A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

morning ladies..

was very happy today.. dunno y.. keke

cookie.. me oso wanted to go BKK this friday one leh.. but cant go coz hubby workin on the 26th

me so "ke lian" together with him for 7yrs liao.. still didnt even go overseas with him ONCE b4

nw trying to plan a trip to go outing liao.. boring to stayin spore already
btw today me CD10 le.. can i use OPK to test for O already??

xmm: no pt gng.. i have nothing much to buy there.. u wan u can go the Nite Market.. Suan Lome.. i cant recall the spelling..

dun worry.. i wont go crowded plc.. the most shopping centres.. i prefer the shopping centres.. cos i can speak alittl thai.. so no worries abt the price etc.
Hi gals..

Just wanna check... it was said that preggie shouldn't take raw stuff... so does that means we shouldn't take Sashimi ??

Sexxy >> Same as you I hope I can strike this round, we r abt same time
... *praying hard* and I'm going BKk this weekend...
Think just be careful, no smoke or alcohol or run/jump vigoriously should be ok ba....

Hope to hear you Good news soon
yup! cos scared the uncooked food got a type of bacteria inside which will harm fetus. So no sashimi, or medium rare steak, or even half-boiled eggs.

wat a nice dream.... who knows, maybe it is a sign? Hee... good luck!
Ling, wow u go every yr ar.. so whre do u usally go when uin BKK? u finished shopping all the shopping ctr in BKK? next time if i were to go again i must ask u this regular tour guide liao.. heeheheheh

Cookie, it fun to go with many pple leh also.. isit all gals? hahaah cos gals can shop more. if guy hmmmmm. hahahaha
easy tired or many excuses want to go back hotel to rest.

be careful leh.. esp if realli preggie 1st wk or 1st stage must be super careful leh.. somemore u take plane leh.. the pressure or anything duno ur bb can take it anot? be safe than sorry..
sorry to pour cold water for ur trip ar..
wow u manged to get the $98 BKK tic ar? realli cheap? does it included return tic? how much others airport tax u need to pay also?? what time is the flight???

Hi Mircale,
Ur dream will sure come true..
wah u can speak thai! very talented hor ....
maybe i should conincide the BKK trip wif u hor since u seems to know the place so well ....

u very lucky hor, manage to buy cheap SQ tix!
I tried but didn't manage to get it ....

I've heard about abstaining from raw stuff when preggie too .... I like sashimi alot lah, how hah?
but u see those Japanese ladies, i dunt think they change their diet leh ....
jenny: the cheaper OPK will be the strips.. u order by 100 it will cost abt 0,50 USD per strip... at times they have very good offer...not reusable.. unless is the Saliva OPK microscope

XMM: i have some thai relatives. and my late father speaks thai
hi jenny.. its ex to get OPKs in spore.. u can try to order online.. which cost abt $1 each ;)
then to 5 tests of "clearblue" which cost $60
Wow Ling,
Some of the places i never hear be4 or been be4 leh. i oni went to MBK leh..
did u go Chatuchak (wkend mrkt) & Pratunam (Below Baiyoke sky), this this Pratunam is a wholesale market thing are super cheap..

Whre is Emporium, Central Chit Lom , Bang na ,etc.. what do they sell? All shopping centres?
hello gals

aiyo! tis morning very busy so cant chat. Btw, u gals eating any supplement? I was told that Royal jelly will actually help in getting pregnant. anyone heard that before? (i was at nature farm yesterday n i heard a sales girl telling a couple)

Hi miracle

yeah! it will come true, so we got to be positive n never give up hope
Oh, I found this tips regarding oyster so tho of sharing:

Seafood lovers, if you can, avoid oysters in any month that doesn't contain the letter "R"--May, June, July and August. Oysters are not at their best because this is their reproductive period when they are producing eggs and sperm, thereby resulting in thin, watery meat.

so this month and next is good time to have oyster ..... oyster is said to be a natural aphrodisiac ..... if u plan to BD .....
Cookie: let hopes our wish come through! if not then got to start my clomid again.... cross fingers*

Jenny tan: hope that nothing happen.. i waited for this trip for very long, need a break. i paid $169 per person w airport tax all in, flight is at 1pm. very good tming...
Speaking of bangkok... i'm wearing a skirt i bought from bangkok leh, hee...
I remember my hubby was pissed with me for not bargaining, but this skirt was already so cheap (less than S$10), how to bargain? Anyway i'm never good at bargaining, i'll feel so paiseh, hee... so enjoy the shopping!
Will the O termomter be better to use for pregnancy or this OPK?? I saw in Watson, 1 OPK cost more than $40 leh. i was thinking if it is not resuable then one try oni somemore is -ve then throw away very waste money leh. ahahhaa

I worked in clinic be4.. too bad they dun have OPK. else i could have take many for free. ahhaha i took many pregnancy test kit for my gfs. ahhaaha
VVF have recomended this Royal Jelly to me before and according to her, it'll help in conceiving .... I intend to get it if i fail to conceive this cycle ....
my judgetment day is this Friday ..... i'm crossing my finger not to see "red" .....
jenny: i always stay in Baiyoke SKy... i go any places.. cos i know the plc quite ok.. of cos pratuman... cos its wholesale.

emporium = sukhumvit, central chitlom = chit lom station, bangna = bangna station... Seacon.. u have to take cab.. very far...
naturally >>>hee hee thanks for liking my name ley...judging Amy... I heard abt the show before but never get to watch it.
I also thought of bb names already ( think so far hor)... but I only think of gal gal name... I may call her Lindsey
I found this name cos I first thought of Chinese name...hope our thoughts will realise soon!!!

Ya lor deer usually very quiet ( I think)... I only heard the deer once and it's like "meow..." so I'm still puzzle wonder did I heard wrongly.
ya ya, the webiste always hang till i really fed up & give up subsequently ..... but u lucky hor got such a good timing ....
wah, Jenny, that clinic never do stock check ah?

OPK is definitely more accurate than taking temp, cos it is testing for the luteinising hormones tat will trigger ovulation. Ling has posted a website, i believe the OPK is much cheaper from the internet.

Btw, wat's a O thermometer? Is it a thermometer with 2 dec places? No need lah... the idea of taking temp is to look out for a temp shift, so your sars thermometer is good enuf.
not all gals... 4 couple + 2 single gals

Told my HB to be prepared already for lotsa shopping hee hee...

Miracles >> I think this cycle we same same CD ley, hope we can strike this month!...a few days ago I also dreamt that I'm preggie ley...
ling: yes, very bad....my throat is very very itchy and my cough is almost uncontrollable...i'm getting physicall tired and my muscles are pulling around abdomen area...i'm so tired from this coughing...
I also love sashimi ley... esp Salmo Sashimi..yum yum....I believe in japan their fish should be more fresh than SPore ba... like in sakea sushi...
So think we should control control....
think my friend bringing us to eat japanese buffet 1st nite in BKK ley...boo hoo.. should I eat the sashimi....waaaa....
sneaky: Q: I am 21 weeks pregnant. I have a cough and a sore throat, and every time I cough, my baby gets a jerk and my stomach hurts. I have tried all home remedies to avoid taking antibiotics. What should I do?

Sweetie (Seattle, USA)

A: You should take antibiotics and anti-histaminics to avoid coughing, as frequent coughing can cause the babys water bag to burst, causing premature labour pains.
just before u get all paranoid... the case above is for a 21 weeks preggie... this lady's tummy is already big so the impact of a cough and the jerks is naturally very much worse than for your case... i think its quite uncommon for water bags to burst in the 1st tri?! But still, hope your cough goes away soon, it must be very uncomfortable!
Wonder any of you watch a documentary last night, Channel 8,
showing how the nurses took care of the premature babies in the ICU....I saw them & eyes having tears
HB saw me like that brought tissue for me. I feel so heartache for the little babies in the ICU, so poor thing....
xmm -
wat is VVF ah? u mean any typr of Royal jelly will oso help? ya! wish u luck that your AF will not come and hope to receive good news from you?

sneaky - u still coughing ah? u see doctor boh?
aiyo sneaky,
u better see a doc soon

after watching the documentry last nite,
really want to salute those KK nurses,
haa...suddenly feel like wanting to be them, working in KK to take care of those premature babies :p
those poor little lifes some are even 800 grams only, nt even 1kg!
so poor thing, thank God for those nurses angles taking care of them....
ling & naturally: thanks for the info...

confused: yes, i did and i will see the gynae afterwards if he's available...haiz...
I wish u luck. As for me, I'm not pinning on high hope cos if I can get pregnant, then I should be a mother of 1 or 2 by now already. Haiz...have been trying for 2 yrs already...getting tired.
confused> VVF is very very free...one of the gals here..hee hee....

XXm >> wish you Good Luck !!! ( did I wish u before already....) I blur blur...

Sneaky >>Hope you cough will go away real soon... Perhaps when ever u feel like coughing drink some warm/hot water immediately... just a sip will do the trick.
When our throat dry, it will have fiction and itch, so drink some warm water to easy the dryness. The more you cough, the more swollen your throat will get and the harder it recover
Take Care..
VVF is the short form of Very Very Free = one of our TTC jie mei .....
I can't remember wat brand she has recomended but u can check with the pharmacy ......
ya,thanks for your wishes and I hope i've good news to share .....

i can see that u r CD25, I wish u good luck and you'll not see "red" during your BKK trip ......

please take good care of yourself ...... I'm not sure if you can try my natural cold remedy posted for Valerie jus now .....
I've found this cold remedy and I hope it works:
If you have a cold, try the combination of one tablespoon of lukewarm honey with quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder for a few days. It'll help cure your cough and clear sinuses.
cookie.. ask u hor.. u book trhe flights & hotel through agency or DIY? very suaku coz didnt book b4 leh.. :p

sneaky.. go see doc hor.. take very good care of urself huh..

ling mummy.. take care oso hor..
