A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i'm back :p keke so many posting leh..

juz call my buddy.. she goin for c-section tonite.. so her boy will be born on 6th June 05
its only 37th week though.. coz her bb play with her cord and make it round his neck.. so cant delay liao.. :p

yah Dor, how come pain?? u scratched or???

wah right next to MBK huh? Hey, speaking of Jap restaurents, there's a Zen restaurent on 3rd or 4th floor (hope i got the name right?) that sells good and cheap jap fare! *salivating*
mei2, hallo!

wah, so dangerous, bb play with cord?? must beat bb's backside liao, notti bb, heehee... 37 weeks a bit early hor, but considered premature or not? just 3 weeks short of 40 weeks...
kekekekek.... me also jap food queen.... I love sashimi!!! Yum Yum!!!
I think I seen that rest before but didnt dare to go in. :p
nat, elmo
i not sure too. it's seem like i have a tear. sometimes after ML, i will kenna one. how does fungal infection look like huh? i got so many prob... sob sob.
nat & elmo
actualli hor, not pain by itself. only when i touch it, then i feel the pain lor. i think i better ask my gynae's nurse.. keke
Nat, anything more than 36 weeks considered ok.

tear??? Oh my god!! how can that be???
you sure? if got tear must see gynae liao.
I think u got v infection liao cos got itch...
must see gynae asao to get medication.....
does your discharge smell?
naturally.. should say consider ba.. but 37th weeks is ok le.. bb gain weight very fast one.. lolz ya.. i got a shock when she say not only 1 round.. almost fainted.. haha
that Zen restaurent's prices is cheap compared to sgp, u must go and try! The seats are in boxes, must take out shoes one, very japanese, hee... everytime we go BBK, that's our first stop for lunch! :p

Oh Dor... if u feel dry when trying to ML, use lub! elmo, did Dor mention itchy? oh dear thread runs so fast i missed out postings... if itchy most likely is infection, if no itch, maybe like wat u say, just a small tear due to dryness and too much friction... :p

oh, Mei2, somemore more than 1 round... wah scary man, your fren better quick quick go c-section, heehee... yesterday my mum and i were discussing bb matters, hee, she was saying during last mth or so, bb will grow very rapidly, u'll see the tummy suddenly become big big, but once the growth stabilises, i.e. weight gain becomes lesser, means bb ready to come out!
But your fren's case, cannot wait any more lor... she must be worried hor? All the best to her and her bb!!
aiyo Dor
take gd care of urself!!
a tesr, better see ur gynae soon

aiya I heck care liao
just BD/ML as per normal lar
this BBT reach make my head scratch!

wah..noti bb play with cord
but gd date to remeber 06/06

my cousin give birth to her son on her bday!!
so sweet they gng to celebrate this wed together

1 yr old bb hee...gt to buy present for him
hey gals
thks for the concern... now no itch liao. mayb after ML, didnt wash up immediately. keke.. must take care of hygiene too :p

nat, ya mayb it's the tear after ML. keke. did u experience everytime after ML, ur undies is so wet till u hv to put pantyliner. it's like dun noe is CM or sperms....
hi nat,
okie! I will go and try! ;)

yes.. she say no more itch after applying medication.. so means have itch right?

Dor, wat medication u using to apply for the itch?
the day after, sure is semen lah... maybe mixed with your CM too... i only felt dry after taking clomid, so dry until almost cannot BD!

bumble bee, how did u know u O so early?

wah, quite a diff pattern compared to your last mth's CD20... but maybe u detected wrongly leh?
Hi Dor,
be careful if it's really a tear.....cos open wound will have risk of infection also... but I really find that it's quite unlikely leh....
please monito... if still pain/has itch... please see gynae ASAP...
yes, like nat says u might like to use lub....
hi elmo,

thanks. dunno wan to test or not? last cycle was 33 days only. this cycle approaching 40 liao.

is it better to take bai feng wan or hormone med to regulate menses? any idea?
talking about lubricant... forgot to tell you gals about the pre-seed I mentioned a while back...
this cycle I got use.....it's very good... does not feel that I use lub at all.. cos it really feels and looks like the good quality type of EWCM....
hopefully it does make a difference for me this cycle....
so if u need lub, can consider....
if u have passed your longest cycle.. can test liao!
if u know when you O... add 18 days to that.... can test liao.....
Good luck good luck...

er....if u have seen gynae...probably hormone med is better cos there could be many reasons why your menses is not regular... so bai feng wan may not neccessarily be the right concoction for the cure....cos BFW contains herbs that might not be suitable if u have certain conditions...so better get the right treatment....
fertility friend detected I O-ed on CD12 this cycle lor...
so disappointing..
been using fertility friend for quite some time liao..
they're pretty accurate if you key in your temperature daily from the time your AF ends till 5 days after your O.
fertility friend will determine your O when you are at DPO4.

the reason why i feel more frustrated than most of you here is because I have a history of miscarriages and I'm already 33 now!!
possibly the oldest in the this thread still trying for #1.

i've consulted a few gynaes and all advise me to have my 1st kid before 35.... quality of egg you they say...
Elmo, longest cycle in the last 3 was 77 days leh. sian.

not yet see gynae. planning to see after my menses come, if it come... (pray hard - no!!!)
hi busy_bumble_bee,
cheer up... must maintain a positive outlook.. I'm sure you will strike very soon... but must take it easy... the more anxious you are, the more stressed and the worse... so relax relax relax... dun think about the incidence anymore..... cos will make you pessimistic... I see many ladies suceed in conceiving after m/c.... so there is always hope...
cheeu up ok?
well dun blame yourself for missing your O... next cycle, try to start early lor!
And just in case your temp reading is not correct (u never know, maybe thermometer spoilt leh?!), do BD these few nites anyway! Understand your anxiety, but sometimes cannot be rushed mah, or u wan to try IUI?

pre-seed sounds good from the internet, and now with your testimonial, i might go and get it too... maybe next cycle bah!

wow u sure can tahan suspense!
Missed for 1 week liao... unless u know u O late?
yes.. it's good... when I 1st used it... I expect it to be waxy like vaseline.. but no... it's rather watery (just like mucus) so was pleasant surprised!
must go on weekday hor...cos they dun open on sat anymore... so if u taking leave one of these days... just go and buy first...
Oh wait Juliana, test tmr morning! First urine is more concentrated and more able to detect early pregnancy!
Just in case u had O late mah, then night urine may not be able to detect...
good luck girl!!!
must jai you.. dun keep thinkin of ur age.. u see zoe tay 36 also give birth to healthy baby. look on the bright side
mayb u shld not use OPK or BBT for the next cycle, just bd anyhow during ur fertile week.

u wan to buy the lub, thot u hv ur toys already.. still wan so many things huh... hehehe.
hi Nat,
hehe! i dun even know when i O-ed cos i just started BBT for 1.5 cycles, & my temp has been roller-coasting away...
anyway, will chk in the morning & see if got good news
elmo... i'll have to find my way there on a weekday during lunch perhaps, hey, can i trouble u to post the address again? thanks hor!
Hi All,
I strike liao

me should be in beginning of week6. Not yet see gynae. Any recommendation? I stay in Sembawang...prefer somewhere near.
And last cycle is the 1st time I used Preseed

Really help a lot.

Hi Hopeful,
Pls update me in the list. My due date should be 04/Feb/2006.
toys is just for play mah... lub is for serious bb-making business!!
Btw, i've received my toy liao, omigosh it is quite big!
