A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Really ah, u r not bluffing me r u? U made me so happy leh. Actually I hv a dream of opening a cafe since 6 yrs ago but no $$$.

of cos u can join lah. All interested r welcome!
I can't come tonight, hv to go PIL's place for dinner.

Err...juju, mermaider, can give me ur email addr so that I can email the recipe to u?

wah! dun like dat leh... skarli hubby at home reading my posts... i cham liao...
keke! i not dat kind one lah
Yes Blue_rabbit,
not bluffing u! Really got standard to open shop... but a cafe also not easy leh, very tiring one... if one day u really become lao ban niang, and if i get tired of office life, can i be your waitress? But i want to have unlimited supply of cake ah!
Lilacz, congra!! one more graduated.

blue rabbit, your b'day 17 Mar?

Mei2, see u tonight

gals, we meet inside McD or outside facing the field with no/aircon?
i used to bake pineapple tarts during CNY but stopped for nearly 2 years liao.. my oven cant bake cake cos the center of the cake will sink after baking.. i love to make kueh like yam cake which Piper, Nat and Val have tried b4.. keke
hi gals,
can i join the NE club too? me staying in tampines. used to bake long time ago but now no oven and no time. so never bake anymore.

congrats. have a healthy and happy 9 months!
yes, using web yahoo msn...
but not user friendly, its will kick me out if took a while never post any msg... so i m using web icq now... more used to it compare wif hotmail or yahoo...

this morning hv login to hotmail msn wif group chat, but me catch no ball, they chat too fast... hehe.. maybe later will try again...
Hello gals,
u all taking abt baking cakes ah... me love cakes too!

I want to try ur yam cake too. I have no oven, so have no baking experience at all except when I was studying home economics when I was in sec sch last time :p

I've received the hpts liao, will transfer the money to ur account after work, sorry it slipped my mind yesterday. I will sms u after it's done, thank u
yah... you can use the opportunity to install an oven at home..... but you need to use it regularly...even if not using also have to on it for a while.... to keep the moisture out so that the thermostat thingy wun spoil. I also no oven cos that time I neber reno my kitchen.... so no oven for me also.
hi Daisy,
how are you?
knw that you gonig for scan in July,
when is the appt?

hee..find a day we go one of the house to hv abaking session
Piper is expert too, hee...maybe can go to her new hse :p
how are U?

sure maybe we organise a baking/cooking session to exchange pointers.. i also learnt my baking/cooking thru my Home Econs days back school.. really missed those good old days.. haha

me *blushed blushed* liao.. me still not a good cook cos me now become lazy to cook liao, still learning from recipe books
great!! good start.. but u dun greedy la, apply too much of cos will caused u feel extremely hot n spicy when start burning.. hehe..

wow, u very on leh.. wat's ur icq no or yahoo messenger add?
sometimes I apply liao... no feeling... so thot not enuff.. then apply a bit more... then too much liao. :p
still trying to balance so that I know how much to apply. :p

u too modest, u are 100 times better than me!
miss ur yam cake n piper cheesecake

me fine

yup still gt ms,but use to it liao
