A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

naturally: nono.. not until i pop out.. me already out.. keke my little noti girl... haiz.. super noti

i am seeing her on 2 July.

kekekke... I'm very excited cos gals trip... abit more crazy.... kekeke...can shop till we drop!! :p
now I'm already thinking of sushi liao. :p
me today CD 21 only... haiz!!
maybe u haven O leh...
mine is 36.95 today. very hot! :p

Nat, I think you add me into the list lah... make it longer.. :p
Thank you Thank you!
ya lor gals trip more fun, can shop n shop n SHOP!!! Oh come to think of it, I love to buy handbags at MBK, all at 199 TBT only.
BKK has this Fuji Jap restaurant at their major shopping centres. Super nice and super cheap, my hb n I ordered so much sashimi n sushi and eat until we r double full
i dun understand leh... u are on the list wat, where got out??? Or u want me to change your nick to poshbb??? okie dokie!

really ah? okie dokie! Maybe i add u in and then i take myself out, heehee... come up to the same, hee! Cos a bit bo liao to track my CD when i know no chance this mth!!

Val, i'm leaving on a jet plane!
Next sat!! Yeah, 1 more week of work, and then i can go shanghai holiday, and throw work to my colleagues, hahaha!!! AF will prob come just b4 i come back to sgp....
huh Elmo,
I hv nt O ah?
I remember on CD 15, use 1 opk only to test n saw a faint test line
worry leh y like dat ah?
CD23 liao

how's ur discharge??
mine quite wet still, watery like egg white but also some yellow stains
haa..sound like egg hor?

dunno why so tired, yest sleep before 12 leh...
hehe....how I wish gng Phuket nw
Hi gals
I need some advise...sorry side track a bit.
My HB and I was planning to do up the guest room for my PIL and that include buying a new bed so they can come sleep at my place when they feel like it. Plus I'm preggies, I think they will want to come even more.

Last weekend we actually bought a new bed and deliver in 10 days times... but plan to shift our current bed to the guestroom and have the new bed for ourselve (well since PIL are not here most of the time :p dun waste the new bed)

I also heard before... it's not good to shift our bed when we are preggies...
Although I am not the "pantang" kind...in fact I dunno about all these things... but when comes to my bb I dun want to take any chance....

Is there a taboo cannot shift bed during preggie?
When I can shift if really need to ?? after 12weeks can?
naturally: kekek eteasing u lah.. kekeke... kns.. gng holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wan to go biz trip oso kena stop liaoz.. haiz haiz haiz...

Val: u are gng soon.. kekeke but dun forget u still here.. dun day breamm ya. kekeke

cookie: it is a taboo.. dun believe ask Loving.. she will tell u more.. kekeke. u are not suppose to shift during the WHOLE PREGNANCY, not even after 12 weeks.
cookie: how come u so challenging?? preggie still do all this har? i wan to shift my bed out to make some space to measure the bed which i am gng to make for my noti girl, but i dare not touch it till when she gng to pop out.. so even measurement i take will jst be HANTUM khaki type..
i think is ok so long as u are not the one shifting the furniture

well, my churchmates hv cell every friday so they gt to shift furniture every friday
one gng to give birth in Aug, one this mth
so it's nt a problem

hv faith n the best thing is chk wif ur cell leader n get ur cellmates to pray for you
shifting of general furnitures in the Living or other rooms are ok.. not the Master room or the bedroom u are sleeping during the pregnancy. Not even sewing, knitting or cutting is allowed in the bedroom during the pregnancy.
I'm not going to be the one shifting...
My HB is the one. the day the bed deliver, I will be out for appointment... kekeke so wont be around to watch :p
Ok noted too, I havent decide what to do yet...

Hi val
Hmm... ya I think so too...

Yes will have faith

Actually I haven't tell lots pple yet, only a few pple only.
I will probably tell more pple after I seen the gynae and situation is stable.
But I have registered with my church's prayer service for preggie ladies and their bb
they will be praying for me.
NO NO.. its still a no no.... not ur BED. not ur BED during PREGNANCY. u might not be the one shifting.. but still no no dearie...

but it takes one to believe... if u dun u dun, but if anything gng to happen.....
kekekek ok ok ok... hush hush....noted noted! yes ma'am!
I got it... dun get work up :p your gal gal will feel your emotion....
Ok I got what you mean liao...loud and clear.
Hi gals,
on course today, so sian, falling asleep at the course. Now having lunch break.

I'm taking exotic dancing now. Hee... I like to dance, so really enjoyed and excited about the dance. Now halfway thru it.
Hi Cookie,

Think u better put the new bed in ur guestroom first, after u give birth u can still shift it if u still want to use the new bed then.
gd Amy

better wif ur church friedns that are mummies or who are pregnant nw n even female pastor
see what they advise to you

of cos to play safe, u dun do anything at all
Yesterday, my MIL almost made me change my mind to go for IUI this cycle. After my dance lesson yesteray, went to her place. Then after dinner, she ask me, what dance I'm taking. And then she commented that don't dance too much, make it very difficult to concieve. I told her, dance or no dance also the same, so difficult.
Can see that she is very anxious to have grandchild lor, so after that told my hubby and ask him, should we just go ahead with the IUI to get bb faster, instead of waiting and waiting. Think my MIL waited very long already... Now still half-hearted, cannot decide...
my friend also took up the dance... and when we went for gals' ntie out... she demo for us...
wow so sexy... kekeke... sexy move and dance...even tho she demo a bit bit only.

Ya... think this is a good option too.
Wait for 2 months first lah, if still don't strike after 2 months, then go for IUI lor... 2 months not very long mah...
faint line not O leh.... no worry no worry....
just continue to monitor...

still have a bit on and off.. but no as much liao cos I O liao mah....
maybe you O ing soon... just nice isnt it can BD!!! :p
I heard it's for whole pregnancy... but think this is superstition lor...... but up to you.... if u dun feel comfortable then dun do it lor.....
ermmm..... I saw 1 Fuji at MBK, but I went to the 1 inside a shopping centre just opp Siam skytrain station... sorry forgot the shopping centre name liao...
allo gals...
good afternoon. got sore throat now. hv not been workin hard though is ard fertile period cos the OPK & BBT is makin me siao.. BBT say i O alrady at CD11... got so early mei or b'cos i m not consistent to take my temp :p

think i kenna infection lei... pain pain lei
aiyoh... take good care of yourself.... drink lots of water and drink some honey lemon water....
take more vit c to boost your immunity if possible cos u might be developing flu also....
for bbt to be accurate, must try to be consistent in the taking.....

try the japanese food at Fuji (Level 5) in Emporium Shoppin Ctr. Got to take skytrain to prom prong station (i think the spelling is correct) the shoppin mall is linked to the station. the shopping is good there esp the bra n undies section.
wher are u staying huh?
hee... bbt and opk making u siao ah?

Then forget it lor!
Just BD as and when u like... another indication of O is your libido! When u are fertile, u will naturally feel the urge to ML, unless u stress lah!

u know wat, when i read u having infection, i thot is v-infection, hee... so is throat ah?
Maybe weather is too hot lor, do drink lots and lots of water!
errr... let me recall..
think for me not much ley. Think only bitbit tender breast and bitbit cramp which is very similar to AF coming...
On top of that BBT remain high... not very high alwys between 36.8 - 37.0

Yup... I think so too..
It's really really up to me...haizz...
Guess the best is do nothing...kekekeke...
but hor, i m really referring to v-infection. hehe. blue_rabbit & elmo got it wrong. i m laughing at it too.. oops thanks for ur concern, gals.
must see doc not? i applied cream already.. it sort of subside the itchiness. it's like touch then pain, not when urine then pain. is that infection??
har?? its infection there ah? oh dear... wat cream u apply?? Anti-fungal cream? Depends on whether is it a skin fungal problem lor... also very hard for us to advise u, best is u see a GP after work today! dun delay, esp when u are ttc-ing now, okie?
hi hi mashy brainz..
sorry for the late reply..i cant imagine how fast this thread can go..i was surfing for 15mins b4 i get to see my posting..thks so much for the reply..i will get her to come over tis thread to get some advise from u all..thks a lot..btw, wat do u mean by "monitoring her BBT & using OPK to increase her chances"..thks!
har, i dun wan to see GP lei, so paiseh.. they will chk ther not?? but hor, i sometimes also hv that prob one. after applyin the creme, then it goes away already.
