramps started during my poly years when I'm no longer doing any sports...

Think I will still continue to take Bai Feng pills and also chicken essence to regulate my cycle lor...
Gals, i just bought some HPT & OPK online, waiting for the delivery. Hope to get some improvement this month. I keeping track of bbt also this month
hi ladies, i jus bought the basal thermometer...went into guardian jus now and asked for the thermometer, aiyoh, the sales gal LOUDLY proclaim "Ohhhh, you wan the OVULATION thermometer hah????" Actually not so paiseh originally, she said until so loud make me feel paiseh also. Then she turned to this guy carryign a bag near the HPTs area and the guy some more helped me to choose...later then found out the guy is actually one of the pharmacists who has knocked off and changed into casual clothes waiting to go home!

Jadefeet...dun worry too much la..like yuki said, we will all share stories here, our joys, our embarassment, our fears and our worries here together as we embark on our quest to TTC! Kambatei together!! Hehe...tell u hor...me and hubby just went HK also to pick some porn....we like to watch it together also....i told myself to make love with hubby even if it's not my ovulation period so that hubby wont feel so stress even when it's really BD time.

Yuki, i find hor...our lives VERY similar leh. My hubby also younger than me, by one year....which is why weonly start to TTC only this year cos i'm 32 liao...yet he's still only 31. Before that he was strongly against babies. He even declared to my mom that he'd rather have 3 dogs than to have 1 screaming kid. But after much persuasion from frens and his colleagues...he's more or less calmed down a bit and see the joy of having kids...even now, he only wans ONE! So, like u...i also dun wish to push my luck and turn him off by being too obsessed with this TTC thing. All the planning i do myself lo. But he's quite supportive la...when i discovered my AF this month, he knew i'm disappointed lo...so he was also quite sweet...say "let's try again next month la...u just tell me when and i'll shoot u..."kekeke....very graphic hor??

Err...question time again....ladies...the basal thermo hor...how are we supp to take our temp? Thru our vagina? or oral? Cos i read theFertility Fren said can take oral also leh....
my ah lao also the same..he rather have dogs than baby...when I tested +ve..i told him, he going to have his little doggy this yr...but too bad..it was gone..so was telling him we can try for a piggy next yr...he just say "ok lor" duno how true is it...so I just do the planning on my end lor..then he won't be so stress also..
Hi Mylife

Hahhaha... u very cute leh... but one basal thermometer also so exciting... hahahah... very bad hor, still laugh at u...

Wow seh, u go all the way to HK to buy porn? Actually, I wonder in S'pore where can we get that... My friends and I used to get it fr M'sia... but of course, now seldom go in liao.. even go in also nvr buy... so all my porn all very old liao... also very long nvr watch liao...

U really quite similar to me hor... except yr hubby more encouraging... before my AF comes, my temp drop... so I roughly know liao... when I told my hubby... he actually laughed... he said i look very cute when I'm disappointed... dunno whether to murder him or not... but at least, he made me laugh lah...

Ya lor, u really graphic leh... but I like it... hahhaha...

As for the basal thermo... I took oral... think it's easier lah... but yr preference lor...

Dunno anyone will come online today or not... seems quite quiet since yesterday... and why are u still awake @ 2 am????
Hi Zhuzhu

Dun be so sad lah... the new year is coming... hopefully, we have a "fruitful" doggy year lor...

Hi Gals

Hope you all have a HAPPY
hi mylife,

thks very much.
today is my 11DPO, decided not to test till Sun morning...
whole body aching like hell...esp the back.. think AF coming...
will keep myself busy today n 2molo, prepare all the food for CNY then test on 13DPO..

We got the porn fr Msia...but always kana check by custom so very risky...
if i m not wrong, there is a website where we can order then the guy will send it to our hse...

share wif u this thing, my dh told me when we were still dating...

a couple went to the court to fight for the custody of the child. the judge asked the father on what grounds the father is fighting...

the father answered 'well, if u put in a coin into the vending machine and u selected a can of coke, the coke belongs to u or belongs to the machine?'

Hi Nurse

Ya lor... quite true also lah... but still angry wif him for laughing @ me...

Hi Jadefeet

Got such service meh? if got must share share hor... hehehehe...

I collected them from all the diff websites... juz right click yr mouse over the pic and u can save them...

There used to be another version whereby the dog will be running around yr desktop even when u working... say typing a document or doing a spreadsheet.... very cute... but dun have that file anymore..
Keep yrself busie...
so that u dun think of the test too much ... hehehe..

got leh.. but i duno which website.. mus go n find out.. more convenient. the only worry is if the custom followed the deliveryman then we jialut loh..

which r the websites were u can get all this icon??

i am working tmr guess tmr nobody will be online here...

then i escape the spring cleaning..... ha ha ha so bad me
Hi Jadefeet

Most of it I collected from the SBO's site... I know there are some websites that have got these too... if u search by "kaoani" u shld be able to find a few...

Hi Nurse

Today, think already many pple on leave... tot I will be lonely... I heard some of the company even declare 1/2 day today...

ya lor... also good hor... dun need to do spring cleaning... heheheh...
Hello Nurse,
I read in your previous post that you will turn 31 this June. Looks like we have a lot in common. I am a nurse and also turning 31 this June! I have been brousing this thread for some time, just seldom post. I have been TTC for 2.5 years now.
I am working tomorrow too!

m away on course now.. heng got access to internet if not would not be able to chat on line..
think i m coming down with the big flu.. bodyache.. legs muscles all sng sng..., block nose n stiff neck..
feel like going for a good massage but then wats if i m preggie?? does it affect anything??
Hi Jadefeet

Today also got course meh? full day? normally course end early one lah... so at least u can go back earlier..

Not too sure abt massage leh... think early stage shld be okie... I usually use my massage chair @ home anyway... now think think hor, maybe also abit scare... sekali got bb already also still massaging away...

Hi Zhuzhu

U good lor... can go back earlier... my co, fat hope, one of my colleages wanna apply 1/2 day also cannot... so now nothing to do... seat here and type email lor...

Looks like I'm going to be alone very soon liao...
Hi Gals,

Just a little update about me.Just went over to Fong's clinic during lunch just now.Told doctor that I want to have my IUI done for this month.He told me to rest for this 2 months since my hubby sperm count is low.He has given my hubby Androil for 2 months.I will have to see him again in April.All the best to all the gals that is TTC now like me.Hopefully I can be preggie in natural way after my hubby sperm count has increased
Hi Smileybaby

Good to take a break also... sometimes, too stressed up also won't help, especially when yr hubby's sperm count is low..

Good luck in 2 mths' time... heheheh... but in the meantime, do drop in to chat wif us, okie...
Hi Yuki,

Thanks for the little words of encouragement.I will always be in this forum everyday when I'm work to give your gals words of encouragement and to share the joy and the journey of TTC.So your company today got realese you guys early.My office my manager allow us to go home early even though we are not non muslims
