A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Elmo,
I'm doing fine
Have been busy with work and recently very excited with my new house reno planning with hubby. Haven't gotten the key yet though

Hi Naturally,
I miss u gals too. Was feeling very stressed coming to TTC page last time but I think I have stablised and able to take the stress well now, so hope to join u gals in TTC again
I'm also using Preseed when I feel dry too, it's really better than many lub which become sticky after a few mins, u should try it

I'm sorry to hear that. Did u stress to the attendant that u are expecting and had spotting and wanted to be attended to immediately? I heard sometimes u wait long because doctor may be doing rounds or if at night, take some time to arrive. Have u seen another gynae and done a scanning?

bookworm: while u are waiting.. were u lying down or sitting? cos tt time at 11 plus pm, when i was bleeding, they faster ask me to lie down n making sure i dun move, my gynae came to the hosp in 20 mins with her messy hair, i felt so bad...... which hosp u go to... i think time to change...

bookworm: not to make u more upset, but u should file a complain. whats is ur gynae doing manz?
hi Daisy,
kekekeke... dun commit too much first..... just shop shop first....enuff to make u busy liao....
one thing I learnt... dun buy too much first... just do the impt things first.... after u shift in, you will know wat u need and dun need. ;)
and dun tire yourself out ok?
I also think it's time for you to change gynae liao...cos your gynae like a bit bo chap.... sorry to have to say tat.....:p
I noe last time my fren got spotting... gynae gave her the injection and order bed rest for 2 days..she had bleeding after that...so gave injection again... altogether got 4 times... so far...bb is save...

Hope you feeling better today... are u still bleeding?
Hi Ladies,

Good morning!!!

Hi Chern,

Congrats to you!!! Remember to rest and dun walk too much. Have a safe 9 months!!

Hi Daisy,

Long time no see. It is really sweet to plan your new house with hubby, althought it is tired but you will be very happy with the end results. I miss the days I was planning my house too. Hopefully when you shift in to your love nest, you will strike liao. All the best to you.

Hi bookworm,

I am really sad when I heard abt wat happen to you for the 2nd time. It is definitely not your faults, pls dun blame youself. There are lots of things that can't be explain. Be brave and strong, I am sure after you build up your health, you will conceive again.

As wat the rest of the gal say, pls change a gynae. *Hugs*

no stress no stress!
okay, i'll make a trip there today during lunch, eh... its placed on the shelves right? Tell u something funny... yesterday i called up to enquire abt opening hours, then the lady asked me, wat are u looking for?! Wah i was like, eh eh ah ah for quite a while, then she asked again, prescription or off the shelf? ha, i quickly said Off the Shelf!!
So paiseh, i was so worried i had to tell her over the phone (i'm in office!) that i wanna buy pre-seed... and wat if she asked further wat pre-seed?!
ALLO morning gals

nat/elmo : my itch n pain has gone liao.. no more yellow discharge too.. hurray. i didnt see any GP lei :p. anyway hor, i dun think this mth will strike lei, cos i didnt see any EWCM *sob sob* and now CM is dry. think my O is over. my temp is dipping too... haiz.

u renovating ur hse too.. me also lei and it's finishing soon. cant wait to move in
so happy to see the before and after look. but of course, not happy to see the bank account.. haha
<font face="Calisto mt"> Chern,

Congratulation. Since u staying in Sembawang then can consider seeing Dr. Ang @ Sunplaza. Take gd care of urself &amp; hv plenty of rest.


I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Dun start blaming urself. I'm sure it's not ur fault. I really think u shld seek 2nd opinion like wat e other gals said. Do a mini-confinement to nurse back ur health so u r prepared 4 e next pregnancy.</font>
Naturally ~ U wanted to buy Pre seed from Pan Malayan ar?? U work around there ar? it shld be off the shelf one rite.. pls get the operating hour for me also can??
in the meanwhile i try to see if any of the polyclinics sell it also.
hey daisy,
glad to see you back

think u busy wif ur house 1st lor
when u getting ur keys?
ttc ah...take it easy

I think u better change ur gynae or go to pte hospitals
do update us ur condition, will be praying for you

I was reading this bk called 'Little Miracles' written by a christian couple
well, I tell you all ah...read this bk with the heart is very emotional n I cried :p
all true stories told by christians couples come against all odds to conceive
some hv miscarriage n conceived again thru faasting and praying,
some really infertile for many yesrs n finally conceived
some m/c n still waiting for the little miracle to happen.....

these couples didnt give up n their faith was actually strengthen and they are even closer with God
of cos many times they ask 'why? why me?' however they still manage to find true love n comfort from God

well, after finish the whole book,
I ask myself if I gt difficulty in conceiving,
wonder can I take the tough journey or nt :p
imagine myself gng laproscopy, IVF or IUI???
but with the hope and love from God,
I think I will hv the confidence becos God is forever my refuge and strength
jenny: spotting due to many reasons. Bleeding likely the blood vessels connecting to be bb might have burst due to activities mins or hours before bleeding. During pregnancy, when one cough too hard, spotting oso will occur.. but spotting isnt as bad as bleeding. Gynae at times worries tt bleeding due to a crack in the placenta, this will leads to Miscarriage. if the bleeeding only on blood vessel burst, then bb can be likely saved. the patient with bleeding will be made to lie down and gynae of hers will be called back to hosp. before i was on my way to hosp, i was lost and dunno wat to do. i called my gynae and she instructed me to head to hosp str8 and she will be there shortly to scan me.

but i was surprise how come poor bookworm waited so long... i think by the 2 hours, my hubby will be screaming already. its a life we talking abt. this is totally negligence by the hosp. which failed to realise the impt of this issue. Sorry i might slightly work up over bookworm issue as i felt, complaint should be filed and this issue should not be let go so lightly.

I've a little light brown discharge today. Worried coz' not first time liao. Going to see gynae and see what she says. What's the definition of brown discharge? Mine is like beige, recycled paper. Is that brown?
mashy: i think u are spotting.. have u been moiving too much? jumping or running? try to rest now.. till u see a gynea.. dun move at all..
later when u on the way to see gynae, try to lie down position. pls dun move anymore... dun sit here.. go rest.
u finish reading already ah??

Dun worry... see what your gynae says first...
I also dunno how to define brown discharge ley..I also blur sometimes.
mashy: wei wei wei.. noti girl.. get ur hands off the keyboard.. kekeke.. go rest... if not i bycott u.. whahaha
thanks ling

on bed most of the time lah. if not watching tv. it just came once. now stop but still worried. Not very sure what colour is considered brown. scared i xiao ti da zuo.

I remember XMM is going for laproscopy
let's keep her in prayer

recently my church hv a lady who had stillbirth
iamgine a healthy baby suddenly die in full term
I didnt know the lady but the whole church was praying for her
that God will take comfort with her

many things in life happen unexpectedly
and we will ask why happen? why me??
I guess only God has the answer for everything
and there are certain things is nt withing our control and we believe even trials come,
the reason behind is a good intention so that our character will mould to be a stronger and draw closer to God

sorry for being emotional this morning
but really gals God loveall of ushere very much and even more desire to bless us with babies
but there are His plan to maybe mould us into a tougher and better person so when blessing come, our reward will be even greater

can PM me?
I will pray for you specifically

Are you going to buy the pre-seed lubricant today? Do you know the exact location of the place and opening hours.

Can you help me to buy one also.
Poshbb ~thanks for ur explanation. But why was ur bleedng. isit u move too much?? Ur Bleeding is a little oni rite last time.. Thanks god u have a good gynae &amp; rushed down to u immed.. The money is worth paying even thou how exp it is ar..

not like last 2 days. more like in between periods. and it's more like discharge than spotting coz' it's creamy brown.

thanks for ur advice. Yah lor, now so excited, keep shopping around until dead tired every weekend, so far only bought a plasma tv. Our ID also advises us not to buy so early as there may be changes to the design

Hi Carrie,
ha ha... I'm hoping the new house will bring me some luck too
May be auntie to say this but I heard that Fung Shui master can see the FS for the house for the fertility part too. Not sure if it's true but will engage one to have a good start then

oh... hee hee.... u know hah, last yr not many people know Preseed as it was rather a new pdt launched here but now, it's even sold at my company's pharmacy, so rather easy for me to buy now. Although it states to squeeze some into our vaginal, I only apply on the outside

glad to know u have recovered, drink more water and always wipe your vaginal from front to back so that it does not get contamination from ur anus area. If wearing any panty liner, must change often too to prevent infection.
What a coincidence, ke ke ke... kapo a bit, how much u paid for ur reno and how many rm flat?

yah, I'm ttcing and taking it easy. Still waiting for news to get the key, should be end of this mth or next mth lor

U dun think that much, I'm sure u will conceive soon

Mashy Brainz,
is urs more of CM? Heard that preggy ladies will have more CM. May be u shld check with ur gynae?
mashy - dont worry, i told u abt my spotting (n in jan mtb thread) n clare did mention its dark maroon colour.

bookworm - ya! quick seek for 2nd opinion. i oso bleed(like having menses) n gynae give me a jab n now manage to save my bb.

i think the CM suppose to be white or yellow at most. the last time i told her got pinkish tinge, she was alarmed and said that's blood and increased my progesterone dosage.
Hi Daisylove,

I din know Fengshui also touch on fertility. It is a good start for you to plan now based on his advice.

Do you know if the polyclinic pharmacy sells pre-seed also. One GP told me there is but i have not go to find out. If so, then i dun "ma fan" naturally to help me.
Val: all of us are human beings, we have emotions. at times, lots of things are beyond our control. His guidance makes us a stronger person and making us more patient. So we have to be patient, and our prayers will be heard. Pat pat.... Val, dun think so much.... look forward to ur little break and enjoy... who knows u will be back with an answered prayers too.

Jenny: tt very nite, i was on my way home from PIL's plc... and i was like hitting my noti dogs as they were real noti in the car. maybe during tt activity, i moved alot.. and when i reached home, i went showre.. i saw blood, n the next thing i did was to cry. my silly hubby, just say.. go go go bed n rest.. i was like.. idiot.. rest ur head.. must go hosp.. whahah.. we like two kukus so funny.. wondering wat to do.. i called my buddy whom had the same problem before, and she ask me to go Mt A.. i was like.. har? Mt A?!?!? i go there for wat? my gynae not there leh... whaha... i called me gynae then, and she advice me to go str8 to RMG A&amp;E. the girls attended to me real fast when they heard i was preggie n bleeding, and str8 guide me into a room to lie down. my gyane came 20mins later in her clothes but her hair was like.... Super messy... then i heard she just went home not too long ago.. i felt so bad to make her come back. she then scanned the bb and telling us tt everything ok and one of the blood vessels might have burst which connecting to the bb.. so 3 days rest in bed and 2 jabs on the butt.... she check to make sure no cracks on the placenta. tt was like almost 12am.. my hubby was thinking.. cham the bill gng to be sky high cos gynae came back n already passed 12.... but landed only 144.

RMG handles 1% of SG babies.. and the attention to the patients will be more than KKH or any govt hosp. and RMG A&amp;E at times like bo lang one.. kekeke so u all got any A&amp;E, can try RMG lor.. whahaha.. cham.. i think like tt.. RMG sure kena flood now. kekeke
<font face="Calisto mt"> Mashy,

Urs sound like old bld but is better to seek gynae's confirmation. Dun feel paiseh to bother ur gynae now. My HB sometimes even call my gynae like 11pm or even midnight when I hv any unusual symptoms. Even though it's usually false alarm but it's better to play safe.


Ur mum is rite bout Fengshui able to help w fertility part. But make sure u get a decent Fengshui master. I ever consulted a very famous fengshui master who claims tt I'll hv problem to conceive 4 e next few yrs. Then mus pay tons of $$ to buy his products to change my hse fengshui cuz it's v. bad. In e end we seek 2nd opinion, did very mimial changes to our hse &amp; I strike. Btw U shld always consult fengshui master b4 u start ur reno / confirm design layout.</font>
mashy: till later stage.. u like me keeps gng toilet.. whaha. i got everywhere aim toilet.. cos bb pressing down on my bladder.. n i go like nobody's biz. haiz.. urine little oso go.. aiyo
Hi Dor,
your temp should not dip so fast even if didnt strike.. normally dip couple of days before AF comes.
Could it be that u O-ing?
check with OPK more accurate...
good that the itch is gone.. but still advisable to see gynae cos if it's really infection... then it wont go away like that.....
must get medication to cure it ASAP...
I'm not in pharmaceutical line. Working in a lab in a hospital though, sorry not convenient to name which hospital in a public forum. Is urs in a hospital? Who knows we may know each other ke ke ke....

yah, it's supposed to be this colour. I thought u mentioned biege so almost like dark yellow kind. U shld see ur gynae again and chk again, sometimes gynae may admit u to have a bed rest in hospital to have u under observation. Once everything stabilises, u can be discharged and more assured

sorry, I'm not sure if the pharmacy in polyclinics do sell Preseed. However, last time my hubby went to the address Elmo gave and the shop attendant said soon it would be sold at most pharmacies. May be u can call up the polyclinic near ur house to find out. If I'm not wrong, price almost the same
hee..I am a very emotional gal
so when I read the bk, I will put myself into the story :p
ya, wont think too much cos God has plans for me already

hee..cant wait to collect ur keys
and that moment when u open the house of ur own
it will be very excited!!

so Eunice was alarm n u gng down for any jab?


anyway my heart is prepared to go thru any odds
wah u are very blessed only pay 144 for the bills, trust God for finanacial blessings too
Poshbb ~ Lucky u are sober that time as not anyhow "chong" hosp ar.. hahaha &amp; also never heed ur hb advice go bed to rest ar..
phew.. luckily the bill is not very terrible.. aiyooo why we woman sooo ma fun one. havent pregnant got to make donation to gynae strike liao still got to make dbl donation to them also.. then somemore spotting lar. sooo suay &amp; ma fun one.
Val: keke in the room i was resting.. i heard 444! i was like.. siao liaoz.. hubby gng to kill me or worse kill my dogs.. whahahahaa... but lucky.. keke its 144. kekeke. haiz..
Hi daisy,
wow! plasma??? Cool!
I also enjoy designing my own house last time.. but alot of headache also lah.. :p
You will enjoy yours I'm sure ;)

My 1st Fengshui master also appear in TCS shows &amp; even newspaper. But then he only all out to make $$.

I dun hv e other master contact w me rite now cuz HB is e one who liaise w him. If not u pm me ur no if convenient, I sms u his contact tonight.}

first and foremost, there's NO SUCH THING as xiao ti da zuo during pregnancy!!

U still taking your prog pills on time? Would suggest u visit your gynae and get a jab, and maybe at the same time, do bloodtest to check the hcg and progesterone levels, make sure everything is in order, u'll feel better too!

Jenny, Carrie,
the lady says better to go before 5pm. I didn't ask wat time they open, cos i dun plan on going early...
Their no. is 62965751, sorry i can't call for u all... scared she ask me again wat i wan to buy!! Btw, Elmo &amp; Daisy how much is a box of 6? Ard $70 is it? Carrie if i'm going, i'll sms u, okie?

think u mentioned b4 that u worked ard there right? The address is 807/809 North Bridge Road, i checked up streetdirectory.com, doesn't look too far, ha, hope i won't get lost!
