A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

you see gynae on sat right?
let us know after your appt.

no... but I have alot of gas also... cos tummy was bloated..... I dun usually have the habit of burping... maybe that's why....
ok.. i burp and fart all the time from sat.. haha even i drank chocolate milk i burp too.. blur.. haha

chubby.. sore boobs is my PMS except head8 :p
Hello gals...

Wah.. so many posts to catch up this morning... ***panting*** liao... haha...

Hi Elmo,
When will you be seeing gynae again for check-up? Better take good care of your health for the next battle.
Drink more red dates, longan drink to "bu xue"

Your gynae got tell you when can start TTC again? Think really must "bu". Very very "shang shen". In my first m/c, a lot of pple told me they rather give birth to 3 than 1 m/c... so my case.. maybe they will tell me rather give birth 6 this time liao.. haha... You can "bu" with DOM if dun have PCOS, endo, fibroids, etc... Chicken of essence is good too

You can "loon" hor... haha.. if me ah.. sure rush to gynae liao lor.
Dun "chong huai" your god daughter ah... next time jialat ah...

Wah.. I din know diapers can be so expensive ah...
lyn, 4 more weeks to go.
Yalor.. my aunt also told me that m/c is worse than pregnancy..... been drinking red date, longan, gou qi zi, dang shen, bei qi and ginger as water every day.... I also take essence of paoshen and dong chong chao every morning before breakfast..... lunch time I try to eat confinement food... and at night drink DOM... :p
cos ganna scold by my aunt until I got to guai guai "Ting Hua".....
she says I can take all the heaty food now cos body very weak.... so I just guai guai take as much as I can lor......
In my first m/c, I took lots of heaty food and dun feel heaty at all... but feel cold ah. Then my mum who cooked for me and eat with me.. cannot tahan the heat ah... and I feel cold... faintz...
yes, supposed to be like that......
I was told now no matter how heaty I eat, will not feel it one....
and also body can absorb the best now... so eat as much as i can... :p
Yalor... everyday red dates, black dates and longan drink with a bit of ginger. Then eat kailan, broccoli everyday. Plus eat ginger pork and liver, also everyday... and also double boil black chicken with pao sheng and red dates on alternate days. kekeke... a lot of "bu" this time.. Very KS... in my first m/c, I got no appetite at all and was very moody, but this time, not as bad and got super appetite. Eat and eat and eat... and put on weight so fast... hahaha...
drink soup will not get fat lah... just cut down on rice ok liao...
wah... you also da bu ter bu...good good....
you can also wat the "Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang",.... can get from Yu Ren Shen ...
My mum also headache dunno what "bu" to get for me... cos I got endo and fibroids before.. gynae said not dang gui, pak zhen, DOM for me... so cannot take these lor... and gynae also adviced not too much "black fungus" and vinegar.. just in case lose too much blood... Maybe for my case la, cos i already not enough blood...
the chinese sinseh prescribe dang gui for me... cos he says bu back first.. then handle the cyst... cos I also got 1 cyst...
Oh I see... I dare not take ah... cos I scared my endo worsen and fibroids grow back... I only take pao sheng, chicken essence and bird nest
. kekeke... I forgot to include, 1 bottle of chicken essence and 1 bottle bird nest every day... kekeke... i also got some other supplements to "bu"... kekeke... a lot ah... like whole day eat "bu"...
u also must "bu" well le...
Hi Cookie!!

Elmo & Lyn,
both of u really good gal, take a lot of bu and then can recover faster. How long more to bu, another month or so?
I'm truly sorry, till now haven't gone to ATM machine to transfer the money to you, will do so at 1 pm and msg u

have u tested with the hpt ordered by Nat?
mashy, looks like we are having the same fate. I have new pimples popping up everyday too!!!!I still wear makeup, if not really to hideous alrdy....sob sob...

Im so paranoid now cuz i ate a bailey's ice cream cake last weekend!Very worried something will go wrong!Kept blaming myself, worry something will happen....
Hi hi ladies, been a long long long time since i posted anything here. But, somtimes, i do read the posting here too. I see we have a few 'graudutes' also. Gong Xi Gong Xi.
if taking on your own, then dun..... unless prescribe by sinseh....

supposed to take for 1 mth... but I started late...
weekend sinseh say I should "bu" for 3 mths...based on his prescription lah... a bit long hor? So, that's why I also dunno now.... will wait till blood totally clear first... then see what he say.
finally u gt yahoo liao

will add u tonite!!

aiyo pls do nt worry unnecessary okie?
gt carving just eat moderately,
remember to load up ur fruits,vege can liao

think hving pimples is temp, hopefully 2nd tri will be better

glad ur 2nd tri coming
complexion will be better lar,
me too so many pimples pop out eversince preggie
but I dont consider myself very ugly, dont care abt how ppl say okie?
most impt is think positively,rest well, eat well ,
pray more n take gd care of ourselves n bb

shld count our blessings to hv the pregnancy glow

Elmo n Lyn,
hope u all will jiayou in ttc soon
take care while taking bu now

so wat is the gender of ur twins?
dunno whether you have eaten this before... "Hong2 Zhao1".... red stuffs... it's the left over from making wine.... they use it to cook chicken...
that one you can also eat..... there's a mini food fest at Tampines mall...if you stay east, can pop by there to take a look. If not, go to 33/35 beach road Sultan Gate. Tel: 6298 2720...call them to check if they still at Tamp.
You can cook it with lots of ginger and add mushrooms... and some liquor like martell....very bu... if not stir fry ginger with sesame oil and then add chicken and mushroom and then 1/2-1 cup of martel (in place of DOM).......add some water and simmer... also nice... easy to make also.

anything I fry, I use sesame oil and ginger...,.
