A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi marble,

i cant rem the dosage anymore, the last time i took was in year 2002 and early 2003, then i stopped totally until now.

Hi Rosy,

I am not sure but hearsay from this forum. Something to do with the dang gui in the bai fong wan. if i am not wrong, danggui has estrogenic activity...
Hi dmin2

Just came back from HSG examination. everything is normal...but the process is uncomfortable...

How about yours?
Hi All, I m new here been reading this forum for awhile now . i also TTC for a year and recently got tired of charting my BBT etc... (btw i m having pituary hormone gland problem) so we hv been very slack this mth. I am 1 day late and i test the clearblue today , it seem positive but the horizontial line is very faint. Do that consider as positive?

Also been travelling alot last 2 months and thought slack in ML on the scheduled dates, i starting to take slimming pills(tummy trim) thinking to lose more weight so that easy to conceive.

If I am really pregnant, does it affecting the baby?
Hi Twinkle, personally I find that clearblue is not very accurate. I encountered the same situation before - the + sign looks faint and I wonder if it's BFP... Gave me false hopes...
I have since switched to other brands which gives me a more definite result.

I would not advise you to take slimming pills. Exercise and maintain a healthy diet is still the best way to tone your body. You won't know if you would be another Andrea De Cruz.
Hi beautiful, yes i only take 2 weeks for trial and already stopped a week ago.

i will try other brands for the P. kits . tks
hi twinkle, welcome!
can i noe wat's pituary hormone gland problem? is ur AF regular?
if u wan to slim down eat more soupy stuff, like fish soup bee hoon and no snack and fried stuff. eat more veg and fruits. slimming pills will affect ur immune system.
Hi pekochan,

Pituary hormone disorder is whereby the prolactin is higher than normal. eg. my hormone could be in trimester 3 and i m not pregnant so that will give the signal to my body that I am actually pregnant . this cause menses not regular and also weight increase as my body thinks that i m pregnant.

i hv small appetite ,dun eat alot and always hungry but i m plump bcos of the hormone etc...
hi twinkle, my AF oso not regular so hv to do a hormone test when next AF arrive. did u cook any chinese herbal soup to drink to regulate ur AF? u got drink 'ba zhen' aft ur AF?
no leh, only the std herbal packets cook w chicken from NTUC . but i dun remember ba zhen.

what does ba zhen good for?
hi twinkle,

may i know how u know u have this pituary hormone disorder problem? did u take any test?

did u double check with other pregnancy test? good luck!
hi all... newbie here hoping to seek help...

very confused cuz period ended last week... but i'm experiencing nausea, tummy cramps, lost of appetite real jialut these week... (used to eat a lot... must have rice every meal, now though hungry, feel full and bloated most of the day, can't eat at all)...

went to the doctor who claimed since my period ended mid August, its not possible for me to be pregnant thus she's unwilling to test for me...

very mixed feelings... wanna buy test kit yet quite worried about results though...

consider those might not be pregnant symptons but i've never experience all tat... esp tummy cramps after menses...

please help!! many thanks!!
twinkle: slimming is a NO-NO when u are TTC. either TTC or SLimming pill.

hapybaby: u should be in ur 2WW (2 weeks wait) now. its slightly too early to test. these symptoms does not deduce u are preggie, till u missed ur period for the longest time. Well, simple cos these symptoms might be a false alarm which causes from ur anxiety to be preggie. Tummy cramps are part of Preggie symptom in the 5th - 6th weeks, as the uterus is expanding for the fetus.

stay relax, test when you missed it for the longest time
i once was like u, missed like 11 days and all the stated symptoms, but it was a BFN. Let things happen by nature.

I would like to seek your help. My period has missed for about 7 days. I have done a pregnancy test kit (clear blue) it shows "negative" sign.

At present, I start seeing slightly bleeding and both of my breast suddenly felt very pain.I am so scared that I went to see gyn. My gyn said that hormones changed were like that and don't worry to much. He told me to test again after 1 weeks.

Now, I can feel headache,stomache and alittle bit of dizzy.

Do you think I am pregnant already? I am so scared to see the pregnant kit result in negative sign.
Hi morning, all!

Yeah, the HSG process is slightly uncomfortable. But can tahan, cos not painful. My right tube is okay. But not sure about left tube. Cos report stated cannot pass through probably due to technical error?? Did not say left tube is blocked. Gynae said should be okay. Will continue IUI next month. Naturally this month. Hopefully will strike soon.
morning everyone!

Hi Pecochan

I did it at pragon. It costed me S$193.

Hi Dimin2

Will try naturally this month and start to take 3 pills of clomid next month. If I respond well to the medicine, will try IUI too....hope both of us strike soon...

Since you are already 7 days late, clear blue should have detected it you are preggie. I think you should wait for 2-3 more days. If AF still not here by then, retest. Painful breast is caused by increase in hormones which happends when you are preggie and if AF is about to arrive. So difficult to tell if you are preggie just by this symptom.

The other symptoms can happen if you have high hopes. Your mind is playing tricks on you. I sometimes feel it as well but not pregnant.

But then again as long as AF not here, still have hope.
Hi Dawn.
I knew i hv some problem when i had sudden increase in lots of weight. Even though i exercise 3 times a week, the weight seem to be increase rather than maintain or reduce. bcos of that i went for checkup and my gyn did the hormone test and there it goes

Hi Clarissemum,
I hv been having cramps on and off since 1 week ago. I am 5 days late and test kit show faint postive on ClearBlues but very clear on other brands. am I pregnant? I m thinking of checking it again tom b4 going to see my gyn
I my opinion you are quite certainly preggie!!! Congrats!!! happy nine months to you.

If you have extra test kits sure, test again. But I am sure your doctor will test you at the clinic.
Hi Bernice,

Really! Let see what the gy say tmr. I m feeling unexpected as I hv been taking a break last few months as we both hv been tired, upset w TTC and no results.
gee...because of biz trip...i missed my ovulation date this cycle...


chen sing and everybody else! JIAYOU!


sounds like GOOD news! :D
Hi Everyone.

Tks ... hope to let you know good news tmr... I m trying not to put too much hope as things has been false alarm before ...( trying but hoping lah)

Kermit, I hv been on biz trip very often since beginning of this year ... missing ovulation etc... while there are times ovulation also come late... Jia you!
twinkle: kekkkeke.. faint BFP is a BFP!!! kekeke.. to be real sure.. call for a gyane appt.
but during this period, u have to be real careful.
hi twinkle, it's stated on the packet u take a look lor. ba zhen can nourish the blood and strenghten the womb.

hi beautiful, ya my gyne suggested to do the test, but not done yet cos my AF hv not arrive yet.
Hi girls,

Can we do some exercises during 2WW? Not jogging or big impact exercises. E.g. just some brisk walking on the treadmill, or walking up the stairs? Months after months, no baby news but more 'weight' news. Sigh.. A bit conscious of my weight increase and exercise window is simply too small. In case pregnant, will this affect?
Ling aka carole

sorri yesterday u called me but i never picked up coz im sleeping very soundly lah, kekeke

i knew i very lazy and cannot wake up on time one, so dun blame me hor, kekeke
Hi everyone,

I'm been snopping around this thread and hope that I'm welcome to join in.

Firstly congrats to those who are preggie!

I'm been trying to TTCs for about 6 mths. Me slightly more problematic than u gals, me got epilepsy and also polycystic cysts. Used to be on Diane-35 to induce menses for abt 6 yrs. Stopped 6 mths ago in order to TTC.

Gynae advised me to be on Clomid as he said that I'm not ovulating (my menses did come recently after MIA for 7 mths). I'm having concerns as epilepsy is hereditary. Docs are optimistic that I'm able to deliver a healthy baby (if preggie).

gynae wants me to do a blood test during 2 or 3 days of menses (if it's do come). My husband needs to do the SA test too. Any idea what's the blood test for? Checking hormone level? Read thro' the thread and dun quite get some of the abbreviations .:p

Pai seh, my message is quite long for my 1st posting..

u no good, i was hoping to see u leh...for breakfast...*sob* *sob*

u har realli in deep sleep ya! but is ok la, we goin to meet up soon ya...hehe

so i guess yesterday bf should be very yummy rite? kekeke

sorri lah, next time i join u all ok?

i promise i will join but remember to call me hor, hee hee
Yup, exercise should not be a problem. Just dont go rock climbing or bungie jumping!!. Jogging should be OK as well as long as you know your limits.

Welcome Gemini,
Sorry to hear that your TTC journey is complexed. Yes, blood test for you is for your hormones. I think you have to take blood twice. Once just after your AF (menses) and once more 10 days later (dont remember exactly how many days after AF)
Hi Bernice,

Thanks for your reply. At least I can do some light exercises at ease.
Will be mindful not to do big impact exercises. I forgot to ask my gynae last Friday. Then asked my hubby. He looked at me and said pay my gynae so much $, why didn't ask her. Told him, aiyo, forget lah. Hehe.. ;p

u naughty gal, next time we shall punish u...hehehe

yup the coffee is great sia! plus the new frens i made...hehe..my hb was abit shy leh..haha

but he try to listen and add in a few words..hehehe
hi jess,

great that you enjoyed urself

Carole was very talkative hor, hahahaha

hmm...i have met xmm and carole before but not mj even though she lives a few blocks away from me, kekeke

so who else went besides the abovementioned?

to the rest of the ladies, sorry i divert the topic here by saying something else. hope you all dun mind okie?


i also went paragon to do my hsg. is yours done by a female doc or male doc? the metal bed looks quite scary hor, machiam operating theatre, kekekek

A male dr did it for me....but he was quite gentle..so it was not so bad....the nurse there was also quite friendly. They explained to me the whole process in details...

what is your next step ah? For me, will try naturally this month and will take clomid next cycle if I don't strike this month...

i think the next step most prob will be IUI liao for me. i also dunno leh, my hb intend to do another SA end of this month. If got improvement then i will take clomid next month and start the IUI. sekali his SA result is still bad (touchwood, choy choy) then i also dunno how liao

Thanks for your reply. Har? Still have to take blood test twice?? Me afraid of withdrawing blood, got bad experience...

To all: dun feel too stressed out! Nowadays medical technology is so advanced, there's definitely a way out!
JCML: u dare to say... keke.. i called, guessing u sleeping like a pig.. whahaha...
me talkative?!?!? ya ya as usual.. lol
I am new here..anybody having low BBT ? sometimes my temperature can be < 36 in the morning. I am also PCOS. Currently on clomid and metformin, Dr said I am not responing to clomid. So sad. Any body with similar conditions and managed to have baby ?
morning ladies

so long didnt report here le.. keke :p


hi dew.. am also having PCOS, managed to conceive through clomid and metformin but sad to say.. both ended up in m/c and ectopic.. so dun give and stress up
btw hw many mg of clomid u took? mayb can request for higher dosage?

usually BBT is low in the morning.. dun worry
Hi ClarisseMummy,
I dun know whether u remember me. I asked for website for purchase of ovulation kit.. hehehe. I have made my purchase last wk and I have received them yesterday. Thank you for yr recommendation.
Hi Mei2,

My dr is suggesting that I go for hormone jab..did you try that ? According to my dr, i am not ovaluting at all, temperature flat like a pan cake.


i'm feeling much better without MS.
My boy's been rather noti, kept kicking, rolling, doing somersaults. Think later will be worse.

How have u been?

honeyhaven: gotten ur OPK!!! kekeke.. next step will be outting it into good use.
Sorry as i just woken up from my sleep. alittle bit sotong! kekeke.
