A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

<font color="0000ff">jenifur</font>
How come your gynae offered to put u on clomid so soon?
Did you do charting and show it to your gynae?
Or let him know how your cycle is like over the past months?
Did he do an u/s for you?

Sorry..ask so many questions.. but seriously, i also don't know why.

I'm on clomid, just finished my course, am waiting to O.
My gynae put me on clomid as i probably didn't have a good O. Besides, i try 6 cycles already. I really do hope clomid will work for me.

Hi joice
hahaha..yea, I think so to...

Hi classy
Thks..in fact, I hope my MS continues ler..very odd hor? You know, with all this MS thingy, I sort of can re-affirm my pregnancy lor..is my mind lar..told my hubby, he say I siao-siao..
Hi Orea,

Thanks for your reply. my gynae is Dr. Teoh from Mount E. He is my gynae for my cycts 2 yrs ago, so i just continue the check up over ther.
Any1 heards any complain abt him??
hi lbs
i was telling hb the other day tt i dun really feel th excitemt now, after the inital 'shock' then joy. cos its like no bumps yet, ive not had MS yet... seems unreal lor..... but im more tired than usual, after climbing 2-3 storeys, will b panting like mad *Hahah* maybe im getting so unfit :p
Hi! think we the cha bos here are getting more and more excited over here ! just 10 minutes and we have so many comments liao!

so ibs, mrs tan &amp; i are of the same age!

melody &amp; classy &amp; i are all trying for 2nd bb!

classy, ur first one is a boy or gal? age?
Hi Seiko
Me too!! I get tired easily &amp; sometimes my heart was pumping fast if I climb the long stairs at to get to the MRT platform lor..macam after running 100m..

Hi yippy
yups..yups...btw, how old is your 1st?
hi yippy
i'm 26 this yr horse year.,

hi joice
wow u still so young leh.

hi lbs,
try eating soem cracker. me still having ms although 17 week alry, sometime quite bad
hi oreo,
hope ur hubby will be ok by Sun..
make more herbal soup for him to drink... to pu his body..

hi seiko,
how r u doing? Have to been to a gynae alrdy?

clomid is supposed to trick your body into thinking that your estrogen level is low and thus release more FSH and LH. FSH will stimulate your ovaries to produce follicles (egg). There is a small percentage (abt 7-10%) that multiple eggs may be released in a clomid cycle. But mostly its 2 eggs (which means a possibilities of twins).

Your dosage of clomid depends on whether you are clomid resistance etc.

However since you are already ovulating, most gynae will investigate whether you ovulate regularly (cd21 blood test), your luteal phase is adequate etc before prescribing clomid since you had just ttc for 2 months only.

So if you are not sure, maybe you can check with your gynae why he prescribed you with clomid.

wah wah wah!! soooooo many postings ah... I was just doing some work for 2 hrs, refresh my page and wah piang, got so many postings liao. he he. now we on interesting topic hor? Our ages...
No lah...2 nites in a row actually not that bad mah...cos just wanna be more active during this crucial period lor. But then last few months also BD like that, also never tio one...

hi Joice,

wah u really young wor...but ya lah i can underst why u wanna have baby soon, cos of ur hubby's age. you are rite! it would be my BESTEST b-day present ever if i can succeed this cycle. Hope lady luck is shining on me lor.
<font color="0000ff">Oreo</font>
I did. I showed my charting for the past 2 mths. He didn't do any U/S for me. Then he just said will put me on 150mg Clomid to help me convince faster. What's e dosage tt u taking? My fren said this is a very strong dosage for a first-timer leh.

<font color="0000ff">Phooy</font>
Thanks for e detailed explanation. Think will switch any doc.
mrs tan,
ya lor.. dun wan big age gap between hubby n baby lor.. but think Im the one more gan cheong while he's more relax. he told me to take it slowly.. hianzzzz really is 'huang shan bu ji, tai jian ji'

Can I jus check - izzit true tt certain position will help when trying for bb? Like Missionery will be diffcult to strike whereas doggy will be best &amp; women on top is a strict "No, No"
<font color="0000ff">jenifur</font>
150 mg is quite strong leh.
I O on my own so my gynae told me that she will start me off on 50mg first and if this cycle doesn't work, she will increase the dosage.
you have regular menses, right?

agreed with oreo, 150mg is strong! Better seek 2nd opinion or reconfirm with him before taking. Just to share with you, I am diagnosed with severe PCOS. and I do not ovulate on my own. Even then, my gynae started me on 50mg clomid, I din ovulate, then he go to 100mg and finally 150mg where I finally ovulate with the help of another drug on top of it.

If you are currently already ovulating and is not clomid resistance or react to low dosage, no point going to higher dosage cos there are 2 significant side effects, it increase the risks of multiple pregnancy unduely and it may potentially dry up your cervical mucus.

People taking high dosage clomid normally eventually finds that their cervical mucus becomes dry-er. As fertile cervical mucus is essential to the survival of the sperm and for them to reach the cervix and uterus successfully, most gals taking high dosage clomid try to take things like EPO or guaifenisin (found in robittusin cough syrup) to loosen and increase the cervical mucus...
Hi Ladies
Finally it's abt time to go home...been counting down since after lunch!!

Have a great weekend ahead!

And to those getting ready for battle....Good Luck &amp; Have Fun!!

hi ladies....
hey, i feel so bad too that i didnt come in that often to chat with u all. I just started work and was so busy learning.

<font color="0000ff">wendypooh, lbs</font>
I had to walk alot and at abit fast pace at my workplace. Im worried whether will walking fast affect my bb? Cos i cant afford to walk slow cos im walking ard most of the time from one end to the other.

Me will be going to see my gynae tomolo. Sometimes im wondering is my bb okie cos i dun feel anythg at all. I even thk that im not preg at all. Hopefully im able to hear good news tomolo after i see my gynae. <font color="0000ff">lbs</font>so u confirmed that u expecting twins? U see any changes in ur tummy now?

<font color="0000ff">seiko</font>,
my mum said when she was expecting me, she gt very very bad MS. She cant eat alot of thgs! The smell of rice &amp; poridge makes her puke, and even plain water! Hope i wont be like her. So how u feeling now?

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">BAbY dUsT tO aLL.........</font></font>
hi ladies,
WOW!!!Thread is really running fast....Think I am the oldest lah...I'm 29 this yr...So, see lai....Some of u younger than me, now even mum oredi...haha..

mrs tan,
since u so hardworking this cycle, god will see ur diligent and reward u wif a baby....:)

do take care.Mayb can follow what wendy has said..Take those small cracker to ease the ms..BUT what u say also true...Those preg with ms more likely their preg process more safe and smooth sailing...

since u O tml or sunday, let ur hubby rest tonite.Then tml he has more energy...Chances higher mah..

KC, thanks. U must also take care...

A BIG Warm Welcome to all newcomers...

hi Jenifur,
this is what the internet says too. Doggy or man on top is the best position. But if woman on top, the chances is very low.
Hi lilac,
Do take care of yourself.
Update us after ur gynae's visit ok?

Hi stupid,
How's ur spotting? Relax &amp; dun worry too much ok?
<font color="0000ff">joice</font>
just came back after 1st visit to my gynae. i feel very comfortable with him as compared to my previous female gynae. He didnt rush thru the whole session and was very patient in explaining to us.
Right now, i can only see the sac but cant see the heartbeat yet. So in actual fact, im not in my 7th week yet lor cos i have gt late ovulation. Will visit him two weeks later and hopefully by that time able to see heartbeat and will know the "correct" EDD...
hi lilac,

good to know tat u are comfortable wif ur gyane. when i was week 4 my gyane able to tell me my EDD and by 7 week i saw my bb heartbeat. not to worry by next appt all should be able to be seen.

As for walking, tink not to bad as long no spoting. my job oso involve lot of walking as i work in a sub office, all fax and copier, pantry facilities are next door so i need to walk over like every 10 min intervl thruout the day to get my work done. sometime i oso forgot i'm pregannt until i feel tired at the end of the day or my ms start. u just need to monitor closey your body chnage. 1 thing for sure your discharges will increase. did u inform your gynae tat u have infection b4? u need to tell him this cos very impt to bb.
who u see at Glene? i recently switch to KKH.
hi all and joice,
thanks for all comfort and standing with me during the me worried week.
just now,my finger itchy, and tested on the preg kit today....Thanks to all Baby dust here....:)
But spotting of slight browish still continues, so I m still in doubt if my test procedure is done correctly or not??? Can anyone help me....Sori for the detail description: When u urine, the paper window and result window will become wet 1st, then result shown. Rite? Cos me not sure if i urine too much that it wet the test window paper, and cause misunderstanding????Me using clearBlue. Thanks
Hi stupid
Hold on..u mean you tested positive???Wow!!
If you are using ClearBlue &amp; saw a '+' in the test window within 10 mins..U are pregnant liao..

Last time when I tested with Clearblue, I collected my urine &amp; sip the test kit into it..&amp; the '+' appear in the test window within min..

Wow...Congrats!!! When are you going back to your gynae?

Hi Lilac
no lar, not confirm yet if having twins...maybe the other dot is onlt a sac of fluid..I will only know afetr my next visit on 19Jul..

Nowadays, I have on &amp; off MS, feeling tired easily &amp; sometimes after each meal, I feel rather bloated..
btw stupid..
Do you experience abdomen pain?? Or only the spotting?

Suggest quickly make an apptmt to see the gynae on Mon, yea??

In the meantime, rest well &amp; try not to move arnd too much..
hi Lilac
i got a lil nauseous today, oh no! hope its not the start of the MS!

got to go for my u/s yest *heheh* only saw a round mass which is darker than the rest of the 'surrounding'. gp said me still v early, bt 6 wks, so pix still quite hazy. surrounding the dark mass is a white'lining'. so gp wrote referral, now fixing appointmt... i found that if im hungry, i feel nauseous, if im too full also nauseous. aiyoooo. my mom said she din have MS leh, so hope im 'lucky' too *hee*
lilac, me also walking alot, plus gt to climb stairs... really up down 3-4 storeys 3-4 times
a day....

hi stupid
hey pal, u cld have succeeded! i pee into a cup, then put the stick in. If yr hormone levels r high, the +ve will show even b4 the test windows show anything. i tested with clear blue on the day i missed and next day. on 1st day, the test window showed up way b4 the faint +ve appeared. but the next day, +ve showed up b4 test window got result.

as for the spotting, better c a gynae, cos if you're in yr early stages, its better to 'stabilise' the zygote...
hi seiko and lbs,
good morning,
me not sure if the result taken is correct or not...so this morning, wake up to try again, taking another brand -guardian brand. But hor, the "-" line in the result window very faint, that i m not even sure if it's + or -? So i suspect i took the wrong test yesterday, as both window from the clearblue got wet, then, the result window show 1st follow by test window....I m still puzzle by that....That's y I tried again this morning, another brand and used the cup instead of streaming.....

As for my spotting, it stopped on Friday nite. Bcos i m not sure if i +, that's y dun dare to make appt with gynae, or tell anyone (except my mum , and husband-onli suspected case)
btw lbs,
I really do hhope that yours is a twin.....then ur baby will be well-known in this thread, cos so far not a ttc here succeed in twins....So me pray for u...haha...
Morning stupid
ive used a guardian brand test kit b4, its the 2 vertical lines one rite?
or was yrs the + and - test kit ( never used that b4 ).

If yrs is the + or - kit, then as long as the PLUS sign is visible ( ignore vertical line or horizontal line darker or lighter ) , its a POSITIVE test. in clearblue's instructions, if u get a positive result, depending on when u test, the vertical or horizontal line can be darker than the other. remember: A + is a POSITIVE result. fr wat i gather, clearblue + most brands have got a plastic window, so they'll not get wet, not to worry.

since yr spotting has stopped, n yr results appear +ve, y not see a gp 1st? i did that ( btw haven seen a gynae yet *hee* ) but since you already haven seen a gynae b4 (?), think its best 2 go back to him/her

GD LUCK! keeping my fingers crossed 4 u
hi seiko,
I used the guardian one which has the 2 vertical lines. One to be in test window while the other one in result window. But the guardian one didn't really show the result as it's so faint that i dun even know whether it is there or not.....Mayb I will see a gp to confirm, b4 booking appt with gynae....Else become a laughingstock if not preg....hehe...Thanks !
hey i think its a confirmed case ah!!! cos i used so many brands ( 7 kits in all ) and those with vertical 2 lines, some showed fainter lines than the rest. as long as u c a vertical line in the results window, BINGO!!! CONGRATS!!!

how many days has it been since u missed? test with clearblue. after trying out dif brands, still think its the best, followed by watsons brand.
oh btw, since u said its a faint line, guess yr hcg level still low... so detecton not so sensitive. But if u wait 1 or 2 more days, line will get darker
I got faith in u tt u made it!!
hi seiko,
Thanks!! BUt not sure if confirmed or not lai...Will let u guys more after gp confirmed. U know lai...me not active, plus have spotting for 1 wk, that's y having some doubts...Mayb afternn will go buy watsons, and try again...haha...
AF supposed to come Friday lor....Onli thing diff is no AF plus breast swollen and bit painful....If confirm, will share my cycle with the rest here....Anyway, thnxs for the wishes and info for clearing my doubt...:)
hi everyone,
so happy for all of u who r pregnant. may i ask? how long did u all try b4 u got pregnant? actually me n hubby had been trying for a few mths n still no results. we're so disappointed n starting to think tat mayb we have some problems getting pregnant sigh.... so need to know if this is normal. if not, then we better go see a doc. sorry cos i asked such boliao qn. but we r really anxious... hope u understand thx...
Hi stupid
Seiko is right...there is plastic window so besides the tip where you need to touch with your urine, the rest would not get wet..

Have faith that you BINGO liao..I also tested first time with PreggieBliss brand (those with two vertical lines type) &amp; it was sos faint that I cant believe it is a positive..Dun worry, you must be still in your early stage lar..
hi stupid
waiting 4 yr gd news

hi booboo
im already 29 n had been trying for 10 mths since my AD last aug... gave myself the ultimatum till 1st wedding anniversary, or else muz seek fertility experts help. normally these fertility experts wld encourage couples 2 try for at least 1 yr b4 seeing them. Guess i was lucky 2 had made it on my 10th try. Gd luck in TTC

Hi lbs
agree too that stupid shd be in her v early stage
hi lbs and seiko,
thanks gals for being so patient wif me......BTW, do u feel the cramp as if AF coming during early stage? Cos now, i feel that ....

I have unprotected for 5 months plus trying to monitor for ttc for 3 cycles b4 i missed my AF. I think the most impt thing is to relax...Dun give up hope...
hi boo
may u 'strike' soon n baby dust 2 ya

stupid is rite... key word is relaxed mind relaxed body
sometimes the unexpected happens at unexpected time to unexpected ladies ( like us ) when we dont really dwell on the TTC issue *heheh*

hi stupid
i had super or shd i say torturous cramps beg few days ( worse than when i was having my aunty )... later found out it was due to built up gases. i think better get it checked 4 ease of mind
Hi stupid

Initially, I dont feel the cramp but my back was very suan..
But starting this week, I have on &amp; off crampy feeling (very similar to like Af is on its way that type). My gynae said its normal becuase our womb is expanding to accomodate the growing foetus.

Like Seiko, I also have very bloated tummy initially...hahaha, I still remember..she puuuuuuh alot &amp; I buuuurrrp a lot..hahahaa..
hi Wendypooh,
haven't been coming in as often as I liked cos my office has blocked this site. Sigh... trying to cut costs. So can only surf at home. u take care!

Hi lilac and lbs,
hope you gals have a smooth pregnancy!
and lbs - hope you have twins! so exciting!!
hi seiko and lbs,
ya..ya..ya...feel tummy bloated...Either puuuuuh a lot or buuuurp...sometimes both happen at the same time....will try to call gynae later on to book an apptmnt...:) Thanks for sharing
<font color="ff6000">stupid</font>
congrats !!

hv u cfm with gp yet?

how's everyone feeling on this nice n cooling monday?

~~ bbdust to ALL !!!! ~~

hi chihiro,
thanks.......BUT not confirm yet lai...Will book an appt later and will surle keep u guys update, and share my cycle....Cos,this is the onli place that really know how i feel when my AF turned up for the past cycles....
HEHE....this is the best monday i have so far...hope this joy will continue...
So, how r u getting now?
