A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

daisy: dun worry.. late better then never right? kekeke.. 7pm.. i am sure u have enough time to come by..

Re BBT... it is very simple, as your gynae explained, a shift in temp suggests ovulation. A few days before O, temp will start to drop drop drop... once O occurs, temp will immediately rise and stay high all the way until just before AF comes, and then temp will drop again... and so the cycle continues! It is best u chart at least 2 cycles so u'll find it easier to understand the temperature trend.

Anyway, in your case, ovulation prob occurred anytime BETWEEN the morning u measured 36.0, to the next morning when u became 36.7. See the upward shift? Technically we will count the 36.0 day as O day (the day b4 temp shoots up).

So the next qn is, when is the best period to bd?

Once temp starts to drop in mid-cycle, this is a sign O is coming. Healthy spermies are said to be able to survive as long as 6 days (hard to believe hor?
), so no harm bd earlier to keep stock!
And continue bd-ing as long as temp remains low... until u detect a sharp increase (which means eggie is out already), that day is good too, as per your gynae's advice.

Probably your gynae is trying to guide u to detect your ovulation, and to bd as close as possible to the time of ovulation. I hope u took her advice to bd on the day your temp shift up?
Hi Hi naturally
Thanks for your explanation... I'm very clear liao

Hmm.. I was BDing 2 consecutive days before the O day and on the day where temp shot up to 36.7...
So only the supposingly O day (36.0) I never BD... hee hee let my HB rest... Haizzzz I should have persist to BD too....hee hee....
I tried to use OPK to test this cycle... think I used abt 6-7 strip and none is +ve....even when very near my supposingly O date.
Dunno something wrong with the test stripe or something wrong with me or maybe I just tested on wrong dates...haizzz...
hey girls.. i read something from this book.. let me share.

Natural Ways to Maximize Fertility
A healthy diet is absolutely vital at this time to ensure that each partner is well nourished to optimise general health, maintain a robust immune system and nervous system, and for normal hormones balance. Eat plenty of Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, phytoestrogens in foods such as Lentrils, beans, soya products, and chickpeas, cut out junk food, refuned carbohydrates, and excessive of sugar.

Eat plently of Alkaline foods to regulate the pH balance of the cervical mucus. An overacid vagina is hostile to sperm. Most fruit and vegetables, as well as milk are alkaline, while meat n fish, whole grains, cheese, tea, coffee and alcohol, eggs and seeds are acid.
i agree with you Ling with the natural ways to maximize fertility

hee...wat is ur book title?

see XXM,
ur hubby loves you rite?

we will be at Merchant Court for a couple of hours
cos is buffet....we really want u to join us, time is flexible n we no hurry to go off...u know lar...last time we stay quite late rite?

join us okie??
Good Morning!
Dont know why can sleep well, I was awake since 3.30am and have been trying to sleep but can't ....... i m insomnia .......

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 19 Mar 05
valerie ........ CD 02
sandy .......... CD 02
jentan ......... CD 03
elmo ........... CD 03
badgirl ........ CD 04
december ....... CD 04
juliann ........ CD 04
angie .......... CD 05
sugarbun ....... CD 06
mei mei ........ CD 08
dawn ........... CD 09
verone ......... CD 09
snowball ....... CD 11
bea ............ CD 15
ttc2 ........... CD 18
xiao mao mao ... CD 20
happybride ..... CD 20
meijia ......... CD 20
aps ............ CD 20
hipee .......... CD 22
hopeful ........ CD 22
cookie ......... CD 23
hopeformiracle . CD 23
nik ............ CD 24
bookworm ....... CD 27
naturally ...... CD 30
sunny .......... CD 31
loveluis ....... CD 32

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
lbs ............ 02/03/05
seiko .......... 08/03/05
lilac .......... 09/03/05
KC ............. 14/03/05
ribena ......... 19/03/05
funny .......... 15/04/05
oreo ........... 14/05/05
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05

</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

Common Terms used</font>
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="ff0000">If you like to join us, please let me know, so that I can add you into our CD Update List.

HI Ling
my CD1 was 25 Feb... used to be 28 days cycle but when last mth became 33.
Perhaps I was testing too early...becos for 28 day cycle suppose to test in CD11 onwards whereas 33 start test 16 onwards... so I very kiasu... I started testing when c EWCM think on CD 14 or what... anyway...will monitor 1 more mth lor...

Oh thanks for the info... I always wonder what Alkaline food are.
FISH is acidic??... oh dear I love fish!!
hi all...good afternoon...

i weighed myself this morning and realised that i've lost 3.5kg...i can tell from my face that i've lost some flesh on my cheeks...i'm so worried for BB. my cough is giving him/her some hell in the womb...i wonder how he/she's feeling...*sad sad*
oh dear XMM... poor you....
What happened?? to stress abt something? but your HB already apologies to you liao wor... maybe you are feeling happy

Hmm.. next time maybe drink so warm water and try to sleep again. Personally I feel, when you try to fall asleep dun use "count the sheep" method and don't focus on you WANT to sleep.
Instead try to stay awake...reverse phycology..hee hee

When we WANT to sleep, the more we couldn't but if I try our best to open our eyes and try to remain awake chances are we will sleep faster.
Remember those day when exam coming and need to stay awake to read, surely will fall asleep one..hee hee..

Oh... preggie woman will have insomnia too. My friend during preggie only can sleep 4 hrs at nite.. so day time must nap.
HI Sneaky
Good Morning

Dun worry too much... your weigh lost is probably due to the MS and not the cough. My friend has terrible MS also told me she lost weigh during her 1st trimmester.
When you are in the 2nd stage, no more MS, try to eat more and Bu2 hui2.

If can tahan, must remember dun drink cold water cos you will cough more.
for me... Jin1 do1 nian4 chi2 An1 chuan1 bei4 pi2 pa2 gao1 mix with warm water then drink works really really well for me.
Think preggie should be able to drink too... but check first.

I remember there was once I drank 3 bottle of western medical cough syrup and still coughin and once drink the jin1 do1 nian4 chi2 An1... few days later recover liao.

Take Care.
sneaky: me too thursday see gynae.. i lost weight too... :p

cookie: should be ok to test earlier.. teset from 11 cos ur usual CD is 28... maybe just waste another few more stips..
juliann: hahaha...yet another sign of bb being a boy boy...

ling: scary hor...when fall sick, the weight also fall....just hope that bb is alright...
thanks for your advise to cure insomnia .....
I also dun't know why i insomnia ......
No lah I dun count sheep since i think it'll keep me more awake since will try very hard to concentrate counting to make sure I get the numerical sequence right!

I just came back from my skin doc, he said my skin got improve compared to 2-3 weeks ago and should see more gradual improvement next few weeks.........
But facial treatment is not suitable for the time being .......
I hope I'll see more improvement ....
I hope to be able to face you gals not looking so ugly lor ..... since scared discrimation and got chase to sit in the other table .....

ae, i wonder anyone go to the NATAS fair in Spore Expo - for sure I know Ling &amp; Sneaky won't go .....

Oh, my colleagues who is in her 3rd month preggie also lost weight - about 4kg ..... her MS is really bad ......
sneaky: dun worry too much.. if u are.. then go back see gynae... ok? lol... i have MS = a bb girl? keke good good.. i wan a girl, so can ask my girl to sian ur boy.. whahhaa....

XMM: how to go? cant travel now.. will travel for some biz after May... and NATAS.. sure pack like mad.. cant be us gng there to endanger ourselves.. kekeke... u gng har? enjoy...
no lah i dun plan to go long holiday so no need to go NATAS .....
BTW, do u know when preggie, can we still travel since i need to travel for work so dunt know once preggie can continue or not ..... which preggie stage still consider safe to travel hah?

i scared if i tell boss i dunt wanna travel since got BB then may be retrenched .... scared scared ...... being a career women is not easy .... i also dream to be a shao nai nai to shake leg at home ......
XMM: is not too good to travel during the 1st trim. so try to avoid. i will only be traveling after my 1st trim just to be safe. u must be able to weigh the importance... which is more impt? a baby or a career... if ur boss gng to retrench u just becos u cant travel, he might just consider... as he might just lose an abled staff.
i think i'll worry about it when i manage to conceive .....

seems like weekend, hardly anyone come in to chit chat ......
xmm: lol... only we two ... cos i never go out mah... the rest maybe out with hubby to eat dinner n shopping.. whhaahah.. i got nothing to shop... now too early to shop for bb's stuff.. so sit home n rest.
aiyo... no one will chase you away to sit other table la... though I never met the gals before too but I'm 100% sure no one will like this :p

regarding the travel rstriction guess Ling has answered the health part, think for international flight they wont allow u to board after u are 36 or 38 weeks preggie... scare u labour on board hee hee....
Dun worry abt your boss, at most you grounded for 1st trims think should be acceptable to him/her ba.
If he really retrench you because u are preggie and canot travel for temp. GO to MOM can check what are your rights and complaint your boss ah. Govt is so encouraging abt us having BB... I'm sure Govt will support you in this case :p

Aiyo... anyway dun worry la and u think too much liao.
Hello gals.....
i have just installed yahoo &amp; msn....feel free to PM me.
yahoo: homelyjen
hotmail: jentan2
Hope to chat w ya now that i'm on broadband :)
sometime it's easy to say but when in reality, it's difficult ...... esp when the concept "nobody is indispensable" is so widely understood ..... so no matter wat, our job will be at stake - maybe the company will not really retrenched u but you may be transferred to other dept, or to other position doing not so important things since your high pofile portfolio was taken over by some other people, all this is sufficient to make u leave voluntarily if u r not able to stomach it ..... I've seen this happening in my company .....

Yep, I'll only worry later when i preggie .......

Hi Jen,
ok, good that you've all this ready so we can communicate and get to know each other more ....
ling &amp; XMM: i'll be travelling fm 4-7 apr leh...this is more or less a shopping trip with my MIL to shanghai while FIL &amp; HB go exhibition...it shouldn't be too stressful for me...
JenTan: i have added u to my msn.. my nick caroleng

xmm: dun worry too much.. when the time comes.. u will know the outcome.
you are right abt no one is indispenable...
then again... when time come it boil down to which is more important... career or time with family.

Sometimes we just have to walk 1 step see 1 step. Right now maybe difficult to set a decision but when we going to be mum, I believe we can see more clearly

Being a working mum is never easy these days.

I have a colleague who is very tough in her job, very responsible and always work OT, hmm... her 2 kids taken care by MIL and if given a choice her kids dun want her to play with them, they rather look for grandma.... When I have kids, think I would really be scared and sad and depressed if this scenario happen
i think the shanghai trip would be an enjoyable one since u got HB/ MIL &amp; FIL wif u ... i m sure they'll take very good care of u ..... remember to bring sufficient medicine n clothings since it can be quite cooling there .....
Have a great trip ....

Yes, u r right, we gotta make the correct decision for ourselves = family or career ......
i so happy, test on fri nite on the OPK and the line came out to be darker than the other line!!!! managed to BD too...
yesterday nite when tested was fainted line aready so guess that O is over liao...

Ling: thxs for all ur advises.., now waiting for good news to inform everyone here.

my shanghai trip is postponed, so i might be able to turn up for the gathering! keep u all posted..
sexxy: good good.. can see u too.. kekek

sneaky: y hubby says bb likely to be a girl.. whaha i so happy. whahahha... HUM JIN PANG.. whahahaha
well, let's see if everyone's guesses are correct...we shd be able to tell in a few weeks' time...frankly speaking, i have no pressure...be it girl or boy, i really really don't mind and won't feel disappointed...
sneaky: whahaha. ya ya.... no pressure... boy or girl.. i oso love.... very tired.. timing all wrong.. at nite cant sleep.. afternoon so tired.
Ling: u like girl so much! my galfriend also got the same as u afthernoon tired n nite so active.. also got MS, she lost alot of weight. 2nd &amp; last trimister eat abit here and there, suddenly feel hungry and then eat half way got to stop cos full liao if not wil throw out again.

Sneaky: so good life! no pressure somemore... my hubby want boy boy lei.... me want Hum chin peng!
NOTE: Change in VENUE
Gathering change to 28th March Monday 7:00pm
Venue: Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court

Pls add your name to the list...
mei mei

Yet to be confirmed:

Mrs Tan

Total no: 20
Juliann: thxs for adding me in!

Sneaky: ya, a healthy bb is more important. btw, got question to ask u... before u know that u are preggie, does ur nipples sore or feel painful? when it started to sore or feel painful?
how do u know u are preggie and when?

Ling: how u feel too when u suspect u are preggie?
Good morning ladies,
Today is a Beautiful Day so we should not have any Monday Blues, ok?
We should stay positive ..... throw away all negative thos and start this week fresh ......
Oh it's a short work week, so must be very happy too.....

I happened to see this UOB card Dinning Privilege:

Ellenborough Market Caf
Complimentary buffet with min. 3 paying adult diners
20 Merchant Rd, Swissotel Merchant Court
Tel: 62391847 / 48
Terms and Conditions:
One complimentary buffet is valid per reservation, per table and per single receipt
Valid from Mon - Thurs only
General UOB Dining Terms and Conditions apply

Does anyone here got a UOB credit card?
I'm thinking maybe we can save some money if we can ask them to split the bill into 5 group with 4 dinners each (we've 20)..... then we can save quite abit of money .....
I've a UOB card and we need another 4 more ......
sexxy: never feel leh.. just 2 dreams continues tt i dreamt i preggie.. whahaha... and breast sore n nipples sensitive on the week before AF reports
hmmm.. how much can we save???
est. cost per head is $30 (est)
total no. of ppl is 20
total sum before disc = $30 x 20 = $600
sum after disc = $30 x 15 = $450
total savings of $150

per head = $450 / 20 = $22.50 (est)
saving of = $7.50 per head.

$7.50 per pax is still quite a good savings since can actually pay for next day's lunch with dessert ........
if we can save, why not ..... and it's definitely better then to let the restaurant earn our $150 in total .....
