A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Ladies,

Is it recommended to go to a specialist or GP for treatment of thyroid?

I'm scheduled to go to the specialist clinic @ TTSH next week but I feel it's too crowded.

I know of 1 GP who treat thyroid near my house. Am thinking to visiting the GP instead of going to c the specialist.

hi YB,
it's up to you.... I went to a specialist cos a few GPs I've seen are not very knowledgeable with thyroid...but if you have someone whom you trust can help it... try it out.
why not u visit the specialist first? Maybe its not as crowded as u thought? Now that we are ttc-ing... health is the most impt oh!
hi jess, I think u check it out with a gynae first....
according to my gynae.. about 10-15%% of women has PCOS... but it best to get a scan to check it out..
hi dawn, wat do u mean by hairy? is it like got facial hair growing?

hi unique, u've done the hormonal test oredi? im oso gog to it when my AF arrive. izzit becos ur hormones are inbalance so hv to do the test?

my fren told me hormone pill is contraceptive pill? is it true?
pekochan, like me.....quite hairy on the arms and legs...got facial hair too.

Unique, I did my hormone test on CD 2...turned out to be quite alright....but too many things points to PCOS ...so i still take the metformin...hopefully can make my menses regular. What follow up test do u mean? after that I did a HSG ...going down to KK this week to know the detailed report. had tentatively called the nurse to check last week, they say tubes ok. must wait for gynae for more details.
how come so little pple post today har? I was so surprised that I could finish reading today's posting in a few minutes.
Hi Elmo & Naturally,

The GP doc had actually explained to me the causes & treatment of Thyroid, & he seems quite knowledgable. I'll try him out 1st, since I have an appt to c him tis evening. He asked me to bring along my blood test report & medication tat TTSH A&E gave me.

My specialist appt at TTSH is next Mon.

I guess in the long run, it's cheaper to c a GP than specialist, also I can't afford taking too much leave to visit the specialist.
Hi Nat and hopeful,

Haven't seen you for a while. How is your IUI going on?

I am also thinking of doing IUI soon...dun want to wait further
i think both hopeful and I are very stressed over this 2WW after our IUI, so we never post much...
I support your decision, why wait further if u're ready now?
Just make sure u do all the necessary tests b4 your IUI, like a HSG to check tubes not blocked, a SA test for your hubby, anyway your gynae will know wat to do, no worries, just do it!
IUI is the procedure to inject the washed sperm near to the cervix so as to increase the chance of fertilisation. It is mainly to help the husband with low sperm count or low grade sperm.

Some Dr recommend SO-IUI (Super Ovulation IUI). In this case, the Dr will either give medicine (clomid) or injection or both to induce the ovulation so that multiple eggs may be produced to increase the success rate.

It is a cheaper option as compared to IVF. The procedure itself cause a few hundred dollars, but with medicine, I think the total will be close to 1K also...
Hi Naturally

Is it necessary to do HSG to check the tube before IUI? so far I have not done it yet...how much it costs and is there any particular requirement on the date, eg only CD x onwards kind of thing? thx!
think u haven't reach this stage yet...
When u are tired of trying naturally, the other option to go for artificial insemination lor. IUI= intra-uterine insemination. Spermies will be "washed" with chemical, then the good ones will be injected vaginally into u. Gynae will monitor u and estimate the best timing for the IUI, for the spermies to meet your egg lor!
i feel that it is absolutely necessary to do a HSG, and i'm lucky to have done it, else i wouldn't have known that my left is blocked... imagine if i had proceeded to do IUI when i'm O-ing from my left ovary, i would have wasted $800+ on that cycle leh!!

Unless for some reason u're very sure your tubies are clear, then u can save yourself the $150-180 lor...
HSG test must be done after your AF clears and b4 u O, usually ard CD8 like dat, when u are confirmed not preggie lor (gynae may request u dun ML for at least 3 days b4), cos its x-ray mah... in fact u may have to sign a declaration that u are not preggie!
Hi nat

can i check with you how much u paid for ur IUI with Dr Thong?

I have made an appt to see her next month after my HSG test and hopefully i can proceed to IUI with her
jcml, alamak, i already said $800+ wat, heehee... quite heartpain!
But mine is just IUI with clomid, not SO-IUI, cos my follicles responded well to clomid. Suppose if clomid doesn't work so well, then u may be given jabs to further induce O, these jabs are more costly lor...
hi nat and Ling,

sorry, me did not reali read earlier posting of $800+, so blur blur asked the price again, hee hee

nat, can i ask what dosage of clomid u responded to? My gynae gave me 50g of clomid before but i onli ovulated with 1 egg on my right ovary and my left ovary totally no response at all lor
Hi Naturally,

I've also done my IUI yesterday.Did your gynae give u a HCG jab first?My had my HCG jab on Sat & do my IUI on Mon but before injecting the sperms,gynae scan me & said I'm still have not ovulated yet.
hi chua_family, same here. i had my HCG on Thur morning and IUI on fri afternoon. My follicles have not ovulated just before IUI too. i think it is quite difficult to get a good window.

hi nat, me also very stressed after IUI, i getting quite paranoid leh... bbt only 36.4 deg today... called dr this morning and he asked me to increase progesterone to 4 tabs a day! All the best to u too. How many days have it been since u had ur IUI?
hi hopeful

i went to see Dr Fong and he told me due to my hb poor soldiers quality there's very slim chance for me to conceive if i do IUI, so he suggested IVF instead. I did not want to go to IVF so fast so thot of seeking 2nd opinion and thus goin to see Dr Thong and see whether can do IUI or not

Heard that Dr Thong success rate for IUI is quite high so wanna try it out

do you mind sharing the hb result with me? i have the same problem, but when I went to see Dr Fong, he didn't say IUI is not a good option for me leh...but I read from Internet that the minimum volume of the fertilisabel sperm should be at least 1ml...my hb's 1st result shows 1.09ML, but the recent one only shows 0.58ml...

I asked my previous gynae, he also asked me to do IUI...
mashy, hihi!

the $800+ incl 2 gynae consultations, 2 follicle scannings, clmoid, the HSG jab (taken the day b4 IUI), and then the actual IUI costs lor. The bill for the actual IUI and washing of sperms came up to $400+, hubby was shocked why so expensive, he thot its a very simple procedure, i told him maybe his spermies very difficult to "wash", just like his clothes, ahahhaha!!

i was on 100mg, got 2 follicles from right ovary, none from left... heyhey, a normal woman will only O on one side lah, heehee... u got 1 good follicle liao means clomid is okie for u lor!

Meanwhile, try to bu your hubby's soldiers, okie? Maximise all chances mah, heehee! Good luck at Dr Thong's!

i'm 11 days post IUI... cross fingers and toes for all of us! Chua, u too! Gotta tahan the 2 wk suspense, we'll know the results very soon... good luck good luck!!
Hi Chloe,

your gynae give u progesterone to take?I didn't have any but need to see my gynae one wk later.After IUI,is it a need to bedrest?Need to BD naturally or stop?I did my IUI 48 hr after HCG jab,is it too long?

sorry for asking so many questions.
Hi gals

I'm selling 1 pair of tickets via Tiger Airways to Macau. Can't go coz keep bleeding...

Details of flight:
10 Sep (Sat) 2.30pm SIN - 6.10pm Macau
15 Sep (Thurs) 11.15am Macau - 3.10pm SIN

Price: $220
Includes 1 pair of return air tickets to Macau; airport taxes; fuel surcharges.

I will be paying $60 for the name change for you gals only. U can just hop over to HK for their Summer sale /HK Disneyland via the ferry.

If interested, email me at [email protected]
hi nat,

okie, thanks for your advise

see, i so sua ku, din noe that normal woman will only ovulate on one side, i still thot both ovaries ovulate at the same time, kekeke

oh ya, wish u lots of luck and see

hi piggymum,

i abit blur abt the sperm volume thingy, u mean ur hb volume dropped for the SA re-test??
my hb volume ok for the SA test, juz that the percentage of good sperms is very little lor, haiz... hopefully IUI will help to wash the sperms to a greater percentage and the swimmers all cheong ahead, hopefully no backstroke if not wasted liao

ya. my hb's test result is not as good as the first one.

My hb's volume is also ok, but the percentage of good sperm (morphology) is low, ie volume of fertilisable sperm is low loh...for IUI, I think gynae will wash the sperm so that only good ones are injected, hopefully it can help...
hi gals

good luck to those who are in their 2WW. me today CD26, but my tummy is feeling funny (like cramping) for the past few days and the waist there 'suan suan' lei. but no sore breast or other sign lei
Aiya, bo bian lah, i cannot get preggie naturally mah, no face to continue using this nick liao, so i added the "not quite", heehee, and who knows i can have natural delivery leh? So maybe still can be half-natural, hahaha!

jcml, no no, dun call yourself suaku, knowledge is gained one, we're not borned knowing everything, heehee... But surely Dr Fong must have told u that u will ovulate well when he saw the follicle?? Or u doubted him ah?
Btw, after washing, spermies can really survive better leh! The lab staff showed me a washed and another unwashed sample, abt 5 hours abt i sent in the spermies, and then can see that the washed ones are still happily chiong-ing ard, but the unwashed ones either wringling on the spot or mati liao, so pathetic hor, heeheehee!

eh, are u still having on-off bleeding? Oh dear, then u better rest.... hope u can sell the tix soon.... or go SB.com's marketplace?

hi piggymum,

my hb SA test did not show the vol of fertilisable sperm, only show the percentage of good sperms and it's so low, see alrdy also gek sim

where your hb did the SA test? hw come so good got show the vol of good sperms? did your hb SA test also include the binding capabilities of the sperms (ie. hw good the sperms bind to the egg)?

hi hopeful,


really hope i can graduate soon, if not i reali want to go BKK and pray for bb liao

oh ya, here's wishing u good luck and same as nat,
