A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

one lovemaking day per mth where got enuff...at least must once every fornight mar
...must write to govt, ask them to implement off day for those TTC couples...

like wat athlete said..just stay positive...god would bless you..

did ur doc ask u to take a blood test to confirm? I did not even had spotting that time, it just happen one fine day, i saw some weird color blood cot..then after dat came the full flow..Glad that you are not giving up..
Jia you jia you jia you!! Now must take some tonics to strength ur body..

hi athlete, my gynae advised me not to ttc immediately after m/c. it's better to rest for 3 cycles first. you may want to check with your gynae on this...
hi jadefeet and zhuzhu....juz read what u all wrote about being bombarded by relatives....*sigh* me also kena left right up down by all my aunts and even uncles! telling me to book holidays lah, book hotels lah, must learn to make pple lah...very stressed...but still must smile at them. As if we don't want to have babies...we are trying so hard here...will it be better if we tell them I wonder?

I think my PCOS getting worse....CD 53 oredi still AF not reporting...have to take medication next week. Taking temp and it is forever so low.
so depressing....
Hi galz


Congratz to all who r preg...
...u hv really achieved sometink in life...

D woof...

Pls take care...itz not easy emotionally...but pls b strong...watever the case...

Ive been MIA for a while...yup...tryin very hard to deal wif my emotions...I never knew TTC wld b so hard emotionally...til Im in it myself...

My closest cousin...same age as me...has jus annouced tat shez preg n shld b due in Aug tis yr...in fact...she hd juz gone thru a lap in Apr last yr...n a system shutdown for 6 mths...guess she muz hv gotten preg almost immed after her sys is up...I shld b very happy for her...afterall...she luvs kids...n we grew up together...instead...I felt so jealous...n tis hd been botherin me for many days...I felt mean...

My hb juz got his 4th SA report...itz still bad...Im really at my wits end...androil...TCM...we hv tried...Ive juz no ctrl over his sperm qlty...I dunno wat to do...

Thx for listenin...I'll still keep tryin...mabbe I'll b like Pig2...try BDing everyday next wk...Im tryin to keep my spirits up...but itz so tough...
Fizz, my cousin also reported to me that his wife is preggy 3mths, due in Aug too. Tik almost same timing as your cousin, sigh! dunno when my turn.
My kits arrived, did a ovulation test, but very faint line tik not ovulating yet.
hey gals,
thanx for ur concern.....wanna stay +ve but den itz really nt promising......experiencing spotting......n the abdomen pain really worries me but i hope tat i can resolve this problem asap
Hi Doggiemummy

Think if u anyhow do, anyhow pregnant... is possible coz more relax mah... sometimes, if u think too hard... no orgasm also hard to get preggy... we are always doing wat's "technically should get preggy" but we nvr did... coz too stressed up mah... but if u r not stressful... maybe easier hor... But yr mum really cute leh... hahahah....

Hi zhuzhu

Ya lor... the more the merrier mah... hahhaha... but think we can think long long also won't get lah... hahahahha...

Hi D_Woof

Dun think too much into it... keep a more relax mentality... have a +ve mindset... perhaps, take a few days leave to rest, maybe the condition will improve? When u r too stressful or upset, the condition will only become worst... not better, okie? Do take care of yrself...

Hi Fizz

U r not mean lah... u juz envy her mah...

U mentioned abt yr SIL having Lap... eeerr... wat do u mean by the sys was down for 6 mths? I did my lap too... does that mean, I have to wait for 6 mths too? Can u also check wif her if she can take Bai Feng Wan... coz I've been hearing differing advice... so kinda blur already....
Hi Dwoof
This morning when I wake up, 1st thing come into my mind was "how are you today"...

I know its no use telling u not to worry lar...but i still must say "DUN WORRY TOO MUCH"

Toking about cousins...my 3 male cousins very productive..after they married, think within 3 mths..all their wives are pregnants..now their kids are all born liao..somemore got 2 of my cousins same age as me leh...lagi stress
hi dawn, did you take clomid to help in your ovulation?

hi gals, i have 24 ovulation kits to let go at S$1 each... anyone interested? expiry date : Oct 2007. thanks...
Hi Yuki

Itz my cousin who went thru lap...her gynae actually gave her med to stop her reproductive system...meaning...she wld not ovulate n hv AF...tis is supposed to minimise the chances of recurrin cysts...dun worry lah...yr reproductive sys wont go on holz by itself...

Hi D Woof

I pray tat u n yr bb wil pull thru tis...

Hvg gone thru the TTC process...I now appreciate the reason y mommies go all out to keep their bbs...even in adverse conditions...I guess we wil cherish our bbs much much more coz we try so hard to hv them...
hi fizz,
I think I got the same feeling as you too, feel jealous when some1 announcing that they are pregnant! And the worst thing is when U heard some1 who is not married got pregnant and doesn't want the BB... in the end, a M/C. Duno should be happy or sad neh....

I hvae gone to Dr heng, haven't done anything yet, coz went on the wwrong day. She said to go back again when CD14, so I ahve fixed an appt. But then this time round my AF came late, and the appt is not CD14. Think shouldn't be any problem to go earlier on CD10 ba? Hubby will be doing his test also.... hmmm.... Can see that her nurse is quite discreet when she knoe that hubby will be doing the test leh, talk very softly too.

To those who had graduated from here, congratulations!

d Woof,
Dun be so negative. My fren experiences spotting etc and she manages to give birth to a healthy BB last july!

Btw, have you all heard of Minimon ovulation microscope?? It's the size of a lipstick. I read it's less troublesome using saliva to test for O. Reusable and have a lifeime gurantee. Selling at pharmacy at $89, anyone tried it??? Gd??
Hi Msn

I tink you shld c Dr Heng nearer to the date of yr ovu...I tink she nids to scan yr ovaries to check the maturity of yr egg follicles...if u r ovulating...

I may turn to her for a recommendation of an urologist...I dunno wat else I can do abt my hb's spermie...
ya i am the one staying 10 floors above u

I think it's better to do earlier and let the sperm wait for the egg lor, since i can't tell when i ovulating.
wow!! seems that all the gals r back...
Happy New Year once again..

Dwoof, take great care. Dun give up ok. U never know. Maybe the baby just taking his time to grow slowly...

did the doct check your Hb's testicles? Could it be the poor qlty of spermies is due to vericoceles? Tats what another gynae diagnose my HB n he suggested key hole surgery and he says such surgery has very high chances of reversing the condition. Most of the men who wen for the surgery will get their wife pregnant a few mths later...
mayb u can check on that?
Hi Fizz

OIC... seems to me diff doc give diff advice leh... my gynae told me that I shld hv bb asap... nvr told me to take any pills to stop menses from coming...

Hi Doggiemummy

Hahahah... u & koori stay so near to each other? ya lor.. it's better to do earlier... The last cycle, I did it 2 days bf O and on O day itself also nvr kana... perhaps, if I do 1 day bf maybe got chance lor... but hard to target the date leh... coz diff webby diff by 1 day... dun think my hubby wanna BD everyday... think too stressful, even if BD also won't get bb lor...
I think if I call her to chg appt, she dun ahve a slot for me already. She is going to do a scan for the tube. Wa, U really know leh.

Anyway, If we have mense, does it mean that we did O? or even if we dun O, we will still have AF? for the past 2 mths, I dun see any double line for OPK at all. Only a faint line appears, not those strong line one. So I'm really susupecting if I did O anot??!
hi all,
Not too sure should I ask in this thread coz I am now starting TTC for my 2nd one. I have little idea on when is the best time and highest chance of success of TTC. What is the use of ovulation kit? My cycle is not very regular, it always late by few days every month. Moreover with my 1st to look after, at most can only BD or twice per month, sometimes not even once per month. Appreciate if anyone can advise.

I got a little problem here..
this morning i tested on 16DPO with my gynae test kit and the digital clear blue.
the gynae test kit shows "-ve" so i tried the digital one and its show"not pregnant" but when I eject the cartridge, I can see the 2nd blue line very faintly... so i asked my HB to see n he being very sleepy in the morning he says its nothing!!!
I know I shouldnt read too deep in it but then I was told by friends that dun trust the "not pregnant" cos its not that sensitive, it needs a strong HCG b4 it can appears as pregnant...
anyone has this experience?
wat is compact type?
i used the clear blue digital tat shows "preg /not preg" but when i eject the cartridge it shows 1 dark line and 1 faint line.
Hi Jadefeet
I ever saw the 2 lines on the cartridge when I tested mine..but i remember reading somewhere that the 2 lines for the clearblue digital kit doesn't necessary means pregnant..

Agreed that you need a high HCG (above 50) then that kit will show "pregnant" I went thru that b4..
sometimes the 2 lines on "compact clear blue " pregnancy test kit can be misleading, cos don't know if the faint line is caused by the strip being wet due to it being wet lor.

I used the normal pregnancy test kit which will show "+" or "-". Easier to read for sotong like me. no need to strain my eyes too. cos my "+" happened to have 1 dark line and 1 line line. =P
Hi MSN & Jadefeet

Eeerr.. u mean can ask the gynae to check if u have ovulated? can scan ovaries also meh? coz I always wonder if I ovulate or not... know my temp shows that I hv ovulated... but can't be sure leh... especially I noe that one my tubes abit block...

Hi Jadefeet

Why dun u try to test again tmr or the day after... maybe by then u can a more confirm answer... hopefully, yr eyes not playing a trick on u...
hey gals...

I tried with the CB digital one as well, think the faint line is just there one. Only with high HCG, then it'll show to be the same as clear blue line -showing not preg. Dunno if anyone understands my explaination!

The CB digital one is not so good? Maybe I shd get another one (the one wif the + or - sign one)? Or the watsons one good enuf??
Me today still no AF, praying v hard tat really preggie.

Me itchy mouth ate some raw sashimi yesterday, office CNY dinner... hopefully don't have any prob!!
Hi Jadefeet,

Maybe test it again tomorrow morning,cos normally the HCG will be stronger in the morning.Praying hard and awaiting for your good news yah!

Just to share with you gals....
This morning I tested on my ovulation kit which i just bought from Watson's....I was so so happy cos at last it shows me I have ovulated today is my CD15.Yesterday morning when i tested it shows not ovulation but last night I BD with my hubby and this morning it shows I have ovulated ...So happy.Will show you my ovulation test kit

So gals I should BD tonite and tomorrow rite?Wish me luck.I'm so excited cos I have been trying for the past 1 year plus...
hmm.. seem that i shld not believe the faint line.
Never mind if my AF doesnt show up for the nex 2 days i will get the clearblue "+/-" one.. easier to read...


which DPO r u at now?
hope that u r preggie too!!

Good Luck, remember to relax n enjoy BD, dont think of the ovulation kit..

do u feel very very hot recently?
i hav been feeling extra hot n can sweat when i the office n even when sleep wif aircon on...last nite got so hot n sweaty got up n scream at my HB for turning the aircon down!! Poor thing, he has to blast it at 20 deg n hi speed n shiver in the blanket...
even my HB aso asked if i m preggie cos he can feel my body as if i m having fever...
no leh dont really feel hot, but feels warmer and very lazy and tired lor
maybe different people different pattern.
oh yes, when testing with kit, don't drink too much water. the kit can't detect if it's too diluted
Hi jadefeet,

Dunno which day is my DPO also. Temp taking not q accurate. But now its CD 36 (max normal is only CD34). Today morning my temp is 36.9 (q high rite)? hee hee. I still feel cold in office, anyway don't think abt symptoms too much, do the test

Gals, which preg test kit good? The CB digital only good for HCG > 50. Any other kits tat wld show +ve with lower HCG??

Fizz means sys down, most likely she is referring to temporary menopause. Some women who gone thru lap, their gynae will suggest temporary menopause to clear her womb. It can be 3 months or 6 months and sometime, they get pregnant after that.

Btw, you AF end liao. Anymore pain?
Hi Smileybaby

Then u work harder tonite and tmr lor.. hopefully, really work... gambatte...

Hi Jadefeet

Hahahhaa... yr hubby very poor thing leh... sleeping in a fridge liao still kana scolding? think u hv high chance of being preggy liao lor... 1 of the common symptoms, rite?

Hi Hopeformiracle

That's y, I'm wondering how come my gynae nvr suggest anything like that lor... juz wondering if it's safe to TTC now then...

My AF ended liao... now of course no pain lah... if still got pain, die liao lor... I have lots of pain on the 1st 3 days... after that still experience occassional cramps.. but still okie lah...

Just want to let you know, a good/concern gynae will "cheong" all the way with you. He/she will plan your ttc route for you, tell you what you should do/avoid and tell you his big plan for you.

My first gynae, who is very expert in his area of work, didn't do such planning for me and end up I have to go for op 1 after another. Never monitor me and ask me to go see him every month etc. My current gynae, he is very good, ask me to attend seminars, monitor everything for me.

If your gynae don't show concern, don't care whether you will succeed or not, then no point paying so much money to him. I rather seek a 2nd opinion.

a few nites I oso feeling hot. I remember once I wokre up perspiring..( my aircon is directly blowing at me @ 23 degree) then no choice i woke up remove the blanket and turn aircon to 21 degree. my poor DH oso shiver and ask me izzit last nite rain tats y so cold. haha

in the noon at my mum pl, i oso for no reason perspiring tat i need 2 fans to blow at me.

I'm the type who under hot sun oso wont sweat, yet now in room temperature i'm perspiring.
Hi Hopeformiracle

Eeerr... hope to plan for u? u mean tell u when is the best time to BD? wat kinda plan shld a gynae have for u?

Dunno leh, my gynae so far only tell me, I shld take blood test and eat folic acid and try to TTC within 1 yr... otherwise, likely to have a relapse.. I'm seeing her every 3 mths... not too sure the next visit to see her for wat... perhaps, after that then let u noe lor...

Attend wat seminar?

My gynae is quite okie lah... she replies my msg asap... but she's more "reactive" kind whereby u ask her something, she will answer u lor... not those that will tell u everything..

My gynae want me to get pregnant asap so he will try all means to help me. He is not that type who sit down and wait for the sky to fall haha...

My gynae gave talk about love, sex and infertility. So just go and listen lor.
Hi Sisters,

For those who are using those opk strips, can I know do you put your uring in a container or test it in the flow when urinating ? Thank you, as it is my 1st time using the opk strips.

My gynae is Dr Peter Chew from GlenE. Yes need to register for his talk. He is giving a valentine's day talk on 11 Feb. He is very proactive in family planning and teaches couple how to stay bonded.

i m jus like u... usually i m the 1st one who shivers n doesnt sweat but now I m the one hogging the fan, aircon.. last nite i got to sleep full naked wifout blanket cos I keep waking up in sweat.
now in the office i need a fan at hi speed even though the aircon is highest...
r u preggie too?

i slept at 830pm last nite ... was so so tired cant keep my eyes open...

called my gynae jus now n he says mayb i tested too early.. ask me to test again on sat... if AF still dun come then i will hav to see him on mon to do blood test..

you got all the symptoms leh, v good. high chances. Went to pharmacy jus now, they said GP test will be more acc than the normal test kit, coz' the clinic one don't test for HCG. But bloodtest most accurate

Me no symptoms, only have stomach cramps. Mmmzz... shall do my own test tomorrow morn. then go GP to test if still no AF. Hee

Btw, anyone seeing gyne at KKH? If u got problems, questions abt pregnancy, how to contact doc?
hi ladies,

Very happy to know about this forum and chance upon this thread. Me and my hubby has been trying for bb for 3 months, no news until now but my menses has been late for 3 days.. so brownish spots or any sypmthoms of menses but my HB says not so heng.. a few times of BD can strike.. buy 4D also not so zun.

Hey.. anyone has the chart for determination of the sex of baby.. can email to me?
Hi didi
If you are using the test strip, have to pee inside a container 1st..let it cool, then dip the strip for like 5 secs(i can't remember) then wait...

good luck to u as well...
stomach cramps is aso symptoms.. Teobaby experience stomach cramps...

sighhhh this 2WW is getting on my nerve, even HB aso say every single little sign i will be so so kan cheong n attribute it to either AF or BFP!!!
I wished i can get a BFP... its more more treasurable than striking the 10mil toto!!
I guess those in the 2WW must be very stressful now. Imagination running wide. Must relax okie, if not will go crazy or depression. Maybe its a good idea to take up a new hobby like knitting, yoga etc.

AF syptom is also very similar to BFP syptom, cannot tell the difference. Must remember to stay calm.

Thanks Jadefeet!

Doggiemummy, saw u in the Oct 2006 MTB thread. Me praying v hard, will join there when have good news lah.. hee hee... my birthday also Oct, so maybe baby can share b'dae month (but me not doggy yr lah) wif mummy

Me fell sick ard my ovulation period, was holidaying overseas. Had to go for food-poisoning jab, the doc says shd be ok (not antibiotics), tats why a little worried. Prayfully, baby will be healthy
Will have to report all these "incidents" to gyne when confirmed preggie!
