A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Theoretically speaking, if u want a dec 06 bb, then u hv to be conceive by Mar 06, working backward, u need to stop taking the pills by dec 05. Hvg said that, hvg a bb is not as easy as what u may think. I got married in Mar 04 and till now still ttcing. So it's advisable that u stop taking the pills now and meanwhile get ur GP to recommend a gynae to u for a pre-conception checkup... just to make sure that everything is fine with both u n ur hb.
For me, I also tot it's easy to conceive n didn't go for a checkup till Apr and now still waiting to complete all my tests at KKH.

star star: once u off the pill, ur body needs at least 6 mths before u can really conceive... not immediate. not all ppl once stop the pill can conceive immediately
hoho, cham, i wonder next time if my baby falls piak on the floor, will i laugh instead of heartpain?!

so stop the pill immediately lah... hee, if u think u cannot accept being preggie yet, then either:
1. use condoms or
2. track your cycle (to ascertain when is your O, and only ML a few days after O)
- u may track your O using opks or by doing BBT charts.
Wow, so long never come in here... missing out a lot man...

strike already?

I got a friend who got off the pill as she wanted to have a baby... bingo, once off the pill immediately strike after one try.. How I wish i was like that.

Me still trying.. these few days to strike... hopefully i kanna... right naturally.....

i just saw your postings... got a bit of brown ah? Must must must take your prog pills on time okie! After that go and sleep... good girl, sleep tight!
One method to regulate your menses and hv less cramp is to take bai feng wan. It helps...so u don't need to reply on Yasmin to regulate ur menses lor.
this mth i won't strike lor, cos i'm O-ing from my left ovary, and my left tube is blocked... so i have to wait wait wait until right ovary decides to work! Hope u will strike!
Now that u hv done HSG, u might get preggie w/o realising it, so u better be careful of what u do. No excessive exercise or any dangerous sports.
Jia you le mei you???

qwer ........... CD 14
dor ............ CD 15
poohmum ........ CD 17
babycutie ...... CD 19
busybumblebee .. CD 19
naturally ...... CD 19
mei2 ........... CD 19
jenny tan ...... CD 20
sugarbun ....... CD 20
star: the only immediate to be able to start conceiving its condom.. not pill.. so think twice if u wanna hold on the TTC process..
cos our body needs time to return back to it fertile state.
I'm really feeling <font color="0000ff">blue</font> this morning, my hopes was actually very high when AF comes and dun come last week and my heart was thumping very fast when I opened the HPK on sat morning to test. Imagine my disppointment when I saw 1 line instead of 2.
I've always not been in favour of using the PILLS as the form of prevention.... cos of the possible side effects... and I neber agree with it as a cure of regulating the menses.. there could be underlying effects as a result....
so I rather not take the risk...
if your menses is not regular... there could be other reasons... so I rather u see a gynae soon and find out the reasons and get it treated....but it's really up to you..
<font face="Calisto mt"> Bookworm/JasJas,

on you BFP. Take gd care of yourself &amp; hope u hv a smooth 9 mths. Remember plenty of rest &amp; dun carry heavy stuffs</font>
<font color="119911">elmo,</font>
kekeke...I said I dun want to use OPK liao, but last nite still tested it, saw double line! will start engine tonight, kekeke.... will remember u ladies' advise - to relax, relax....dun stress!

jia you everybody!!
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0077aa">JasJas</font>,

There's no such things as appropiate time to announce. It all depends on u though gynae wld suggest u announce only after ur 1st trimester when ur pregnancy is 99% confirmed.
For me, I told my mum e moment I hear BB's heartbeat</font>
ya lor, for the rest of this cycle, i just do for fun lor, hee... but i've already O-ed, am having thicker, slightly gooey kinda discharge now... i really hate to see red, but no choice, this mth sure have one, sigh!

blue rabbit,
so AF came on the day u tested? aiyo can imagine the disappointment! Now no more AF cramps hor? Wait until AF clears, u can have fun asking your commander to deploy troops again!
<font color="ff6000">Mashy,</font>
Ya, maybe u hv overworked yourself over the weekends. Do have plenty of rest now. Try to walk less. It may help. Take good care!
<font color="aa00aa">Elmo, Blue rabbit</font>
Kekekeke....I dun dare to hope too high, cos I dun want to face great disappointment. Will juz try for 'fun' only.
Hee... ya will tell my commander to get his soliders to CHARRRRGE until they find their target
Dun brood over it.. just do it!!!!
Maybe lucky leh.

I do have a problem. Use to have regular AF (which is 28 day). Abt2-3 mths ago, my cycle been 32-35 days.. anyone been like this before? Even after M/C, my AF was regular.. feel strange...
My hubby tell me that we should take it as it comes. But I cannot seem to wait.. everytime i see pregnant woman i tend to sigh and ask myself why i cannot be like them... how ah?
Yest I have a family gathering .... everyone keep asking me how???
alamak! cannot take it.... burst out "dun ask me anymore... if not next time I dun come liao"..... then someone asked me "thot u say use the mucus method very zhun one?".....angry siah.... then I fetup...and say " cos I got problem mah... if no problem will be very zhun!"....
cant take it man......
after a while... someone else "Bu shi Cheu"....asked me again... say asked me to relax... that she tried for 4 yrs plus then got preggy...... at tat time... I simply cannot control... just give a black face and say dun ask anymore...
Buay Da Han!!!

dunno wat's wrong with me... been feeling very emotional nowadays... particularly after O.... dunno whether it's the aftermath of clomid.
Actually the reason why our ttc list getting shorter is because i've snipped off the ends!
Some girls have gone MIA liao leh... so prob they are no longer in this thread... (if u are, pls shout! hee... i'll add u back!!)
yes.. very..... I like not enuff holiday like that.. :p

kekekekek.... u too so cutee....

my hubby lately also a bit koo koo liao...
weekend... lie down on my tummy.... then suddenly say.... bb you be good hor... quickly swim..... must swim till destination!!!
Siao ting tong liao...
elmo, I know how u feel. We same same. But I never burst out. Juz keep quiet, cry inside my heart and tell my hubby. Without my knowledge, I started to keep away from them. I dun like to attend family gathering, dinner,...etc, dun like to go MIL house. I prefer to stay at home now.
really ah? clomid's giving u mood swings? Then i better control myself, haha, dun want to let poor hubby suffer my tandrums!

yesterday i also "suffered" naggings from my mum... we were watching a taiwan variety show, where Yi Neng Jing was dishing out preggie advices to Jia Jing Wen... mum saw liao, told me why not this december dun go on holiday, stay at home and be like Jia Jing Wen!!
ha... i guess cos its my mum so i can take it better, i said i'll try lor, but even if preggie i also wanna travel, hee... and then topic changed to travel plans again, hee... think my hubby also heard but he pretended to be engrossed in updating my sis's computer! smart hor?
<font color="ff0000">elmo</font>,
They r ur family, not very nice to be rude.
If u don't like their questions, just smile n say "hei2 zai4 nu3 li4" lor.
I'm also like u. I noticed that since I started ttc, my menses comes later then it used to be b4 I got married.
ha, dun say your hubby siao ding dong lah... think most of us here also a bit "soc soc", want bb until siao liao, hahhha!!
<font color="0000ff">Elmo,</font>
But hor, it's easy said than done. So dunno I can relax or not....kekeke....anyway, dun think abt it liao! ;P
it's my side..... so I got to go...
haiz! cos they keep asking.. not the 1st time liao... and on the same day... can ask me a few times... gets on my nerves man....it all happen when my cousin's wife gave birth.... before that no one ask???:p

my MIL side not bad.... so far only 1 pax ask MIL only... no one else liao....
so far MIL is more encouraging... can see she try to restrain herself for fear of adding stress to us....
I think my hubby suffer under my hands man! :p
I also try not to.... but it always happen very quickly... so not purposely one.. haiz!
I hope if I do get preggy..... it will not be worse.... if not I really got to double lun liao...if not pooor hubby... :p
hi blue_rabbit,
cant take it anymore... cos already told them too many times I still trying... then they will say "still trying har??" then when I come out of the room.. they ask again!! a bit like having forgetful spells leh...... hiaz!
wah i joking only, u really shout ah?! hahaha...
ok ok, u'll stay on the list until u pop!

Seeing dr thong after getting my cd2 blood tests lor... prob abt 2weeks+ later lor...

aiyo, poor gal suffer frm mood swing
what cd u are today?
me cd 23 liao,temp36.5, nt very high leh but guess I O liao
dunno why sooooo sleepy today?
doze off a few times infront of pc!
guess is blue monday

hee...anyway u gng for holiday this mth right?
enjoy lor
