A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

seems like Dr Fong more detail than ur prevoiys gynae, jiayou this time for ur IUI

Juju, all the best to ur HSG,
sure will be alright

hopeful, glad to hear fr u. At least now u found a better gynae rite? Never try never know

Oh ya, my gynae also stop me on taking EPO previously when I suffer the adenomyosis. He explained that EPO gives us a lot of estrogen and this will lead to fibriod/cyst.
thanks. I'm a very poor judge of character, any gynae is fine with me. So got to wait till hubby sees him then will see what is his opinion of Dr Fong, hubby is a better judge of character than me...

I won't know whether he is a better gynae a not, I was like in a daze just now. And couldn't tell from just one visit. Will see how lor. But one thing I'm sure is that I won't change gynae for the time being, I have been hoping ard too much liao, will just stick to one now and see how.
hopeful, u shd stick to Dr Fong since u got confident on your case, and gonna be a bit aggressive on his move this round. Hoping too much also no good..and kinda waste of $$.

About my bb heartbeat, been waited anxiously so finally got the feel of it. Amazing
Soon will be your turn. Cheer up ya!!
Good morning gals!

Wah... Saturday and Sunday nobody post ah...

Today so late come in still can be first... kekeke....

It's a new month, new week today
I have decided that it gonna be a working week for me
morning gals,

Remember last thur i told u i tested with the hpt
strip that Naturally helped us buy and i threw it instantly when I didnt see the second line?

My AF didn't show up yesterday and my nipples still feeling very sore and I tested yesterday morning...this time I left it for about 8mins...and when I went back to washroom to collect it...I saw a very faint second line!!!I really cannot believe my eyes!!I 'tried'to remain calm...wrap the kit in one small clear plastic bag and show hubby...hubby saw it...(he has got good eyesight)and he tot shd be positive liao....when i went back to mum's hse....i showed to my sis and she tot it was positive too!!

didn't intend to test yesterday evening or so cos heart just in dilemma....I really hope this is not a false alarm...and I hope I did use the kit correctly....tonight will go buy those clearblue kit to reconfirm....
also one thing that i have noticed is that I kept having those wet discharge and felt as if AF coming...but when I check it is those watery discharge...is this normal?
Morning Gals...

Congratulations in advance!!!
ur DREAM finally come ture..
see, there is jus matter of timing
u already make it tis time..
maybe u make appt to see ur gynae to double confirm again.. r u still in clomid? pls take care...

didn't test this morning as hubby dun really 'trust'the strip one..(he biased lah...he prefer BRANDED kits)so later this evening will go buy from pharmacy....

is it really normal to have watery discharge?the feeling is like AF coming and when checked it is just watery discharge....

but hubby asked me dun pin too much hope...hence only me,hubby and sis know....in case it is false alarm...

if this is really positive...i must thank HSG for 'clearing'my tubes!!till now I still like in 'ban4 meng2 ban4 xing3'....this morning took another glance at the kit which i have tested yesterday still got two lines..but one line was quite faint...so dun want to pin too much hopes...
leave everything to GOD....
dun need waste $$ to buy clearblue kit to reconfirm.. u can use $0.65 kit to test as many as u wan to reconfirm...:p save $$$ mah... its +ve mean +ve, no matter wat type of kit u use.. so dun waste $$ lor.. really feeling happy for u..

thanks...but now really mixed feeling....one hand wish preggie(esp since I have starting in Aug 04)but one hand dun wish preggie....maybe the feeling of commitment....think maybe I am too used to couple life with hubby every sat we will drive here and there to savour good food,shop ard.etc....jus two of us....(sorry if i sound selfish)then also as a worry wart virgo...I am afraid this might not go smoothly and I might have' XX' (sorry dun wish to spell it out but think all of you shd know).....

guess I am just worrying too much....

No already finished my last 6th cycle of clomid two months ago...and hubby only started Provinroum in mid july....he only have 1% normal sperm...is this possible?
*touch wood*.. pls dun anyhow think or speak of that 'word'.. its quite pantang n accurate one lor... trust me.. dun think too much 1st.. jus let ur gynae know n see wat his say...
Choo, anything is possible...!!! Ya ya.. "touch wood"..... dun Hu Si Luan Xiang...... be positive.....
kekeke... I think at most the strips one will be less sensitive... dun think it will be less accurate.....
anything is possible!!
hv faith ok?
if I were you, anything unsure, go to gynae to double confirm

so happy for you n CONGRATS!!

dun congrats me leh....I am afraid it could be a false alarm...but tonight will go buy clearblue kit to test...please pray for me that it is a real positive ok?

if really positive when do i see my gynae?and he will do blood test to reconfirm?


Thanks!i will try to think positively and not think those things!
sure will pray for you Choo

hmm..cos if test BFP, will be very early pregnancy
but if u want heart at ease, can do a blood test at ur gynae
Congratulations, Choo!
Should be accurate lah. It's normal to have watery discharge and yet feel like AF. I always have such feeling as it seems quite a lot but when i check, it's just watery discharge.
Hi Choo,
Good Gal!

Ok, then you go test again....
If positive, I think you can go see gynae probably next week or so.
Unless you have any sharp pain in the meantime... if not, ok to wait till next week.
Elmo, we gave her same advice go to blod test

ya Choo, meanwhile please REST well, sit n lie at hm watever u can
WALK slowly n dun carry heavy things, no squatting or bending,cos very early stage
n START folic acid
Choo, congratulation!! BPF already. Previously I also saw faint line, cannot believe the result :p
U can book appt with gynae, take thing easy now..be happy alway..keke
CONGRATS! must take good care, dun carry heavy things, dun walk fast fast... must relax ya...
dun hu si luan xiang, ok?
wish u all the best!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Choo</font>,

on your BFP. Aiyo dun worry lah a BFP is a BFP, dun doubt e $0.65 kit.

Take care of urself from now on &amp; hope u hv a smooth 9 mths.</font>

thanks for all your kind wishes....now just pray that everything is fine....will monitor these few days and will try to book Sat slot to my gynae....
Wow... a BIG Congrats to you! Doing HSG is worth the cost and pain.. hehe.. thank God U went ahead with the HSG and now U got a BFP.. so happy for U..

pls be extra careful with yourself.. dont lift heavy things, do laundry or shopping.. rest as much as possible..

Wishing U a smooth and blessed 9 months my dear

Thanks dear...if this is confirmed..I must really thank you for the encouragement you have given me for my HSG....

I think I had a good japanese sashimi/sushi spread on 23 July....cos I really dun think i will strike...is this a big cause of concern...now really regret eating those raw food...but I really refrain from eating jap food during my 2WW for past many cycles.....

Choo, dun worry..... normally they worried that if you eat raw food, risk of food poisoning is high......I think for Jap, the quality of the food is good, so no worries.
u r most welcome my dear..

i m not too sure about the raw food thing.. i would suggest U call up yr gynae to arrange for a blood test asap to check on yr beta-HCG level and Progesterone level..

btw, my hubby also took Provironum from my previous gynae and we striked after he finished his 2nd course and my 5th cycle of clomid.. so even if it is 1% healthy sperm, all things is possible when we think it is impossible..
ya i do agree with U 200% that Dr Fong is very gentle while doing v-scan unlike my previous gynae so rough and impatient.

how was yr scan on last Sat? did yr hubby go along with U?

praying for U that today will be the good day for your IUI procedures.. have faith in yourself and Dr Fong too.. u r in good hands of Dr Fong..
hey morning ladies

choo: that's a happy news. congrats. But trust those hpt strips, they are more sensitive that those branded ones here. no need to waste $$ to buy those 'branded' ones. try again as urs may b at the early stage. Then go n see doc to confirm.
Good luck.. and pass ur baby dust to us

elmo : how are u? long time no talk to u lei
yoo elmo
glad that u r alrite. go n enjoy urself before u start again. me also not much activity lei.. goin away for holi this wk. hope i strike there. haha. wish me luck

Congrats!!!! A BFP is a BFP!

Anyway, the strips are more sensitive than Clearblue. So even if tom, happened that Clearblue is -ve also may not be true. Think val also tested some false negatives then.

Now, take care and be careful, You're probably still very early in your preg. And yes, discharge is normal. Feels like AF coming, but it's not AF when u check it.
