A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hey Starstar!!

Welcome welcome

gal, want to give a short intro of urself?
like when u married lar, work as where etc.....
is ur menses regular?
CD1 is the 1st day of ur menses

CD=Cycle Day
AF=Auntie Flo
BD=Babydance(make love)
BBT= Basal Body Temp
2WW=2 waiting weeks after ovulation
OPK= Ovulation kit

I also hv some watery light yellowish nw, CD23
is there any smell?
if no smell then it shld be ok
Hi Mashy, it started last two months after my m/c. Brief history...
Nov -> m/c
Dec -> CD 14 days, two days heavy flow
Jan -> NO AF (irregular menses)
Feb -> CD 60 days, also two/three days heavy flow
Mac -> CD 45 days, two days heavy flow
April -> CD 27 days, one day heavy flow
May -> CD 27 days, one day heavy flow
Hi chikako,

Normally my first day is not very heavy, then 2nd and 3rd day heavy flow, 4th and 5th day light flow. by 6th to 7th day, it should be cleared.

Are you on clomid. If so, the AF flow initially i have is ony 3 days. But 2nd cycle onwards, my flow is back to normal.
Mornin gers

Jasjas and bookworm, Gongxi Gongxi

hi Chikako

I oso hv tis flow similar with u at 5/May( previous AF on 2/Apr),, First day abit second day abit n third day no more,, so I tink my is bleedin or wat as my AF cm again at 26/May

And I oso have sum weird, my BBT is funny .. On my CD08 my temp is 36.8 n drop to 36.3 on CD10 than 2day is 35.8.. So it my 'O' early or wat???thks

then it's alright. main concern is more of short luteal phase than short AF. So long as the luteal phase is long enough it's ok. If u haven't taken BBT, u might wanna do that. This is for u to count the no of days in your luteal phase. If it's too short, there might be a problem.

u have to monitor your bbt for a few days to be certain. if the rise in temp is sustained, then you've ovulated. Did u try fertility friend website? U might wanna do that.
hi sugarbun,
I think for fever should be ok bah...... cos u need to get he fever down....if u feel uncomfortable, call your gynae to ask if it's ok to take panadol during the 2WW.
Hi Mashy, I will start using OPK for this cycle and take BBT as well. So when should i start using OPK if I have short AF?
<font color="0000ff">Mashy</font>
Did u use fertility Friend online?? I monitored this mth but the result is kinda weird. i dun seeEWCM this month also lar. then i use OPK i dun tally well leh.. for my OPK i O on CD 13, but Feritility friend initally tell me CD13 then later CD16. cos temperature reading drop &amp; rise again drop &amp; rise again.. it take the 2nd temp that drop &amp; rise leh.. aiyoo blur manz..
hi joylee,
I think it's a bit difficult to conclude based on few days data. You need to chart for a for at least 3 cycles to ascertain your own temp pattern.

You also need to be mindful of some things, like taking temp around same time everyday, first thing you open your eyes.
<font color="0000ff">Good Morning Gals</font>,

<font color="119911">Hopeful</font>.
Ya, that's what I think also, will continue with my test at KKH and when they do the u/s scan, will see what happen then.

<font color="ff6000">yeetay/Val</font>,
Thanks, will wait for results at KKH and see what the gynae there say.

<font color="0077aa">Naturally</font>,
I'm not preggie and today is my CD03... sorry didn't let u know earlier. Ur pic describe exactly how I feel this morning when I'm on my way to work.
Hi yeetay,

sometimes I do see light yellowish clear discharge also... but most of the time it's white.
I think it's ok so long u have no bad smell and no itch as a guide.
Hi Elmo and Mashy,

panadol is ok ya... then i 'fang4 xing1' liao. I just write an email to my gynae to ask him abt the question, vry pai seh to call him so many time to ask nonsense... :p
Public Forum on "Fertility: Helping Dreams Come True"

Date : 18 June 2005, Saturday
Venue: Auditorium, College of Medicine Building
Ministry of Health HQ, 16 College Rd, S(169854)

Registration: 1-2pm
Fom: 2-5pm


- Welcome Speech (A/P Ho Tew Hong)
- Opening Speech (Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon)
- Understanding Fertility (Dr LC Cheng)
- Have u been trying to get pregnant (Dr Yu Su Ling)
- Laboratory Tests for Sperm Quality &amp; Functions (Dr Yip Wan Yue)
- Improving Your Chances of Conception (Dr Seng Shay Way)
- Assisted Conception Techniques (Dr CT Yeong)
- Fertility Journey - Sharing of personal experiences

Registration Fee : $5 per person includes refreshment

saw this in another thread and post it here for your information

hi all..thanks for the warm welcome..keke..
me still very lost...all those jargons..;p

me can say just married..

now working in the Force.. me in the air force...
*val knows lah*
menses wise... now regular cos i'm on pill..taking Yasmin currently.. planning to stop in this dec..before taking the pill, my menses always very crampy n rather irregular..now it's very accurate n painless...
gee..which day now I also never notice... hmm.. does the BBT work for all? didn't know that we must keep track until so strictly... I've got a colleague he got this table of BB's sexes... like when u BD..the date of BD determines the sex of the bb... works for him..think needs both parties DOB etc to calculate...wonder if really got such thing...

u gals got buy ovulation kit???? sorry..me very new to this thing..very curious..
ic, I oni start to take BBT for tis mth oki.. Will try 2 test on the same time as normally I slept on sat/sun:p

hi gals

i got a bit of brown discharge yesterday. But now ok liao. Should i still see gynae? I've already been given progesterone to take liao leh.
hi starstar,
really for such thing, find out more and let us know leh... kekekekek..
BBT needs some practise.... I find using OPK much better cos less stress... mood will not get affected as much.. but it's a very individual thing cos I have been charting for many cycles before I use OPK....
Since u just got married not too long ago... I suggest u try bbt charting first.....
cos if u have very regular cycle... you might jus be able to ascertain the "right time" simply by using bbt.
so u mean i need to stop my pill 3 mths bef ttc? like if I hope for a dec 06 bb, then it'll most porb be conceive in mar06 or april 06... which means I must stop in nov this year is it?? *confused*
hi starstar,
it is recommend that you stop pills 3-4 mths before TTC...in case some pills are not suitable to take cos u dunno when u'll get preggy.....
but not all pills..
I'm not sure what Yasmin does..... I suggest if u are anxious, you may wan to see a gynae and do some basic test first (if u have not done so) then also ask gynae whether it's ok to take yasmin while TTC.
mashy.. call gynae quick if u haven stop ok... dun play huh...

welcome star

yes.. u need to stop for 3 mths... means on Dec this year lor..
just to let u know, for some people, it takes a few mths b4 they can get their BBT right, so its normal to have strange readings for your 1st BBT chart!
Would suggest u chart for a few cycles, until u see a regular pattern... BUT, if at anytime u feel very stressed taking temperature, then pls stop!! After all, the opk is supposed to be a better indicator!

oh u so bad, why u like my picture?!
hahhaha.... i also can't stop laughing when i first found this pic, so poor thing hor, baby fall flat on face!! Piak!! hahahha...
u want to cal up the clinic and ask the nurse?
cal quick quick!!

ya if u want to hv baby by end Dec 06, think u better stop taking pills
who is ur gynae ah? chk wif him/her lor

oh OPK, is a very good kit to pinpoint ovulation
as what Elmo said, less stress
BBT is for a guide abt how ur temp movement during ur cycle
he seems pretty serious abt the chart... hmm.. maybe I'll ask him more abt it... he told me if I'm planning for a bb, can try using the chart... :p he calculate for another colleague of ours..n vola...it's true... he told that colleague that he'll get a daughter.. n tru enough, when the wife gave birth, it's daughter..

yasmin it's the PILL... me on contraceptive now... hmmm...consulted the doc who prescribe the pill, she told me, the moment I stopped, I may have the chance of getting preggy... me really confused..when to stop???
kekekek... if u anxious....I suggest u see gynae soon if possible.... then stop medication soon (if cannot take)...rather than wait till end of the yr..... cos sometimes conceiving timing cannot be planned one har..... so might as well start early....
hi starstar,
oh! try not to take contraceptive pills!!!
if u really wan to use...there are other ways to prevent... but dun use the pills... too much side effects liao!

okie... you find out than share with us lah... :p
me have no gynae yet... only this family doc i go to... OPK what kit is that? ovulation ___ kit?

hmmm.. ok... I'll stop taking in dec then...keke...

wah this thread moving very fast...
then be gd gal, rest in bed

hee..I feel pain for the baby :p

ya TTC is nt really our plan one
we ladies here nw realise hving bb is nt within our control
some of us tried for quite long then get pregnant
hey u in office nw ah?
hee..so free to chat :p
no training?
Mashy, take care!, rest well..

Gals, any idea how many wks into preg is consider "stable"..?
Cos i hvnt told my in laws &amp; parents yet..
when is the appropiate time to announce?

hee..ya starstar
hee...conmpare to military wedding thread,
this thread always move very fast one
average 2 pages archive per day :p
