A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


my hubby is a anti tonic person. he will run away if i say drink any bu tang.

lately he keep stay in camp..so i guess high storage so come hme can many times. bt on occasion he on long leave....i tell him once a day or twice will do..else i too tired to work.

bt i duno abt u gers, for me, a week b4 my AF comes, i will demand more...twice a day....haha

i use OPK from CD12-CD 20. on CD12 -CD16 faint line (no line CD13), on CD 17-18 darkest line as control, then CD 19 faint line, today no line at all. i think aft O might be no line liao.
my hubbby exactly like ur hubby dun like bu tang. in the end i hv to finish his share however my body is still weak. maybe due to too much dieting.

wah u & ur hubby so active ....a good sign for ppl who want ttc. whether my AF coming or not i dun feel the need think i may hv some pro. how i wish i can be like u.
Hi Gals,

Its nice to see a lot of posting from here
I have learn of information and even though I was really sad when my AF came last week but when I read all the forum uploaded here,I was smiling to myself,cos I'm not alone.I have you gals over there.

Just a little update from my side.I have decided to go for the IUI process from Dr Fong's Clinic.
Anyone has done it before?Is it painful.The doctor advised me to take clomid last week and I have to see him this Friday for a scan on my 9th day.
Hi Leen and sweetbb,
My hubby is also not a TCM pax,but I will always remind him that TCC-ing is the responsibility of the 2 of us...so he will gladfully gurp down what ever that is given to him..Cos I used to drink a lot of cold water,but a friend of mine told me that if we are TCC-ing, we should not even drink cold water at all cos its too cooling for the womb...so when i started to change my habits,my hubby realise that I really want a child so badly that I am willing to give up something that I like...so he himself also took the effort to work together with me to build up a healthy body to produce top quality eggs and spermmies...
Hope we will have a 'puppy' this year!
Hi Baby26

So, u cooking Black Chicken today? My AF was very painful after the Lap... so today on MC... very tired...


Looks like quite a few DHs all dun like "bu" soup hor... my DH also didn't like it... hehehhe...

Hi Pig2

Actually, we do a few "patterns" each time we BD... so hard to have so many patterns leh... not practising yoga leh... hahahha... maybe change sequences lor... today 1,2,3,4 tmr... 4,3,2,1.... hahahhaa....

Hi Urger

Think u might need to go to a gynae to do yr antenatal profile... which include most of the essential tests...

Hi Smileybaby

My AF juz came yesterday... I'm not only disappointed... but also in great pain because of the cramps... dying liao... wondering if there's anything other than painkiller... I'm also taking EPO and bai feng wan... but still not much help.. my whole body also aching...

U r definitely not alone... I think we need all the support here... sometimes, our hubby may not be able to imagine the kinda disappointment we have, I also try not to be too desperate in TTC, otherwise, scare he might be too stressed... later dun have happy swimming sperms... hahahhaa...
Hi Char

Wow, yr hubby so nice.. I try to keep to my current diet... except cutting down on ice tea... which is my favourite... and also chinese tea, which is my daily necessity...

Anyway, if you want to have a puppy... then gotta try very very hard liao... coz only got abt 4 more mths... otherwise, u will get a piglet instead... hahhaha... but think no matter if piglet or puppy, u will love also rite?
Hi Yuki,
U take care ah..maybe u can out a warm waterbag on your tummy to ease the pain?
Ya lor..left 4 mths to kampateh...I will be going to Korea for a 1 week holiday at end Mar..Hope can relax and have a 'Made in korea' puppy...but even if have to wait until piglet,i also like!!
hi smileybaby

i went for my 1st IUI in dec, don't wory abt it, it's not painful, feels abit like menses cramp when they put the wash semen into u, tat's abt all there is to it after that normal.
ur hubby real sweet from his action can tell he sayang u a lot. we ladies here are great too! can do whatever or anything we can TTC. my hubby wants a baby yet he is those da nan ren zhu yi type he thinks it is the job for the woman taking care of their body TTC. wish u good luck & more good news for ppl here! from what i see abt every month there will be someone here annoucing they r preggie. hope tt person can spray more baby dusts...

u so poor thing hv to go thru all the pain. u hv to rest as much as possiable leh.

so cute one ah...i oni can take 1-2 patterns. i find it is painful for me to try more patterns.

i dun feel secure without goin thru more essential test lor. i worry when i reach kk tmr i got no idea what to say to the doc...cos i am a blur person...

i brew the dang gui with black dates, dang sheng, longan. no black chicken. cos everyday we will go back MIL house having our dinner, let come back drink the soup, if put black chicken, cant finish by myself. and also i dont like eat meat. i ask the "yao chai" shop , he said like tt also can.... and i feel like tt, not oily and like drink water loh....

how much you paid for IUI?
can i know what clomid for?
Hi everyone

Gd evening! Finally hv the time to read the thread after so many days. Too bad, boss has come back so am bz doing work, see, now still in the office.

Hi Cubeball

So how's the IUI? Any result yet? My gynae also asked me to go for IUI. Hv been to checked the tube blockage b4 too, the feeling for IUI izit the same as that? Wld like to know more abt it for IUI, cos me not getting any younger.

today i CD21 still got line. light colors. not veri faint cos still can see without straining my eyes.

can anyone tell me issit as wat nurse say, always will have 2 lines. or reali till a point there will be no line??

hey yuki,
wow...sounds like me leh....last time when my AF comes, it was so pain tat i dun feel like doing anything except sleep.....sometimes no choice, i nid to take panadol.....

patterns? sounds like kamasutra...haha
anyway i haf heard of not getting up aft BD, not washing aft BD, lifting ur legs up aft BD to help the army swims faster....i tried these on some BD and den i strike lor....mayb u wan to try...kekeke
those who haf AF cramps..mayb u haf to avoid drinking too much of cold drinks 1 wk b4 they are due..or i tried DOM n it works for me (Provided tat i avoid cold drinks)...
hi everyone!!!! i'm back!!! Nice to see this thread is so active! Had to quickly scroll up and do a quick reading. Already got sooo many archives!

Yuki, i reckon u got over your disappointment liao? Sigh...i can totally understand the feeling...cos thats wat exactly happened to me one week ago. My AF came on the day i'm supp to go HK. Dunno why, this cycle is so heavy. And u know wat....i think i TTC until going mad liao. When i was in HK, i had to change my tampon like 4-5 times in 1hour. A bit scary. And i was feeling nauseous. So my crazy hubby thot i might be preggie cos he said he read somewhere that sometimes preggie women will also get AF cos sometimes some women ovulate 2 eggs and if one got fertilized and the other did not, it will be menses! Hahahaha....for a split second, i wanted to believe him...but after that, think-think very silly hor!

Anyway, i had a very happy trip...shopping and eating all my favourite food!! Hubby said try again lo.

Jus now i went to visit my good fren who has given birth about a month ago. Her hubby was asking me when we're trying so i just gave a non-committal answer. In a way, want to pacify myself to be less stress too. But my heart really goes to my fren. She was feeding her baby halfway and he was STILL crying....and then suddenly she bursts into tears. She said she thinks and afraid that she will slip into post-natal depression. Sigh...i see-see liao also feel a bit scared...she kept telling me, THINK harder cos totally no life after dat....i must admit...i WAS a bit sceptical then...very scared...which explains why i'm already 32 this year and STILL havent really tried yet...

Anyway, enuf with that la....now that i'm back "here" and feeling all the +ve thot, will try again this cycle!
Hi Char

I put the hot water bag already... but still painful... so in the end still take panadol... but this cycle only take 2... already much better compared to my usual...

Hopefully, u can made one in Korea... that time when I went for my honeymoon in Italy, wanted to make one there... but coz of endometrosis, in the end, my menses was haywired... so no chance to make...

Hi hopeformiracle

I done my lap to remove cysts... is there any reasons why cannot take EPO & Bai Feng Wan? Tot shld be okie, rite? eerrrrr... die... been taking leh...

Hi Urger

Relax, juz tell the doc wat u want lor... or better still write down first lah...

Hi Wong

OIC... Wat's the taste like? I normally brew the same as yrs, except change black dates wif red dates and minus the dang gui lor... is the taste almost the same as red dates longan? coz my hubby like that...

Hi d_woof

I tried to put a pillow below my button lah.. nvr try to put the legs up... scare my hubby freak out.. I already avoid cold drinks, tea, etc liao... but still so painful... maybe for the 2nd half nvr take any bai feng wan or EPO...

Hi Koori

Heheheh... I also something like yrs... only BD on alternate days... dun think can make it for the everyday or a few times a day..
Hi Mylife

Hahahha... yr hubby also quite imaginative hor... actually, I was also feeling nauseous during my menses period... so, think it's a common symptoms lah...

Like u, I didn't dare to commit to TTC wif my friends, colleagues and relatives... coz very scare after that, they will remember and keep asking me when bb coming... and if really so suai, cannot get bb... and keep getting asked... the feeling would be worst...

As for yr friend, think most pple will be like that lah... she even recognise the fact that she may go into post-natal depression... think shld be okie lor... coz some preventive measures wld be taken by her... think alot of times, this depression happens when u dun recognise it and pple around u ignore the symptoms... yr friend is most likely very tired because suddenly got such a BIG committment... shld be okie if hubby and friends showered her wif all the concerns and care lor...

When I was going into the theatre for my lap, a women who has juz given birth was pushed next to me @ the "waiting area"... her cryings and complaints of pain made me very scared of giving birth too... I cannot imagine myself giving birth too... especially, the pain I went thr' for the lap, the moment when I first wake up... the pain was unbearable... but I survived... after 1 day, it was okie... I juz hope I can survive if eventually, I really have a bb...
hi Mylife,
glad u had enjoy ur holiday!we will try hard togther this cycle!
I think family support is very important during the confinement mth as everybody will need to adjust their lifestyle to suit the newborn..
its worth it to take the effort and pain to bring the child up...even though we lose our social life in the beginning years of the child,when the child slowly grow up .complete their studies...start a career...get married...start a new family...u will think that it is all worth it!!(btw,this was what my mum told me lah...)so let's enjoy TCC-ing together and look towards the fruit of labour!!
Hi Yuki
If you suffer from endo, you must not take EPO, Bai Feng pill and Dang gui. They will do you more harm then good. These drugs are suppose to increase your hormone level but you already have alot of hormones in you that's one reason why you have endo. If you check with you gynae, he/she will advise you not to take these hormone stimulating drugs because it will cause your endo to recurr even faster. You don't want to do another op, do you?
hello yuki,
mayb u try to put more pillows....hehe.....ya sometimes the pain cannot be explained one....it wans to come den come....haiz....
hi yuki, dwoof
I think for me, I only put pillow the first few times, thereafter my DH said is a unnaturally posture for the body, dun put pillow.

I use to have very bad menses cramp when younger, pain until I faint.
hi yuki, dwoof, pig2,

i oni put pillow below after he shoot in...still can right?

normally after doing i will doze off awhile...bt now with the pillow...i find myself so diff to doze...cos nt comfy
Hi hopeformiracle & Nurse

Really? Okie, will ask my doc and see what she says... Thanks so much for the info...

Hi D_Woof & Pig2

So, to put pillow or not? eeerrr.... I juz put for awhile normally... otherwise, very difficult to sleep...
Em...my AF finally come liao...waited for so long for this day...can start to track a new cycle ..this time,i will use the ovulation scope and see how....

i also took out an ovarian cyst in end 03, my gynae ask me to get preg soon cos she saw a lot of 'match stick heads' which have potential of turning into ovarian cyst.

but i oni AD in Dec 04 so i took her advice of taking contraceptive pill to prevent the occurence.

actually all the drs will encourage their pts to try to get preg as soon as possible after removing ovarian cyst.
dear all

yest i saw at watsons the reusable clear blue opk selling at $69.90 but nv see any refills on the shelf. clear blur also hv reusable digital preg kit leh...

jus sharing la... but i didn't get any... i realised opk and preg kit selling so ex in s'pore...
Hi Nurse,
i used to get HPT from Watsons,always get it when there is 20% discount sales...Just got to know ercently that we can get it so much more cheaper on net...At least can save up quite a lot of money for our baby's milk powder next time!
Hi gals,

Wah so many posting in a short while

Hi Yuki,
If you have a bad menses cramp you can always get the doctor to prescribe you with painkillers.My doctor alway give me this painkiller called "Naproxin" if I remembered the spelling correctly:p,.Mine also I will have severed cramps but so used to it.One of my friend advised me to walk a lot when you having menses like walk around don't sit or lie around,i have tried that this month when my AF came last week.It really helps!!So amazing as the pain was not that sharp and painful still manageable

Hi Baby26,
Clomid is like an ovulation pills to make you ovulate and produce more eggs so the chances of getting pregnant is high.Its kinda like a contraceptive pills.

Hi Cueball,
How much you spent for your IUI and where did you do it?Were you given any MC on that day? Was it successful.

Anyone that has done IUI kindly give me some advise please
Hi Smileybaby

For me, abit more man fan coz I also have bad gastric conditions... so I cannot take any painkiller that will induce gastric acid... e.g. postan... which stop my pain all most immediately...

Walk around? I will feel more pain leh... My leg and back will ache like mad if I walk too much... I used to walk around for my job... coz sometimes suai suai kana career talk... so not only walk around but also stand... that was the worst... but now, I no longer have to do that... so normally, I will juz take MC and rest @ home instead... coz I will be feeling very tired...
Hi Yuki,

Me too having gastricts but I still consumed those but maybe it all depends on individual.The best I think take an MC and rest at home
That's the most comforting thing to do when you are having those cramps.

Have you went for any IUI or any gynae for consulation
Hi Smileybaby

My follow-up visit with my gynae is 9 Feb... I have sent her an email to check anyway... but perhaps, when I'm there will check for more reasons why my cramps was so bad... but think most of the time, cramps cannot be explained leh...
Hi Char

Yr AF finally come? How many days was yr cycle? Think we r back to trying again... I remembered a few gals have almost the same cycle dates as me... so think now yr dates are very close to mine lor... heheheh.... Let's try together...
Hi Gals

I have tried to key in details into both Mycycle.com & fertilityfriend.com... the predicted ovulation date is different leh... one is on wed... the other one on thu... I wonder why...
hi yuki,
if myAF is accurate,the cycle is ard 35days,else,it can stretch up to 60days or more...we will try hard for the 'puppy'!Jia you!

i once posted a question regarding which site is more accurate lor... cos i realise both sites gave different dats for o
Dear gals,

Share with some of you who are contemplating for IUI...
Its a generally painless process. Done in 1 min and normally doct will ask you to lie down and raise your legs for abt 30mins. Afterthat life as per normal.
I personally fine it less painful than HSG. The catherer doct used is so so thin that if we can BD, then its nothing in comparison.
The process doctor charge $400 (incl sperm washing) but exclude the clomid i took..

well.. this is my 2nd IUI so its the agonising 2WW now... will test tomolo cos really canot tahan the wait..
16 jan, so its 10DPO tomolo n doct say I can start to test if i cannot wait for 14DPO...
mayb able to detect if HCG is high enugh
Hi Char

Mine is 31 days... shorter than yrs... at least, yrs look more stable now hor... cannot imagine 60 days?? Good if not TTC lah... coz dun need to pain so many times... hehhee...

Hi Nurse

Ya lor... So confusing hor... but juz try on both dates to have higher chances lor ...

Hi Jadefeet

Good luck on yr TTC... what is DPO today?
Hi Yuki,

thks so much.. its 9 DPO today.. having some weird experience for the last 9 days ...
but then mayb jus phantoms symotoms, dun wan to give myself false hopes

can feel the CNY stress when i have been getting the questions from relatives when i sent them the gifts over the last weekend...
Hi gadis,

Can share the cost for IUI at Dr Fong's clinic? I may wanna consider that next month cos have been TTC for a yr plus and yet no news.
Hi Okie,

I have yet to try the IUI yet,I will be going for the scan this friday to see whether there are enough eggs available before the doctor can preform the IUI.The nurse told me that the cost will be from $100+ to $200+ .I will let you know the actual cost once I have consulted Dr Fong this friday.Me too have been trying for one year + till now but still unable to get pregnant.Everyone is asking us especially my law...its really stressful for more even though my husband is very understanding and always encourages me.

Hi Jadefeet,
Can I conclude that the first time that you did IUI does not mean you are able to get pregnant?So the doctor will inject you from your virgina the sperm is it?I'm just curious and wants to know so at least im prepared.So for my husband sperm will the doctor do the HSA test before injecting to me?
Hi Gadis,

Tks! It was indeed very stressful after a yr plus of trying. My hubby is the only son, I M more stressful.
Hi Okie..
my hubby also only son..somemore is the eldest grandson..so also v stress...but my hubby always tell me nt to be too stressed by the comments that our relative make..

Hi Gadis,
the statistics for IUI is 30% per cycle. So meaning 3 in 10 who wen for IUI will be preggie.. and I belonged to the 70%
for the 1st cycle
Well, the doc will insert a very very thin tube into the virgina and then he will push in the washed sperm..
I had a HSG test b4 the IUI to check my tubes to make sure that they r not blocked.
Well for Mt E, I think when the lab process the washed sperm they will do the count as well...
So if doct prescibe you wif clomid now that means is to encourage the follicle growth and when you go for a scan at CD12, if the follicle is betw 20mm - 25mm then doct will inject you wif a hormone preganyl to induce the egg to be released. Then CD 14 u will go back tfor the IUI loh.
btw, my HB aso only son & grandson...can understand the stress...
even my normally very relax MIL aso asked if we r having any prob and asked us to try for puppy...
