A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Mei2, do u feel pain once u touch it?Wa lao, very tong ku man. Gynae said will go away after awhile, but not yet leh

i've been ttc-ing for the past few months and no good results so far... *sad* and i always mistook the PMS as preggie symptons. End up feeling disappointed always.... =(
Nat, I'm not that worried..that's y I keep eating and enjoying my food..wahaha..but when see Dr, ops, he will stared hard on me and ask me "what happend to u mummy? how come put on 1.2kg this round??" stress man!!!
lilacz, u have to "ren" for that..relax relax..it will lead to backache sometimes.
For me, I use OSIM heatpad to ease the ache. U want to give it a try???
Chubby..Expression very exp ler..to deliver a bb already costs me a bomb!! somemore want to sign up Expression..well, rather join chubby club :p this mummy very "kiam siap" one..wahahaha
just back from gynae, no mature follicles still. got to go back next tues for another scan.

gyane says its unlikely this cycle will work. and wants to increase med dose next cycle.

to those who know my history, last cycle confirm via blood test got ovulate with the same dose of medicine. yet this cycle no ovulation??

should i go to another gynae for another scan these few days?
ya lor.. didnt ML for more than 1 week liao.. keke sounds kinky.. so goin bwax make hubby happy happy abit... wahahhahhahahahaha

i was thinking whetehr i shd or not. esp after chubby experience with that gynae...makes me lose faith.

but now is so last min, where to find gynae that can slot me for scan today?
b b making,

Spore got so many Dr la, no need scared one. Just drop by on any Clinic tomolo to check lor. The most u only waste time on waiting lor.
babymaking, u going to that Sun Plaza one kah? Ops..Chubby..told her your story liow??

Ling, pay so much to drink lime juice fr Expression..tan ku ku lar..me won't spent this type of $$..join chubby club better.
Chubby..u wan line juice, I make for u..wahaha..we stay very near only. But now gotta banned u and me to take lime juice ler.
Apple, happie for you that your bb is growing well... just eat nutritionally... dun worry too much about the weight gain so long you eat sensibly.
ya. i hope so too.

HSG is a type of Xray to check if there's any blockage in the womb & fallopian tubes. think the other gals can explain to u better. i'm not very detailed abt such things.
Mei2, give me 5!!! I also very sleepy..not much work..I rush all my work in the morning..
Later going to Causeway Pt celebrate my colleague's farewell..sianz gotta see my boss face there
i'm planning half day leave. but wan to chk wif boss if can take time off. the doc can issue me excuse chit, rite?
ya, a bit nervous. dun noe wat i'll find out.
ya I believe u can ask the doc for the time-off chit.
I'm also nervous abt my check-up and results on coming mon at kkh. My hb keeps saying that probably his sperms no good, that's y can't make me pregnant.
U how many weeks liao? wow... can c bb's heartbealt... must be a very delightful moment. So envious...
y ur hubby so paranoid. haven got test result so self-blaming liao?
my hubby so confident, dr tell him do SA, he say his swimmers very healthy one, dun need chk. he even tell me dun need do chk ups. sure can preggie one! :p
Hi gals,
I just seen Dr Fong this morning and he asked me to stop all the EPO and BFW, cos he said these will alter our hormones sometimes. Fyi only.
ya lor, cos on the day when he did his SA test, he only managed a v small amt of semen at kkh toilet, so he's worried lor.
he's very gentle, the v-scan was painless! unlike my previous gynae, where he will poke ard to find my follicle, quite uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Dr Fong saw some cysts in my left ovary, may be due to clomid or may be PCOS, got to monitor. I'm ovulating on the right side again, 16mm, tmr got to scan again at his Paragon clinic, maybe can do IUI on Monday.

He also said that my lining is thin and he prescribe me Progynova. I have always suspect I got thin lining, cos my AF is getting shorter, but my previous gynae never said that and kept saying that my lining is good.

Dr Fong also said that we may have to be more aggressive for this IUI and will try for up to 4 times before we go on to other methods. He kept asking me any questions, but I too gan chiong, so didn't ask much.

Anyone taken Progynova before?
