A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

loving, no leh... sat attended my fren's wedding church and dinner... then no time liao. :p
I tried cooking on fri... but I think still not as good as what my grandma used to cook... I asked my mum how to cook liao, so will try again some time this week.

Hi Dor

How r u too? Where r u going for hols? Enjoy yourself!

I'm now in 2nd trimester! Yippee!!

Still dunno the gender yet. Hopefully will know next mon at my check up. Bb better be guai guai and show us.
u attend ur friend's church wedding n dinner ah?
me too leh!!
is ur friend having dinner at ShangriLa ??

I use clearblue n is sensitive leh, give me BFP
so Choo, u can but this testkit later
elmo : go holi doesnt mean must BD mah... sometimes, i m scare of getting pregnant lei, i mean the whole process :p

woh.. 2nd trimester liao. tummy big not? i wan to touch lei.. hehe.
Mashy, hahhaha you so cute!... like so fierce to bb ah? wait he/she "Ti Qi" then you know.. :p

me ahh.... same same lor.... hiaz... a bit sian.. now keep eating those food.... I'm counting down already but still long way to go. :p

Val, no... mine is at chinosis... kekeke... where got so "Qiao"??

Mashy, I also got a clearer line using clear blue... but I've also heard of "False Negative".. might be due to other reasons...
Dor, aiyah... cos I still got to eat confinement food... very le chey.... everywhere I go... I "Lup" containers with me around.. 1 for red date water,. and the other for lunch if working.... damn ma fan.... now I also try to avoid gatherings... cos cant eat much...
Dor, I WAN to be preggy leh.... a bit obsessed now... actually during the wedding dinner, I realised that my fren is 6 mths preggy liao... she never tell me.... and I have not meet up with her for a while liao... then I saw another preggy lady walk pass... suddenly I felt like crying... :p I also dunno what got over me... but hiaz!
keke...ma fan abit never mind la. bear with it for awhile. u gals tot abt the mee suan.. makes me very hungry lei.

Tummy still small lah. Can see already but not like big and bulky yet. Yah, totally understand. Now I'm getting abit scared of the delivery. Heard a lot of horror delivery stories.

Don't be sad... You'll be pregnant again. Well, since u get pregnant before, it shows that you're perfectly fine, so can get pregnant again. No problem! Just a matter of time only ok? I also suddenly see a lot of pregnany women around like that. Think everyone's on a bb spree.

Now, i very sian mu those with such slim and nice bodies with clear complexion. I tried my bikini to see whether i can still wear them. Gosh! I was totally put off by the sight. I'm so frumpy.
Scared the hell out of me. So i'm getting a maternity swimwear to cover my tummy.
hiaz...my appetitie sometimes gd, sometimes bad
when bad is ms n tummy bloated, but usually is after lunch n evening onwards...
dont woory, u will get pregnant again soon

nw tio ur body 1st, then who knows u will test BFP 3 mths later!
hv faith okie?
aiyo.. though i m not preggie, i m spotted w a tummy liao. really look like pregnant man. really hv to cut down on food intake.. but the comin holi will make me gain weight again .. oh, i cant imagine

it takes time okie. dun rush, dun rush hor.

okie ladies, goin off for lunch, need to change $$ too for my trip. tot later.. chao

dun feel sad ok.....cheer up...you are blessed with a baby in your womb..must stay happy ok...

just now found one hpt strip left in my bag and I tested and still the faint line....is faint line alright?cos i read achives seems like some ladies had very strong lines leh....

if confirmed,I will have to give up my favourite sashimi liao..but it is worth it....any other food to avoid?

faint line may simply mean that you're still early in the pregnancy, so HCG is lower. Don't take cooling food, raw food, overnight food, chinese herbal food, ginseng, durians or any bu now. try to eat now coz if u have morn sickness later, you won't be enjoying them as much.


I'm consolidating some orders for maternity mall. R u interested to join us? They've got cheaper & nicer swimwear there. So if u intend to swim later, it'll be gd to buy 1 now. Takes 3 weeks to deliver.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>,

Most of us started w faint +ve line so dun doubt lah. No more raw food, No strenuous exercise like ML, Cut down on Caffeine intake, No watermelon/pineapple/coconut/sugercane &amp; e list goes on....... <font face="Calisto mt"><font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Welcome to e club
Choo, juz pop into here. A big Congratulations to u. Dun worry about the faint line. I tested myself wif a super faint line too. It will darken as the days goes by. Or maybe u r not using the morning urine also. Oh, there's lots of food to give up liao. Not only sashimi. Anything liang n undercooked food also must give up.
Mashy, okie thks

but how much is their swimwear in sing $$?
think my size shld be S, err...gt Xs or nt?
cos afraid US S is still bigger :p
Mashy, maybe u r still early in ur pregnancy. I didn't show my tummy till 18 weeks. But after 18 weeks, my tummy really grows alot alot. Now, i finally 'looked' preggie. I remember tat I went to those maternity wear shops around 16weeks, the shop assistant approached me n asked me whether i'm looking for a 'gift' for someone else.

Juz a little update on myself. I went for my detailed scan last week. I'm having a boy n a gal. kekeke, i can close my factory liao.
yalor so envy u leh Nik

boy &amp; gal two darlings at one go
hee..thot of names liao?
so when did u start wearing maternity clothes?

twins and only show your tummy at 18 weeks? Wow! That's so amazing!

There's a gal 1.57cm, 50kg or so (i think), 70B bought a S swimwear. She got no problem with it. But felt bottom a bit tight only. Think maybe that's to support the belly esp when it gets heavier later. So, I'm getting an S too.

I tried the Thyme swimwear and I could wear the S size. It's made in Canada, so i suppose they should be similar in sizes.
how much isit?
right nw, I am 1.6m, 46kg
then like u I choose S

count our blessing as we hv one miracle inside us now

So far abt 5-6 of us.
U still 46kg? Wow! Think u'll be those lucky ones that pp can't tell you're preg from your back. But remember u gotta put on some weight hor.
Mashy n Apple
actually I gain 1 kg liao

yup, will try to put on more

ok, Mashy count me in,so when to order?
n how to pay you?
gt website for me to see the swimwear design?

Can order by today? Trying to get it out asap coz the delivery takes 3 weeks. By then u should be in your 2nd trimester too, can start swimming then.

1kg? Val, you were ultra underweight! No wonder Dr Eunice wants u to take multi vit so early! Think you better put on more weight. They say underweight pp will tend to gain more coz need to store enough fats.
<font face="calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Mashy/Val</font>,

It's better to get 1 size bigger. I bought lots of my maternity clothing in size S then by about 6 mths cannot wear most of them liao cuz tummy got bigger. In e end gota buy new ones again

<font color="0000ff">Nik</font>,

So gd hor, 1 time get both boy &amp; gal so can close factory liao. Take gd care of urself</font>
nik: lol! Congrats!!!!

Choo: see... your turn!!!! Congrats!!! like Jenifur mentioned.. no no to many things... no shifting of things in bedrm, no sewing no cutting....
Val, i'm still in disagreement wif my hb over the names. Kekeke. So, i talk to my tummy by calling them bb boy n bb gal.

Mashy, yup. I remember my gynae took a few secs to look at my tummy during my 18 weeks checkup. I think he also thinks tat my tummy is bit too small. I start wearing maternity clothes at around week 20. But i still able to fit into a few of my normal clothes.

Apple, 1 bb is also a blessing mah. Right now, i'm headaches over the nos of bbs items to buy.

It's ok not to put on weight during the 1st trimester. My jap colleagues said, in japan, preggie should not put on more than 10kg for the whole term. Jap mummies are mostly very slim.
will ask Dr Eunice abt my weight during next visit

see how to gain more..
ok, u add me in, so how to pay u?
maybe can sms me or yahoo me?

think I will order S, hee...
Jenifur, Ling. Thanks thanks!! From those previous checkups, I tot i'm getting 2 boys liao. Tis gal came as a big surprise to hb n me. We are very very happy too.
woh.. that's the best combination a mother wants. One gal n one boy.. so if u want to hv one more down the road... any gender also can.. hehe. feel so happy for u... take care

try not to buy so much first, take those hand-me-down if u dun mind. they outgrown very fast in the 1st yr.

thank you all moms to be!so touched by yours wishes!!

If I see my gynae this sat,will it be better if he do a blood test to confirm pregnancy or do scanning?too early to scan anything right?

ok no more unsuitable food....think the hardest is cofy...only one day a cup can?


congrats to your baby gal and boy!envy you!!can close shop liao!you and yr hubby's relatives got twins?

very ex to have twins yah? Coz everything also must buy 2. Esp 1 boy &amp; 1 gal. Maybe can check out the other friends who are mothers whether they can give u anything to lighten your load.
Dor, i waiting for hand me down too. But i dun think there will be alot cos my SIL gave away some already. I even plan not to buy bb cots cos 2 cots take up lots of spaces.
u know Ivy Lee,one of her twins boy name is Nik?
well, have fun finding names for ur 2 darlings

do discuss wif ur hubby
Val, yup, i read it in mag also. The other one is called Dash. I think she went through natural delivery for her twins, she's my heroin. My hb wan me to go c-section straight away. He think i won't be able to push 2 bbs out.

I think hers is cecarean leh...
hmm...think I beter go n read the mag again
but I think u are like her figure, tall n slim
