A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)


2 big tables means we got to be seperated into 2 groups, A and B.

We meet earlier 6:45pm at the lobby and draw lots to decide okay??

ya lor.. cos they do not have long tables to accommodate so many of us...

BTW, remember not to make love 2 to 3 days b4 yr HSG... ke ke ke
Hi Sandy,

The nurse at my gynae's clinic had instructed me to refrain from sex for 7 days before and after the HSG.

She oso ask me not to take Clomid for this cycle.
no need lah... people will laugh if they see us draw lots, as if there is a bad seat that nobody wants??? We go casual, chin chin cai cai, okie?
Juliann & Sandy,
as this is a buffet dinner, I'm thinking it may not be important where we sit since we can mingle around freely and bring our food with us, rite?
so we can talk to each other and get to know each other more ......
please dun't wear too thin, dunt wan u to "zao geng" and let the "ti go pek" see ..... also dun wan u to catch a cold ......
I also shun bah that I'll be very gentle ....

Oh, still got another Mrs Tan to let me molest .... hee hee hee
The procedure itself is around 15 to 20 mins.. and result is ready in 1/2 hour time..

The instruction i got was 2 or 3 days before HSG.. never mention about after HSG..

we r just joking la.. no worries.. of cos we can mingle between tables..
yah yah, that night all of us will "zhuo4 tai2" like those "xiao3 jie3" in the bar like that ..... go table hopping ....... very fun ....
Hi Naturally,

You were talking abt last nite Channel 8 serial rite??

What they had said is quite true;conceiving is something beyond our control.

I regretted using contraceptive last time;shld have let nature take its course after my wedding.

You oso did yours at Camden, is it?

So it's about 1 hour for the procedures and results.

Can my husband go with me??
dun't regret, since u were merely making the family planning decision best suited to your need & life style that time .....
u also dun know wat'll happen one mah.........
just saw red.. mission 'failed' again this cycle..

hopeful dear
can U update me as CD01 on tomorrow.. thanks..

me havent received yr PM yet.. who shall be our MMS (mama-san)?? ha ha ha
Hi Xmm,

Last time i tot conceiving is very easy.

I tot just have sex w/o protection can easily strike liao.

But since TTC then know it's not that easy.there's so many factors affecting our conception chances.

u took pills before?
for how long?
dun worry, now u just do HSG, relax n we will pray for u next wed okie?

hee...seems yest show has a good impact to those that watch it
Pls dun blame it on the contraceptive! There's NO scientific proof that pills will adversely affect fertility, else how come docs are still prescribing them?
Dun make yourself take the blame for everything, it'll only make u feel bad and still won't help matters...
i've PM to u and I also have not received your PM .... not sure why the system so slow ......

Regarding the mamasan, ummm I think Ling/ Sneaky/Mrs Tan = all three can be since they're really a "MaMa" mah ....

Oh, dun be sad to see red .... dun't give up, still can try this cycle ..... let's jia you together .......
My HP is 96345886.. you can SMS me yr HP # la.. maybe the server is busy now..

ha ha ha.. good choice of MMS...

thanks my dear.. we shall all jia you together..

yes, let's jia you together and this cycle I will start my battle with the increase dosage of Clomid to 150mg..
Hi Valerie,

I was on contraceptive pills for 4 years to keep my endo in control.

After my wedding, we are using condoms for contraceptive.
I must agree that I also hve the same thinking as u ..... I also tho that jus do & do will have bb.... but reality is not .....
but never mind, we still got hope since medical science is so advance, we sure can have bb one lah ...... let's be positive !!!!
AIya don't say govt hospital cheaper ok.

SA at KKH costs $50 and must wait for at least 2 weeks before make appt with gynae. If not the appt clerk will pull a long face and say no guarantee the report will be ready.

SA at TMC costs $42 and lab report mailed reached to my address 3 days later.

I am so p***ed with govt hospital.
Hi ling and sneaky,

I also want to molest both of you...hehe..whenever i see my friend, I also molest here..hope I won't turn into a molester who likes to molest preggie ladies.

Hi Juliann,

Don't worry, you will have a clear and positive result. Just relax. And maybe ask your hubby to go with you.

Actually me also quite scared for my bloodtest next monday. Scared the doc will tell me I am not ovulating...
Dear all gals on this thread,
Wow great interesting topics cos i also also TTC. ahahha
May i know what is HSG??

Anyone try before taking temperature then when it reaches the highest that day to have XX will be more easy to conceive?
Hello gals!
Sorry that i'm not able to surf freely and openly at my desk so most of the time, i can't contribute much to the forum :p.
Just say hello when i can and talk more when i see ya!
Hi Jenny,

Juliann has previously explain to me about HSG and I've extracted her explanation here:

Here's some info on HSG (courtesy from Juliann),

This test is done in your radiology department, where radiographic dye is injected into your uterus vaginally. Your uterus then fills with this dye, and if your fallopian tubes are clear - this dye will spill into your abdominal cavity.

This can determine whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked - and can determine whether your blockage is located at the junction of the tube and uterus - proximal or whether its at the end of the tubes - distal.

This test lasts approximately five minutes, but time may be extended since this is usually done in the radiology department, and there may be additional forms/questionnaires to fill out.

Normally, results are immediately available - and xrays can be reviewed right after the procedure, along with your physician. If there are any complications, it could be allergic reaction to the dye - which is a very common reaction, and the symptoms are usually no more than a rash
It's time for me to pack up go home liao.....
Have a nice weekend!
Also those who're BDing, Happy BDing!
hi gals....
TGIF!!!! this thread really runs so fast....still trying to catch my breath now!!!!!

really glad to know both u and bb are fine...and yr bb scan is so clear leh...i can see legs and hands too....really cute and nice feeling....hmmmm hope i will get to enjoy this feeling again soon......

dat's a very nice and comfy pair of shoe...good choice and taste!!!
really hope to hear both u and ling recover from the cough soon....

val, sandy & Juliann,
today i'm cd3 and we are very close in our cd so let's jia you together in this cycle....get ready for the battle...and remember to remind one another to bd too.....hope we will all have good news to share wif everyone here next month....
classy: ya bb fine fine.. kekek...

girls jia you.. but dun forget.. its not an mission... so dun be stress.. kekeke
<font color="ff0000">NOTE: Change in VENUE </font>
Gathering change to 28th March Monday 7:00pm
Venue: Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court

Pls add your name to the list...
mei mei
Very_free (to be confirmed)
Loving (need confirm again)
xmm (to be confirmed)
Mrs Tan (to be confirmed)

Total no: 19

<font color="ff0000">Car Pool</font>
Amk - Ling aka Carole: anyone???
Hi all
actually I also has the same qn as Jenny...
Our peak day should be the day where temp rise to highest?? or the day before the temp shift upwards?

I went to gynae on Monday and the advise she gave me was when I monitor my BBT... whenever there is a shift of temp i.e. higher than the previous I should BD cos there could be a chance of O when Temp shift higher...

The day I went to c her actually that morn I had very low temp 36.0 and she told me no need to BD, once temp shift then BD.
Next day my temp shot up to 36.7! and maintain as high for the next 4 days up till now... so I believe I O liao... but I confused ley, dunno the 36.0 is my O day or when 1st day high temp is my O day...

Wonder if anyone can clear my doubts.
NOTE: Change in VENUE
Gathering change to 28th March Monday 7:00pm
Venue: Ellenborough Market Cafe @ Swissotel Merchant Court

Pls add your name to the list...
mei mei
Very_free (to be confirmed)
Loving (need confirm again)
xmm (to be confirmed)
Mrs Tan (to be confirmed)

Total no: 19

Car Pool
Amk - Ling aka Carole: anyone???
Pasir Ris - Cookie aka Amy : anyone??
(Pls PM me to arrange because I may not come in forum everyday so may miss your message)
thanks for your advise regarding the skin care ....

Oh ..... jus wanna share with all of u that HB jus apologise to me for being insensitive .... he told me that if there's really a way to transfer the zips to him, he'll take them away from me to make me happy and not let me suffer .... hee hee hee I'm smiling now .....

Now I truly believe he LOVES me ...... I very happy ......... I think tonight will BD ..... oops, I CD19 liao, hopefully will strike ......

Hi ladies,

heard from Val &amp; Sandy that the venue for the gathering has been changed to Merchant Court. I actually took leave on 28 Mar as I need to accompany my friend to try her wedding gowns at Suntec City Everbliss, then I thought I could join u straight for dinner at Joaquim after that. Since venue is now changed to Merchant Court, I'm sorry I can't join u for dinner on 28 Mar liao, will be a bit rushed and will be late. So keep me updated of the next gathering, hope to see u soon
