A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

elmo.. nope i didnt take the red date drink.. keke :p lazy lah.. i juz treat myself as AF reported then took DOM only after AF clear.. till nw.. i oso think that its PCOS which is nw disturbin my cycle.. kekeke

and 1 thing.. me stayin with in laws.. abit hard to do anyhting.. wait they questions this and that.. sian.. haha :p

try to eat nutritional food also....
see if you preggy or not... if preggy liao... then dun take herbs..if not, then every week brew some bu tang to drink....

i think ling is right. I'm very ugly now.
Cannot see pp.
dun be like that... you not ugly... must not think you ugly... "Tai Jiao Tai Jiao".....
just take good care of yourself now...
how you feeling these days?
Arghh! See, tat's why i objected to Ling's comment! Now Mashy is upset...

Piper wrote a very good piece just now, preggies are really the most beautiful people around, u know?

Hi! Good morning! I'm feeling much better already. Keeping my fingers crossed that all the lousy symptoms in 1st trimester will completely go away. I think i'm starting to feel the breeze of the 2nd trimester.

Yesterday, my stepmom forgot to turn off the gas while boiling some drink. By the time i reach home, the glass kettle was black and my house is filled with smoke. Ai yoh! So stink, now the smell is still in the house, still can't get rid of it, hopefully there'll be more wind today. But thank God that my house wasn't burnt down!
mei2, cannot drink now liao... I think you may wan to drink some red date tea now.... cos red date is also "Bu Xue" one.. very good for you...dun have to add the other stuffs.... you can just use red dates and "Gou Qi Zi" if you xian ma fan......
huh? alamak..... so jialat ah....
just open up all the windows and air the room... will be gone very soon.

good good.. I think it's better you rest more now even after 1st tri..... only after you feel really well liao... then go shopping....

dunnot yet. Hopefully will know during my next visit on National Day eve.

don't need to console me lah. I'm really really looking horrible now. All my pimples are popping. I'm like himalayas in Iraq! Very oily. Like wok.
My face has expanded so much, i look puffed up. I give up on my face already. Wait until after give birth then i go for a major overhaul. Now whatever i do also no use.

But all those who's ttcing, don't be scared becoz of my condition. I've seen many beautiful MTBs. I'm probably the rare cases.

hee hee, i've already gone shopping. So shiok! Went United Square & Junction 8 to walk walk. Trying to figure out how to make cloth diapers. Modern cloth diapers are so expensive!
Chubby..just joking. Monday blue must joke a bit rite..wahahaha

Mei2, u also tall ler..i find alot of gals meet up on Fri are tall

Yoo..talking about bad complexion..ever since I preg, pimples pop up all over my forehead..damn sickening ler
sometimes got to do with the gender of your bb... some looks pretty while having gal, some while having boy.....
so it's just hormonal.....
I think you probably need to change your routine facial pdts to something for oily skin..... that will help a bit...
you gonna use cloth diapers?
you can use those diaper pants to be use together with the cloth diapers..... but bit siong leh....cos needs a lot of washing......
dun shop too much now leh...... moderately....

i've already done that. I went to the Maple clinic in Tampines hoping to help my condition. It's been a month already, but it didn't help. I think it's coz the skin started producing even more oil than before.

yah, but i don't wanna use the traditional cloth diapers. Those are practically useless. Now got very nice cloth diapers which are like disposable diapers. Can also keep the bb dryer after they pee. But very ex lor. Average price abt $25 per pc.
you cant stop the skin from producing more oil... it's a very common thing.... lots of preggy ladies have that condition... just wash more regularly and keep it clean..... you cant make it go away only can make it better cos cleaning helps to clear oil clots that will result in pimples.....
dun worry too much lah.... you will still look beautiful.....
hi all,
since im ttc i wan to go the gyne for a check up so must i tell the gyne wat check up im there for?

I thot of going to Dr Douglas Ong, anyone seen him b4?
oh.... I misunderstood wat you meant.... I've seen that before also... but I think it's quite worth it cos long term... cos you gonna have to use diapers for a while...about 3 mths before the size changes....... disposal diapers cost btw 0.50 to 1.00 I think... so $25 is about 3-4 days supply liao leh...
so still worth it lah... but got to wash lor...
me ah... I also dunno if I'm resting enuff or not... cos I've been feeling tired also....
now everyday also drink the red date tea thingy for confinement... then also think about what to cook to nourish lor. :p
I'm trying to built up my health but also waiting for the blood to clear totally......

I went to see a chinese sinseh on sat...... he ask me to go back and see him if I wan to "Tiao" my body......so will see how lor....
hi elmo,

newborns shit a lot coz their bowel movement not co-ordinated yet. I remember when we just have our nephew around, he practically shit after each diaper change. So imagine our laundry....all full of the cloth diapers. After almost 1 week, my mum also gave up & start to use disposable diapers.
kekekkeke.... normal lah.... the older generation thinks it's better to use cloth diapers... cos it's prevents nappy rash as it's more airy.....
but I think a bit siong to wash all those cloth diapers...
I find disposal diapers very convienient but it's gonna burn a hole in our pockets.....
Prefer use and throw though. :p
hi elmo...

ya lor....wash until siong.then cannot use too much washing powder coz bb skin very sensitive. So gotta weigh the pros & cons before deciding. Anyway, u can use those nappy liners to minimise the soiling..

Hi pekochan,
Erm...i was all over the forum. Can't remember if I've spoken to u before. paiseh

Did u engage BlinkStudios? If u did...then yes....I'm the same piper u spoke to.
dun need lah.. thks for ur info

mashy.. ya its like this
dun worry... my sis oso got lots of pimples.. coz hormones mah..
hi mashy brain,

it's like tat one...but bo bian...u need to change the bb...worse if he develops rashes or infections rite?
oh ya. i bbsit my goddaughter yday.. she's only 1 1/2mths old.. keep sleepin haha.. but 1 thing is that.. she like to being carry around.. so tired.. then i put her on the bed with small pillow around her so she will feel secured then she sleeps very soundly :p
